What This Amouranth Hot Tub Scandal Really Exposed, Valkyrae, Truth About 2020 Census, & More News

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Honestly, regarding the whole hot tub thing, I mean who cares, women should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. However, on the other hand, I'm worried about the small streamers who feel like they have to do this to get popular. I just wish Twitch did better.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/landsharkkidd 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love how big YouTubers and Streamers promote hot tub streams saying things like "Yeah go get that bag!" without even thinking about what they're promoting. The fact that the real arguments were completely ignored and only the idiotic sexists were addressed is completely unlike Phil. The main argument against hot tub streams is the fact that it's not considered sexualized content by Twitch, meaning that under Twitch's current TOS a minor could put on a bikini and do a hot tub stream. THAT is the main argument against hot tub streams. Not "women successful waaahh". Most people understand that Twitch doesn't have a seperate TOS for people under the age of 18. It's an international corporate sponsored pedophilia haven waiting to happen, and they're sitting here promoting it because these facts were completely ignored and dumbed down to "sexist people don't like it" lmao.

Phil is usually so good at including the real story from both sides but I have to be honest when I say he kind of dropped the ball here. What happens when the first minor goes live in a hot tub stream and cites all the popular influencers who inspired her to do it? It's a bomb waiting to go off under Twitch and anyone who's supporting this without considering the worst case-scenario.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Toxpar 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

You can become a twitch streamer at the age of 13. Would you, Phil, be OK with a 13 year old putting out the same kind of content these hot tub streamers are? I mean, it's all ok according to the rules.

EDIT: Downvote me, that doesn't change the fact that

#1 This is nothing else but pornography for children. Yes you can't verify that every person watching pornhub is an adult either, but parents have the ability to filter adult content, some ISPs even do by default, and you have to specifically request the filter to be removed on your connection. Also parents have no idea that their child may be watching this type of content, and may be spending money on this type of content.

#2 Everybody can see and understand what this content is, but Twitch is pretending like this would be something entirely different. Don't call it just chatting, it has nothing to do with chatting, this is chaturbate for children!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rabidpirate 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome back to the Philip DeFranco show. It is Tuesday, April 27th, 2021. Hit that like button, definitely subscribe, a random new subscriber for the month of April, at the end of the month, will win $5,000, Also, friendly reminder, you now have just six days left, If you wanna snag something from the brand new ShopDeFranco.com drop. They will all be skeletons, emotionally exhausted, Don't be stupid, stupid on so many things. Thank you for making this the biggest drop we have ever done to date. But yeah, with that said, let's just jump into it. And what we're jumping into is hot tubs on Twitch. So what Twitch is primarily known as being the streaming destination for all things gaming it also has an absolutely massive just chatting section. You know, there you have people that are doing things like a talk shows. They're, they're just commenting and then watching things on the internet. And then you have the scantily clad female streamers and there's been a big debate around that. And all of it is basically stepping back to what women are and are not allowed to wear on the platform. And specifically what we're talking about today are streams that involved people primarily women sitting in a hot tub in a bathing suit while talking to viewers. The thing to understand is that this is allowed by Twitch's rules because while generally they do not allow partial nudity they do allow contextual exceptions. Like if you are in a setting where a swimsuit is normal attire so long as the swimsuit falls in line with their coverage standards. And a slew a female streamers saw this exception, and were like all right let's go. And doing these hot tub streams has made some people incredibly successful. People like indiefoxx who have gained large followings regularly doing this though she's also faced bans. You've also had female streamers like Amouranth kind of becoming the poster child of this scandal if you look at certain publications. Though, of course the situation is not without controversy because you have some people saying that these streams are sort of tasteless or a death to Twitch. Some saying it's not fair for other streamers that they're taking away viewers. And you have others saying these women should be able to do what they want. That the criticisms are just people slut-shaming or being anti-women. Though we've also seen big names getting involved like xQc who tweeted, "I'm gonna be honest, this hot tub meta is by far the most pathetic thing we've seen on Twitch in forever. What a sad reality, please get this trash off the front page." But you have others like Hillary Pokket Nicole saying, "We live in a world where it's okay for men to sexualize women in media all the time. The minute a woman owns her own sexuality is somehow, gasp, immoral. Stop it. Meanwhile, you have other people like Daphne saying it's not fair to hate on the women who are doing this, right, you can disagree with it but saying it's Twitch's job to have rules and for Twitch's job to enforce rules but they do so inconsistently and also saying it's not really a big issue. People eventually get bored of these things anyway. And in fact, some are already saying that these hot tub streams are dying down but it still has sparked a conversation about sexual content on the platform in general. For example, you had Swedish streamer AnnieFuchsia going viral for her take on the situation. In the clip, she pulls up a photo of a streamer on Twitch who was dressed in what appears to be kind of lingerie or a lingerie adjacent outfit. Explaining that, during that creator's stream, she was doing yoga, jumping on a trampoline, and adding. - I don't know, like we are, we're meant to see this as normal things, IRL. Like we're not, this is like a no big deal, right? And I think when we have these things as like no big deal that means when you have actual porn it has to become so much more hardcore to be counted as porn. - Later adding that sometimes sexual content is just expected of women. And in this debate there's people saying, yeah, if you keep normalizing it people are going to say, well why are these other female streamers doing it? And ultimately with this story, as far as my opinion, I think it comes down to two things and I'm probably going to get shit for this. One, the policing of female bodies in general, which is a constant thing we see in so many different facets of our society. And two, a private company with rules that they make and enforce. And if as is there is a loophole whether intended or not that allows these female streamers to do this or really any streamer to do this, props! You figured out a way to maximize everything within the lines of the terms and service. And it's helping you thrive, props to you. Actually, if you think that's a surprising take from me then you haven't been watching me long enough. You know, my show over a decade ago was a completely different disgusting monster beast of a Philip DeFranco show. One of the ways it was different is I got massive views because I put very attractive and often scantily clad women in my thumbnail. So how am I as someone that personally benefited and gained off of the bodies of women ever going to have an opinion that's like "women shouldn't be able to do that with their body". In my eyes that's just them taking the power back, having the control. And like most of my opinions, if you're not hurting somebody else, you do you, baby boy. You do you, baby girl. Which, actually when looking further into this, I mean one of the biggest female streamers on any platform, Valkyrie, had a similar opinion when talking about the space. - So I just, I just don't get what the issue is. If no one's hurting anyone, why, what's the issue? I don't get it. - But where I think things get muddy for me, cloudy for me, where maybe I'm the most sensitive and I try to kind of take in more information, but you know when you have female streamers speaking up saying that the rise of the scantily clad women and hot tubs especially if they're doing kind of sexualized content or they dress like that and then they're doing stuff like jumping on the trampoline and doing yoga and certain poses as a way to show. That blowing up and becoming more normalized could also normalize people going to their streams where they don't do that and expecting it. But there, you'll have people pushing back saying, well that's more of an audience moderation problem. If people want what you're not offering and they're being rude about it, just kick them out. But also the argument against that is if Twitch is just putting your stream and that other stream right next to each other because you're both listed as Just Chat then what do you do? I mean, really I'd love to just know any and all thoughts you have on this. Cause I'm still digesting it. But yeah, where I stand now, I don't have a problem with any of these streamers. And actually, even if you are angry I could understand you being angry at Twitch because they could have finished this off. They could have killed this, this whole issue off yesterday. When I see these streamers these third party contractor partners I mean I don't see them doing anything that I wouldn't do if I was in their position. I mean, if we're being honest with one another if I was a young, attractive woman on the internet now you probably would already see my butt hole, are you kidding me? You see the size of the bags some of these girls have been getting? There's just not a big enough market as is or I'm about to find out in a very uncomfortable way that there is. And I'm going to have to make some really important life decisions soon. I mean, I've always wanted a private jet. I mean, owning a yacht would be cool-- No, news, news coverage. That's what I do. Tell me your opinion on this story. Not, not what I did the last 30 seconds. Thank you. From that I want to take a second to pay some bills and thank the fantastic sponsor of today's show, Reel paper. You know, living sustainably really isn't that difficult or complicated, but it can be intimidating to start and that is where Reel paper makes it simple. With Reel paper you get eco-friendly toilet paper and paper towels delivered straight to your door creating an opportunity for an easy step towards a more sustainable home. What's great is that there's absolutely no sacrifice in quality, it is still strong, soft, and since it's made from bamboo you can feel better not harming the earth. And, did I mention that they ship directly to your home for free if you subscribe. Best of all for every role purchased, Reel paper donates to SOIL, a non-profit in Haiti that provides clean sanitation to those in need. And to get you started Reel paper is offering 25% off your first order when you use code PHIL. So be sure to click that link down below or head on over to reelpaper.com/defranco and use code "PHIL" to do some good for the environment and a little for yourself in the process. Then, for today's edition of policing caught on tape. We should definitely talk about people across the country expressing massive outrage over an excessive use of force incident that happened last year involving Colorado police and a 73 year old woman. All right, so the arrest in question happened on June 26th. After Walmart employees called to report that a woman by the name of Karen Garner had walked out of the store without paying for about $13 worth of items. But Garner's family says that she has dementia and sensory aphasia which impairs her ability to communicate and understand. And so they believe that she just forgot to pay for the items, which employees made her leave at the store and refused to let her pay for. Body cam footage also shows officer's spotting Garner as she's walking home on a nearby road but doesn't appear to understand what's going on and tries to keep walking. And we see within 30 seconds of making contact a responding officer brought her to the ground. Officers aggressively handcuff her, force her into a police cruiser, and allegedly used a hobble to restrain her feet at one point. And while doing all of this they reportedly fractured her arm, dislocated her shoulder, and left her with other bruises. During the arrest, you even see witnesses stopping to ask if police had to be so aggressive with her. - [Citizen] Do you have to use that much aggression? - [Officer] What are you doing? Get outta here. - While this happened last year, all of this body cam footage just came out earlier this month after Garner's family filed a federal suit for excessive force and violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. And in the suit they claim that four police officers involved knew that she was injured but failed to take her to the hospital, call her family, or call for mental health professionals after clearly using strong force against someone who might be mentally ill. And instead they left her handcuffed in a jail cell for six hours as she cried out in pain. So with all of this, according to Garner's attorney, the DA's office quickly dropped all the charges against her once learning what had happened. After the footage came out, the Loveland police department said that the arresting officer, Austin Hopp, was placed on administrative leave with the second officer seen in the video, Daria Jalali, reassigned to administrative duties while authorities investigate the incident. And you've got the eighth judicial district attorney saying last week that he's going to investigate whether the officers broke any criminal laws. But the story also doesn't end there because yesterday new footage was released by Garner's lawyer. The video is showing officers carrying her into a cell where they reportedly handcuffed her to a bench. They then move over to computers nearby, where they laugh as they rehash what happened. They even watched the body cam footage back with the arresting officer saying "ready for the pop?" and acknowledging that he thought that it came from her shoulder. Plus we also saw this exchange as they watch the arrest. - As of the recording of this video, the department has not made a statement on this new footage but if you want some advice the proper response will be wow, that's fucked. And then as far as what's happening with Garner, where is she? Her laywers say that since the arrest, she barely communicates now and was left suffering more anxiety and worse dementia symptoms. Yeah, ultimately that is where we are right now. We're going to have to wait to see what happens. If there's any more information, if anyone will actually be held accountable. And then we should definitely talk about the US census because the US Census Bureau released the totals of the 2020 count yesterday. You know, this is very big news because this will determine how congressional seats, electoral votes, and billions of dollars in federal funding are allocated for the next decade. So, all in all, seven districts in total will be moved from one state to another based on population changes, starting with the gainers. We saw at Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon, each getting one seat while Texas took the grand prize of two. And as for the seven States that lost seats you had California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. You know, with this there are a few main overarching takeaways. So let's try and break that down. First up, these new numbers shows that US population growth has slowed drastically. Over the last 10 years the US population has grown at the second lowest rates since the census count began back in 1790. A fact that experts say was driven by a slowdown in immigration and declining birth rates but at the same time, those new numbers support trends that we are already seeing. Right, for instance, since the 1940s New York has steadily lost seats while Florida has steadily gained them until they each held 27 after the 2010 census. But now Florida is actually officially surpassed New York to claim the third, most congressional seats and electoral votes after California and Texas. And this is one of the craziest things to me, Census Bureau officials actually said that of just 89 more people had been counted in New York the state would have not lost the seat. That's how close it was. Also, in addition to keeping with expected trends there were also a number of surprises. Demographers had widely expected Arizona to gain a seat which it did not as well as Rhode Island to lose a seat which it kept. Also while yes, Florida and Texas did gain seats, they were actually expected to gain more than they did. And here's the thing. Well, gaining a seat here, losing a seat there, it's very minimal. One of the biggest opportunities that comes after a census is redrawing district lines. And this is especially true for Republican led States. So for example while several Democratic states have created independent nonpartisan commissions to draw district lines five of the new seven allocated districts are going to states where the GOP completely controls redistricting which will very likely help Republicans draw house maps for 2022 that could increase their chances to win back the five seats they need to regain the majority but also understand both the redistricting process and the allocation of federal funds can not be completed until the census data about race, ethnicity, age and sex is released. So all of this isn't happening immediately. You have the Bureau saying they won't publish that information until August. This, largely because the whole census is behind schedule. It's one of the most embattled census counts in decades. In addition to it happening at a time of a historic pandemic the agency also faced unprecedented jerking around from the Trump administration. It's also happening while the accuracy of the demographic data has been called into question by some due to concerns about how certain historically under counted groups were counted, especially with the lack of door knockers during this pandemic and the shortened timeline. Then, I mean, of course there is the possibility of lawsuits over the numbers and the existing lawsuits over the other aspects of the census. And I mean, it's all just a ridiculous mess but a ridiculous mess you should pay attention to because I mean 2022 and 2024 are just around the corner. I hate to say that. And a lot of you feel like it just caught your breath but I mean, this is, this is life right now. And ultimately with this story and honestly anything that stood out to you today I'd love to know your thoughts in those comments down below, because this brings us to the end of today's show. As always thank you for watching, liking and hitting that subscribe button, all the good stuff. Remember you only have six days left if you want to snag something from the brand new shopdefranco.com drop, then everything goes away. If you're looking for more to watch, I got you covered here or in the top links down below with some news or my brand new podcast. But, with that said of course as always my name's Philip DeFranco, you've just been filled in. I love your faces and I'll see you tomorrow.
Channel: Philip DeFranco
Views: 879,957
Rating: 4.8815289 out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Hot Tub Meta, Hot Tub Streamer, Hot Tub Stream, Hot Tub Streams, Just Chatting, xQc, Hillary Pokket Nicole, Daphne, Annie Fuschia, Valkyrae, Streamers, Viral Video, Police Footage, Bodycam Footage, Dementia, Census, U.S. Census Bureau, California, Texas, Florida, New York, Colorado Police, news and culture, politics, philly d, philip defranco, new, pop culture, satire, defanco, pds, philip defranco show
Id: mXevz-9N9PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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