What To Pack When Traveling To THAILAND | Things To Bring & Not To Bring #livelovethailand

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now before even you pack you should  have a quality travel bag or luggage   because a cheaper one can spoil  all your trip let's go to the airport next station ped with a 26 minutes to the   airport this is Pai station 45b  to suab airport let's go buy our token train to I mean you can take the taxi if you  want but 26 minutes 45 but it's not   expensive I don't know why I brought  this water with me you cannot take water inside I'm going to take care of this  bottle now all all the way let's go inside welcome to shabi airport guys if you  are Elliot then you will have someone like   this beautiful girl waiting for you but  we are just normal Flyers let's check our flight this airport is always busy but I'm always  set to leave Bangkok even I'm going short trip 48   hours but I'm always set to leave this city check  this line guys it's quite long first thing first   guys Thailand is a very hot country you don't  need to bring your hoodies your jackets your fancy   clothes or winter clothings Thailand is always hot  even in the rainy season there is no such thing   called season in Thailand so don't put mess inside  your back rather have some shirts and t-shirts and   shorts don't bring also too much of them because  it's so cheap in Thailand and trust me you are   going to change your clothes in Thailand daily  more than to three four times so it's very hot   don't bring your fancy clothes winter clothings  bring some shirts and t-shirts shorts and that's enough now one jacket is okay because it's cold at  the airport inside the plane maybe sometimes   in the BTS and if you are going to  to the north changm maybe maybe you   need a jacket but one jacket is enough  so if you want to bring a jacket bring one now the second thing are alcohol and  cigarettes if you Brink more than you should   then you are going to be in a big trouble  so let me give you the exact number so that   if you are coming to Thailand bring as much as  you should unless you are going to pay lots of fine it's so simple 200 Cigarettes or if you want  250 g of tobacco that's concerning smoking that's   the only numbers are low and if you want you  can bring maximum 1 lit of alcohol more than   that then you are going to be in a trouble  or maybe you are going to pay lots of fine   and trust me guys lately my friends brought  lots of cigarettes with them to Thailand and   they paid more than $500 to take them  out so if you want to pay then go for it now before we continue our today's Vlog  the first thing you have to think about is   to have quality luggage because if you are using  a cheaper one it can spoil all your vacation for   me I always use quality luggage because I travel  a lot as you know domestic International and the   quality of the luggage is so important to me so  in today's Vlog I'm going to share with you what   kind of luggage that I use while I'm traveling and  if you want to have such quality luggages then you   can have it because they ship almost all around  the world free shipping let me tell you about it now quality is the most important thing  to me while I'm choosing my luggage and when   quality meets also s design and  my needs that means Perfection my   luggage set is always from level eight  it's reliable heavy duty and easy to   use and the best thing it flies on it  Wheels no matter how much you stuff in it so I got guys the black set and it's so  Compact and at the same time classy as I   travel a lot it fits my needs the small one  for my domestic flights and the big one for   my international flights with good space  and smart design you can pack efficiently   and ensure that your Essentials are  easily accessible throughout your trip they have lots of colors lots of designs  and choices and this organizing sets are the   best to buy with your luggage it will make your  life easier the prices are so affordable if you   love quality and they ship almost all around the  world for free so why to save money and a spoiler   trip I will put the links below for you to check  and Order and let me know which sets you like most so guys as you saw quality luggage  less headache and if you want to have   from them then you can order it from the  link that I will put in the description   and you can use the code for some  discounts moreover as I said they   ship it almost all around the world  free shipping so what are you waiting for now let's talk about the  list of the worst things that   you can bring with you while you are coming to Thailand now I am going to start with  the medications because last time we   have talked about this topic there were lots  of questions and misunderstandings so let me   simplify you regular medications simple  tablets like Panadol paracetamol Advil   and such things you don't need to pack at  all they are available in Thailand even   in 711s markets and malls no need for any  prescriptions you just scrap it as much as   you want so why to pack and also they are so  cheap now concerning if you get sick and you   need more specific medications like flu or  cough and such things again any pharmacies   you pass you can get what you want and as  simple as that coming to personal specific   medications you can bring it with you as much  as you want no need to carry any specific   papers as long as the quantity is according  to your period of stay I hope this point is Clear toileteries lotion shampoos  creams and such things again guys   no need for that why to carry that you are  in Thailand any Market M and 7eleven have   what you want and they have the latest  Brands local and international again   with afford able prices so don't carry  them now if you have a specific creams   to your face to your body can't live without  them it's okay but other than that waste of space towels and hair dryers this is insane  I saw some of my friends bringing their own   towels and hair dryers any hotel any condo  has these things even the three star ones   unless you are going to stay in the middle of  the jungle then no need for towels and there   is no electricity so no need for hair  dryers why to pack such things you are   coming to Thailand not to a safari trip  in the middle of nowhere don't pack them please expensive jewelries and valuables Thailand  is a very safe country but that doesn't mean to   put your valuables jewelies and walk around  most of the time you will be in crowded places   boat trips Adventures street food and why to  take the chance of losing something valuable   and why to live such things in your safe  box so go out without any worries and keep   such things at home even if you are going to  attend a wedding no need to show off this is Thailand the last thing about things not to  bring lots of cash bring the amount that you   need and not more than that if you need  cash later you can use your cards to take   cash out cash machines are available 24 over  7 another thing when you go out don't carry   all your cash yes it's safe to keep it at  your hotel unless you are staying in an   abundant slum take with you as much as you  think you will spend and that's better and safer now let's talk about the list of the items   that you can bring bring with you  to Thailand and I'm sure it will be helpful a small backpack this is so  essential because you will be going   to trips shopping boat rides  adventures and you will need   to pack your stuff for your journey  a small backpack will be okay for that quality flip flops most of the  time you will be using that no need   to wear shoes or sport shoes a flip-flop is  okay and the quality one is better unless   you will buy it from here and it could  be not comfortable for you to wear it daily proper clothings for temples  bring some proper clothings to visit   temples you can't visit them with  your shorts or swimming suits again   if you miss them you can buy it or  rent it from the temple or around some protections and creams it's  expensive here especially in the   islands so if you have one bring it  and surely you will use it even if you   don't like to go to the shores besides  that head and sunglasses are essential   also for you to pack without them you  will be a roasted chicken wandering around Thailand power adapter finally the  universal power adapter have one   with you usually you will not have  any problems but sometimes in hotels   and Islands or some places you can  fit your phone charger or any other   electrical stuff so bring your universal  adapter and keep it with you wherever you go so my friends I hope you enjoyed this Vlog  and had an IDE idea about the best and the worst   things you can bring to Thailand moreover if you  want to use quality luggage then from where you   can order it thank you for watching now it's  almost time for me to board see you another vlog oh
Channel: Live Love Thailand
Views: 126,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Love Thailand, What Should You Not Bring To THAILAND, Thailand Packing Tips 2023, The best and the worst things to pack for thailand, Things to bring and not to bring to Thailand, What To Pack When Traveling To THAILAND, thailand packing guide, Never bring these things to Thailand, dont bring these things to thailand, things to bring to thailand, packing for thailand, Thailand, Bangkok, what to pack to thailand, thailand packing list, what to bring to thailand, Level 8 luggage
Id: ik911JxOfVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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