What Was Your "What Have I Become?" Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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what was your what have I become moment passed a mirror and realized that I always wear a shabby old cardigan just like my mother I've become mom no staying up all night even though my unemployed but had an interview the next day the day I discovered the delicious abomination that is dunking pizza rolls in salsa con quiso dip I ate close to 40 pizza rolls that day as I spent that night sitting on my toilet head in my hands I contemplated what I had done and what I had become 10 stroke ten would do it again I 819 taqwa tiss the other day just to prove to myself that I could I don't even like to quit is that much I ate a dog biscuit yesterday being walked in on by my brother while putting - to cover up on my realtor see what I would look like without errorless 3 am suffering alcohol withdrawal threw out an old bottle of booze earlier grabbed my kids toy flashlight jumped in the dumpster while pushing garbage aside looked up at the moon and thought WTF jacked off in my car while driving to get coffee when I was sitting in the parking lot at the porn store I was holding my mom's wedding ring and ready to go in and score a couple grand on it I had it all planned out because she had already thought she dropped it down her sink drain I was sitting in the car when I saw a young couple with their two kids who were probably 8 and 10 they were so excited walking out of the mess top with their new video game I thought back to when I was that age as an innocent kid then massive amounts of memories flooded my mind of all the happy times with my parents and it all ended up coming out of me with tears streaming down my face I never knew my addiction would take me that far I took the ring home and found it for my mom a couple months later I checked into rehab I've been clean for over a year now and never looked back last night a friend came to my room to ask if I had some food because he was so hungry that he couldn't sleep I said I didn't have any because I wanted to keep it all for myself just when he left I started feeling terrible I immediately called him back and we had the food together I can be such a jerk sometimes this one can go either way for me what have I become or this is awesome 27 years old friends are getting married having kids I bought an old RV to drive cross-country because it would be a fun adventure pretty much all living a minute is broke down and I had a long run of pooping in wombats moving from McDonald's to Starbucks throughout the day to plugin and work at least i've been working and at one point got a week gym membership as the most economical way to shower well at least i worked out as a result discrete parking and sleeping at times a cop woke me up at 3:00 a.m. and treated me like a homeless person in my mind that's not homeless it's an epic road trip I once spent a whole weekend watching house m.d. on my laptop in my bed I only ate Doritos during two days I went out the bed only to go to the bathroom when my two roommates came back they were shocked they still talk about it I see your two days in bed watching house eating doriot sand raise you three days in bed watching Gossip Girl and eating Doritos tailed my roommate I was ill yep I have an econometrics final tomorrow it's 1:00 in the morning and I'm on my third bag of lays with fastest ways to get high open in a tab so I'd say right now is my moment my wife is leaving me after eight years of marriage I now realize that I have no friends of my own at all not one I have alienated everyone who ever loved me and become a social pariah and now I have no idea how to make new friends or meet women how did I do this to myself without even noticing you find the one person that satisfies all of these categories in this case your wife so you simply cease looking for new friends it sucks but social life is like a sport you need to workout and exercise to stay in top form don't worry it will come back to you just go out there class is permanent as they say serious response my mother is a narcissist stole over $3,000 from me when I was a child and is a generally unpleasant person to be around I don't talk to or see her anymore understandably I just heard from my dad that my older brother thinks I'm becoming just like her I feel so lost and I kind of hate myself walking in a field at night in my pajamas searching by flashlight for to fainting goats named Lama and Wael I'm gonna need more than that I wasn't super social or popular in school but the moment I thought it was when I realized I had a stereotype douche bag day gym in the morning - protein shakes booty call with a FWB many cigarettes ended with a raven which i wore only a tank top and short shorts and was off my face MDMA the whole time it was that moment I realized I'd become the guy I used to hate so much you either die a hero will live long enough to see yourself make sick Gainsborough when I was up late doing my supplementary form for university after a few hours of video gaming and I was struggling to write stuff about my extracurriculars experiences and literature I read I realized I wasted my life on the internet with no results I've always thought I would never become one of those losers but here I am I just hate six-and-a-half slices of Detroit style pizza my stomach is so full I'm hyperventilating and my lactose intolerance isn't helping too much typing this while sitting on a toilet edit make that 7 I have a good one my best friend is gay when he lived near me we used to frequent the gay bars together after a few years he moved across the country and I only get to see him every other year or so a few years ago I went to visit him now he's in a long-term relationship so he no longer hits up the singles bars and such but we decided it would be fun for the three of us me him and his partner to hit up the gay bars for the sake of nostalgia we get to the bar have a few drinks and talk to some people my friend's friend who is transgender comes in and joins us I learned that he's a very well paid escort about an hour into drinking and laughing he says you guys wanna do some blow now I don't normally indulge but I was like Frick it time on vacation we go into the bathroom together to do a line but there were no surfaces on which to do it but so the escort bends over pulls his spandex skirt down a bit and says here just do it off my back only it wasn't really his back it was closer to his but as I was snorting a line off this HS but in the bathroom of a gay bar I thought WTF am i doing with my life crap I was beginning to think that I had nothing to aspire to thanks for helping me set new goals in life when I kill people because I am bored in GTA V I got a new phone after six years of pay-as-you-go throw aways and when I got home I realized pressing the volume down button wouldn't put it on silent no matter how many times you pressed it I had to ask the phone how to put itself on silent three weeks ago at my daughter's first dance competition of the year I kept pulling her aside during practice and giving her critiques on her routine she 6 after my OMG I'm nuts realization I now escort her to the dressing room and leave I'm not subjecting her to my crazy anymore during competition season when I realized I attempt to justify my addictions in every possible instance hooking up with three different guys in one day and realizing I can't flick my way out of a lonely heart when I programmed into the next morning and went into Dunkin Donuts at like 5:00 looking like an absolute slob all the disgusting looks from the staff for just a cheap cup of coffee on the bright side I finally got the dang inventory system to work I used to be a social recluse this morning I found myself heading home on a train after being out all night I like who I have become a while back I started drawing fat fetish art it's a kink of mine and in less than a week the deviantART account I set up had already become more popular than my regular account that I had for yours the endorphin rush from being so popular so quickly was great but eventually I had a few realizations I really didn't want anyone I wrote finding out about it meaning that I awkwardly had to find times to draw when nobody was around I mostly drew regular art and want to pursue that as a career and absolutely did not want to get any fetish stuff even something as mild as this character but fat associated with my name the idea of making money with commissions was interesting and many followers said they'd potentially be interested in buying commissions but I got cold feet because I haven't even been commissioned for my regular stuff plus unless I did some weird money laundering thing I'd have to give out my email for PayPal and I didn't want that potential connection occasionally I'd get weird comments people writing really long-winded fiestar feedback on a mediocre pic folks are being unsolicited what's up working on anything PMS requests for me to draw even fatter characters or draw different kinks altogether anyways eventually I was hit with that what have I become moral panic although I suppose it was more like what I could become in any event I deleted my account and stopped drawing that stuff I'd be lying if I said I wasn't weirdly proud of it in a way internet fame even that tiny taste I got is a weird thing man if people want something someone's gotta make it this is also the crux of the issue in crap jobs someone has to do them not saying you were wrong to stop as the stigma and ramifications are real and some people want to avoid that it's Marie so against people who scoff at or judge on the issue tried to convince my cousin to moon me just so I could see his butt and maybe some sack nice honestly turning 25 and working a desk 8 5 job in my degrees field I've been working at the same company in my hometown for two years my uncle's the CEO straight out of college and I just felt everything in my life was going down such a predictable path I felt so sedentary so I quit I'm still here for the summer doing demolition I love it and I've set a date for the 1st of October as my departure destination unknown as of yet my roommate knows he is glad for the heads up I'm fairly confident I can land a job in most places with my experience and skill set so the only question now is where or maybe even abroad for a few months I opened for suggestions in Skyrim I tried to be as good as possible after getting killed by a giant a few times my frustration boiled over I killed everyone in Whiterun I was looking at the bodies and said what have I done I cried I'm still not emotionally over it that's what saves our for it was a beautiful day Sun was out the sky was like a giant bright Sapphire gem and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky the temp was warm enough that you could walk around in a t-shirt and shorts and not feel chilly if there's a bit of a breeze I was sitting outside on the curb during my lunch break eating my sandwich and staring blankly out across the parking lot mind completely burned out from the endless stream of balls knowing that I have less than 20 minutes to recuperate before dealing with more bulls and then coming back tomorrow with another fake smile on my face and chipper tone and more bulls and it's only Monday and God knows how many more weeks of Bulls I can't even think anymore anyway as I'm sitting there my mind is numb staring at the cars passing by this couple walks by they are smiling they are happy you can just tell they're in love with each other the way they look at each other they're genuine smiles the comfortable way they walk together everything it was perfect it was their beautiful moment walking through the parking lot as a couple beautiful summer day it was perfect I saw that and immediately I thought Frick you what the Frick kind of life do you live where you can enjoy today how the Frick do you have a day off and can walk around and smile and walk around with your boyfriend I get to see my boyfriend a few times a month how the Frick do you get to see him today that was when I realized how unhappy I was I never would have thought this before in my life I never have no matter what happened to me I always enjoyed nature I could always look at the sky and take a breather and remember that life is beautiful and somehow I'd gotten to the point where I'd look at someone else and just immediately make hateful spiteful judgments about their entire life just because I was so unhappy with myself I'm still trying to keep myself day after day from becoming the kind of person I'd hate to be a cynical hateful person whose initial reaction to other people is to judge them without benefit of the doubt I got way too into a game of DND with my friends it was the start of a new campaign I rolled six straight twenties making me do insanely stupid feats I ran down a carriage pulled by horses one hits a Bandit leader single handily picked up a giant tree trunk blocking the path jumped onto my carriage as it was speeding by and sacrificed for my whole party by blowing up the carriage and jumping off when I had to notify a family they were being evicted for a Bulls reason for most of my childhood I was quiet and didn't have friends once I finally opened up I became friends with a horrible group of people all they cared about - his drugs and frickin which at the time seemed awesome I started failing out of high school and didn't care about what I was doing to myself after a year and a half of that I found myself curled up in a corner crying on floor because of my abusive boyfriend my friends were in the next room high on coke acting like nothing was happening what the heck I'll let myself become a week after that I stopped doing drugs left my friend group left high school and started a college program that allowed me to get my high school diploma and get college credits I got straight A's found and amazing supportive boyfriend of two years and started my aviation maintenance technology transfer degree at my Community College I have been sober for three years I don't regret anything I am just glad I learned my lesson I was ironing some cloths and I thought my dish towels would look so good freshly pressed and I did it my life is so boring over the past year I've lost over 100 pounds and gained a ton of strength and endurance during one of my meetings with a dietician about four or five months into my weight loss I mentioned how I'd virtually collapse about a half hour into working out based on what I was eating she determined I wasn't getting enough carbohydrates particularly before working out and that we had to increase my intake some because I am an athlete after being dumbfounded for about two minutes I realized holy profiteroles Batman she's right I went to visit a pro in Coll I got her and a middle-aged Asian woman opened the door and I went in she said she was the girl from the ad even though the girl from the ad was about 19 I went into the bedroom with her trying to figure out what to do I decided I couldn't go through with it and should just leave so I politely said I'm going to leave because your photos are fake she tried to persuade me otherwise but I got up and started to leave anyway as I got to the front door I heard a child about six or seven crying and thought WTF turned around and peering around the corner of the corridor was a young girl crying and saying mama number no man repeatedly bear in mind I live in London and this was a nice area so it kind of freaked me out because it was like being in a scene in a movie set in a ghetto somewhere I just left but felt like crap for a few days I pressed a button on Reddit watched my friends kids all under five while she and some other people have to blow in the bathroom and waited my turn after going in several times over the course of a few hours to ask when my turn was in telling her that her kids were asking for her and crying which they were and not getting much other response or promises of in a few minutes I dragged her out and we note the freaked out of the house we were at watching her ignore her kids for getting high on glow made me decide that moment that I would never do it and told her if I found out about her doing it again I'd call CPS on her when I told her about her not giving a crap about her kids while huffing she cried I drew some pretty hard lines about drug use for me that day total what the Frick am i doing what have I become moment so I rented a townhouse basement about five or six years ago was near my work and what I could afford at the time I normally pretty cool with spiders but I'm pretty sure this townhouse was previously some kind of spider zoo the spiders were varied and innumerable so anyway I'm living there about a month with constant vol spider and other spider sightings but generally I'm leaving them alone and assuming as the spaces more lived in they'll go away then one morning I wake up with a volt spider sitting on my chest looking me in the face that spider died but the piece remained this was strike one though a few days later and I'm taking a shower and bam both spider bouncing off my shoulder for some reason strike two strike three was almost two weeks later early in the morning getting dressed something hits my head I reach up and find something bulbous and slick and big creepy not wolf spider this is strike three I rampage clean through my house and kill every spider I find literally over fifty the first go and I repeat the process with lesser results every day amassing a body count in the hundreds over the next few weeks finally the spider King appears he's huge the bulbous abdomen over an inch in length and glossy black with a bizarre pattern on his back I decide to make an example of their Lord I scooped him up in a dust pan tossed him in the yard and sprayed his abdomen with gold spray paint so that the others could see that I'd marked him also so if I ever saw another one I'd know if it was em coming back for revenge after returning from work the spiders had left a message of their own a single moderate sized spider hanging at a level off a strand of web right inside the door knowing the war was escalating I realized I had to improve my arsenal I drove to Home Depot and bought six cans of raid spider and centipede spray it's the one with the black lid black for death I sprayed three Hulk and throughout my smallish basement and watched with glee as the few spiders I saw literally curled up and died before my eyes a triumphant I then sat down on my computer and booted up League of Legends as I talked with my friends and played a few games I started to feel a little bad though my eyes were hurting but I didn't think too much about it my nose was feeling stuffy and I went to get a tissue glowing it I got nothing but dark blood and what had I become I nearly sacrificed myself in a psychotic attack on the spider legions I was so caught up in my victory I didn't even think though the obvious damage I could do to myself if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 60,421
Rating: 4.8491988 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, people share, what have i become
Id: PFldavGulTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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