4 Days in PROVENCE (Arles, Pont du Gard, Avignon & Camargue)

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there is so much more to France than just Paris like thousands literally thousands of cities and if you saw our bucket list video you know I want to check some things off so today we're going down to neem Earl Avenue and the kamark and I can't wait we boarded the two and a half hour high-speed train from Paris to neem with our daughter Liz and her friend Kelsey when we got to neem we picked up our rental car for the 15-minute ride to Chateau kampige we chose the Chateau compuget as our home base because it's so close to all of the places that we want to go and it's the vineyard of some of my favorite wines we stayed in a spacious two-bedroom unit with a large bathroom and open kitchen and a lovely sitting area [Music] yeah with so much nature and Beauty here I just want to come back for like a writer's Retreat or an artist Workshop so we just arrived in neem we dropped our bags at the vineyard and we're here at its adorable little Bistro that they recommended it looks like a delicious menu I can't wait to try all the yummy stuff here and we're already drinking some of the county J wine right here [Music] check that out this is baked camel bear with onions and larden that tastes like friends the only thing missing is a little red so I want to have a little bit of that [Music] it was worth the trip just for that one so far [Music] this is a filet mignon and in France filet mignon it's not beef it's pork and it came with all these yummy vegetables that's good stuff [Music] the meat is excellent the Rockford sauce is amazing steak with hot fall and french fries and Allure salad this is the way to start this stay in Italian friends right good that's good that's good [Music] breakfast was served every morning in the atrium of the main Chateau where the wine making family has lived for many generations that is lavender honey with lavender honey oh my goodness [Music] foreign this is like a 200 year old Stone Cottage in the middle of a Vineyard it's so Charming the windows all open up wide and it's just like you're in nature but in a house in the middle of heaven and you can hear the birds sing We heard frogs last night we've got some peacocks wandering around and talk about feeling disconnected and and in touch with nature it's good feeling let's go check out the rest of the main house here feels like a living story like family traditions and celebrations handed down through generations there's a reverence here that's mixed with welcoming warmth and playfulness and Legacy today we're visiting the city of Aura which is right on the edge of Provence and I'm really excited because this is a place I wanted to visit for a long time they have here ancient burial grounds Roman amphitheaters and just old amazing stuff and by the way this city is famous for Vincent van Gogh because this is where he cut his ear and we're just gonna hang out see some sights look for some paintings and have something to eat [Music] this is the Alice Camp ancient burial grounds and it has been ongoing going back into BC and you can tell that these tombs these Rock tombs are pretty darn old with mausoleums and altars and all kinds of things in here this place is I don't know it's interesting it's historic it's fascinating and sacred and I am so glad that we came here on our trip to oral to visit the ancient burial grounds [Music] fertilized the Alice Camp burial grounds in his painting that's one of the really cool things about the van Gogh paintings is you see the painting and you see exactly how the painting was done you know that was it he painted what he saw and now it's time to grab some lunch and see the Old Town we'll see [Music] thank you it's unbelievable that this goes back into you know like BC and like thousands of years ago and they when the Gladiators were battling here and they still have bull fights but it's not bull fights where you kill the animals they respect the animals here but it's kind of like a bull fight and I want to come back and see that they didn't have it when we were here but we need to come back and spend more time in ARL don't you think oh I would spend easily a week here it's a great town [Music] cut off his ear and made tons of paintings right here in aural so let's go see some of his work okay let's go let's go [Music] but now it's time to head back to the vineyard for some special activities Jay has to offer because I know they have red white and Rose and I know the ones I've tried are good but we're gonna eat some food and have a beautiful night they have a playroom here for the kids when the parents are tasting the wine it's awesome we met up with Leo the sommelier in The Tasting Room he had to smell some classic scents like flowers herbs and fruits to help us recognize some of the flavor influences in each wine the girls had never done a wine tasting before so it was especially fun for them it is Apples yeah yeah this is Acadia apples we started off with a white checking the color and Clarity smelling the wine and guessing the notes of influence and of course tasting The Fabulous flavor we moved on to the Rose which in France is particularly good so this is the Rose from compute and I definitely get a serious hint of grapefruit and he confirmed that saying this is uh very much a citrus wine so if you buy the configure you're going to get a strong flavor of grapefruit for me and Lizzie was saying a little bit of red fruit so it's 90 percent grapefruit and 10 red fruit so it's it's right there it's a very pleasant wine it's not sweet at all right compared to roses in the U.S and of course we wrapped up with a smooth fruity red [Music] I will neither confirm or deny that we were a little bit tipsy as we headed over to The compugee Bistro for dinner [Music] because a shell is crispy and crunchy the yellow squash is just fresh and summery the basil sauce is so light and whipped that tastes like summertime [Music] oh this is really good does it taste like summertime it does wow it's super light oh yeah surprisingly light so this one is a pate in the southwest style this is a very earthy Pate they said it was the regional so the Southwest flavoring yep [Music] good we've been a little bit Wi-Fi challenged here and we're on a Vineyard so there's lots of wine and no Wi-fi so the girls have told us that this is like a hurricane party because we can drink and not do much else [Music] I'm just going to take this thank you [Music] that is a yummy sauce on those potatoes Franklin she starts to make some wine [Music] these two flavors dance off of each other like crazy the chocolate is fantastic and the wine is fantastic but when you put the chocolate and the wine together it's something totally new yeah delicious no question [Music] so we're on our way to the kamark and we stopped in this tiny little town called egmore which comes from a Latin translation that pretty much means stagnant water but this town is all inside an enclosed Fort where you have the little slits for bow and arrows but in here you have Charming little shops it's a little bit touristic but I haven't seen tourists from outside of France the whole time I mean this is where French people go on vacation this is a darling little town going back to the 1200s this is a perfect place to spend half a day on your visit when you're down South we absolutely love it yeah [Music] all right [Music] [Music] this is bull me oh look at this super tender so I got the full chimichurri style churrasco comes with these potatoes and this sort of cream sauce and it is super super tender absolutely delicious and the chimichurri is rather mild it's got a little onion tomato the usual cilantro it's the aromatics in there but it's really really great not quite melt in your mouth but getting close enough that is mighty tender I don't know if I've ever had a steak that tender check this out rule freed or mussels is one of my all-time favorites here but check those babies out I am glad I got that yeah seeing the Wild Horses of camarg was on my bucket list they're white magnificent and they live in harmony with the locals I didn't expect to see so many of them behind fences but it was still a joy to see them [Music] the camarad region is right on the coast of the Mediterranean foreign [Music] [Music] has been a great stop and as much as we want to stay all good things come to an end after another lovely breakfast it's time to hit the road and head up to Palm Dugard we're here at Punta guard and people told us we need to come here just because it's cool but this is way cooler than we expected it to be this is a Roman aqueduct that has been here for over 2 000 years like 2050 years so literally it was here being built before Christ was born and not only do they have this phenomenal intact Aqueduct they have hiking trails and kayaking and Beach space and everything [Music] it's a phenomenal historic site it's a great nature site it's a family relaxing Picnic Day kind of a thing this is literally the second most visited Monument after the Eiffel Tower in France it's pretty amazing from home to guard Avignon is just a 30-minute Drive [Music] Avignon is the second oldest city in France and you can definitely tell that these streets were not made for cars we arrived in Avignon just in time for lunch and a nice cafe [Music] so this is the Palace of the Pope and Avignon because the pope actually lived here for hundreds of years we think of the Vatican in Rome but the pope was right here in this little house on that Plaza right in Avenue let's go check it out search here yeah this is like a this is a production like this is a theater with the chairs and look there's the AV Booth right there and how about that oh my God can you imagine oh my God yeah is this an original door there's no question look at that thing as you can see where the ground was like before oh wow you know [Music] this is what it was supposed to look like when they were still here this is all like sheets of carton stack on on top of one another and it's sculpted it is sculpted Amazon boxes yeah exactly it's funny because when we first arrived I thought well this is kind of bare and boring but as you go through you start to really understand and like I'm looking at the tiny details and the sculptures that are in the arches over rooms and stuff it's it puts things in perspective all right let's keep looking let's go we're gonna go on the bridge now it's pretty obvious that this was a very important city [Music] wow so this is the Rhone river and this was a dividing line between the Royals of France and the Avignon which was the papacy and it stayed that way as a battle back and forth until finally Avignon became part of France and well now it's just French [Music] we're here in June and it's getting starting to get a little bit busy around here but this place will be absolutely packed in July and August so for planning purposes if you want to avoid the crowd come before come after but this place is a definite must it's just phenomenal so Avignon was on my bucket list and one more time Antoine made the dream come true but this is extraordinary I mean just driving into town and being just wowed by the Antiquity this place really blew us away I would definitely come back here and get lost again [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 44,419
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Keywords: les frenchies, visit pont du gard, les frenchies travel, pont du gard, visit arles, paris travel guide, visit avignon, visit camargue france, avignon palace of popes, arles france, South of france vlog, paris street food, paris travel, visiting arles france, pont du gard france, french food, visit nimes, france places to visit, best places to visit in france, france travel tips, france travel vlog, arles roman arena, Pont du gard aqueduct
Id: Hw0m97A2XpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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