What to do in the FRENCH RIVERIA! | Antibes, Eze, and more!

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known for its beaches blue skies and Yachts Yachts Yachts the Cote has the glitz and glamor rivaled by few places on Earth situated where the Alps meet the Mediterranean the Cote also known as the French Riviera has been Europe's favorite luxurious Beach Escape for over a century watch until the end where we give you a quick list of what to do while in antibe [Music] foreign [Music] we are starting our day off in the most French way possible and that is with sauce yes we went to the local boulangerie that was recommended by our hosts from our Airbnb [Music] we got some croissants and we got a piano chocolate but this is the best way to start off your day in France just find your local boulangerie which for those of you that do not borrow Francais that is a bakery and order some croissants there's nothing like this in the states [Music] it's so flaky cheers Dante [Music] what is that [Music] you do it's fantastic what do you put that on anywhere when we 've got some spices and I mean wonderful spices from The Spice Market on the Marche promo style Patricia and David just sold us some wonderful homemade spices they're incredible it's truly incredible we tasted a few we smelled a lot and we're bringing home even more we're even bring home some from my mama thank you [Music] okay perfect [Music] so we just did uh one of the most French things possible right yes we just went to the Marche Provencal which is the best Market one of the best markets in the south of France definitely the best Market in antiv itself now the cool thing about this Market is that it's open daily from 7 30 in the morning till 1 in the afternoon now many French markets only occur one day of the week but here at Marche Provencal it happens every day so no matter what day you're in on team you definitely have to stop here because they have amazing cheeses and meats and fresh fruits and Seasonings and spices and everything you could want and warrants amazing and don't be afraid to ask to taste can we taste this it might be a little intimidating if this is your first time but just ask do you speak English most of the vendors do and then just taste away incredible someone uh couldn't make it through this whole Market because this thing is massive yeah [Music] all right guys we are getting ready to eat at one of my favorite restaurants in the south of France yes this is the typical Cuisine of the area and it is not that pretentious really at least the restaurant it super unpretentious great location great people watching if you get an outdoor table highly recommend Scotland degrees but we actually ate here our first night in antib and we are back a few nights later for more let's go check it out [Music] okay so because we're in the south of France we ordered a salad nicoise now you've probably seen these in the United States they have tuna and eggs and tomatoes and capers and they're very delicious and they're very common but we ordered it here because meaning from nice which is a neighboring City to Auntie where we are now so nice is the main city in the south of France salad nicoise comes from nice itself so one in the south of France order a salad new suas [Music] foreign [Music] which is this beautiful Hilltop medieval Town one of the most beautiful villages in all of this region but we made a big traveler's mistake and that is coming here on a Saturday at the end of lunch without any reservation and so basically we were left with the only restaurant that had a seat available and it was like one table yes in the shade that is again because we have a baby a lot of caveats here guys we're learning like we used to be able to fly by the seat of our pants and just go with the flow you can't really do that as much as a baby but we're trying still so we're making adjustments we're adapting we're learning so is she we decided to hit the road we rented a car and what else do we do we rented a car seat we rented a car seat yes I'm gonna put the link right here I just found it online by Googling rent car seat onto you this is very fancy but we thought we would be ambitious and only travel by train or walking and we wouldn't need a car seat so we didn't bring one to Europe we made a little bit of a mistake in that in this whole area there's a lot of places we want to go to and it's a little difficult to get there only by trains especially with her with the baby the two of us would be just fine we could also take taxis um but with the baby it was a little more challenging so I think renting a car if you have a family is the way to go [Music] don't do so this town is like the most magical little town just to walk around plenty of artists shops Art Gallery thank you that's the word I was looking for restaurants and whatnot but we made one big mistake and that is bringing this stroller that I'm now carrying we love it but if you're going to be walking around these towns especially these medieval ones just get the baby carrier and that's it yeah it's not very stroller friendly or disability friendly so you're gonna have to walk a lot yeah so now I'm schlepping this store up and down and it's just a pain [Music] now if you're wondering what to wear while you're here in antib and in the French Riviera I highly recommend getting yourself some Cuts now what's great about these Cuts shirts is not only do they look great when you're just exploring the sights but they're also nice enough that you can continue to wear this out in the evening and not look like a typical tourist and one additional bonus is they don't wrinkle that's right you can just pull them right out of your suitcase and they're going to look sharp and brand new every time and don't worry ladies the guys don't get to have all the fun because Cuts clothing now offers women's clothing and we want to extend the gift of cuts to you guys so click the link below and use the code romeroot for 15 off your Cuts clothing order now back to the Vlog and now the most important step Baby sunglasses I can see there we go that's what's up oh and they go in my mouth it's not a snack but you look like a snack today we decided to come visit the wonderful medieval town of es and one of the problems with Pez is parking yeah so you have to get here early or just do a few laps if you don't have a baby and you're feeling very athletic you can take the train to the town of as at the beach and hike up but it is supposedly a pretty substantial hike yeah and another option if you need to find parking you can go to a fancy hotel called Chevron door and they have valet paid parking there in the town so like actually in the midi autonomous so after our mistake of taking stroller through Saint Paul De Vance we have decided that no stroller will be happening today you ready baby yeah right you're actually me or the baby [Music] so we have been on a mission and that is to get into one of the nicest hotels in the French Riviera which is La chevrador yeah now to get in here if you are not staying here is very very expensive to stay here so you can come have lunch or dinner here they actually have a two Michelin star restaurant we're not going there we are going to something called the garden now this is only open in the summer months so we're gonna enjoy it but they also have another restaurant that you can go to for lunch or dinner as well and uh just go up to the reception and ask for the garden right yes or you can make a reservation online for one of their other restaurants yep it's true I know you're hungry it's time to go eat all right let's go [Music] [Music] our next stop is to get some gelato and hopefully another passport stamp because we are going to Monaco [Music] all right gelato it's a new country in gelato how many countries is this for you guys Monica next one second hand five five and five months oh my goodness five and five months and it'll be six by six months to keep it up to keep up Monaco is inside of France or surrounded by France and it is roughly a 15 minute drive from as probably a 20 minute drive from nice so if you are here in the area and you feel like you know adding another number to your country count this is a quick stop there's no passport control you just drive right in [Music] so we finally made it to the beach today but we came to Plage Keller and now this is the beach club to go to if you want to go to a beach on the cap and now what is great is we made a reservation for some chairs and we will also have a nice meal here as well so you can sit at the table and have lunch first and then go to your chairs or vice versa however you prefer but what's super nice is this is a Sandy Beach which in Europe you don't often get the sandy beaches and it is nice and calm which is perfect for our baby scholar [Music] [Music] I got you okay so here I was minding my own business enjoying this beautiful view of the Mediterranean and playing with my child when all of a sudden I felt something slimy and suddenly I realized that Scotland had pooped all over me and all over the chair that we were sitting on so now sky has taken her to the bathroom I'm trying to clean up as best as I can right here such as going to the beach with the five month old [Music] so now it is time for some fast facts about the French Riviera the French Riviera is located on the Mediterranean Coast in the Southeastern part of France the easiest way to get here is to fly into the airport of nice the weather here is a Mediterranean climate so you're going to find hot dry Summers and Mild Winters so there's no actual border but it basically extends from Italy all the way to the town of Toulon the French Riviera includes Monaco which is the second smallest country in the world and great news there are over 300 days of sunshine in this beautiful area now quick thing to know as well food is not served generally from 2 P.M to 7 P.M so you have to plan your eating schedules around that and the French Riviera is located in the provence Alps Cote d'azore region so when it comes to getting around there really is no right answer you could rent a car you can use trains buses you can also use car ride services like bolts or Uber now we originally did not plan to rent a car but after we got here we realized that with our little baby renting a car would suit Us best yes here we go [Music] here we go [Music] adventure begins thanks for watching till the end here is a quick list of our best things to do while in on teeth now feel free to screenshot this or check the comments below for the complete list [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Roamaroo
Views: 26,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french riviera, cote dazur, eze france, eze village, south of france, eze french riviera, travel guide, monte carlo, french riviera travel guide, côte dazur, french riviera travel, antibes france, antibes beach, monaco, travel vlog, èze france, things to do in eze, french riviera road trip, south of france vlog, cote d azur, french riviera vlog, cote dazur vlog, french riveria
Id: IsZoNLHzR3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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