Tony Robbins Tips On Changing The Way You Feel

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all right we're back with the one and only Tony Robbins real honor to have you here on good day New York thanks Rob you back so we started talking about the CC Sabathia who announced that he's an alcoholic yes we just started asking Tony about whether you drink or not and let's pick up that conversation we found out you don't drink it I'm not against taking it anyway yeah but those who want that buzz want that hi where else can they get it what do you suggest well we were just saying that you know I both my parents were alcoholics so it's not like I'm against drinking it's just the the way they behaved at that point was kind of abusive and kind it was very abusive and so I didn't want to be part of that but we all want to be able to change the way we feel that's what I spend my life showing people how to deal and what most people know is the emotion is created by motion the way you move determines the way you feel you have 80 different muscles in your face 80 for most people this is the largest area of unemployment in the country they use their mate the face the same way they feel the same emotions over and over and over again so what I'm saying is I just deal with myself called priming every day I say look you gotta have 10 minutes for yourself you don't ten minutes to yourself you don't have a life and I'm not gonna hope I feel good I don't got back six countries and twelve days that was in India two days ago Wow I woke up here wanting like feeling up somebody ran me over the truck but you got yourself psyched out but the way I did is I do this process it's ten minutes it put some music on I do this massive change in my breathing so it radically changes the way I feel and then I do this three step process first I do three minutes of gratitude or I think of three things I'm really grateful for and I associate I don't think of it over there I feel it and the reason is when you're grateful you can't be worried it can't be fearful when you're grateful you can't be angry and anger and fear what screw people up most in their relationships in their life in their business so I wire myself I'm saying to you that most people want to be happy but their habit is to be worried or pissed off or frustrated or stress and so they're they've got a high way to stress and they got a dirt road to happiness so I wire myself I've got a highway to gratitude which changes all your emotions and then I do three-minute process of kind of a prayer for my family and friends and then I do a three-minute process at the top three things I want to accomplish I see it as done and I feel I'm done in ten minutes and sometimes I go 20 but my deal is ten so there's no excuse not to do it you know what I think it's a great way to kind of set the tone for the day does it change it changes listen we've all had times when you snapped at somebody and you felt bad because it wasn't them it was the state you're in right well there's no excuse of that if you prime yourself you set yourself up they've done studies where they go to people and they have men walk up to you and say could you hold this for me hand you a cup of coffee it's an actor and they take six mmm his pocket then he takes it back and says thank you hundred people they do it with iced coffee hundred people do with hot coffee forty-five minutes later another actor comes by and says listen we're doing this little test for $5.00 would you read this three paragraphs and answer three questions most people say yes it's a little story the questions are about the character what's the character like 80% of people got iced coffee say the person is cold and mean 81 percent of the people that got hot coffee say the person is warm and gentle or nice that's how much we can be primed by our environment we think we're just feeling what you're feeling but our environment if we don't take control of our environment it takes control of us pretty well Tony now they this is easy for you to say look at you you're like you look investment banker you probably have a master's from Harvard I bet you have three degrees from Harvard oh I got a high school education right and you never went to college well my mom I was going to USC I wanted to be a journalist I was taking journalism I was getting a scholarship and then I had some major challenges that my family had to take care of them and then my mom got very upset I have four different fathers so I kind of had to take over and so I went started my first business at 17 and I started from there it was working for a man named Jim Rohn and then I started off and became a seminar broker I actually filled other people's seminar events and then I got better than the people I was promoting and after a while I decided heck how I should do my own and then I began to just expand and do work when I started turning around athletes and Olympic athletes and I got to Nelson Mandela mother Teresa Wow and then I got to President Clinton and it just grew grew grew um like what was Mother Teresa doing wrong before she met no you know what happened she was in San Diego and she I don't whew remember years ago she got very ill my restaurant Hospital and I guess like three days into it she left in the middle that I can imagine you're the hospital and you lose my Patrice enough and she wrote a note that says thank you for your help but I have to help people that are in need I can't sit here and she went across the border to Mexico and she said if you really want to help don't send me Hospital send me a mobile medical unit so in those days I had friends with a very famous actor and he and I both fans of hers I said well we just go by this you and I don't do a press conference this drive across the border let's give it to her we had a chance to visit with her and and so anyway bottom line we did and when I was with her I said to her I said you know such pleasure to meet you and I always want to learn about people so I'd say listen I wanted what like what what excited what juices you would excite you what makes you more excited than anything else I'm thinking juice you and Nan maybe not the best trend and she looked and she says I will never forgot she said Tony she said what excites me most to see a person die with a smile on their face Wow I was like wow not number one on my list but I'm impressed she's amazing woman so Tony one of the critics actually that I once met said yeah Tony's techniques they were great for about a year and a half and then they wore off what do you say to that it's a real simple if you don't work out you don't get up you don't get a muscle right so I always tell people this is there's a daily practice like priming if you don't do that if you get up and you just have no discipline whatsoever you get no value of anything your diets don't work when you don't do them exercise doesn't work when you don't do them but most people have some experiences that they want to shift and once you shift those things your whole life changes but life is constant growth my life isn't here because I went to one seminar one time and my life is fit for life I I workout I train my mind I train my body it becomes a lifestyle it's not just like you're depending upon somebody else I'm gonna here to become somebody's guru I'm not here to give them a gift I'm here them to open up their own gifts and that's really what my work has been so okay I know you prominent yourself every day does it every now and then do you get hit by depression are you upset anxious I get frustrated to get angry get all those things I just don't stay there I mean I used to be there for a month or two I was I used to live in depression I was 38 pounds heavier than I am now and I lost all everything I moved in a little fawn its Griffith bachelor apartment and then California feeling sorry for myself but I got stone near the end where you think life has no meaning it scared the hell out of me and I developed tools and I've never gone back there I mean if I got pissed or angry of course people something you're not happy all the time no no I'm not happy all the time but I'm happy the vast majority the time because I'm doing what I love with who I love and there's a meaning what I do when you have those three things life is pretty magnificent one thing I was very surprised to hear and I thought it was delightful but you you had a lot to say about nutrition at the seminar yes and a lot of folks don't associate that with you yes what do you eat well I'm I'm no longer vegan I was a vegan for about 1518 years so I eat fish and I vegetables but I'm a boring diet now my wife when I first met her she liked wheatgrass and she was a phlebotomist the nutritionist I thought this is going to be the greatest thing in the world I went to lunch with her and afterwards we have this great clean meal and she had a hot fudge sundae say what the hell are you doing I was living in jerk so she loosened me up she has this zigzag we ziggy-zag xand has that I'm much more balanced than I was but I'm still you know I'm stronger than I've been what I can lift at 55 years old then when I was 27 right I'm I can run faster I feel stronger there are limits what you can do is your age but that's far I haven't hit that limit yet I mean my event did you know I go on stage I'm on I do 18 to 20 miles in the first day and I do 26 miles I'm on from 8:00 in the morning to 1:00 a.m. with one hour break people could vote with their feet Oprah says to me Tony she's I love you but I can't see anywhere for two hours and then she's standing on a couch at the end on camera one of the greatest experiences of my life uh sure same thing goes Tony I can't go anywhere for a day at four days later like what do you do you have people doing calisthenics and you're in your show well know what it is people sitting still right you know it's like I remember I said emotion comes from motion and also a minute feels like an eternity when you look like what you're doing right when you're all your needs are fulfilled time flies so I get time to disappear for people so they can transform and I do it because I've done it for so long I can take now I'm doing it event in LA I'm in a couple weeks in October 22nd 23rd 24th and we have 8,000 people from it's 49 countries or translating five languages and people from every walk of life from young kids to people older athletes entertainers average people welcome and become a family and transform in ways they're just extraordinary the end it feels like a mosh pit like it at a giant concert with people and they just have a blast yeah great music by the way you're a heavy-metal guy I was trying to tell myself I'm a CDC Gregson so Tony likes us Tony likes a CD yeah absolutely we love everything we do a mix cuz we we use music as the soundtrack to our lives and so we pull from all kinds of types of music I think you were like a Josh - kind of guy oh sorry Jon says no disrespect Jarrah alright Tony Robbins once again Tony Robbins calm people can go there and also America's best 401k or they can go to show me the awesome Tony Robbins a real probably I always get to visit you guys thanks Matthew all right
Channel: Fox5NY
Views: 2,498,984
Rating: 4.8710232 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Robbins (Musical Artist), Good Day New York (TV Program), Greg Kelly (TV Personality), Rosanna Scotto (TV Personality)
Id: GL9OnmmjkCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2015
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