What to sell to make gil in patch 6.5 to 7.0

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hello everyone Zane here and welcome to another Final Fantasy 14 video today I'm going to show you guys what to sell to make some kill between Pat 6.5 and 7.0 the next expansion of dawn tril so before we get into this video I want to remind you guys to make sure you do your research to see what sells best on your server because every server is going to be different so what sells best for me might not sell best for you so make sure you check your marker board before you do anything also if you guys want early access to some of my guild making advice items list and also some progress picks on my guil videos considered becoming a YouTube member or patreon supporter with the YouTube membership you actually get emotes and a badge next to your name as well as your name at the end of my videos for recognition and the same thing goes for patreon except without the badge and the emotes but that will be in the description down below just for a dollar a month otherwise my content is always free so with that out of the way let's get into the meat and potatoes of this video in my retainer as you can see here I have over 10 million Gill within the past two weeks October 26th to the November 8th is where all this Gil came from all right most of this is going to come from end game after you beat six point all main story Quest so make sure you have that done and also unlock flying needs of the zones why because you be doing the hunt trains because Materia for battle is what you're going to be selling grade 10 because grade nine is useless at this point of the game because only grade 10 can be melded into the gear that matters the most so determination critical and Direct Hit best way to do that is through the hunt trains which happens on my server every morning midday and at night and you will get the Clusters from killing all the a ranks which can be passed in for free grade 10 and N Materia so crit used to be under 1,000 kill thankfully they have shot up because obviously people bought all the material this idiot up here decided to drop it 34s of the price and I spot them out to make sure sure that I can resell these for a higher price okay I do five to 10 in each stack and I usually do three to four hits no more than that please it's it's unnecessary too much on the mark board and people start dropping prices determination is in the same boat over 2,000 Gil and Direct Hit as well now for Crafters it's going to be grade n and 10 control material since you should have enough craftmanship for any of the current endgame stuff so as you can see here this is grade nine for control even though it's one or two people they buy it regardless and this is grade 10 control and as you can see same people have bought it as well so I'll make sure to link my crafting script farming videos for the control material even though I don't have it on my list here perception material for gatherers so perception is the most useful material right now for gatherers because of the sublime stuff and also for the Eric weapons and I mean tools I always call them weapons but they're basically tools so you'll be needing extra perception in order to get some of the characteristics and also making sure to farm the materials for the relx tools so as you can see here they have been selling nicely over the past two days the best way to get white scripts is to ocean fishing because daylight savings is over in the United States it's going to be the odd hours the boat is going to take off you always can check the boat register to see which one which hour they're going to be leaving on but it's odd hours now during daylight savings it's even hours and you will get a crap ton of white scripts each time you do your boat but I also make sure to link a video to help you guys with white script farming as well or you can Speare Bond getting the endgame materials but grade 10 and grade n perception definitely something you guys want to look into so let's look at the gatherable items starting with the field mustard they're selling a little bit over a th which is good most of the time the Bots and the heavy Crafters are most all the ones that are buying this stuff so basically you're feeding the bots so this is for the leathers and you can find this in a golmal Zone which I'll show you has the spawn times a little bit later the magnumite is for the cotton a little bit under a thousand but they sell quite nicely I recommend selling them in stacks of 30 okay because not everybody wants 99 and I find selling them at 30 sells faster all right next is going to be the dark cherry logs this is going to be on the low end so you can take it or leave it I personally would just leave it or just put them on the marker board and just forget about them but yeah these are the lowest in amounts but if they're stilling good on your server go for it and the assult silver ore which is the most expensive because the ingots are most used items in end game as you can see they are just going off the charts here again 30 or 99 is what I would recommend selling the map and last but not least for Gather rbls is earthquak ather sand which is used in a lot of stuff actually so if you go with materials used it's in the gear endgame gear it's also used in these items here which is used for the inator set they're also used in the algs for the gear as well as tinctures and also food so Earth break a sand is the best thing to sell over 1,000 Gill which is great definitely sell them stacks of 99 if you can but I would honestly go with stacks of 30 because some people might not want 99 but yeah these are just the best things to sell at this rate because it's the only thing that really matters in terms of Sands bnst and Miner are the best way to get them because you get so many in the 4H hour window and if you want you can do in between those windows by doing spear fishing which I'll make sure to link all those videos down below so you guys can utilize them okay so that is going to be for the gatherable items so now let me show you guys how to get them you just need the folklore books for n Walker in order to get those so the field mustard is going to be in g m from 10: to 12: a.m. and p.m. right about here dark cherry logs 2 to 4 a.m. and p.m right here labyrinthos for magnumite th near 6 to8 AM and PM which is right here and you have soft silver ore in Ultimate th at 4: to 6: a.m. and p.m. right here so that's why it's very very important to get through the main story to access these zones now for the Earth break a of sand for minor it's going to be Earth quartz at 12 a.m. 4:00 a.m. here on the moon and for bnst you have the Sephora routs here at 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm here in labyrinthos so that is where you guys are going to find all of those gatherable items now let's look at the Tom Stone materials remember once the relic weapon comes out people are going to be using their tombstones on the next upgrade so not too many people are going using their tostones on these materials so first thing is going to be liquid glass glass this is to be used on the wood so liquid glass despite the fact that the logs are not very expensive these are going over 2500 on my server regardless of what server you're on Tom Stone materials always will sell I personally would sell them in increments of 20 in my opinion so that's liquid glass Alam Miss is for the tinctures they're on the low side unfortunately but yeah the sell quite nicely again saacks of 20 is what I would sell and bu grinding fluid is actually used for the span they're a little bit over 2,000 Gil as you can see here this was the one that I think I sold a couple of hours ago but as you can see here like I said not too many people buy 99 it's pointless to sell a 99 so it's usually I think every 400 tombstone is 20 of these items so the next is the fan flux for the I believe it's for the ingots yep so these are going a little bit under 2,000 but it's still over 2,000 if this one wasn't selling it like I said don't sell them in 99 CU as you can see not too many people buy them at 99 and next is going to be the skin for the leather and this is actually the most expensive at 3,000 per hit as you can see people are selling them in 5 10 15 20 increments like I told you and the last one is going to be the heish cotton which is obviously Weaver and this is I would say the middle ground again increments of 5 10 15 20 just like I mentioned so if I had to pick and choose which one to sell the most the skins and the flux so that is going to be for the Tom Stone materials so the last few things is baked eggplant and a caviar this is the rid food for people who do ultimate Savage Criterion Savage and all that always make sure you're selling high quality because people want the maximum stats they can get from their food as for what you should be selling in the mounts anything will do people will buy them at se 99 1 2 33 it doesn't really matter but uh use your best judgment and the caviar is going to be for your casters and heal and as you can see high quality always will sell and the big eggplant if I didn't say it is for your ranged and for melees the other thing that I want to recommend I wouldn't do immutable Solutions I would skip them but what I would do recommend is selling the Grip gel this is for making the indicator set and those are relevant and still best in slot for gear so you want to sell them they are from purple scripts okay I would probably we would sell them in in stacks of three five all right but grip Trail is going to be the last thing that I recommend all right now even though this wasn't on the list because I forgot to add this in is going to be a variant dungeon despite the fact that this stuff is usually forgotten after people got their mounts after 12 entries people don't realize that the glamour sells and the minions sell and like the umbrella stuff sells so freaking high it's ridiculous so here is from Mount roon these are from rockon I got this twice here's more minions and glamour from rockon this is from the alol island which is the current variant dungeon these will go up in price when people forget about it but yeah these are insane to sell and I think you need six runs cuz you get three tokens per and I think the body pieces are 18 for each one or 27 I don't remember but you're going to want to run those a lot if you do them solo you get jacked up to the 665 M level and it's pretty freaking easy to run these solo so I highly recommend doing the variant Dungeons and it's just Insanity for Island Sanctuary I started doing the vegetal vouchers for the mounts but these started deteriorating in prices because people just can't stop undercutting but if you find that these are selling high in your on your server I recommend doing them you have to be level 19 and 20 I think it was level 20 to get the favors for these vouchers so if they selling good for you go with it but if they're dropping just ignore them but this is what I solved on this first retainer and this is where most of my guild came from here is where most of my G came from my materal as you can see here all the battle material that I have stocked up on this one here was basically all of the grip gels oh also I forgot the uh ruby red dy I totally forgot about that um I'll go over that a little bit later but Earth break ather sand as you can see here sold ruby red diey to the roof uh The Fall Guys event gives you ruby red die so you can get at least one die per round cuz I think you get enough to get at least one one but that's from that retainer and this one here is from all of the stuff that I gathered all of the Tom Stone materials and like and this is where all the Gill came from here I wish I could go further back into October unfortunately I can't because it only stops at the 31st but I went way back even further than this so let's go back to the marker board and look at Ruby Red D since I forgot about that so ruby red die as you can see is almost 10,000 Gill a piece people are buying them all right these have dropped down a couple weeks ago but now they went back up with the two D system coming in Dawn Trail the dyes are should be going skyrocketing in 7.0 but ruby red Dy is great to sell you get them through the scripts from the diadem for isar restoration and also on sanctuary but since The Fall Guys event ends on December 31st take advantage of it especially if you want MGP all right guys so that is my list and all of the things to make some Gil between 6.5 and 7.0 all right guys so that's pretty much going to be it for this video thank you so much for watching don't leave a like comment and subscribe to my channel if you're new for all fin Fantasy 14 content and join the first brood if you guys want to support my Channel monetarily I do have YouTube memberships available and like I mentioned earlier link to my patreon will also be in the description down below so until next time if youever welcome to Glorious light of Lord bahamat and always remember the heat forging ahead happy selling and try not to undercut too much I
Channel: Zane Lionhart
Views: 11,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Endwalker, #ffxiv, #gilmaking
Id: VwHc2fPMgVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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