What To Expect & Look For When Buying A Used Shipping Container

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hello guys I hope everybody's having a great day today today's video is going to be an overview of a huge shipping container and what to expect when purchasing one I do sell new and used container so I'm gonna do an overview of a container what to expect when purchasing a win and watertight youth container what to look for when doing so and things to be aware of so this container I'm showing you is not an example of a winning watertight container however it's a good enough example for me to point out what you should expect when buying a used winning watertight container I will give you examples on this container of what you should not have when you purchase a win and watertight container so this one was damaged and transport you can see the bottom corner here is messed up that created a little bit of problems with this door shutting all the way it's an easy fix so I'll have a winning watertight container again when I'm done with it the floors popped also when it tweaked it I'll show you that but what to look for and expect when buying a used winning watertight container you'll find dents and dings you will find chipped paint or peeling paint that's to be expected these containers are typically 10 to 12 years old sometimes older when you're buying them so just keep in mind they've they've lived a good life going across seas and being transported on the road unloaded and loaded so expect to see stuff like this these dents and dings always expect to see something like that another thing to expect some containers have them son don't but a lot of these use containers will have patch welds on them like you see here this material that a shipping container is made out of his course instill qrt en look it up on Google this is like an architectural steel and it is a anti corrosive so how it works you don't actually have to paint this metal and for architectural purposes for the appearance a lot of places don't actually paint them because they want that rusty appearance so how it works is it will create a thin skin coat of rust on the outside that sells the rest of the container preventing it from further rusting now can it still rust further absolutely depends on the conditions that it's in these are in salty ocean water conditions and so they do paint it just to provide that extra barrier of protection on them but it's not required in your typical everyday use so this material will last a long long long time now most of these containers are going to be have the appearance of surface rust more than this one does this is a decent looking container although it's salvaged it's still a decent looking container expect more surface stress to show on a used container sometimes you'll get lucky and get them like this but majority of the time you'll see see more surface rust than this however just remember it's an anti corrosive material it's not that big of a deal so there's the patch well there's the dents there's the dings you do have vents on most of these containers right there like this that helps with moisture control helps it breathe properly helps prevent condensation you will always get condensation still in the cold when you have that heat and cold cycle transfer it will come and say it on the metal surface so if you look at the inside and you see some droplets on your roof during the winter time don't be scared your containers probably not leaking most likely it's condensation here's the back side of the container as you can see we have a container number right here they place them on the backs on the sides on the front doors and on the inside typically the tgh you one seven six six eight four seven that is the container number as you can see on the backside here there are some dents and dings and there is another weld job you can see some of the dents right here endings and you can see you're here at the bottom it was welded must have been damaged at some point so they welded it you should expect to see decently straight corner posts all the weight when these shipping containers are shipped across see all that weight rests on those four corners these two in the back and the two in the front they lock the containers together right here you can see the holes there's also holes in the top that they put a little thing on and they said I continued on top of it and it's got a lever that moves over and it locks them all together I actually sell those if you want some so you can see walking around the side here it's not too bad you can see where some of the paint scratched right here see more dents and dings more Pat's welds this container does have forklift holes which is nice I do like it when they have that now the doors check the door sills make sure they're in decent condition a lot of times you will see them where they may separate a teeny bit but for the most part they should be good you should see like the good silicone seal around here it should be pretty good what you don't want is like what you have on this door on this door you can see that this seal is messed up because this corner so it kind of messed up the sill on this door your sill should be in good shape still when you're buying a used one and watertight container so will a door always open super easy only used when a watertight container no it will not always open easy like a used container because it's been going across seas its entire life it's been on trucks it's been loaded and unloaded that can make it so that the container is not 100% square and typically when you have a door that's hard to open and shut is because of these mechanisms right here at the top you can see when I open this container these mechanisms right here at the top if the containers not perfectly square then what it does is when these levers go to latch into the into those it may not be sitting as level as it was when it was made and so it can be a little bit tighter to open into closed expect that a bit usually it shouldn't be like you have to gave it all to open the door typically it's not going to be like that they will still usually be reasonable to open and close but you'll know if that's the problem because if you have the door open and then you go to operate these levers right here see you can see it's pretty easy to do it's really not too hard no if it's easy when you do that and then you go to close it or open it and it's a pain that's because of these pieces right here and also some of the hardware on the door may have moved a bit and so it can make it a little tough so now to the inside of the container you should see good floors the floors are not perfect in this like I said the backside popped when the container got tweaked you should have good seals around your floors it's normal to have some of this kind of stuff going on but it should still be silty good now go around and look at the walls you can see where the patches were done right here they're still good still a sealed container look on the roof lines the walls the roof make sure there's no light coming through typically what I'll do is I'll get this door most of the time you'll be by yourself when inspecting a container but when I do I grab this door and I pull it as far close as I can and then I inspect it do a visual inspection look around make sure you don't see any light shining through check the roof lines check the seams and as you can see this container is good does not have holes in it on the roof on the walls and it seems so we're in good shape here that's what you should expect from buying a used winning watertight container now keep in mind some of these containers point out when you see the roof where the roof line meets the wall if there's a gap like that don't freak out it's still a sealed container because if you look at it from the top of the container there's actually a lip that goes over onto the top of this beam right here and it goes over and then it's welded so the seams non-active the seam we're sales is not actually right here in the corner it's out further on the container so just keep in mind if you do see that gap there don't freak out it's still most likely gonna be a sealed container if it's not you'll know you'll see light coming through there so we'll look at the floors make sure they're in good shape like I said this war see you should not have floors like this sometimes there will be some of these bolts that are a little bit loose little screws but the floor seats all the way like it should and this container doesn't seat all the way like it should so I'm gonna have to take it off and reap secured it and as you can see the gap here at the back it's uneven which tells you the container is a bit tweaked so when I remove this and re-secure it I'm gonna make sure it's good and sill but when you get your container it should be good your seams on your floor should be good you shouldn't have problems like what this is where you can see the panel's lift it off well guys I hope that helps when you're looking for a used wing and watertight container hope that helps you know what to look for and what to expect I do sell these I sell 20s 40s and 45 foots so this container for instance is 20 feet long by 8 feet wide and 8 foot 6 inches tall they also do make a high Q version of it which is instead of 8 foot 6 inches tall it's 9 foot 6 inches tall and I do have high cubes in a 20 and a 40 and then 45 foot containers are only in high cubes I don't have those in any standard height all right guys well hope you guys have a great day thanks for watching this video I hope you learned something and you guys have a fantastic day
Channel: FSRD
Views: 69,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopping container, container, storage container, conex, evergreen, Tex, tiny house, hay storage, vehicle storage, diy, Marsk, shipping, shipping lines, buy shipping container, shipping container house, what to expect, buying shipping containers
Id: uv8n2Rz3NxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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