What Was The Biggest Hint You Missed From Your Crush? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what was the biggest hint you missed from someone who was attracted to you in eighth grade two girls told me they thought i was cute and that they wanted to kiss me together i thought it was a trick so i hit them with a stick and ran away was at a new year's party and at 11 56 was talking to a girl who said man i wish i could kiss someone at midnight on new year's i was like me too sounds like it would be fun we were quite literally the only singles at the party and were sitting directly next to each other when midnight struck she looked over at me and i just kind of smiled and went back to drinking my sprite the worst part is i saw her again the following new years joked about missing the hint and she said haha yeah you were kind of oblivious and then the exact same thing happened a second time [Music] during a party a friend of mine decided to stay over rather than go home with her friends i told her she could crash in the spare room then this conversation happened her i'm going to bed now mia you're going into my room her i know smiles and walks into my room me hug hey look beer proceed to get blackout drunk no sexy times for me tl dr i am not a smart man i had the biggest crush on one of my friends and at midnight on new year's he grabbed my face to kiss me being ducked up and in denial that he would ever do that i turned and kissed him on the cheek my friend once wore a banana suit to her party he was approached by a very attractive girl they got to talking and she said i've always wanted to duck a guy in a banana suit his response well if you find a guy i'll let him borrow this one edit to all of you saying he was knowingly rejecting her i realize that's exactly what it sounds like but he was really just that stupid he literally had no idea she wanted to have sex with him it wasn't until the next day that he realized i can deep throat and have no gag reflex that's weird did you have bad tonsillitis as a kid or something edit thanks for the gold kind stranger i'm sure you're busy picking up on all the hints idiots like myself miss in college a girl invited me to see her apartment i walked and said it was nice walked out and went home was having a party at my house 17 at the time getting late party is coming to an end go to my bed to crash find cute blonde girl laying on my bed think to myself well crap can't sleep there someone already there go somewhere else to crash wake up the next morning complain to the girl that she was in my bed she says well you could have joined me yak now still didn't take the hint proceed to make dumb jokes about liking to fart in bed she gives up on me and dates friend edit i was a socially awkward fella still am in fact 19 years later when i got to the bed that night she didn't look like she was awake and i was tired the next day though when she said what she said on front of a bunch of people who were all like wink wink nod nod someone's gonna hook up i think i panicked and tried to play it off why aaa but i'm really bad to sleep next too i move around a lot then i switch to an italian accent cause i was a weird kid who liked to talk in different accents i like to fart and i like to burp and i need my space yada yada total full of myself made the situation a lot more awkward than it had to be after a few days she was with homie i'm full of these because i'm totally clueless my most recent one however was at the start of my freshman year of college i was in the school bookstore buying a book i neglected to order online and making small talk with the counter attendant i'm in the midwest it's expected here we exchange the usual pleasantries and i asked her how her day was her answer oh not too bad i get off for lunch pretty soon over the course of the remaining five minutes i'm waiting on my book my dad was buying the book and had some credit card difficulties she mentioned the word lunch about seven times i take no notice get my book and leave as i'm walking out to the car my dad turns to me and says jesus christ kid if she said the word lunch one more time i was gonna ask her myself until my mistake was pointed out to me i had just thought she was hungry edit for all you guys asking my dad's ducking hilarious and very relaxed i actually wouldn't have a problem asking people out in front of him girl in high school and i were walking together and she stroked my hand then held out her hand i proceeded to high five it and nothing happened between us after that my dad and his brother and sister own a huge house in the beach so we can all go any time we want all the parents were gone to dinner and it was only me my cousin and her hot friend i had a room to myself and was watching youtube on my laptop when they both came in and said they were bored and joined me in the bed to watch youtube this being the beach i used boxers to sleep and an over shirt so i didn't get out of bed just said um yeah sure come on in after like 10 minutes my cousin says she is sleepy and leaves me and her hot friend we probably stayed watching video for like an hour and i could feel her looking at me over and over again she also said she was bored and suggested we'd do something else i just ignored her until she got fed up and left after like 10 minutes she comes knocking on my door asking me if i had any more toilet paper because they ran out she was now sporting tight short shorts and a tank top got up gave her the paper and went back to bed i woke up at three in the morning to realize what i had done i did end up looking up with her afterwards but i feel like an idiot every time i think back at that edit holy it highest rated comment is the story of one of the times i missed a hint [Music] in 10th grade a girl i was a friend with invited me out to the mall to victoria secret to get her favorite cherry-flavored lip gloss she put it on and invited me to get in close and see if it did after a loud qa sniff of her mouth i assured her it did 10 years later in nursing school i received a retroactive diagnosis of neutron star density edit should point out she wanted me to see if the lip gloss tasted like cherries at least we know it smelled correct she kept talking about how firm her breasts were told me to touch them to prove it i poked them once oh i remembered another one when i was in high school i had just gotten my license and a friend of a friend asked me if i could drive her home after school because she didn't have a car yet so i drive her home upon arriving at her place this takes place her wanna come and for a bit my parents at home and i know how to get into my dad's liquor cabinet she had a huge grin on her face me oh no thanks i still have to drive home she looked at me like are you ducking serious let out a loud huff and got out of the car a long time friend that had previously said we'd never hook up turn to me one night after going to the bar hands on my hips she moved in to kiss me and i remembering that we were never going to hook up i thought it would be hilarious to stick my tongue up her nose she called me an [ __ ] we are still pals though we were at the movies and she put her head on my chest and a blanket over the both of us the movie was so damn interesting i hardly noticed i hope this makes it to everyone i'm not terribly familiar with how reddit's comment section works the movie was men in black three edit number two we were at a drive and movie theater the whole thing took place in the back seats of my truck she talked to me according to my family who mocked me afterward that was a dead giveaway that i probably could have lost my vaginity a lot sooner if i would have just gone back to her place to watch a movie like she offered edit thought i'd had that she had picked me up from my house and drove us 25 minutes away to the neighborhood she lived in we were hanging out in her ducking neighborhood when she suggested a movie instead i made her drive me all the way back to my house disappointed don't think i've missed anything pretty sure no one is attracted to me she had seven valence electrons and i have one but we never really bonded i went on a date with her and still didn't realize i got a text from a girl at work that i liked one evening saying she was at a bar near to me with a friend and did i want to join them i went for a couple drinks and she invited me along to an art exhibition the next day with her her friend and her friend's boyfriend the next day her friend and the boyfriend mysteriously couldn't make it and we spent the day together wandering around this exhibition got coffee and generally hung out i mentioned it in passing to my housemate about a month later she faster planed then had to explain to me in simple words that i was an idiot and she'd invited me to the bar the night before to get her friend's opinion on me and there was never any intention of her friend coming the next day i'd not followed anything up after our date and by then she started seeing someone else i was 26 at the time the shame went out on a first date things were moving along well when i went to drop her off she asked me to come up to her apartment for coffee i said i can't drink coffee keeps me up girl i'm really attracted to you me k i was out with my buddy 17 years ago we had hit a few bars i drank four beers in three hours played some darts and decided to make one last stop we'd go to our favorite hole in the wall nasty little place that holds maybe 30 people this girl i had a thing for was there i asked her out a few weeks before she declined and i moved on she comes up to us being very forward and telling jokes and this and that seeing as we are talking about fishing i kinda let it go in one ear and out the other she walks away and leaves a couple of minutes later my buddy hasn't said a word i ask what's wrong he says wood spitter you have to be the dumbest sob to ever walk the planet i start to get a little huffy he grabs me by the shoulder and screams she just showed you her panties and asked if you like pink thongs she was asking you to go back to her place i had no clue i wasn't paying attention let this be a lesson to you pay attention when someone speaks to you she asked me for a back massage i happily obliged she was wearing a tank top and she let the straps fall off her shoulders i forgive myself because i was only 15 but damn she ordered extra sausage raunchy music plays faintly she went to my senior year capstone presentation she always invited me to go lunch or dinner with her she wanted to hang out and have movie dates six months after the senior capstone of mine she sat me down and explained her feelings towards me i finally got it two years later still together and living together edit a capstone is a presentation of everything that i supposedly learned in my four years of school we had put together a book and published it as a class me see you tomorrow huh i can't wait that long me well you're gonna have to slam's door back in my college years a woman cuddled up to me in the back seat of a car because she liked the cigarette smell on my jacket he told me and i asked him what tv show movie he was quoting so i had a guy friend who would send random quotes from the office since we were both fans one day he texted me i like you like more than a friend so i wrote back what's that from i even googled it and i don't see anything he wrote back i don't know it sounds like it could be a quote from the show he later told me he was trying to tell me he liked me but my response threw him off edit thanks to everyone for the through through correction oops she why are you still single me i don't know i don't go out that much and meet new people i guess she maybe we should go out some time me two weeks later oh crap i think the phrase i never make the first move i always wait for the guy is ducking evil out at a bar with a girl for her birthday she kept talking about how she just wanted to make out with a guy on her birthday only other person around was her pretty hot girlfriend too they ended up making out some that night i did not i well um sigh do you have a girlfriend she asked know why i replied why do you think she asked because you're doing a survey i said i was dropping her off and in her driveway she said she wanted to suck my d but i laughed it off thinking she was joking and then she got out and we didn't really talk much after that she told one of my good friends michael that she wanted to hook up with emmy and he never told me because he was a petty itch but on the reel i was pissed at him for a while it was not till we were in the car together a week after graduation and i was texting with her that he mentioned oh yeah by the way case wanted to hook up with you duck you michael duck you cute girl i met at camp helped me fold my clothes i just thought she was being nice mutual friend later confirmed that yes she really liked me edit romantically edit too it's not like we were doing laundry together she literally just walked by saw that i was folding clothes and offered to help beautiful girl i worked with at a summer camp asked me if i wanted to go hot tubbing with her after work and told me her parents were gone i told her i had to watch the baseball all-star game i messed up well once she showed me her vibrator she held my hand and pressed it up against the back of my hand and then another time she laid down on the floor and showed me how she wanted to be ducked i haven't a clue i bloody missed it [Music] the biggest hint you say this girl i was seriously into for a year and who i'd previously made out with came over to my dorm room on move out day to help me pack she spent the entire two hours sitting on my bed watching me pack and flirting very openly with me my dad was bringing his truck out to help me move my stuff home and i was keeping an eye on the time to make sure i was ready to go when he showed up i finally got all my stuff packed and since my college had no ac i was sweating bullets i told her that i was going to take a shower and she could hang out in my room if she wanted she said oh do i get to watch you undress being a bit self-conscious of my decidedly less than stellar physique i said no and asked why she said fred the moose you don't get it do you i want to give you a [ __ ] totally caught me off guard so i just laughed awkwardly and walked out of the room to the showers by the time i got back to the room my dad had arrived and she helped us move my stuff out then i shook her hand and said bye apparently she asked me would you go out with me not sure how attracted she was though she dated six boys in the following six days she kept giving me compliments every day about my hair my cloth she would even ask me if i was working out and would touch my biceps never made a move and she was hot it's weird though but i think my brain enjoys the fact that girls are attracted to me and that suffices literally i never make a move first i don't even know how i've managed to have 15 six show encounters in my life by far when my wife tells me about it we'll be out and the lady will be talking to us and according to my wife totally flirting with me later on she'll be jokingly be like that itch and i'm totally clueless now that i'm married i guess my radar is off for that sort of thing she always has to clue me in perhaps she sucked my d by accident a girl from work who i had hung out with a few times called me up to hang out at her place one night she was a little drunk and as soon as i got there her friends said good night and left she turned on a movie and she sat down next to me on the couch while we watched it about halfway through her i'm getting tired i think i'm gonna go to bed looks me right in the eye me okay good night i got about halfway home before i realize that i am in fact a [ __ ] we had hung out for a few weeks and seemed to get along great i was into her and it seemed she was into me but years of being friend zoned and rejected made me extra cautious i still can't believe i refused to let my guard down this one time because looking back on it it was so obvious we were hanging out at the local steak and shake flicking straw rappers at each other these straws still had leftover milkshake on them so eventually i got some peanut butter cup milkshake on her pie hole you i just had to create an account because this thread was just ducking made for me she said look at my boobs and then showed me her boobs never thought twice about it tl dr unknowingly freenzoned myself bloody mixed tapes dart back in the heyday of radio and when cds just came out i was a sophomore in high school and a girl i had a big crusher made me a mixtape loads of slow jams and she even decorated the jacket and did all of these cutesy things i will admit was i'm a bit of a late bloomer and figured that's what friends did as at the time a lot of us would make each other mixtapes she never really brought it up after she gave it to me and even though we did hang out from time to time she seemed to never show interest fast forward to first year in college friend finds a mixed tape in car under some other old crap looks at it and asks xgf make this i says nope a friend begin hilarious laughing and punching of my arm as he states this girl totally had a crush on you did you even read the jacket i said of course i did she wrote all of the song titles and decorated a cutesy like no stupid the inside of the jacket what inside jacket and there clear as day she wrote that she loved me and how happy she is to have met me and that she can't wait to see what i think do after i listen to the music bloody hell i was sitting alone with her at 3 am at a bonfire everybody else already left she said something along the lines of last time i started seeing a guy he made his move by just grabbing me and kissing me he just went for it then she stayed for another half hour or so and then awkwardly hugged me and paused for a second then she said okay well i'm gonna go i guess and then she left really missed that one she even told me later that she was waiting for it good thing i didn't though i met a better girl for me h.a my time to shine met a girl through a mutual friend's band's concert yup that's right hit it off all night she lived 1.5 hours away we texted constantly she randomly says all her roommates are away and she's lonely so i offered to visit that day she's shocked but agrees i show up she's still in happy shock we go see a movie have a late night drink snack at a restaurant then head back to her place for the night okay here we go one she asks if i want to shower i say no because i don't want to use up her or her roommate supplies girls can be sensitive about that two i instinctively go to bed down on the couch i want to try for a relationship with this girl and don't want to be a creep three we change for bed and she comes out to wish me good night she's in a button-down shirt cotton shorts and nothing else she leans over to say good night blatantly shows off her breasts two buttons buttoned covers them with her hand like it was an accident and grins sheepishly i grin back and say good night she heads to her room we sleep the next day she shows me around town but with much less enthusiasm than the previous evening we still get along well lunch and goodbyes i try to continue the texting spree but she doesn't seem interested i try to have her visit me but never happens we end up blocking each other's numbers i'm a [ __ ] edit ps she was a petite blonde ballerina dancer as and had held multiple year-long contracts with pro dance companies 97 sure it would have been the greatest night of my life [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 39,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: kFh0cvAo5XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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