How to "NOT" Buy a New Shipping Container

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welcome to off good victory so today I wanted to talk about how to buy shipping containers the good the bad the ugly if you will and so you know I've had well I have multiple shipping containers some of which I'm just storing like this it's gonna be used for storage I have others that I've converted into housing and so yeah I've had some experience with them and I've had experience with so-called you shipping containers and better quality containers and of course the new containers those are the only ones I chose to buy the roughly double the cost of a quote used container but I buy them because I want to make sure that the seals and everything on it is rated for about ten years is what these things are rated for on the sea so I figure hey as a homeowner or a user I'm gonna get much more life out of it before I have to start replacing things like you know right here the rubber gaskets and such and so this particular container I want to show you the insides and the out but really mainly I wanted to focus on is how to buy them and first of all let me say there are like I said the good the bad the ugly in terms of shipping container and dealers I have bought from several different dealers and most of the times what I end up getting is a lot of runaround with these things and so part of it is yes they're very large they're hard to move and in certain cases hard to get into certain places such as where I live and so yes there may be some more deals related to that but what I want to focus on is actually purchasing them and so here it goes so I purchased a new shipping container it's right there and first of all this is how you can tell it's fairly new I'm gonna go in right in here into this custom seal so right here here's the custom seal for this particular shipping container excuse the echo when you can see let's see here here's the manufacturing date 11 2018 so that this particular container was made about a year ago actually I've had this container for six months so let's say it was used for about six months well as people know these things go overseas so if it's being transported over the Atlantic or the Pacific it takes months for the cargo to arrive here in the United States so I know that first of all this is a quote new container it was used once or twice for transport but I'm getting something that hasn't really seen a lot of salt corrosion and and damage related to that but you can see hey even a new container is kind of rust it's gonna have rust around the joints where it moves and of course rust where you know it's hid stuff like this but the main purpose of this video like I said is buying them so what I would recommend is first of all never ever ever take cash for these things always pay for it after visual inspection if you can or if they're gonna deliver it to you by all means pay by credit card in fact the credit card is the only thing that will save your your butt from being fried by these guys if they choose to so the the main problem I had was this particular shipping container that I got here was delivered and of course you could refuse delivery at that point but yeah the people who delivered it kind of pulled on my heartstrings and I figured okay I'll get some satisfaction from the people who sold it to me so even with some of the dents which I will show you you should not have in a new container and things like this right here you see right here up there yeah it got hit over time and that corrosion was there when they delivered it so it makes it really hard to open this container so I've already opened it to show you guys what what the damage was but the fate itself to my location was roughly a thousand dollars and so these guys being hotshot erse truckers whatever they would kind of suffer the cost if I said I don't want to accept it and of course the the the shipping thing dealer themselves it'll probably push that cost back to me but like I said they're pulling on my heartstrings they came with a dog and and his wife and you know and I figured okay I'll just deal with the people sold me this container so what I was trying to do with this quote new container is get a discount not a lot just you know cost of transport a thousand bucks the container itself was over five thousand dollars so I figured hey you know it can't market this container as new anymore because there's clearly dents that it shouldn't have which I will show you and so the main thing about this video is always always pay for a shipping container with the credit card even if you had the chance to inspect it because you know what you might have you might have overlooked something and might have come back later and in this particular case I didn't even have the satisfaction of checking this container out before was delivered and you know it took it took almost a month to get it delivered so there's time involved too so let me show you the inside of this new container go alright so the inside of a new container you see the flooring there's some oil spots whatever that's okay but it really shouldn't be super dirty and of course this was use you can see tracks somebody was moving things in and out of it you're gonna see that even in a new container you shouldn't have any kind of leakage marks inside the container the vent holes on this particular container are up there you shouldn't see any kind of water leakage down the sides and the main reason why this container in my opinion was not new and I should have returned it I'll show you from the inside well first of all you can see right there that is not a small ding or dent that's pretty large maybe you know to some viewers this might not be large but granted this is supposed to be a new container but the main thing that I have wanted to show you is back here again excuse the echo the main thing is right up here and I want to show you that from the side here and maybe show teeth from outside so this right here the counter is freaking it up well you can see that's clearly dented and rather deeply on one of these one of these channels here and so to me this does not qualify for being new because it has more debts and damage to the container than what I would expect all the other new containers that I've received over the years have been fine without these major dents and you know what I was expecting the shipping container retailer do was be reasonable and offer a small discount to the cost of this container they weren't even willing to entertain anything they basically told me that I would have to ship this container back to them at my cost they would not exchange a container without me paying an additional thousand dollars and so they left me with a with a conundrum of hey am I gonna just keep it and not even you know get any satisfaction in terms of the repairs that I have to make to this container or do I try to just have them take it back forcibly and so that's that's the nature of this video so when you buy a shipping container always buy it with the credit card because in the end my credit card company came in and kind of saved the day and so they were able to deal directly with the ship of container company and not with me and so yeah so that's that's what I would always suggest so when looking for a quote new container be very careful and I'll show you the damage from the back too just be very careful what you're getting here's some of the dents I mean yeah I could have live with that for a new container sure I could have lived with that too but once again okay let me show you something here that was a known issue they put an x mark on it and this was not a known issue they did this subsequently when they were moving it to bring it to me and then let's go ahead to the back let me show you the main reason for my not wanting this thing was right back here yeah so like escapes like that that's going to happen obviously just from moving around and transport but this is the main thing right here maybe the light I think it's capturing it somewhat it's hard to see through the glare but but there you go so that's a pretty large tent it wasn't marked previously and and so yeah I was really disappointed in fact I was so disappointed that I bothered calling them to try to get some some money for it I was willing to even have them take it back and exchange me for a new one but dealing with this particular company I figured hey you know why risk it again they're probably going to deliver me the same kind of cruddy container so at any rate I decided to to take them not to court per se but but to the to the to the credit-card company so yes you must buy shipping containers with credit cards do not even attempt to pay this stuff in cash obviously stuff like that okay that's a ding I would have lived with that not a big deal that was not marked but stuff like this yeah it was ding they marked it they marked it it's been there okay they knew about it but you know yeah I could live with that for a new container but in terms of these other debts and major issues like in the arm let me just show you the arm again the arm of the the door where it's clearly been crushed by lifting it or something like here right there right there yeah that's a no-go so my advice for shipping containers and and purchasing them quote new make sure you buy them if you can go to the lot and check it out obviously check it out before you buy it but in my situation I couldn't and so then rely on just the delivery guys to tell you you know how he came and they told me hey they certainly didn't do that kind of damage it was done at the lot and they didn't even see it when it was at the lot so the damage and so in that sense yeah there's really nothing I could do about it other than not accepted but I did and so my mistake my costly mistake will hopefully benefit you guys but the main reason why I didn't lock you know suffer a total loss on this is because I used my credit card company and they went to bat for me and I was able to document all of this process the other thing also save all the emails that you do in terms of the transactions you do with these companies and and make sure you have full documentation as they come make sure that the driver also notes all the damage so that the company will know that hey it wasn't the driver that did it or you that did it so absolutely document everything and use electronic means of communication make sure or written but make sure you have all of that documentation saved and ultimately yeah don't pay cash for it don't write a check for it use a credit card and hopefully you got a good credit card company alrighty Shalom
Channel: Offgrid Victory
Views: 48,985
Rating: 4.3028765 out of 5
Keywords: shipping container, home, tiny, house, storage, off grid, farm, building, living, urban, land, lot, conex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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