Lisbon Travel Guide - 10 Best Things To Do in Lisbon

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[Music] hey guys we're Ian and Anna and we've spent a total of 3 months traveling around the beautiful country of Portugal we have videos on places like Porto the algar even Madera Island so definitely check those out if you're interested but for now we are finally visiting the capital city of Lisbon and we can't wait to share with you the top 10 things to do in Lisbon let's start with number 10 the tus River Cruise stretching over 1,000 km or 625 mies the tagus river flows through Spain and Portugal making it the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula the tagos flows right through Lisbon where it meets the Atlantic Ocean and is a massive part of Lisbon's history especially during the Age of Exploration after walking the hilly streets of Lisbon for a couple days we knew we wanted to see this City from the water so we booked a 2-hour Sunset Cruise we met our captain Paulo underneath the April 25th bridge and he took us right to his sailo to start our journey the first thing we got to do is sail right underneath the April 25th bridge and wow did it look exactly like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco this bridge was originally named Salazar Bridge after Antonio Salazar who was the dictator of Portugal for 36 years until he was overthrown on you guust it April 25th 197 24 and that's why this bridge is now called the April 25th Bridge we sailed along the coast for 30 minutes and finally ended up in Bim where we got to see two iconic landmarks the Bim Tower and the Monument of discoveries we will talk more about Bim and these landmarks later in this video but wow was it a sight to see from the water especially during sunset during the entire cruise Paulo was pouring us endless glasses of wine and telling us all about the history of Lisbon this is one of the only Sunset Tours that is private and affordable so I definitely recommend going with Pao you could scan this QR code on the screen right here to book this cruise and I'll also have the link down in the description below this video on our way to Lisbon's Oldtown we had a spectacular view of the Christ the King statue which overlooks Lisbon I wanted to visit this statue so bad because it looked exactly like the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil but we just didn't have that much time so instead seeing it on this boat was the next best thing our last stop was sailing along Lisbon's Oldtown where we got to see unbelievable views of Alama the pantheon and the Commerce Plaza sailing at Sunset was really unique because you get to see the city slowly light up at night which was just magical now let's move on to number nine prasa doero this incredible Square on the bank of the river used to be the home of the Royal Palace until it was completely destroyed during the 1755 earthquake now the Commerce Plaza is one one of the most visited places in the entire city because it's one of the largest and most beautiful squares not only in Europe but in the entire world the first thing that will blow you away is the Rua austa Arch which leads you right into the square surrounded by bright yellow buildings I couldn't believe how detailed it was and the coolest part was that you can go all the way to the top for only €4 and get a 360° view of the square and the rest of lisb inside the square you can go shopping and visit some amazing restaurants including the oldest in Lisbon which dates back to 1782 jeez that's crazy up next we have number eight St George's Castle no matter where you are in this city you can see this massive Castle on top of Lisbon's highest hill there are two ways I recommend getting up here first is walking up through the oldest neighborhood in Lisbon called Alama and second you could take the iconic tram 28 which will take you all the way to the top this place looks like something out of a movie and the 360° views from up here looking down on Lisbon can't be beat but what makes this Castle even more unique are the free roaming peacocks walking around we could not get over how many there were and for those of you that don't know the big colorful ones are the males and the smaller darker ones are females as we were walking across the bridge to get into the castle we got so lucky and saw one of the males opening its wings up and it was the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen I've literally always wanted to see this this Castle is at the foundation of Lisbon's history when it was established more than 2,000 years ago by the Romans it was even the site where one of Portugal's most famous explorers Vasco deama was welcomed back after discovering the sea route to India we had so much fun exploring this castle and couldn't get over the spectacular views as we walked along the walls it was around $18 per person to visit and I think you only need about an hour here unless you just want to watch the peacocks all day which I was I was about to do that one question we get all the time is what shoes are stylish and comfortable to walk around Europe in and I am so excited to introduce the sponsor of this video ukai ukai is a Hawaiian inspired brand that's all about creating the most comfortable shoes for travel I mean these right here have been my favorite travel shoes in a long time they are called the lahi laala and they are made with premium handwoven leather these are perfect for a more dressed up occasion they also have so many different colors of choose from this next pair I've been wearing a ton is called the laahi leili and these are more of their everyday shoe you could pull these off with a casual look or even a more dressed up look they're also made with waterproof leather which is so important for cities so your Feet's not getting soaked something really cool with them is that the back flips down so you could use them as a slip-in shoe which I think makes them really versatile and it has has the exact same everyday shoe in women she wears it with jeans and all sorts of flowy dresses while walking around the cities the shoes are amazing at all but my favorite part about ukai is that they give a portion of every single purchase to the Amma ukai Foundation this Foundation Works to preserve Hawaii's land oceans and cultural heritage so if you want to donate to a great cause and get the most comfortable travel shoes around make sure to visit we'll also have a link down the description below for you guys and if you use the code Ian and Anna at check you will get free shipping with your purchase which is super amazing but now let's head back to the video now up next is number seven traditional food I feel like we can all agree that the most memorable part of travel is the food and that's why I want to share with you all our favorite restaurants and dishes we had in Lisbon all right if this is your first time in Portugal be ready for the most addictive pastry you will have in your life the pastel denata this flaky crunchy custard filled pastry from heaven will make your mouth water and I guarantee after trying one you will get them non-stop during the rest of your trip the pastel datato was actually created in Bame in 1837 and we even got to visit the original store there now I will talk more in detail about pash's day Bim later in this video but it was by far my favorite pastel in all of Portugal and you must try it when visiting Bim is around a 15 to 20 minute drive from Lisbon City Center so I wanted to give you two other recommendations that you can get right in the the city first is Castro and this is Anna's favorite pastel in all of Portugal the cool thing about Castro is that they specialize in making only the pastel denata and no other pastries another cool thing is that you can actually watch the baking process while you eat and it really makes you appreciate these pastries even more the next place that so many people are obsessed with is called menaga just like Castro this is another place that focuses only on the pastel and you can even watch the entire process too our friend Becca actually brought us a to-go box of them and they were out of this world so I definitely recommend all three of these places no matter what I don't care which place you choose though you always have to add cinnamon on top of your pastel which makes it a thousand times better now the next classic dish you must try in Lisbon is the bana a bana is a Portuguese sandwich on a crusty bread roll filled with thin slices of pork seasoned with white wine lard and spices we talked to so many locals and by far the best bana in Lisbon is at a place called Bas of aonso just so you know it is closed on Saturday and Sunday but on every other day it opens right at 8:00 a.m. I definitely recommend getting there during the first couple hours it opens because in the afternoon the line will get really really long this place is a hole in the wall and right when you walk in you are met with the biggest vat of pork bubbling away I also love that they keep the prices low and don't Hike It Up For Tourists like many other places in the city for each beef B it was less than3 which I think is a steal so make sure to get a couple when you go once you get your bana make sure to add mustard or the chili oil now time for some of our restaurant recommendations the first restaurant we recommend for traditional Portuguese food is called Sant AO this place is decorated like a Cozy home and their menu was even inside a book which was super unique one thing you have to try here is the sangria because it was the best we had in Lisbon which was super surprising another thing I loved about sitting outside here was that the tram passes You by a couple times throughout your dinner we got super lucky just walking off the street coming here but you should definitely make a reservation because everywhere in Lisbon really books up fast next if you're looking for a great brunch spot the Lumi rooftop is by far the best especially if you want to have amazing views while you eat again definitely make sure to get a reservation for outside because this place books up super fast the girls ended up getting a barata quinoa salad but if you want to traditional dish that's out of this world you need to get the roasted bakaya abrash this is a salted cod which is the most famous type of fish in Lisbon with really thin potatoes and an egg on top before coming to Lisbon we put out some Instagram stories asking everyone what their favorite restaurant was in the city and tons of people answered Romos Romeros is a family-run restaurant that's known to serve the best shellfish in all of Lisbon we ended up trying lots of dishes here like shrimp and garlic clams and garlic or oysters tiger prawns and even Barnacles first of all the oysters were some of the best and most fresh I've ever had in my life but the rest of the food was just okay I wouldn't say this place is overhyped but it's definitely not a must try in Lisbon Anna and I do not like getting recommended places that are super touristy but sadly this is one of those places don't get me wrong the staff was great the seafood was fresh but it didn't blow us away by any means if you're a huge foodie coming to lisman and want to try the best of the best you could scan this QR code right here for the most highly rated food tour now let's move on to number six walking around Alama Alama is Lisbon's oldest neighborhood located between the tus River in St George's Castle this is definitely the most beautiful part of the city to walk around because it's a maze of winding cobblestone streets unreal viewpoints ceramic tile buildings and one of the best places to see the iconic tram 28 pass you by we woke up for Sunrise one morning and walked around for a couple hours but I don't recommend this because the colors of the buildings and surrounding area didn't really pop until the afternoon usually it's a good idea to get up for Sunrise to beat crowds but this day it was not the case I recommend coming here around 10:00 a.m. and starting at the best Viewpoint called Mirador dasp doou from this Viewpoint you can see endless views of the tagus river the national Pantheon and the iconic whitewash building links with orange rooftops Alama is known to be the birthplace of f which is traditional Portuguese music and there's even a fodo museum here too also you can go to many restaurants and different surrounding neighborhoods here to listen to live fodo music if you're interested scan this QR code for the most highly rated photo show which includes port wine as well so you can listen to photo Music Live Alama is also home to some of the most impressive monuments in churches in including the Lisbon Cathedral this neighborhood is also notorious for having some of the steepest Hills in Lisbon so be ready to sweat now let's move on to number five Bellum a trip to Lisbon isn't complete until you visit BM here you get to try the original pastel danata and visit three of the most important monuments in all of Portugal including the monument to the discoveries and two different UNESCO world heritage sites the BM Tower and the jamos monastery now there are three different ways to get here first you could take tram 15 which is the most scenic option that takes you right along the river while you have the most amazing views this tram leaves from the commer square and will take around 20 minutes to reach BM the second option is taking the train which is by far the cheapest and fastest option which will get you to BM in only 7 Minutes Anna and I decided on the third option which is just taking an Uber for around $15 and this will get you to Bam in around 20 to 30 minutes depending on where you are staying in the city we really wanted to beat the crowd so we left our place at 8:00 a.m. and got dropped off right at BM Tower by 8:30 a.m. this 500-year-old Tower was built in the 16th century as a fortress to guard the entrance of Lisbon's Harbor bam is super important to Portugal's history because from right here some of the most famous explorers in the world sailed to discover the sea routes to East Africa Brazil and India we really couldn't get over how beautiful and intricate this Tower was and the way we could just walk right up to it on the beach was just astonishing you can actually explore inside and even climb all the way up the tower but Anna and I just got there way too early so it wasn't even open yet just so you know it is closed on Mondays but every other day of the week it opens at 10:00 a.m. I highly recommend getting there 20 minutes before it opens and if you scan this QR code on the screen right here you can get a skip the line ticket so right when you get there you can go right in next we walked 15 minutes over to the ganamos monastery the monastery is also closed on Mondays and on every other day it opens at 10 a.m. too we got here early around 9:15 a.m. so we decided to walk across the street and try the original pastel denata this place is called pastes de BM and it has been serving pastels since 1837 it was still pretty early in the morning so we got to walk right in and get seated at a table the inside of this place is stunning and the amount one of pastries they offer is absolutely mindblowing I don't know about you guys but I have a big sweet tooth and I was in heaven here right away we ordered a couple pastels and cappuccinos and it only took 2 minutes for them to arrive hands down this was my favorite pastel ever because it had the best crunch and was filled with a ton of custard because The Pastels were so good I just had to try a couple more pastries we had this fluffy doughnut with custard filling and even had an unreal piece of chocolate cake you really can't go wrong here but please arrive before 9:30 a.m. because wow was it crowded when we left afterwards we walked back over to the monastery and to our surprise it had a huge line people actually started lining up at 9:00 a.m. an hour before it even opened which was crazy even though we already had our tickets on our phone we didn't get in until 10:45 a.m. so it was around 1 hour of waiting in the sun which really sucks both Anna and I agree that seeing the monastery from the outside is all you really need to do and that's because waiting in that line felt like an amusement park and we only spent around 15 minutes in the monastery anyways don't get me wrong the monastery is beautiful and it definitely felt like Harry Potter Vibes like we were walking around Hogwarts there is a church you could visit too but the crazy thing is they make you wait in another line after leaving the monastery so we decided to pass up on that if you want to go in the monastery still you can you could scan this QR code right here on the screen to buy skip the line tickets I would definitely recommend getting in line by 9:30 so you don't have to wait as long as us now let's move on to number four the Tuk Tuk food tour Lisbon is a massive City with tons of Hills so by far the best way to start your trip is taking a tuck tuck tour even better we found this 3-hour Tuk tuck ride that includes traditional food and wine first we got picked up at our place and headed straight to one of the best viewpoints in the city called madoro deasa immediately on arrival our tour guide pulled out a bottle of traditional cherry liquor called ginger I hope I'm saying that right I'm really trying here guys forgive me if I'm wrong it's a super interesting drink that you obviously just have to try this was an awesome way to start the tour because the Viewpoint was spectacular with endless beautiful views I mean you could see everything from up here on our way to our first restaurant we passed by all sorts of museums and churches and this is why I loved riding in the Tuk Tuk because we wouldn't have had enough time to see all of this if it weren't for it the first restaurant we went to was called Amala tapa cinos and this place blew us away because of the amount of food we had right away we were given these Beautiful Boards of cheese meat and olives just when we thought that was all the owner came out with a flaming plate of Chito which is a traditional dish here in Portugal this is one of the most unique dishes we had during our 3 months in this country and it is just out of this world delicious it's super hard to explain why I think the Flames make it just Indescribable you got to try it for yourself during this lunch they also poured us endless glasses of wine and we even got some of the famous sparkling green wine which is Ian's favorite just a disclaimer while driving in tuktok around Lisbon some parts can be super bumpy but I guarantee it beats walking up and down Hills all day in the heat however I did find this particular ride to be rather smooth so maybe it just depends on what Tuk tuck you get something I thought was really interesting about this tour is that the motor was electric and super quiet it was nice being able to hear each other talk which is not the case for many other places that we've done tuck tuck tours in our final two spots we had even more wine and cheese and then it ended off with our favorite pastel denata place called Castro we recommend you book this Tour on your very first day in Lisbon because there is no better way to see the city learn the history and try the delicious food than on this tour next up we have number three Cabo dooka Cabo dooka is the most western point of Mainland Europe and it's on one of the most stunning coastlines we have ever seen despite it being one of the most crowded attractions around Lisbon this area still feels very remote and not build up at all which we loved there's so many different tours from Lisbon but if you want the most highly rated one you could scan this QR code right here what's cool is this day tour also includes stops at Pana Palace CRA and cashis if you guys didn't know Anna and I shipped our van all the way from the US to Europe and we have been traveling over here for more than a year now by far one of my favorite Parts about traveling in a camper van is stumbling upon the coolest campsites to sleep at we stayed at one only 5 minutes down the road from Cabo dooka and it was this massive football pitch where horses roamed around every morning which was super magical it was so cute because our three kittens would run around trying to play with the horses but I don't think the horses like them very much if you're traveling in a camper van I'll make sure to link this campsite down in the description below for you guys and if you missed any of our videos during this epic road trip around Europe you can click this playlist right above before visiting kabod dooka we decided to go to one of the most stunning beaches in all of Portugal called Ursa Beach it was awesome that this beach was right next door to cabad Roka so we just parked our car along the side of the road and walked for around 15 minutes to this amazing Viewpoint the flowers and Landscapes along the way were something I have never seen before and once you get to the Viewpoint you almost can't believe this place exists from above you see tons of these massive rocks jutting out of the ocean and waves crashing along the coastline sadly we forgot our hiking shoes and Anna ended up falling so we didn't go all the way down to the beach but if you want to it will take around 30 to 40 minutes to reach the bottom we have heard the beach down there is in incredible and there won't be too many people because it's Steep and a little difficult to get down I still can't believe this place exists this close to Lisbon but that's our favorite part about driving our own car you get the freedom and time to visit places like this after taking the views we walked right over to Cabo dooka and from here you have endless views of the Atlantic Ocean and a really cool Lighthouse if you're hungry after this you can drive 4 minutes down the road and visit delicious restaurants in this tiny little village we ended up going to a place called three Gomez and it was by far one of the best meals we had in the Lisbon area this restaurant is known for its fresh seafood so we made sure to try some octopus prawns and sardines and every single dish was delicious now up next is number two cintra in the Pena Palace visiting CRA in the Pena Palace is the number one day trip you can take from Lisbon and now I understand why this colorful Palace that's not only a UNESCO world heritage site but one of port Seven Wonders is only a 30-minute drive away from Lisbon instead of taking the train or a tour bus we booked a private old school VW van to bring us all over the coast with one of those stops being the Pana Palace Laura and Cristiano are the owners and they restore this van for 5 years and now take people on tours throughout the Lisbon area I could tell you right now this was one of the best times we have ever had because the van was so unique and they even let us bring our three kittens along for the ride our first stop was at the pen a palace where they dropped us off near the top with our tickets and from here we walked up 10 minutes to the entrance right away we could not believe how big it was but more importantly how colorful and disney-like it was this Palace is also at the top of the Centra mountains so you get a 360° view of the surrounding area and the Atlantic Ocean it actually used to be a monastery but in 1840 King Ferdinand the second turned it into the Royal Palace and wow did he do an incredible job it has Egyptian Gothic and Renaissance Styles all Blended together and is surrounded by a massive Garden this Garden's actually filled with exotic trees and plants from all over the world including the gigantic Redwood from California we both love walking on the outside of the palace the most but if you want to go inside you'll have a time slot and ours was at 11:00 a.m. sharp as you can guess it was absolutely packed at this time but we decided to go in anyways and totally regret this decision the inside was astonishing and all but we were like a herd of sheep in there really close to one another it was just super claustrophobic and kind of ruined the whole experience now it's probably because we went at 11:00 a.m. so maybe if you try to get the very first time slot at 9:30 a.m. you might be able to beat the crowds after the palace we walked our kittens along the coast and went to this tiny village on a side of a cliff for lunch this place is called aenos doar and it has to be one of the best seafood restaurants we had while in Portugal and if there's one thing you need to make sure of it's asking Cristiano and Laura to bring you here on your tour we had so many different dishes here including the octopus and seab bass and everything was just amazing driving in this VW van along the coastline and through places like kesis and cintra is something I will never forget and if you want to go on the same tour you can scan this QR code right here on the screen I mean to top off the perfect day they even found this perfect Beach for us to pull up the van and play with our kittens in the sand thanks again so much Cristiano Laura we cannot wait to come back and visit you again now up next we have number one cash in the surrounding beaches this dreamy Seaside town is 40 minutes away from Lisbon and has been nicknamed the S Trope of Portugal walking around the Oldtown here is worth the visit in and of itself because it's just as beautiful as Lisbon maybe even more so and it's way less crowded a huge plus about cash is that it has some of the best beaches in surfing spot near Lisbon you can visit on a Day Tour like us or drive here yourself and spend an entire day on the beach because this town used to be a small fishing Village it's known to have some of the tastiest seafood restaurants around and although the beaches are very nice here they're a bit smaller and more crowded than we would have liked we actually found our favorite Beach closer to Lisbon and it's only 15 minutes away from cash it's called kavalo Beach this beach is also crowded but it's much bigger so you're bound to find a spot for yourself we ended up spending a couple nights sleeping in our van right next to this beach and it was The Best Time Ever it's super massive and filled with golden soft sand tons of volleyball courts and is a great spot to go surfing especially if you're a beginner what we also loved about this spot is that it's pet friendly which made it super fun for our kittens and the amount of dogs running around was awesome I love seeing dogs near water they're so funny we couldn't recommend coming here enough but if you're driving make sure to get here before 9:00 a.m. because the parking lot fills up very fast we're big beach people so visiting cash kist and kavalu speech was the highlight of our trip [Music]
Channel: Ian and Ana
Views: 51,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lisbon, lisbon portugal, lisbon travel guide, lisbon vlog, best things to do in Lisbon, things to do in lisbon, lisbon travel, pena palace, sintra, cascais portugal, cabo da roca, tram 28, portugal, tagus river, belem tower, belem, belem lisbon, pena palace portugal, lisbon beaches, alfama, alfama lisbon, jeronimos monastery lisbon, jerónimos monastery, commerce square lisbon, Castelo de S. Jorge, st george castle lisbon, best of lisbon, best food in lisbon
Id: q3CZdXyooj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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