Buying A Used Or Second Hand Shipping Container. Hints And Tips For Buying A Shipping Container

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today i'm going to show you my new secondhand container that i just refurbished [Music] [Applause] hello i'm graffiti welcome to winning the faith hey we don't everything beekeeping farming countryside living now we do reviews as well now a couple weeks ago i took delivery of a secondhand shipping container um i thought i made a massive mistake it came absolutely battered and uh it wasn't supposed to be like that the stock photo that i saw of the container looked okay but the one that came to me was absolutely battered and then he did a full paint job and ceiling and everything to get it right and just finished doing that now i just want to show you this container and hints and tips of what not to do when you're buying a container for yourself so we needed a container we needed some more clean dry storage these types of sheds they're not that good if you want to keep food grade kit and equipment and stuff that you don't want to get dirty so a container was a purpose made instant shed on the farm that would be ideal for us to saw some stuff and so we went on these online websites started talking to some container companies and this container was a vented container which i wanted because if you've worked with containers before having a vented one drastically decreases the amount of condensation and moldy air you'll get in the con in the container so i wanted it to vented and they had these segment ones looked quite good uh the stock photo that i saw of the standard type shipping container looked to me is in ideal for when he did so we bought one and uh came delivered on a big lottery i took it off and i was very very disappointed with the quality of it and um in fairness to the company that i bought it from i took four doors had a hole in the back of it it was supposed to be totally dry no holes the dents the rust the hole in the back and february the company they did drop a lot of money off the price of it because they were they were caught just as much as me because these companies you're dealing with the brokers or middleman they've got an office somewhere they know the transportation people they know the shipping companies that sell these containers and they broke the deal for you so that i would have thought they would have chased the money back with the container company or the shipping docks whoever sold them the container uh to bring the price down so number one rule of buying a container make sure you see the one you're buying don't buy one off a stock four door because i learned the hard way with this took a lot of time a lot of money to refurb it up now it's really good but i would have rather not needing to paint it all up and do all that extra work to it but it's come okay in the end and the second bit of advice i'd say is if you can afford it buy a new shipping container so they've got these new shipping containers it's only be that sea once so they build the shipping containers in china and then they send the shipping cleaner over to your country full of goods and then they sell that container straight away so there'll be no dance in it the wood on the floor will be new that painter could be unscratched no dance just a really good uh shad really or a builder feel i'd definitely buy one of those new ones if you've got the budget to do it and another thing i learned i wanted a 10 foot container but turns out 10 foot and 12 foot containers cost more money than a 20-footer and containers actually only come in 20 foot lengths like this one and 40 foot so all the 10 and the 12 foot containers you see a manufacturing or a welding company has cut down 20 foot and made it into 10 or 12 so they end up being more expensive because there's a lot of labor involved in converting them to a smaller size so i said about hints and tips on buying a containers and the type of containers that's out there let's have a look or see what i've done inside this one so as i'm keeping a lot of stuff in here that i want really clean don't want anything to get wet and i want it to be totally insect bug proof rodent proof and more importantly bee proof so we'll open this up and no i am not going to grow marijuana in here even though it looks exactly like that type of construction i've cladded it up with insulation all the way around taped up all the joints and i've painted the floor in the garage floor paint um number one all this insulation i got so much light in here is i'm not gonna know why it is up to the electric or anything so just being you know having the foil side it's great for light but the biggest thing with this is i don't want any condensation in here i don't want massive fluctuations in temperature in here i just want things to be dry no drips all this insulation you know is gonna do that perfectly and i've got vents so this container's got four vents so i'm not gonna have stagnant or moldy air in your ventilated but it's going to protect it from the big fluctuations in heat now a little bit of how i put these uh installation boards up now the easy thing would have been done was the bathing it all up tuck that through the steel and screw this insulation boards onto the container i didn't want to drill any holes in the steel work whatsoever i just think that's define the object of buying a sealed container we've gone for the work of welding a hole in the back and everything this container now was totally sealed and i wanted to insulate it so the way i did it was i put expanding glue on the top and on the bottom and i cut the boards perfectly and pushed it in so the pressure of the joint or the board being slightly too big middle or two too big meant that it'll hold itself and i've wedged it in tight and then given a day the glue will hold that as a backup as well and that's exactly what i've done with the roof as well and uh it's worked out really well all the glue is holding all this in place now when you need good quality multi-purpose uh expanding glue because your dent here and there on the container you want to make sure that your glue is catching and then i put a little bit two by one down the edges so these can't kick out at the bottom at all and it just gives me something uh we look hard up too and it's gonna hit the wood and um not the insulation board because i don't think i'm going to clad this up in uh plywood it was tempted to buy three mil thick plywood and cladding it all over again um at this stage because i'm only going to use this for storage i'm not going to do that now but if this use were to change then i probably will do uh the extra claddy work out of three metal plywood and that's all i do there same thing i'd clear with stick it on the side and just put small screws in so it's screwed into the board and then once the glue sets that's it these glues these days that they're pretty much better than screw which they can be and uh that's it that's my container and uh i've seen a lot of really cool containers out there since doing this one of the temp things that you can do with this we know that i've instant this up this could be a massive warm room where you want to melt honey down into i've seen people well i've seen these new containers i've seen a bear law they started selling containers now purpose built purpose made 400 extracting i know um honeypots the company that does honeypot hives i can't remember the what the companies call i think that i think they're called honeypots they make containers a purpose-made containers that you can extract honey in um with all the facilities in there and you can just convert this if i were to plywood this up put a bit of plastic over the plywood i mean this is a perfect full grade room then get some water in there and then you've got a perfect full grid container or building to extract honey out of now the opportunities is endless of what you can do with the container i mean this is just my one that i bought for storage and uh but i think this is going to be with me for life freely um done a bit of work spend a bit of money on it now and uh we'll have years worth of service out of it just forgot to say i am going to insulate the doors as well and doing this is really easy this is one thing how am i gonna do this right down there we've got a bit of thin steel i'm gonna tack um two by one on top of this and tack it down metal screw self drilling screw that'll drill through there luckily enough there's another one up there then i can just screw the insulation board on top of that and and this entire container is going to be insulated perfect so have you got a container have you done something let me know in the comments i'd love to hear about it or even better see your container and see what you use your containers for hopefully you've enjoyed this video and don't forget if you like this video and you want to watch more of the same kind of content then please subscribe to my youtube channel i try my best to put new videos every week thanks for watching
Channel: Gwenyn Gruffydd
Views: 58,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: used shipping containers, where to buy shipping containers, shipping container delivery, 20 foot shipping container delivery, 20 foot shipping container, shipping container, buying a used shipping container, Buying A Used Shipping Container, second hand shipping container, Second hand shipping container, shipping container garage, shipping container homes, shipping container homes uk, used v new shipping container, shipping container sizes, shipping container sizes and prices
Id: P4zilhxudu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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