What They Don't Tell You About 11th Level Spells - D&D

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I like to think that ninth level spells if given to a bunch of people are enough to completely change a big capital city a whole region perhaps if used correctly meteor storm can destroy a whole city with no much resistance spells like true polymorph can create dragons and great powerful themes from the greatest champions and powerful wish spell can fill in the blanks but as powerful as the wish spell is it has limitations under mountain is an example of the wonders that the wish spell can accomplish which is incredible but not enough to truly change more than a big region as impressive as under mountain is it really is just located within a small fraction of a country 10th level spells on the other hand if given to a bunch of people is enough to change whole continents spells like mavens create valcano had ranges of effect of about 20 to 30 miles even though the activity of the volcano would only be active for about a year the change in landscape was permanent practice move Mountain had a similar level of grandiosity it was like casting the can't remove earth but with mountains spells like mavens earth fast could completely prevent any form of cave-ins within a range of 20 to 30 miles a dedicated group of wizards casting this spell could easily create an under dark for themselves but then what about 11th level spells what power are we really talking about here well unfortunately we only have two spells ever made for 11th level one of them is powerful enough to change the world the other the solar system now for me to be able to explain Proc gives breach crystal sphere a level 11 spell I actually need to drop in a fair amount of context as an adventurer playing an adventurer like Strom Kingston or if you were to look up at night you would see all the bright stars in the sky probably the most eye-catching thing would be the moon which is called saloon the moon is particularly enthralling because following it are asteroids that are perpetually glistening like stars who forever tag along with the moon these asteroids are called the tears of saloon it would be very pretty actual an adventurer wouldn't be to blame to ask himself has anyone ever made it up there I mean think about it Wizards can teleport to any place they have either seen or been to and even if they haven't they can certainly still try has a wizard ever teleported to the moon we have heard stories of brave adventurers basking in the pristine waters of by topia or challenging the might of the evil monsters of the shadow fell and well just recently I hear there's a few that challenged the might of a Vernors but what about the Stars what exactly happens if I cast fly on myself and just keep going up well do know that what I'm about to tell you is literally cannon you can actually go to space in fact it is a lot easier than you think integration dragons gravity is an all-or-nothing power a body of mass is either attracting you through gravity or it isn't unlike in real life where it is more of a gradual thing if you were to cast in the fly spell and simply go up eventually you would leave the atmosphere and you would notice that gravity will suddenly simply stop affecting you you would start just floating in space us individual will start producing your own form of gravity albeit very small though substantial enough to carry with you a small pocket of air around you this bucket of air stolen from the planet will gravitate around you forever or at least until you land somewhere with a bigger force of gravity that will then take the pocket away from you that being said breathing from said pocket will only sustain you for about two minutes until the air runs out of oxygen living only carbon dioxide which is of course quite poisonous to breathe the size of the pocket of air differs depending on the size of the object living into space the pocket would be fairly small if it is a human but it would be quite big if it was a chunk of land if you were to for example in chant your house with levitation and then go to space in that way the pocket of air that would be created by your large home might actually be enough to sustain you for a month's space in dilution dragons also lacks the problems of pressure that real-life space possesses for example in real life if you were to go to space without any spacesuit because of the pressure your lungs would collapse and break the water in your body will start to vaporize and your skin might swell enough to burst in different locations this problem doesn't actually exist in toys and Dragons space isn't quite a vacuum as much as it is simply just a lack of atmosphere the coldness of space could be a problem in the distant Dragons but that depends entirely on the solar system that we're talking about in the Forgotten Realms for example space is actually quite warm but another space is like in great hog space can be very very cold for us however here in the Forgotten Realms that's just not a problem that we have to contend with now when you combine not having to worry about low pressure and space being quite warm you end up with a formula that actually allows for a lot of easy exploration in short as long as you have air you can travel in space without the need for a suit or anything fancy of course the problem of distance still stands as the distances between the planets is still quite large just how it is in real life so you probably won't get anywhere anytime soon on your own I swear I'm getting to the point just give me a minute to travel in space people actually use spell jammers which are ships propelled via magic if this is the only way to actually get anywhere in space at a reasonable amount of time now the technology of course to create these ships and propel them is is quite advanced not all races have managed to do that the theories however did actually manage it and actually ended up exploring space quite a bit now this is finally worthy level 11 spell that they created will come into place actually no you need more context see this is what we call round space that's the name of the solar system where the Forgotten Realms is sent the plant where you all are is torille which is right here the third planet now we don't necessarily have to worry about the other planets in this video each of them have their own goings on and there's no time to really go into them the important thing to know is that this core system is encapsulated in a bubble in fact every single solar system is encapsulated in its own bubble we call these crystal spheres now this crystal spheres are extraordinary important because they essentially denote the extent of the gods reach outside of the crystal sphere your God will not reach you or be able to see you now every dungeon dragons world has its own crystal sphere the world of Grayhawk has its own the world of dragon lands has its own everyone has its own etc etc inside of the crystal sphere the planets work as you would expect and space works the way that we just described it but outside of the spheres things are different outside of the spheres all that exists is a dense gas called the phlogiston it is believed that this gas is the very essence of creation now the crystal spheres reside around this gas like marbles in water sort of floating around in this gas preventing any of it from getting in into the respective solar systems now it doesn't matter what you do what spell you use how much you bag your dungeon master the phlogiston will never be able to get inside of the crystal sphere this is literally like the only rule that supersedes dm's in the entirety of those and dragons not even gods can make that happen that being said the crystal sphere can be opened through small portals all around it and using these portals and openings people can actually leave their crystal sphere in order to traverse the phlogiston and find another crystal sphere to explore and okay now you finally have the necessary context here we go practice breach crystal sphere level 11 spell range of touch with a permanent duration area of effect is 1 crystal sphere with a casting time of 1 action quote this spell allowed at the caster to permanently close a crystal sphere to all traffic though teleport spells would function casting this spell in its normal form supersedes any previous seal cast on it and traffic through the sphere could once again be possible any spheres sealed by this spell before the fall of nether all was closed and cannot be entered except through the use of teleport spells the sealing of the sphere prevented spell jamming vessels from entering its space only through planner travel teleportation magic or other mystical means could gain entry to a crystal sphere sealed by this spell the material components for the spell was a 100-ton spell jammer vessel that contained a major helm which was consumed at the utterance of the spell and quote now passing through a crystal sphere as the spell suggested could normally be done through a lot of different methods the natural kind which was to wait for a portal to open that would let you pass through these portals actually appeared spontaneously and randomly all across the crystal sphere at different times and that was essentially what this eleventh level spell would prevent it eliminated these portals from naturally opening now you could still however simply dimensioned or through the crystal sphere or any other form of the liberation but this however it would severely limit as you can imagine the amount of travelers that could enter the solar system not just because it is hard to find people that can teleport but because everyone travels using the spell jamming vessels and teleporting a whole vessel through the sphere well that's that's a whole other thing now imagine me showing you this 11th level spelled without actually explaining how space works in tunnels and Dragons and that would have been a nightmare but now that I did give you the context I can actually go back and explain the 10th level spell that I missed from my last video valid X sphere cell that will tenth spell with a range of touch and a permanent duration the area of effect is a single water craft with a casting time of nine minutes quote the arch wizard Valda gloved to travel not through the plains but through the prime material plane travel between crystal spheres was his favorite but he didn't like the amount of time required to traverse these long distances therefore he created this fear sail spell unlike spell jamming Helms which converted magical energy into motive force the sphere sail gained its power from one of two sources depending upon where it was being used within a crystal sphere the spell dipped directly into the magical forces of the goddess Mistral and converted this ro power into motion giving the spell gem in craft great a movement this allowed the user to go from one point to another quickly or from one city to another at lightning speed outside of crystals fear this fear sale spell focused on the rotational energies of the destination sphere bullying itself along this lines gaining speed by using this spell expel jamming vessel could traverse the distance in half the time ordinary spell jamming crafts were able to move cast upon a vessel designed specifically for spell jamming or on any watercraft the spell was permanent until dispelled by an arcanist of equal or greater level the effects of the sphere cell could be turned off and activated at will as many times daily as needed and quote see this spell was particularly good because they spell jammer used the magic of a wizard or cleric driver but the speed of the ship would be of course tied to how good the wizard or the cleric was this level-10 spell centrally allowed you to harness the raw magic of the goddess of magic in order to fuel the vessel making it be almost twice as fast as any normal spell jammer without the need for a natural driver which is huge now if you guys are actually interested in hearing about spell jammers and space and the solar system and the phlogiston then well let me know because that would have to be a whole other video there's so much to this that I cannot feasibly cover this here now the last and the only level 11 spell ever designed was called mavens world we've a range as far as you could see a permanent duration and area of effect of a mile per caster level and a casting time of 10 minutes quote the world we've allowed an arch wizard to change the weather patterns of a large parcel of land until dispelled throughout Death Row's existence the spell was used hundreds of times to stay the effects of the polar ice in its northern borders this gave Naturals land a temperate climate instead of one more suited for its placement on the globe a Arctic climb when cast the arch wizard was able to change the climate of an area by one grade either up or down it was possible to change the climate more than one step but multiple layers of mavens world weave were required and quote and here we have a graph showing us the grades with the spells you can make an area up to 30 miles in area become tropic subtropical or subarctic this spell was insane not just because of the extreme long area that it covered but mostly because of his duration of permanent a wizard could simply use this wherever he would go changing the temperature and hence changing the land anywhere he would go forever this spell was so powerful it could literally change an entire planet if simply used enough it's maybe not as grandiose as blocking an entire solar system from spatial travel but enough to be one of the strongest spells ever created so now you see 9th level spells are enough to change a city or region 10th level spells are enough to change a whole continent while eleventh level spells can change planets now if this is the case what about twelve level spells well only a single 12th level spell was ever made and all it took was for it to be casted once for the gods to completely ban anything even remotely close but we might talk about that in our next video I would like to thank my patrons of borders Ricardo fan Daniel Luna doctor cowbell skits you boy major fail gaming Sayle ugh Barry masse can't fight a magic shop doc feeder Daniel Umar Morgan Johnson sack bowel Simon Holman rusty rain and biotechnology cash vain and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patron comm slash mr. racks to support guys thank you so much for watching thank you for staying here listening to me ramble about incredibly potent spells in about space it took a while to go through that context but trust me it really was needed now in the next video we're gonna talk about 12th level spells and maybe even talk about epic magic with mentioned before in a previous video but I really want to go as in-depth as I can here making a dedicated video just for this spell so pay attention make sure you're subscribed and I look forward to that video I'll see you guys then bye bye you
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 468,991
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Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, dungeons and dragons, d&d, 11th level spells
Id: rEI0Qt3UO0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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