What to do in PARIS in 5 Days (on a budget!)

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gonna try this in my best French that I can be on the new Opera [Music] in today's video we are exploring Paris for five days so if you want a little Parisian inspo for your trip just keep watching there are 13 minute walk guess you have to get on this bus and we get to the Metro there it tells you exactly what to do to Paris we decided to stay in Lima way which is a great centrally located neighborhood in Paris to get to everything you want to see super easily hey guys I'm in Paris so we're getting excited if you're new here hello welcome my name is Jessica this is the last part of me and my husband's little European Venture 2002 it's the first time we've been overseas since before covet and it has been so much fun so far we were just owning Mediterranean cruise with Virgin voyages today we got into port in Barcelona jumped on a plane and we are in Paris we just checked into our little hotel here and it is in the cutest area just chilling at this little park that's right across the street it's so idyllic and adorable so if you're looking for a relatively affordable place to stay I'm gonna pop into our hotel show you around a little bit and then let's get this little Parisian Adventure started shall we the little palace hotel is located in limare and it is literally two minutes walk to the nearest metro station perfectly convenient to get around so when you walk in it's really really cute in here [Music] typical really small little Parisian elevator you gotta love it that barely fit me in our luggage earlier it was hilarious [Music] little room here probably not the fanciest Parisian hotel room tour you're gonna see on YouTube but it was a really good size considering it's in Paris and it really got the job done we liked it after getting unpacked and settled we ventured out into our neighborhood for some food because we hadn't eaten since early that morning in the Barcelona Airport after a bit of walking around we popped into my Brook a Tunisian restaurant can't say I've ever had Tunisian Cuisine but this place was delicious and if you're looking for something healthy and vegetarian friendly it's a great spot I'd have to admit I was not prepared for how cold it is here I packed my entire suitcase thinking about my cruise and just kind of assumed that Paris would be nice weather be kind of chilly the next couple days but to check out the Westfield mall over here which I think is crazy because we have westfields in La as well but hoping to find some sweaters or a jacket something a little bit warmer maybe I could supplement my wardrobe for some of the chillier night popped into monopree which I just discovered is kind of like their target it's a big like Supermarket they have a bunch of groceries they also have like cute affordable clothing and houseware stuff we're here visiting and you want like a place to grab some stuff to stock up maybe your Airbnb or your hotel room a monopoly is a great place to pop into after unsuccessfully finding sweaters to add to my wardrobe I decided to pop into this beautiful Church to check it out and they just so happen to be finishing up masks at the time so let's read this incredible organ music [Music] that was breathtaking I kind of walked in at the end of the mass Oregon at playing was just unbelievable there are no words for like the sound that it makes in that church so powerful and beautiful so definitely try to check this church out if you're in Paris it's right next to this really fun park and it was absolutely just stunning kind of reminded me a little bit of the style of Notre Dame a bit but obviously smaller not as well known but it's really really cool to check out I better go back to the hotel and drop off these groceries and meet back up with me hopefully he got a nap in tonight [Music] morning it is our first full day here in Paris I feel like I look so tired I think I mentioned before we just came straight away from a week-long Mediterranean cruise oh we went hard last week so I'm just trying to pull myself together to enjoy these four days that we have in Paris just finally getting ourselves together we've been doing a bit of research this morning on booking like tickets to the Louvre and point of Versailles I kind of know what we're doing but also when you're in Paris you kind of want to give yourself some time to just wander around and get lost trying to find the balance between those two things because when I travel I always want to try to like fit in as much as I possibly can and I'm gonna go get some coffee and some food plan is to head to the parisley market which is only open on Saturday Sundays and Mondays been many years ago but I'm excited to go check it out again because you can find just unique little things there no this is not it not even close to being it it's kind of like the fancy alley here okay Santee Alley is an LA reference but the area you have to walk through to get to the flea market is sort of like the Canal Street of Paris you'll find a lot of people selling cheap clothing and bad designer knockoffs big Prada jacket all right we finally found it all the blue ones are like antiques I definitely want to go check out the fashion stuff which is all kind of on that straight line This Way Market located in the north of Paris is the largest Antiques and secondhand Market in the world and the fourth most visited attraction in France like the anthropology mirror that everybody wants so so pretty take a guess how much oh it's cheaper than that actually 2500. you could spend a whole day here and still not truly get to see everything whether you've got some serious money to spend on beautiful Antiques and art or you're just looking for some random odds and ends you'll find all that and everything in between I would recommend coming with cash but there are a couple ATMs located in the market if you're a vintage fashion lover like me you can find some seriously good finds like dine and going to designer vintage heaven in here professional dresses 500 something Euros so yeah it's actually a pretty good deal it's not a bad version it's stunning so bad [Music] when we came we saw I saw a lot of things that I really loved but leave an empty-handed today there's a lot of places not open because it's a Monday I think Saturdays and Sundays I'm sure it's more busy here but Mondays is a little bit more of a quiet day if you want to have a little bit more of a chill experience but now often on March shall we babe whenever I visit Paris I love using their Metro System it's so easy to use and so much more affordable and fast than getting around with Ubers or taxis Lamar is probably one of my favorite neighborhoods in Paris to visit it's high up on this hill you can actually take one of these little trolleys up which I had no idea if you have a metro card you can use that to board it we went the old-fashioned way up the stairs and of course Nate was not thrilled with me make like God damn it more stairs oh did you start a workout on your watch there's really freaks at the top of these stairs that was a workout [Music] we've made it to sakuriku we climbed up all the stairs and you're rewarded it's a lot but it's worth the view that you get a pair of Paris it's really really pretty soccer core is definitely worth visiting for the amazing view and to admire this incredible Neo Byzantine Romanesque architecture surprisingly this church is fairly new having been proposed in 1870 by the bishop of nand after the defeat of France and the capture of Napoleon III at the Battle of Sudan and the franco-prussian war he attributed the defeat of France to the moral decline of the country since the French Revolution and proposed a new Parisian Church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus its location was chosen for both its visibility throughout the city as well as its association with the early Christian Church monmart means Hill of Martyrs and according to tradition it is the place where the patron saint of Paris saint-denini it was beheaded by the Romans one of these days we're gonna have to go to the top because I met the view is amazing so if you go around the back of there's a really nice little park right here we can get an amazing view of the back of second floor and then this little street that is between the park and the church is like the ideal place to put a picture of the church with no one in your picture seriously there's almost no one back here he's got some great shots so a little tip don't take your shots in the front come around the back and it will be super empty foreign [Music] is my favorite area of Paris because it still has that quaint old Parisian feel this was once the place where artists Riders and Bohemians gathered in flamboyant often to Bosch cafes and bars the likes of Picasso Renoir Dali Van Gogh and Degas to just name a few lived in worked here you can still see many artists on the street working today [Music] every time I've come to Myanmar I've always grabbed a bite and a glass of wine here they serve a delicious traditional French cuisine [Music] I dream of these muscles they're so good clearly I highly recommend the mussels and Fries they are delicious you get this huge vat of mussels and the fries dipped in the broth of perfection foreign to see the Arc de triop and we're in for a little bit of a surprise [Music] if you visit the Arctic Triumph at 6 30 PM you will witness this daily ceremony for the Unknown Soldier to re-light the undying flame that is at the base of the Arc de Triomphe it's a really cool thing to witness so I highly recommend if you can come to the Arctic Triumph at this time to see it definitely do so oh here we go but this is a staircase needs happy to go up that's where we just the view from up here is so good and there was no line to get up here which was amazing last time we were here there was a really long line to my tickets and we literally just like walked in so we got really lucky it's great you can see all around Paris all these little cross sections of the streets especially a great view of the Eiffel Tower which is all the arc to treat off definitely isn't the highest view you'll get of the City of Paris it is one of my favorites because you do get a great view of the Eiffel Tower of course but because all the streets sort of go out from the roundabout that the Arctic Trail sits on you can get a great sort of view of all these different areas like the modern part of Paris over there that nobody really ever talks about but it's really kind of cool to see [Music] oh my God now I'm so dizzy yeah that was a lot of stairs [Music] thank you so when you're here all the plaques are in French so if you really want to know the history about what they're saying I recommend downloading the Google Translate app because there's a feature in the app where you can take a picture of something in another language and it will translate it into the language that you speak and that is a great way to be able to read some of these historical markers and get to learn a little bit more it's also a great way to read a menu if you happen to go into a restaurant and the menu is only in French little tip for you guys [Music] after a full day of exploring we headed back to our neighborhood and found this little Italian spot to grab dinner salad this salad looks so good [Music] eating a lot of bread you only beat me because I waited to take that picture of you [Music] we are headed to do something we haven't done before which is go to parallel shakes which is the famous cemetery here in Paris a lot of very notable people are buried there you have Piaf Chopin June Morrison so we're gonna go walk through because it's supposed to be a pretty cool thing to go check out it's pretty massive we can already see it on our walk over this wall [Music] is that is here Chopin want to go to Oscar Wilde I didn't realize he was here with so many notable people buried here it's no wonder that perilous is the most visited cemetery in the world [Music] what do you think so far there are over 1 million people buried in this Cemetery but perlashase wasn't always such a popular final resting place at the time of its opening it was considered too far out of the city to be a desirable Spot It wasn't until the remains of Jean de La Fontaine and Moliere were moved here that this Cemetery became popular [Music] I thought it was really neat to get to go and visit the grave of Chopin one of my favorite classical artists you can see in his grave people left notes and letters to him of course Jim Morrison is also famously buried here his grave is sort of tucked back here behind a fence I guess people used to come and hang out on his grave and so they had to sort of fence it off I saw a documentary about him recently and he was he died in Paris and I think I think the documentary said he didn't have a whole lot of money at the time he died but he like really wanted to be buried here like something it's very important to him foreign people bring potatoes to this one I looked up why potatoes are here and it turns out French people leave potatoes on this man's grave because he was instrumental in making the potato the staple of the French diet that it is today so many of these different Graves like the one with the potatoes on it had such an interesting and weird story when I looked them up for example the grave of Victor Noir which you'll see he has been touched in certain places and apparently if you do that and put flowers in his cap you'll have enhanced fertility so quiet and peaceful here it's just amazing to look at just like all these Tunes I like works of art just absolutely incredible had to stop by Oscar Wilde's tomb he is one of my favorite authors The Picture of Dorian Gray is probably one of my favorite books and then of course last but not least Edith Piaf and someone decided to play one of her iconic songs and pay their respects and it was just perfect [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] after such a peaceful stroll through the cemetery it was time to get back to the land of the living because the living were hungry for lunch we headed to the Jewish quarter to try out the world-renowned last doofalafel apparently this is the Falafel destination Paris if not all of Europe at lunch it's pretty popular spot the line for takeaway can be kind of long we luckily got a table and I say luckily because when you see this sandwich I really just don't understand how people eat it on the go [Music] hmm really good spicy hello quickly yum yeah this is a fork situation it's kind of crazy to see that Skyline like that no Spire since we were in the area we decided to walk over and see how the Reconstruction of nostradam was going foreign [Music] construction trying to restore from the big fire that happened I believe it was a couple years ago so you can't even go into the square but if you're instead of just enjoying this guys amazing violin stylings over here and um [Music] foreign [Music] walls to Notre Dame they have all these pictures and different information about the whole process of saving Notre Dame and rebuilding the Spire it's really really fascinating and interesting to see fortunately we got to see it last time we were here awesome it's kind of sad to see it like this anyways [Music] being the foodie that Nate is he discovered this amazing chocolate and macaroni shop so we went down the street it was super close to our hotel and we grabbed some sweets [Music] as we stumbled out of the chocolate shop looking for a place to enjoy some wine with our chocolates we caught side of this bar down this Alleyway in a market that was mostly closed down little did we know we stumbled into this sort of secret foodie spot in the Murray that was incredible and this spot was so fun the staff was super cool we even managed to make some friends with some locals who shared some of their wine with us which was super [Music] well that was a really cool local spot we're definitely gonna have to go back because it was fun everyone was really nice there okay but now now on to the next place because it's like a it's a nibbling kind of day we're just nibbling because that's we've got to try all the things in Paris I love that in the summertime it can be like almost 10 o'clock and it's still not dark like right now it is 10 till 10. and this is how much light you still have left that is one of the magical things about Paris in the summer why I love visiting here especially like the end of May the weather is really nice it's not too hot you get like long daylight hours and this really cool little bar area District of America we were here last night it was super dead to go visit this one little place that a friend recommended it's open tonight and it's completely popping so we're gonna go in and get some charcuterie and some wine and just this whole area is a great area to go out because there's tons of bars tons of different restaurants and cafes that you can choose from [Music] are you gonna be able to guess that yeah it should come as no surprise that we were not successful in guessing the wine and they also won't tell you what it is until somebody finally successfully guesses it definitely recommend this place the charcuterie was great the Ambiance was really nice and they had this great little wine shop in the front if you want to pick up a nice bottle to take with you the next morning we woke up bright and early to make it to our allotted time to enter the Louvre if you're visiting Paris for the first time this is definitely an essential place to see and since Nate had not been here yet we had to come pay a visit we bought our tickets online in advance still gotta wait in the line but it feels like it's moving quickly tried to find the size secret entrance which is supposedly less crowded that was not successful we made it in the nick of time your ticket whatever time it is you have 30 minutes from that time to get in and we made it literally right under the hair so seriously don't mess around with your Lube entry time if you bought your tickets in advance if you're late you'll have to wait in the line with everyone else luckily they have a little cafe here so you can grab breakfast not coffee that's the first step second step you're not a game plan is this place is huge you have to see Mona Lisa funny story uh like two days ago I guess a guy in Kane and said a cake on it so that happened hopefully they'll have that open okay let's just be honest even if you gave yourself a whole day two days a week you probably could not experience the fullness that is the Louvre Museum there's just so much to see foreign [Music] that nearly 10 million people visited the Louvre in 2019 making it the most visited Museum in the world so of course on any given day it's going to be very crowded but certain areas with very popular pieces will definitely be much more crowded than others [Music] I feel like even with the map this place is elaborate that's really easy to get lost in here so we're just trying to find the area that we're interested in it's taking a little bit longer took a little detour imagine back in the day when this was a palace they would drive the carriages up to that it's a very long hallway [Music] at some point it can feel like art overload it's just art everywhere so I highly recommend if you're interested in specific artists or types of art to maybe take a guided tour we headed into the room where the Mona Lisa is and I'm sure you've heard this before but the Mona Lisa is actually quite small in real life but so many people are clamoring to see this girl let me tell you this room is nuts it's literally nuts and they have like a line where you can get closer to it but yeah I can see it from here I've seen it before have you seen it honey crowded though this area may be it's probably my favorite Wing that I've experienced on my trip to the Louvre just because all the artwork in here is so incredible to look at honestly the ceilings sometimes I've been more interesting than what's on display it's like amazing just make sure you look up when you're in these different rooms because it's absolutely incredible advice for when you go to the Louvre is to find the paintings that are on display that you're interested in seeing mark them off on the map and strategically go through the museum and seek out those pieces make sure you don't miss the petite Gallery which is such an incredible room here in the Louvre this is totally my Salvage area Decor let me use this as a design and stuff for our house someday great besides the incredible decoration of the room itself the gallery's main attractions are the remaining pieces of the French crown jewels in 1887 the third French Republic sold most the crown jewels to 12 years of a royalist coup d'etat the only jewels that were Exempted from this sale were ones of historical significance they also have some really cool designer pieces that are sort of inspired by the Louvre on display and here which I really liked usually I'd never suggest a restaurant that's right next to a huge tourist attraction but I'll make an exception for Cafe Marley [Music] experience for the killer vehicle [Music] just had a little rest sesh in the room to freshen up and we're gonna go out and try to explore some spots and go check out some Chappelle the Eiffel Tower I feel like a new person right babe I've basically been just using this as my selfie of the day mirror every day because it's just so good this is the theater where our fan with the Opera is based on one of my favorite musicals had to come check it out it's really really beautiful we didn't have time to do it on this particular day but you can go inside the opera house and do your own self-guided tour it is open I believe 10 a.m to 5 PM on the way over to visit San Chapel we stopped by place of the Concord which is the place where Louis XVI Antoinette and Rose Beer were beheaded during the French Revolution it neighbors the Tulare Gardens which is a lovely place to spend the afternoon with a lot less of a bloody history I'm guessing just taking a stroll through the tourist Garden yo beautiful perfect spring day here [Music] which is one of my favorite favorite churches that I've ever been to it's so stunning like it doesn't get as much love as other churches in Paris but a must in my opinion so you gotta get your tickets online in advance they're about 11 Euros in person [Music] the Sasha palette is a Royal Chapel in the gothic style within the medieval Palais de la site the residents of the kings of France until the 14th century on the IL de la site in the river San in Paris construction began sometime after 12 38 and the chapel was finished a short and astonishing seven years later it doesn't go far it's just a little narrow this Chapel was commissioned by King Louis IX to house his collection of passion relics including Christ Crown of Thorns which was later held in Notre Dame until the 2019 fire which it survived these huge stunning stained glass windows tell the story of the Bible all the way through Christ and the coming of his crown of thorns to be held in this Chapel they have these handy guides inside that help you see the storyline through the stained glass but this is the most extensive collection of 13th century stained glass anywhere in the world such a pillow is also no longer a church as it was secularized after the French Revolution ended State religion it's now a National Monument thanks rad [Music] AR you consider how old this Chapel is and the technology that the people at the time had to create this beauty it really is just breathtaking it was around this moment that I realized I had been in Paris for quite a few days and I still had not had a crepe so we walked across the Sun to the Latin quarter to go and find a delicious Grand Marnier crepe which is both of our favorite flavor foreign [Music] [Music] foreign now they have all that boarding up I wonder why they did that I was about to come on here and tell you guys to come to the Trocadero to get that epic Eiffel Tower shot but they have all this weird wooden boarding up for whatever reason and a bunch of people have graffitied all over it not sure why but I found one little spot to get my shot [Music] decided to do a very Friesian thing come out here and have a little picnic outside in the park with of course view Nate has this really awesome blanket that he travels with called some rumble it packs up into this and it's the perfect little size blanket we're just a little picnic and Draper when you're traveling if you're on the plane keeps a little bit more warm you tend to get cold on flight so that was a very good purchase mate we grabbed some wine and some food from a local monopree my favorite little store but honestly I highly recommend doing a little picnic in any park in Paris while you're here [Music] one downside to this plan is there's not really many public bathrooms around here after you drink a whole bottle of Rose it's not good after we finish our little picnic dinner and our wine we walked down to the Sun to an area that I think is one of the best places to get a shot in front of the Eiffel Tower the intention was to be there when the Eiffel Tower lit up and started sparkling but because it's summertime and it doesn't get dark until kind of late it was not happening for us but I really wanted to see this so we hung out for one more hour we came down here at nine o'clock to see the light show but it didn't go off because it wasn't quite dark sorry at 10 o'clock so it's now 11. dark you can catch this beautiful light show on the Eiffel Tower every hour on the hour after it reaches full Darkness [Music] so beautiful yes [Music] on day five of our trip we woke up bright and early and caught the train out to Versailles to do a day trip out there this is something neither of us have done before and I have a whole separate Vlog on this if you'd like to check it out I'll have it linked up in the eye and down in the description box after a day of exploring with Versailles we came back to Marche de zonfon Rouge because we wanted to come back to the restaurant we were at a couple nights before Liz on De Marche to actually try their food and come back for the Good Vibes because honestly this restaurant was so much fun the first time around we had to come back while the bar top open air seating and Casual Vibes might make you think this is a sort of low brow establishment the delicious wine selection and avant-garde Cuisine by Japanese Chef masaheed ikuda definitely gave a more fine dining experience this dinner was a little bit more of a Splurge but man was it worth every single bite [Music] this is like a taste of like coffee and everything I don't know it just looks really good never tried it on the fish before let's just try it look here's the thing if you come to Paris and you don't have a croissant it's basically a crime so we came to this boulangerie which has multiple times over one best baguette and best croissant in Paris to try it out for breakfast while we killed time before our flight and let me tell you it did not disappoint [Music] la la so flaky up buttery oh my God carbs don't count in France all over you I know we left some for the birds what okay turn on TV oh my God so good [Music] all right well that wraps up our trip here in Paris I'm really sad to leave I really love coming here it's been really sad all morning thinking that I have to go back home now I hope you guys enjoyed our trip I hope it gives you some fun ideas things that you can do while you're here if it did give this video a thumbs up make sure to subscribe and I'll see you guys on the next one [Music] um
Channel: Miss Moore Style
Views: 115,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paris vlog, paris, travel vlog, paris vlog 2022, paris vlog 2021, what to do in paris, paris france vlog, things to do in paris, things to do in paris 2022, things to do in paris for couples, paris in 5 days, paris in summer, paris on a budget 2022, paris on a budget 2023, paris on a budget food, paris travel guide, paris travel vlog, eiffel tower at night, montmartre, louvre museum, pere lachaise, best food in paris, versailles, budget paris trip, what to wear in paris, style
Id: 6l8DFtIzJaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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