What These Angels Did Will Leave You in Awe…

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>> Hello, gorgeous people. My name is Emma Stark and I'm from Glasgow Prophetic Center in bonnie Scotland. So warm Celtic greetings. >> I love talking about the power of God. And I want to tell you an amazing story where an angel made me and my two friends completely invisible one evening. Hold onto your seats because this is a wild story. One morning my husband David had left early to go on a red eye flight down to London. And this demonic, ugly territorial strongman appeared at the end of my bed. So I'm alone in my bedroom and he's just eyeballing me and I'm thinking, what are you doing here? >> But it wasn't like a stick demon that you just kick out the way. It was very definitely him watching me and me watching him and getting a sense of the battle that we were about to go into later that day. Well I got out of my bed, fell to my knees, turned my back to him and worshipped Jesus. And the demon just left as fast as he'd come because he can't stand being in the presence of worship. My husband comes back and my friend and he and I, the three of us are sitting in a restaurant. We've just ordered our food and I'm telling them about this strong man demon appearing in the morning. >> As soon as I say that, he reappears and my husband can see my eyes pop out of my head as the demon opens his coat and all his minion demons roll towards me. The restaurant is full of these demons. >> And my husband says to me, Emma, what do you want to do? I can see that you're seeing in the spirit realm and something is disturbing you. Do you want us to leave? And I say to my husband, there is no way I am leaving. I'm here to eat my food, which we've just ordered. But something strange then happened. I turned to my guardian angel to have a conversation to say, how do you want to navigate this demonic soop that's in front of us? And as soon as I turn round, he's got his wings right up and they are around us. Now I call him a Psalm Ninety-One Angel because it says in that scripture that Jesus hides us under wings and sends angels to protect us. So the angel is a hider angel from Psalm Ninety-One and he's been with me for years. >> Well, his wings are up over the three of us. And from that moment, we become completely invisible. >> And I'm waving to get the waitresses attention to say, you know, where's our food? Nobody can see us. Nobody responds. I actually have to get out of the seat myself and go to the kitchen hatch, grab the food that we've ordered and take it to our table ourselves. But at the end of the night, the restaurant is empty. The demon decides there's nothing he can do. He retreats. All his minion demons go with him. All the staff are mopping the floor. The chairs are actually upside down on the tables and we are sitting in the very center of the restaurant. >> And as the demon goes, my hider angel drops his wings. Suddenly there's a rush of all the staff and they say, How did you three get into the restaurant? >> And they say, You're our prime table. How come nobody saw you? We've not seen you all night. You've been completely invisible. We looked around and saw there was nobody here and we locked the door. This is our most important, highest, best seat. And we thought it was empty all night. You have been completely hidden from our view for the entire evening. How did you even get your food? >> So what can you say to that? An angel made me invisible to protect me? So we smiled. We tipped them a little bit extra and just blessed them and we leave. But I love the fact that God doesn't just cover me spiritually, but sometimes he needs to cover me physically and give me a sense of a total invisibility to protect me from the schemes of hell. Isn't God absolutely amazing how he looks after his own. Let me tell you another angel story, because we're on a roll and you can read some of these in my book, The Prophetic Warrior. I had a friend ring me and he said. My life is a mess. I just want to say goodbye because I'm actually going to go and kill myself tonight, and he lived miles away and I couldn't get there. So my husband and I fall straight to our knees. >> Oh, Jesus. Would you save his life? Oh, Jesus. Would you intervene? Oh, Jesus. >> Would you send forth the angels to look after this young man who wants to kill himself? Well, what then happened is amazing. The gentleman was at university. He'd got on a bus at his campus. He was going into the city center to find in a nightclub an illicit selection of drugs to take an overdose. He sat on the bus going on the journey, the last journey of his life to take his own life with these drugs, and he said this. >> This funny man sat down beside me. He said, the funny man involved me in such conversation that the night bus had done an entire loop of the journey. He said, I came back to the point I got on some considerable time later and this funny man took my arm and took me off the bus. >> He said, I don't know how many loops I had done of the circuit of that night bus. He said, But as soon as the funny man got me off the bus, he said, I watched him evaporate and almost mysteriously disappear into thin air right before my eyes. He said I went back to my halls of Residence University that night. He said, All my friends decided they were going to sleep in my room, which had never happened before. And he said, I woke up and I was still alive. And he said to me, That was an angel, wasn't it? And I said, yes, it was. He said, Did you pray to release angels? And I said to him, Yes, I did. >> And that's very reminiscent of Jesus and Gethsemane who says, look, if I pray, God can send these legions of angels. Actually, the number in scripture is seventy thousand. >> That at a moment's prayer, that at a moment's intersession the hosts of Heaven, up to seventy thousand can be loosed in a moment just to guard and protect and nurture and make sure you are well. >> And so I don't want you to think that these are just one off stories that can happen to me only in in Scotland. >> I want you to know that this is to be your normal experience of partnering and interaction with the angelic who are sent by God, according to Hebrews one, to minister to you. >> So I'm just going to raise my hands up and I want you to raise your hands up at the on the other end of this camera. And I want you just to grab the blessing that I am releasing to you. >> So in the name of Jesus, I loose a sharpness to your spiritual senses that every part of you that is dull spiritually, that's broken right now. I lose a super sensitization that you may see and hear and perceive and know and understand the spirit realm and that you now will come into a place where you work with the ministering spirits of the angelic that God has already dispatched to oversee your well-being in Jesus name. >> Amen. >> Hello, my name is Blake Healy, I'm part of the senior team at Bethel Church in Atlanta and I'm the director of the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. A big part of my testimony is that for as long as I can remember, I've seen angels, demons and other spiritual things with my eyes the same way I'd be seeing you if you're with me. >> And I want to share one story about that happened about, gosh, I guess it was about 15 years ago. I was I was in a time where I was trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life, what God had for me. And there was just a lot of options. And I was trying to figure out, Lord, what do you want me to do? And what's what's the best way? And so I was in a night service on a Sunday night and worship was just coming to an end. And immediately I just felt this compulsion like I need to I need to go outside. I didn't know why. I just felt this compulsion. I need to go outside. And so it was the awkward time when everyone was trying to sit back down. And so I was bumping into people as I was walking my way out of the out of the aisle and walked outside to the parking lot. And there's this little hill at the top of the parking lot. And I felt like I was supposed to go up there. And so I walked up the hill. And as I as I did, I I saw this angel standing at the top of the hill. Now, because seeing angels has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, it's not something that's ever really been frightening for me or really that surprising. In fact, when I would hear stories of angels starting their message with, you know, be ye not afraid, I always wondered, why would they say that? Because angels aren't very scary. This angel changed my mind, though. It it was covered head to toe in fire. And it was just it was burning so brightly that I couldn't even really see it very clearly through through the flames. And there was even more than its appearance, you know, it was it was at least over ten feet tall. And even though even more than its appearance, there was this just this heat, this energy radiating from it. And the best way I can describe it is it felt as if this angel like if you were near a campfire at night time and there was a coal that was at the very center of the fire that had been kind of kicked out of the fire, and you could see the heat radiating off of it in the cold night air, this angel was like that. I could feel it. This angel had been close to God in a way that I had never been before, and it was radiating with the heat of that encounter. And so as I went up there, the angel started talking to me about what God wanted to do with my life. And one of the things that he did was he pulled out this scroll and on the scroll, it was kind of a navy blue, like this dark, dark blue background with this line. And there were all of these lines going in all these different directions. And the lines were moving. They were splitting this way and moving that way and intersecting. And I knew that every single line represented a plan that God had for my life, an idea that he that he had for my life and and the people that I would interact with, the people that I would connect with, and every single one of these things were interconnecting and going back and going all these different directions and reorganizing. And I realized that the reason it was all moving was because that represented all of the choices that people had. You know, at the time I was I was dating the woman who is now my wife and the mother of my five children. And I was even deciding there Lord, is this the right person for me? And I could see versions of this plan where we chose to marry each other and our lines connected, and then a different version where we chose not to. And I realized as all of this moved in, perfect elegance, I felt like it was an idea that was too big for me to really understand myself. >> I really felt like I was holding the corner of a very, very large blanket, like I could just kind of hold on to one little piece of it. I realized that the perfect the perfect nature of God's plan was that he had created people, that he had given free will to, that he had given options, choices, that he had created a world where we could choose all kinds of things and that his plan was accommodating, ready for, was prepared for every single choice that anyone could have possibly made. And grasping that idea, just a corner of it completely overwhelmed my mind. And the amazing thing was that as I as I look back at the angel, after looking at the looking at the scroll, I could see through the fire a little bit more clearly. I could see that this angel was wearing these beautiful, ornate robes that were covered in jewels that that even the the gold that the jewels were set in was was ornate and beautiful. >> It almost looked organic, like like like the way that leaves grow and even the way that the jewels were set in them wasn't with fasteners like we do when we make jewelry. It was it was as if the jewels themselves were growing out of the gold like it was something organic. And again, it was just unspeakably beautiful. And as I was seeing this, I just had this realization that the the more that we learn about who God is, the more it makes room to know more about who he is. The more that we hear his voice, the more we have room for more of his voice, that he is inviting us to know him more and more and more, to understand him more and more and more. And, you know, that's what I really believe seeing in the spirit is. It's an invitation to know God more, to know his plans, to know his purposes, to know what he's doing and to know what he's going to do. I had a friend tell me once that, you know, I don't know if I like that idea because I want it to be mystery. >> I want there to be I like the idea that that things are bigger than I can understand. Well, the great thing about God is that he's infinite. There is there is no limit. No matter how much we understand of him, no matter how much we learn about who he is and what his plans are, there is always more. And I had this very thought as I was looking at this plan that I felt like maybe I kind of understood that plan a little bit. >> And the second that I had that thought, the angel turned the scroll on the side and pulled it. And the the image that had just been a moving two dimensional picture on the scroll on the scroll immediately turned three dimensional. And the little itty bitty piece that I felt like I understood of how that plan worked, how it accommodated all those choices immediately became way too overwhelming for my brain. And it felt I felt like a plug that had been plugged into a socket that was had way too much electricity behind it and just felt kind of fried, like I couldn't understand that. >> And that's the beauty of knowing God and and pursuing gifts like the prophetic and seeing in the spirit is that we get to be invited in to understanding more of who he is, of peeling back the layers of mystery of all of the beautiful truths that he's hidden for us. And the last thing I just kind of wanted to share with that is I've met a lot of people who pursue the mystery of God, who pursue just these amazing encounters with him. And I think it's a beautiful thing to pursue encounter. God wants to encounter us more and more and more. The one thing I'll add and I'm very grateful because I feel like the Lord has put these people in my path throughout my life. Is the safest way for us to reach out, further, reach deeper into the mysteries of God, is to have an incredible support system of people who can hang on to us, who we can hold on to as we reach out to understand more of who he is. So that we don't get off track, so that we don't just let the mystery be our motivator, but relationship with him and relationship with his people be the motivator. >> Because that's the incredible thing that you'll discover as you pursue the mysteries of God, is that they're not just mysteries for mystery's sake they're not just supernatural, for supernatural's sake. Every single thing that he does is an invitation to know him more. Every single thing that he reveals is an invitation to know him more, to love him more, and to step into a deeper and more personal relationship with him. And so I'm going to pray for you, if that's all right, wherever you are. And I know this is just a video, but wherever you are, put your hands out in front of you. I just I just bless hunger for mystery for every single person out there. I bless a hunger to know more of God. And I just release the revelation that you have been invited to know God more. He is not hiding from you. He is hiding for you. He wants to reveal himself to you piece by piece, bit by bit, because he wants you to know him personally as a loving father, as a big, amazing, mysterious, loving father, but also a personal and intimate, loving father. So I just release that invitation. I bless your eyes to see. I bless your ears to hear. And I just bless your heart with a hunger for more of the mystery of God and more of a loving relationship with God in Jesus' name. Amen. >> Hi, I'm Kelsey O'Malley. And today I'm going to be telling you an amazing supernatural encounter I had with the Lord one night in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. I was awoken to this ear- piercing sound. It was so loud and it was a high, high pitched sound. And I saw this light in my room for this light filled my room. And there was a sensation all throughout my body of intense pins and needles. Like you would think, if, if you fell asleep on your foot and it goes to sleep and you start to have the numbness come, times that times a thousand. That's how intense the pins and the tingling was throughout my being. And with this high pitched sound, I heard a sword being pulled from a sheath. A "shing" sound, so loud. Ear splitting-ly loud. And then all of a sudden I heard all these screams, these high pitched demonic screams going all around me, and it seemed like they echoed even far away and close up. It was all different ranges of sound that I was hearing. And so at that moment, I, I threw the pillow off my head and I sat up in bed and everything closed. The sound was gone, everything was there, and it really shook me. It shook me to the core of my being because it was so real. It was more real than this, me sitting here. And I laid awake that whole entire night seeking God and asking, God, Lord, what? What just happened? Lord, what was that? And hours later, the Lord revealed to me that he had sent warring angels to fight on our behalf, to push back the darkness, even for our families at night while we sleep. His angels are warring against those things that are coming against you and even all of the fear that has been placed on the Earth and crept into our homes. The Lord says I've sent my warring angels to fight on your behalf. And if you look with your spiritual eyes, there is more that are with you than against you. And so the Lord's message for you today out of this is that all fear has to leave in the presence of Jesus, in the presence of Heaven. That you know, that you know that heaven is for you, fighting for you and your family and protecting you. These angels are here on assignment from the Lord, and so do not fear. Do not worry, but find your strength in the Lord. Find your strength as you turn to Jesus. And so father right now, in Jesus Name, for every single person listening, I ask that they would be able to see in the realm of the spirit, the warring angels. Father, I ask, and impart this encounter to them now in Jesus Name. I ask that you would open their spiritual ears to hear in the realm of the spirit. Father, I ask that you would fill them fresh with encounters. Fill them fresh with your anointing. Holy spirit, you're unstopping ears even right now, I even feel like people are even being healed right now in their ears that have been hard to hear, even in the natural, the Lord's opening up the ears, even in the natural right now, someone's ear just opened in Jesus name for the glory of God. Father, I thank you. So expect these encounters with God. Expect Him to show you Heaven. Expect Him to show you what He's doing on the Earth because He wants to partner with you. He wants your heart to be free from fear and free from worry. And so the Lord is going to show you great and mighty things which have not even entered into your imagination because He is so faithful. Father, we love you. We give you all the glory and we thank you for what you're doing on the Earth. Amen.
Channel: Supernatural Stories
Views: 49,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angels, angel encounters, Heaven, faith, prayer, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, spirit world, spirit realm, invisible world, invisible realm, Supernatural Stories, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network
Id: 1-NkrceH_-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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