Tony Robbins' Rapid Planning Method

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change a question change your life when it comes to planning your life I want to get you to learn to ask three questions now and the first one is not what am I going to do and how many understand why now say I the question one ask yourself is what do I want what's my outcome what's my result the word are p.m. the first one is to get you focused on the target the target is not the activity the activity can change it's what the what's the result I'm after if you know exactly what it is you really want what you desire what you're really after clarity is power the more clear you are specifically what you want the faster your brain can get you there but if you're generally saying things like what I want well you know I want more money fine here's a dollar get out of here did you achieve the outcome yeah when you're that general you maybe you think you're not getting your goal you are the way you language your goal the way you think about it you're receiving it you know you know I you know I want to feel a bit better I want to lose some weight fine you lost a pound you're done because your brains like a servomechanism and a bomb and a missile the old days you shoot a missile and the target was going and if you miss the trajectory you missed it today what happens when the missiles not on course what happens in laksana the heat signature what does it do it moves and follows it that's the way your brain is if it knows the outcome if it knows the result so rpm starts with I got another result this is a results planning system the rapid planning method but you can think of it as a results planning system I need to know the result I'm after before I ever ask myself what to do that takes more time but it's worth it now for times sake I'm not going to do this with you right now but I'll tell you what I do when I've taught this to people and I got full weekend to do this in just give you a picture if I asked you right now to write out your name your full name now some of you abbreviate your signature but write out your full name and cursive go and do that one time write your full name and curse if I can use the word cursive is that really the word people still use means in handwriting I guess but in cursive just write out full name because you can do this later on now if I had you get with a partner and you can try this later if you want I'm just going to tell you because I don't want to take the time to get such a limited time today and I have your partner say to you with a stopwatch here okay ready and I go go and you write it out you tell me when you're done it'll stop I'll write down how long that was so let's say you run out your signature and it took five seconds and then say ready write it out ready go you tell me we're done stop and I write down five seconds I have to do that ten times you'll find in the beginning you'll be let's say six seconds I'm making it up every signatures different and you probably might get down to as little as five seconds if you have like an iphone you can do it as a digital stopwatch you could see the middle seconds then I say to you I want you guys to write every other letter in cursive nobody can write half as many letters how long do you think it would take to do it half as much time most of you will take twice as much time in the beginning and then eventually what's interesting is if I do it 10 times and the last two or three and this makes no logical sense and again I don't want to take the time to have all of you do this 10 times 10 times 10 times but you go do it on your own I'll just tell you the result in most cases even though you're doing half as many letters you cut it by 2/3 the time there's something happens when you break an old pattern and you do it fresh your brain over the years is learning ways to move more rapidly since when you did your Rijal signature and you'll do it a third the amount of time it'll take twice as much at first and then she'll cost you a third amount of time now let me tell you why I'm telling you this the system I'm calling your rapid planning method by time I show it to you you're going to go this takes more time than just making my to-do list it will win win will it take more time win initially but once you get it in your nervous system it'll take you less time because your brain will be thinking in outcomes and not activities and when you think in terms of outcomes of that activities pretty soon some of the activities and you'll see don't even need to do to get the outcome you find a better way to get the outcome quicker now how do you do that yes three questions question one what is my result was my outcome what is that I really truly want from this if you're going back next week and you say this next week what are the most important what outcomes for me to get this week in my business and you write those outcomes out not you're out items the outcomes you if you do that nothing else you'll be ahead of the game and if you just keep looking those outcomes every day how am i doing on that outcome your brain will come up with ways to get to that outcome I promise you focus on outcomes not on activities action for most people activities most people may mistake movement for achievement they mistake action items and to dues for achievement we're after the achievement are you with me on this yes or no it's a different way of thinking and I think all of you inherently have it but if you make this ritualize just like the things you've learned this week they're all great but if you don't systematize them they'll work when you do them but if you systematize them right and you see like mr. Holloman here where he goes in and just does it and does it make sure it's being done again or what you've seen Chet do or what I do you just do it over and over again you don't miss it now the results are geometric so I want to get you systematize the thinking whether you do it visually the way I'm going to show you or not so first question what's the result them after what's the ultimate result what I want out of this week out of this thing out of my business out of my life out for my body and you want to be as what is possible when you describe that outcome that result as what as clear and specific as possible generalities will confuse you so it might take you longer than just right now call so-and-so to think if I'm calling my my son I'm going to call Jarrett but I'm going to call my brother this is what goes to my head before I call it always what's my outcome because I don't want to just call him I want jerk to feel loved by his dad or I'm thinking about what how come I've got to talk to him about this thing that's out there I got to make sure I got through to him on this because I want to guide him and move it in this direction that's why I want to be as his father I want to I don't want to just chitchat I can do that too so if you think before every phone call before every time you're planning your day and you think before you have any meeting what do you think the first thing I ask of anyone when we sit down in the meeting is okay what are you are one of your outcomes what the outcomes for this meeting first thing I want to know because I know the outcomes guess what a lot of meetings they're done pretty quick because I know the outcome you don't have to go through all the activities to sell me on it just at your outcome how do you want to do it sounds good to me rock that's how you make a meaning productive I know a meeting for doctor not by the hours are time sometimes it takes longer to the outcome than you want but I'm gonna get the outcome that's by the way what you see with me on stage that's a lot of times very it's based on an outcome I'm gonna get that outcome I don't give a damn whether it's the right time or not I want to do at that time but I must deliver the outcome I'm gonna get that and by the way how many like to have your company focused on outcomes results and not activity say I people say all the time well did you get that done well you know I left him an email I I left him a voicemail I've sent him three emails how many times you heard that when that happens with me I'm like I you know but I don't show it I just like really wow that's fascinating I'll explain our about our culture it's about getting the result so I can help you if you can't figure another way to do it but there may be 12 other things we might want to do maybe they don't have the answer maybe somebody else can give us the answer the outcome was to get this information not to leave an email or 12 or three voicemails that will not do any of us any good how many followed now whether you get the outcome or not whether you get that result will be based first do you have clarity
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 441,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, anthony robbins, rpm, rapid planning method, Coaching (Industry), success, business, Entrepreneur (Profession), Training, productivity, maximize, opportunity, business strategy, optimization, Marketing, Development, Personal, Speaker
Id: n_yV3KBzxx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Tue May 13 2014
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