20 Things To Do When You Arrive In THAILAND | Watch Before You Arrive #livelovethailand

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welcome to Thailand guys welcome to  Silver nabumi airport so what are the   first 20 things that you should  do once you arrive to Thailand now of course you are tired exhausted  past the immigration claim your baggage   and you are thinking what to do first so  in today's Vlog relax I'm gonna give you   20 points if you follow them you are going  to have a better vacation in Thailand even   from the first hour that you arrive  so let us start from the first one as you can see guys it's super busy welcome to  Thailand again so the first thing you should   do is to exchange some money and get some type  it so that you can do all the things that you   should do before you leave Savannah Airport  let me tell you where is the arrival floors   and of course tell you where to exchange  money in order to get good rates let's go so guys the arrival floor is the second floor in  silver nabumi airport of course lots of you know   that the second floor is the arrival floor and you  can do everything once you pass the immigration   claim your baggage and start doing the things  that you should do at the airport but my advice   to you don't exchange money at the second floor  because the rates are Solo I'm gonna tell you   that if you want good rates you should go to the  base floor behind the public transportation and   there you can get high exchange rates but if you  are lazy and you don't want to walk to the base   floor you can exchange as less as possible  so that you can buy SIM cards and of course   pay the transportation to your accommodation  now let's jump into the second point and tell   you where to buy SIM cards and what kind of  SIM card you can buy at supernaboomi airport well my friends now that we have  a local currency where to buy SIM   cards at surinabumi airport as I said  you can do everything at the second   floor which is the arrival floors  but what kind of SIM cards to buy well the question is how long you are staying  and how much internet you need after that you   can choose what SIM card to buy you have SIM  cards for seven days you have SIM cards for 15   days and of course you have SIM cards for one  month so if you want to buy a SIM card always   know how long you are staying now here I'm gonna  give you another tip if you don't like to buy a   SIM card from Savannah boom airport then you can  buy it at 7-Eleven in Bangkok for cheaper prices so guys once you get the SIM card you have your  number on the pack take a peek and keep it in   your phone because you will need it a lot  people will ask your phone number and I am   sure you will not memorize it so once you get it  take a peek and of course keep it in your phone now that we have a SIM card in our phone  then it's time to be connected then connect   your phone to the internet and welcome to  Thailand of course you are wondering if   you don't have a SIM card how to connect  to the internet then no worries you have   a free internet as soon album airport if  you didn't buy the SIM card from Savannah   Airport then you also can get connected to the  internet through the internet of the airport now that we have a SIM card and of  course some cash let's see what's   the best of transportation  to go to our accommodation exit from the first floor and  of course after that I am going   to the base floor to take the airport link so guys as I said along the way that you can  use also the bus if you are at the first floor   so it's 60 Baht for a person it operates  from 6 till 8 pm and of course these are   the stops along the way so if you want to  use the bus then it's 60 Baht per person   now let's say about the taxes you have  three type of taxes once you arrive to   the first floor the large taxi the regular  taxi and of course a short distance taxi so   if you are going to take a taxi from the  first floor you have to press all these   machines take a ticket and of course head to  the line that your taxi is waiting foreign ERS viewers always comment and tell me if  these taxes are omitted or if they're any   kind of scams guys be sure these taxes are on  meter no scams once you go out from the first   floor take your ticket head to the line and of  course the taxi is on meter so no worries and   I don't know from where these people get the  stories that the taxis here are scammed nope   they are on meter and this is the best  way if you are a family and you have a   lot of luggage now let's go to the base floor  because I'm going to take the airport link and   after that continue what are the things that you  should do once you arrive to Thailand let's go foreign as you can see along the way if  you want to take a bus to huahin   or Pattaya you can take it from the first  floor that's an extra information along   the way and now we are heading to the  base floor to take the airport link welcome to Bangkok guys as you saw the  action begins once you are out from the   public transportation and of course  along the way you saw that it's so   easy to take public transportation  from airport to downtown Bangkok now that we are next to our hotel time to  check in but don't forget to ask details   because lots of people forget to ask the  time to check out when is the breakfast   all the facilities that you can use while  you are at this hotel and lots of people   pay for extra things and they never ask  about the details so once you check in ask   about the details and of course you  will get everything you paid for it thank you once you are at your hotel  room relax arrange your valuable things   and of course have a bag to carry  everything you need once you go out so now it's time to go out and explore  where things according to the weather   never ever overdress because you are not going   to enjoy exploring around if you are  wearing more than you should foreign as you can see it's super hot so be aware what  to wear now we are out and the first thing we   have to do is to check what are the public  transportation that is located next to our   hotel because if you want to navigate then know  what are the public transportations around your   hotel so that we know how to navigate  and of course to save money and time now if you are new to the area start exploring  Rome before you take any public transportation   and go anywhere because in this case you are going  to know what are the facilities that is located   around your hotel from restaurants into money  exchange and of course everything you need to use thank you walk on the sidewalks there are  lots of taxes motorbikes and it's   super dangerous if you don't follow the  rules so always walk on sidewalks and   while you are crossing the roads always  check when you have to cross because if   you want to explore and stay safe then  follow the rules especially in Bangkok thank you stay hydrated it's super hot super humid so always  give something to drink with you a bottle of water   and always keep hydrated so that you can enjoy  exploring Thailand and especially in the hot days now after exploring around now it's time  to have some food and of course you are   in Thailand and you love Thai food but  guys don't go extreme because you might   spend the rest of your day at the toilet and  you don't want to do that at your first day while you are walking and exploring around  you will see a lot of shopping options but   don't buy everything if you need something just  go for it but if you love shopping then visit   the malls because the shopping options  on the streets are not the best options foreign and buy everything you need or maybe you forgot at   home and I am sure you will find  everything once you visit a 7 11. download all the applications that you need  in order to enjoy Thailand better I've made   an entire Vlog telling you what are the  helpful or most important applications   that you need on your phone if you want to  enjoy your stay in Thailand better foreign take a break and relax Thailand is  overwhelming and you are going to   get exhausted so once you feel tired go  back to your hotel relax and I am sure   you are going to explore the rest  of the things at the coming days so my friends I hope you enjoyed this  Vlog and had an idea about some of the   basic points that you should do once you  arrive to Thailand or let's say at the   first day so that you will enjoy your vacation  better starting from the first hour you arrive   to Thailand thank you for watching stay tuned  And subscribe for more from live love Thailand thank you
Channel: Live Love Thailand
Views: 198,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 20 Things To Do When You Arrive In THAILAND, watch before you come to Thailand, what to do when you 1st arrive to thailand, do this when you 1st arrive to thailand, things to do when you 1st arrive to thailand, Live Love Thailand, if you are coming to thailand, thailand things to know, things to know before you visit thailand, lets talk Thailand, Suvarnabhumi airport arrival 2023, bkk, traveling to thailand, thailand latest updates 2023, Where to take taxi at Suvarnabhumi airport
Id: vMo7ETnAXsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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