Day Trip to VERSAILLES...What YOU should know BEFORE visiting!

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[Music] thank you on our recent trip to Paris we decided to take a day trip out to the Palace of Versailles to check it out Versailles about nine miles away so it's a super easy train ride and day trip from Paris time for breakfast oh the first croissant on our last day what are we thinking um you're right you are right he cannot wait buttery we're in Versailles decided to take a little day trip from Paris to come check out the Palace of Versailles something that neither one of us have ever done here so I'm super excited to go check it out we got their passport ticket which kind of gives you access to everything but we might do like a couple add-ons but excited to walk around Versailles if you guys want to see what it's like to come a visit Forsyth from Paris for the day then just keep on watching and show you around it was super easy to get here we took our ERC train um it cost like almost a little bit under eight euros and um we're here in like 40 minutes sleep cheap easy simple to get here you don't have to take a transfer or anything just use public transportation like everyone else does you ready to do this do it it's awesome water bottle purchase and then handy collapsible water bottle purchase Royal drinking water it's water [Music] I mean look at this that's crazy all that gold this place is just so huge all right here's a little history lesson Versailles actually had pretty humble beginnings before this Palace was built King Louis XII built a small hunting lodge on these grounds as he loved to come here to hunt eventually he rebuilt the structure into what is the basis of the palace we see today but it wasn't until King Louis XIV that the Palace of Versailles that we see right now took shape Louis XIV took on the role of architect himself and built a masterpiece with which he would forever be Associated each subsequent King added on a bit more to the Palace as well as other structures and areas throughout the grounds the palace and other Estates were in use as a residence for each King and in Napoleon's case Emperor to varying degrees until 1833 when King Louis Philippe decided to make Versailles a museum to all the glories of France and as a means to reconcile the French people After the Revolution this is the War Room which leads into the Hall of Mirrors one of the most famous rooms in Versailles the hall and its adjoining salons was intended to illustrate the power of the absolutist Monarch Louis XIV at the time mirrors were a great luxury so having 357 mirrors was definitely a flex on venetians who at the time had a monopoly on mirror Manufacturing really freaking cool times like this I wish I had my ball going on over the top it is [Music] imagine this just being your house the Hall of Mirrors is also the location where the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1918 ending the first world war coincidentally it was also the location of the Declaration of the German Empire just 47 years earlier in 1871. [Music] foreign [Music] Chambers had to be my favorite of all the rooms it is left the way that it was decorated for Marie Antoinette [Music] [Music] they had these great free audio guides that came in multiple languages that were so handy to have throughout our visit it was information overload for sure but it was cool to learn about what we were seeing at our own pace [Music] we're out in the gardens now it's about an hour or so over an hour to go through all the little salons and apartments inside and it was very very claustrophobic sometimes I don't know if it's normal but there's a lot of like Children's School children's field trips going on today so there's a lot of groups of small children they're teachers if you're coming during High season expect for it to be like this a lot of people for some areas where it was like a little bit more open but I'm really happy to be outside in these wide open beautiful spaces because I don't know if it's just from like covered times and just not being used to being in like really tight crowds like that but oh I was getting a little claustrophobic so just something to keep in mind uh if you're planning to visit here we're gonna go try to get in line we're going to take a golf cart you can get like a separate little ticket to rent golf carts to ride around the grounds or they have like a little small train that will take you around as well so we're gonna look into that so we can see more in a quicker amount of time because this place is really really huge and we are kind of tired because we've been walking around Europe for the last two weeks there's a couple ways to get around Versailles more efficiently you can do the small train which is eight Euros 50 for a full price and that gets you around everywhere or you can opt for a golf cart in which you can be sort of in control of your adventure at Versailles for 38 Euros for the first hour and 9 Euros 50 for each subsequent 15 minute period how long have we been in this line 20 minutes oh okay I don't think it's that bad [Music] do I go right or do I go straight straight it's perfect well I don't think we need to go any faster yeah you do [Music] [Music] and I thought the palace was big you could seriously get lost in these Gardens all day they are so expansive and massive well this is fun okay I literally said looks like that guy has some wine and Nate was like dinner where's the mine damn right it was thank you [Music] it was right around this time we were very hungry for lunch they have two options in the garden this Cafe that's been here for a very long time was very cute definitely a little pricier or they had this little takeaway Cafe that was a quicker more affordable option if you're on a time crunch like we are don't go to the restaurant grab a little take away wine and the paninis they have sandwiches and ice creams and stuff you can't tell it's bumpy by no means have to rent a golf cart or take the train I saw plenty of people on foot walking there were lots of people who rented bikes so there's so many different options of getting around Versailles depending on how you would like to experience it and your price point the first stop we named was to the petite Trianon it's kind of nice at the golf cart built-in audio guide from where you are [Music] that toe was originally Built For King Louis xv's longtime mistress Madame de pompadora but it's most known as a small estate that Louis XVI gave his wife Marie Antoinette's use for her own enjoyment where are you going oh that's dark it feels really nice and cool there's a relatively small Chateau and most of it is decorated very modestly and in sort of a rustic style definitely worth visiting but what is really worth visiting here are the gardens and grounds around which we didn't really get to explore too much because we didn't want to spend too much time and it was also really hot that day Grand trionon which is a bigger Chateau in the estate of tranon that was the residence of several different French monarchs it was often used as a little bit of an escape away from the stiffness and the etiquette of the French Court where they would have guests to sort of relax a little bit more many of the Furnishings you'll see here were from Napoleon's time as this was one of his residences of choice I mean it's like at some point how many paintings and fancy rooms can you take in it's a lot it's like overloads it's just it's mind-blowing it's absolutely this isn't even we're in the grand Triana this is near the main [Music] after riding run in the golf cart for a while we decided to take it back since it does get a little bit pricey after you have it for a while and we want it to go and either throw some of the boats or get some bikes or explore a little bit more at our leisure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] Park your golf cart and if you're still on the clock essentially for your pencil so get your golf cart s halfway the golf cart is very worth it especially if you have a passport that gets you to all the different areas the grand Triana really far away to get their own slide it would have taken a walk so popcorn's very worth it but recommend using the golf cart going to those farther places Drive around and then taking it back walking down the main pathway if you want to go ahead and get bikes about why you're not like spending money on the golf cart while you're on the boat or the bike and also gives you the lay of the land when you ride around the golf cart first it's really worth it also 76 Euros I think you got to see a lot more stuff in a very short amount of time that we wouldn't have been able to do without it you can save some money and get the five euro split bottle of line instead of setting up a cafe that's that's the Hat foreign [Music] it's like a Roomba but it's a lawn mower that's pretty cool Nate wanted me to include this [Music] here I am your sleeve again babe [Music] so cool look like you know what you're doing though I've only seen on TV it's kind of crazy just rolling on the Grand Canal chilling on the water like they used to do back in the day I got my strong man should I try it stay Center uh-huh [Music] this is no joke scores are heavy yeah all right I gotta get the like motion down am I good behind me [Music] all right you're hanging in there you did all right how you feeling now you're getting it okay I think I got the Rhythm down yeah you get the Rhythm it's great I get to chill get sunburned me lady I'm enjoying the rowing team when we get back home look I need it gloves or something but yeah there you go oh hello boom yep no keep up they have nice flashing my bag that was completely dry thanks your camera's in there so I can't check that maybe I should take over how do you feel you can feel it in the uh the Belt toy it's a trapezius and the deltoids which are ruin spinning around oh that felt good it felt good actually take away Wines in the shop why not all day [Music] yeah but you'd be on this for a long time it would take a long time to get back if you went all the way down there went left and right so you'd have to be really committed to rowing through the school to be out here this is where they had a bunch of different boats on this water one of the French Kings I can't remember which one I think Louis XIV he had like gondolas with Venetian gondolias growing them all kinds of different ships that they had out here so it's kind of cool to get to experience this like how they might have done back then not as fancy because of Venetian Gondola would have been way cooler but we'll take a row boat what's up ducky foreign [Applause] you're gonna need all of it because it is a lot of direct sunlight here not a whole lot of shade when you're outside so we barely had enough sunscreen to get us by and maybe it's debatable that's what we're kind of like hustling to uh get out probably we're okay on the skin and very very sunny when you hear if you're coming during the summer we have the passport which gets you everywhere but we scanned it three times in the section where you come in and out of the the paid area and then you go into the public park and then come back and our ticket kind of went weird they let us through anyway but keep that in mind because we went through once in the golf carts and then came back that was twice and then we gave the golf cart back and walked back and they scanned us a third time that was kind of the issue so I don't really know exactly what that means but I guess keep that in mind if you're visiting maybe the passport can only be scanned so many times when you're coming out of that area after a long day at Versailles we only had two decisions take the short walk back to the train station and go back to Paris or go into the town and enjoy a bite and some spritzes before we departed I think you guys know what we chose we went down this street found this little cafe got us out of some spritzes and a pizza because we were starving and it was wonderful slice it up thank you hope you enjoyed our little day trip Vlog to Versailles stay tuned because I will be sharing our adventures in Paris very soon and maybe it's in the future and it's already done so you can check it out right here thanks so much for watching make sure to subscribe and I'll see you guys on the next video bye
Channel: Miss Moore Style
Views: 77,277
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Keywords: day trip to versailles, versailles travel vlog, paris vlog, paris travel 2022, palace of versailles, versailles, paris, versailles tour, versailles france pronunciation, versailles travel guide, miss moore style, what to do in paris, paris things to do, day trip from paris, paris day trips, chateau de versailles, paris travel video, paris travel tips, paris travel tips 2022, best things to do in paris, paris vlog aesthetic, what to wear in paris, paris trip, paris outfits
Id: 7HkQczgDMp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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