10 Easy Ways to Make Money in FFXIV Without Crafting

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Hi, friends! Aitherea here, and my throat  is feeling a little sore, so do forgive me   if I don't sound quite as normal or, I don't  know, as bright and lively. I'm trying to,   I guess, be a little more kind to it. But anyway,  today, I want to share with you some low-effort   ways to make an income in Final Fantasy 14. Please  be aware that this is not a get-rich-quick video   by any means. These are steady income streams that  can build up gil for you over time, and as I said,   they are also low-effort, so they're going to be  easy to do or they're not going to take a lot of   time to do. Speaking of timing, the way that you  can make big bucks off of some of these methods   does have to do with your timing, and I will  explain that wherever it is pertinent. So with   that said, I have 10 ideas for you to make money  in Final Fantasy 14 that don't take a whole lot of   effort, so let's just get into it. For number one,  we're starting with Grand Company seals because   this is kind of the basis for other money-making  methods on the list. So, getting Grand Company   seals is pretty easy. There's multiple ways to get  them, but it all comes down to turning in gear.   You get the seals from gear, so really there's  multiple ways to get gear and then turn that in   to the Grand Company Personnel Officer under the  Expert Delivery tab. And basically, you should   always be rolling on dungeon drops so that you  can turn those in for Grand Company seals. Once   you've gotten your seals, you can exchange them  for a number of different goods. The best things   to use your seals on are in-demand crafting items  like potash or coke or things like glamour prisms   and dispellers. I would also like to use this  section to ask crafters in the comments section:   what materials from Grand Companies do you use  the most? Because I know that potash and coke   sell pretty well, but I'm not really very versed  in what mats are good and bad, so I really don't   know if I'm missing anything. But from the grand  company seals, like is there anything else besides   coke and potash that are good crafting items,  like to sell? Anyways, on to number two. Number   two is retainers. So, you can send your retainers  out on missions called Ventures once per hour and   they'll bring back gear, housing items, or Venture  coffers. If you get really lucky, you can open the   Venture coffer and you'll get a rare dye like a  jet black or pure white, which you can sell for   roughly 400k. So for that reason, it's good to  send them out as often as humanly possible to   increase your chances of getting those Venture  coffers. And of course, the gear you can use for   what we said about number one, the Grand Company  seals, and the housing items – some of them are   just worth money and you can sell them, and other  ones are kind of not really worth anything. Also,   you can do 12-hour Ventures, and these aren't  really a bad idea either because your retainer   might bring back a rare minion or an in-demand  crafting item, maybe one that's even a little   bit more expensive. I do, however, prefer to do  the one-hour Ventures myself because my retainers   are really under-geared and I, uh, I really can't  be bothered to fix that, so I just do the one-hour   Ventures because it doesn't matter what your gear  is on your retainer. So yeah. For number three, I   want to talk about tomestones. So you'll naturally  be building up tomestones if you do any sort of   battle content, whether you're doing roulettes,  trials, whatever. Pretty much everything is going   to give you tomestones. Allagan Tomestones of  Poetics can be exchanged in the Crystarium for   old gear pieces, so I would recommend that you  buy a bunch of rings from whatever the highest   item level poetics gear is. So right now, that  would be the Augmented Cryptlurker’s gear. And   then you just repeat number one on this list. You  can also make money by selling the Astronomy tome-   stones. Is that what they're called? The red ones.  And this will be true for any of like the middle   tomestone of any patch, and once again, you want to  buy crafting materials from the NPC and sell them.  My advice would be to take a screenshot of all  the different mats and look on the marketboard to   see which one is selling for the most. The prices  can fluctuate, but things like the Hannish Varnish   currently are usually a good choice to sell. Number  four is Island Sanctuary, and this is probably the   most passive of all the income streams on the list. So a lot of us have already leveled our Islands to   max, and once you do, you really only need to spend  about five minutes per day setting your workshop.  The rest is all automated by the mammets. I  highly recommend joining the Overseas Casuals   Discord to get the best cowrie output from your  workshop. Or you can join my Discord (link in the   description) and check the island Sanctuary  channel because I have it linked to show the   recommendations from the Overseas Casuals Discord. So, how is money actually made? You just need to   use your stockpile of cowries to buy things like  crafting and gathering materia. Materia is kind   of evergreen, but it does fluctuate in price quite  a bit, and if you want to make big bank, like really   really good money, then you really want to hold  on to your cowries or the materia that you buy   with them. I would-- I would say, just leave them as  cowries because you want to see which materia is   going to be the most popular. But then, you have to  sell them at the right time. So what is the right   time? Well, a good example is 6.3. When 6.3 first  dropped, with it came new best-in-slot crafting   and gathering gear. So this means that basically  everyone was upgrading to this gear, and guess what   they needed? They needed materia! And because it's a  crafted gear, they were able to also overmeld this   gear, so I actually recommend selling the nines (IX) over the tens (X) because they cost fewer cowries   but a lot of the nines (IX) will cost almost the same  amount as the tens (X) on the market board, or maybe   like 3K less, but people tend to buy more of them  because they're used for over melding. And finally,   one more way to make money with your cowries is  rare dyes. You can buy a number of rare dyes like   cherry red, gunmetal black, or pearl white. So all  in all, Island Sanctuary is honestly an incredible   way to make money because once you've maxed out,  which in my opinion doesn't take that much work   in itself, there is almost no work required from  you once you reach the max level, and there's   not going to be another patch for Island Sanctuary  upgrades probably for quite some time, so you might   be able to just passively do nothing for like  a couple months and be stocking up cowries and   just biding your time to sell materia and make a  crapload of money. Alright, number five, this is the   one you have all been waiting for. I begged you to  do a hunt train in my last video. I said it would   make you money, and people were like "what do you  mean?" I'm gonna explain why right now in this video.   Hunt trains will give you, poetics, capped and uncapped  tomestones, nuts, and clusters. We've already talked   about the tomestones and how you can make money  off of those, so let's talk about nuts. After you've   gotten all of the fun mounts and minions that  you want to get with nuts, you should head over   to the Crystarium again. Go to the hunt NPC, Xylle, by  The Tenemos Rookery and trade your nuts for Ronkan   rings. So it could be like Ronkan Ring of Healing,  of Casting, of Fending, of whatever the heck you want.   Then, you trade them for Grand Company seals and I  think that you can see where this is going: it's   going back to number one. So that's the nuts, but  the clusters that you get are perhaps the most   lucrative item that you get from doing hunt  trains because they can be used to buy battle   materia. Once again, if you want to make big money,  then it's gonna be all about timing, so I would   recommend sitting on your clusters and building up  a big stockpile of them. Like I said before, usually   the right time to sell is going to be whenever  there is new gear coming out, especially like   things like new crafted gear because everybody is  going to be getting that crafted gear to help them   prepare for different stuff like a raid tier, and  so they're going to be dumping a lot of money both   into the gear itself, and into the materias for  that gear. When the Rinascata gear first came   out before the current raid tier, just right before  that current raid, like a week before the current   raid tier, I made about 10 million gil in about  two days maybe just selling the materia that I'd   gotten from hunt train clusters. And I didn't even  have that many clusters. I would say I had like   200 or less, maybe somewhere between 100 and 200  clusters, so if you do a hunt train or two every   week (like you don't even have to go hard on this),  like you could literally do like one a week for a   while, you're gonna be stocking up these clusters,  and then you can end up making a lot of money if   you're patient. And you may be wondering like why  not do Alliance raids for clusters? It's not worth   your time. For one Alliance raid, and by the way, you  have to be the in-demand role for that, but for one   Alliance raid, you're only getting like, I don't  know, I think you get like one of the tens and one   and two of the the nines. And you're gonna spend  like 30 minutes in there. However, one hunt train   usually does anywhere between 14 and 16 marks. Each  mark has a 50% chance to drop each type of cluster,   unless it is an S rank (100% chance), but most hunt trains are  killing a ranks. And that may not seem like a great   chance, but I promise you, you are going to get more  clusters from doing hunt trains than you are from   doing Alliance raids, and even if you weren't, the  other rewards -- because you are going to get nuts   and tomestones every time -- the other rewards  really really make it worth it. What a lot of   people do is they farm their weekly tomestones  doing hunt trains because you get, you can like   max out your green tomestones pretty quickly doing hunt  trains, but you're also getting all of these other   rewards that are super worthwhile, so hunt trains  are like one of the most underrated things in the   game, and like smart people do hunt trains. Smart  people do hunt trains! So there we go. I feel feel   like my next five are not quite as good as the  first five, but I'm still gonna talk about them. I'm   gonna try and go a little more quickly now, but I  talk a lot so we'll see about that. Anyways, number   six is beast tribes. So obviously beast tribes are  kind of a pain in the butt to actually level up,   but a lot of people are already doing them anyway  or have already done older beast tribes. So if   you have or are doing that, then you can take  advantage of the stuff that they sell, which is   mainly crafting materials and dyes, and there are a  lot of dyes that are exclusive to beast tribes, so   people will pay more for them on the marketboard  because they're too lazy to do the beast tribes   themselves, or maybe they don't even know where to  get those dyes so they just go to the marketboard   and they buy them. And interestingly enough, you can  actually get both soot black and snow white dye   from the Ixal. They don't sell for that much more  than they do just for the shop selling price, but   it's still like a really easy way to just make money,  just go buy some up. Of course, the Ixal does   require you to be a crafter or a gatherer and I  said this video wasn't really gonna be crafting   and gathering stuff, but there are a lot of beast  tribes in general that sell exclusive dyes, and the   Ixal was just the first one that came to mind, and  they are a lower level so it might be a little bit   easier because you can kind of just level up doing  the deliveries with the Ixals. Like literally just   deliver stuff. Like go buy it off the marketboard (or from an NPC) and deliver it so it's not that bad. Number seven   is buying furnishings from NPCs and then selling  them on the marketboard for more. I personally   do feel kind of bad to do this because I feel  like I'm taking advantage of people, but I guess   technically you're not. I mean, it is a decent way  to make money, but I remember when I was a noob and   I didn't know any better -- by the way, if you hover  over something and it says shop selling price, that   means you can get it from an NPC, so it's not worth  more than what the NPC sells for, that's how you   avoid this -- but anyway, at the time I didn't know  what that meant, and I bought these like purple   flower vases for like 20K, and you can go and buy  them in Gridania for 5K, so I totally got ripped   off, I just didn't know any better. But there are  some people that do know better, but they still buy   that stuff because they have a lot of money, and  it's more convenient for them to just buy it off   the market board instead of like teleporting  away from the house they're currently working on   decorating. So, I don't know, if you feel like doing  this, you can do it if you don't feel like you're   swindling people, but there it is. Number eight is  Wolf Marks and Trophy Crystals. Many of you are   probably farming PVP in order to get the series  rewards, and you might find yourself inundated with   wolf Marks to the point where there's not really  much left for you to buy, so you can spend them on   materia and glamour prisms to sell. And you can also  turn the trophy crystals into like -- I don't know   if it's wolf collars -- either way, you can- they can  be turned into wolf marks somehow, so if you want   to keep selling glamour prisms with them, you can  do that. Number nine is selling treasure maps. Yes,   I marketed this video as making money without  crafting, but technically, this is not crafting,   it's gathering. You can gather one map per day and  sell it on the market board, but if you don't have   a gatherer but you tend to do the weekly Wondrous  Tales because they are good for leveling up other   characters, then you can get a map as the reward.  But if you can gather, it's pretty good to do   this whenever a new map first drops because  they usually sell for 100k or more, but after   a couple weeks the price does go down to about  30k. But still, it literally takes five minutes   or less to gather a map, so I do think it's still  worthwhile. Uh and of course, you can make money   actually using the maps, and I don't know if I'd  consider that low-effort or not, like it kind of   is because the maps are really easy, like the map  dungeons are pretty darn easy to do, but it does   take groups like hours to do it, and you might only  make a couple hundred K off of it, so you know, you   can do the maps, you can sell the map, there it is. And finally, number 10 is bicolored gemstones. Many   people farm Fates to get access to some of the  cooler items available via bicolor gemstones, but   if you're waiting for a queue to pop, farming Fates  can be a decent way to level up your characters   or just pass the time while still doing something  productive while you wait for that queue. I actually   leveled up some of my healers when Endwalker  dropped as I was working on maxing the shared   Fates, and it wasn't that bad of exp. You can get  bicolor gemstones from both Shadowbringers and   Endwalker Fates, but unfortunately, none of  the Fates in previous expansions drop bicolor   gemstones. If you are purposely farming for  money this way, then I would say it's kind of high   effort and low return, but if it's something that  you're kind of like doing anyway or just doing   when you're queuing for a dungeon or a roulette  or whatnot, then I do think it's worthwhile because   you can use the bicolors to sell whatever is  marketable, such as crafting materials like Berkanan   sap or the bicolor gemstone vouchers that  you can use to get the Wivre mount or the black   angel wings. So that is everything. Those are all  of my methods for making money in 14 that don't   take a whole lot of effort. Some of them are  obviously better than others, but now you have   options. I hope this video was helpful to you and  if it was, then please consider leaving a sacrifice   for Lord Algorithm in the form of a like, comment, share, or subscribe. As always, thank you so much   for watching. And and also, please comment how  do you make money. I-I wanna know. Okay. Okay bye o/
Channel: Aitherea
Views: 27,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, ffxiv money, ffxiv gil, gil, ffxiv how to make money, final fantasy xiv
Id: VFNManbhX1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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