What This Angel Told Me About Money Will Amaze You!

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>> Hi, I'm Jamie Galloway, and I want to tell you about a story, an unexpected and surprise visit from a messenger from heaven at night, two in the morning. Everything that followed is an amazing story, it's a true story, it happened to me. I believe many of you right now listening to this have had unusual encounters, some of those that you may not even feel comfortable to share, but they're leading you into an adventure with God. God wants to give you an amazing adventure with him. And they are these catalyst moments that set you up for an incredible story filled with the Holy Spirit, adventure and the supernatural. Two in the morning one night, and this would have been about six years ago, I was up in the middle of the night, woke up to an unexpected surprise visitor. It was a messenger from heaven. An angel. An angel walked in to the room that I was laying down in. And to my surprise, startled, I woke up thinking somebody had just broken into my house. But when I had woken up, I realized it was not a normal person. It was an angel. And he was standing before me, walking in front of me. My body was frozen, almost as if in fear, but at the same time sort of caught up in the presence of God. His presence was washing over me and I could feel the glory as this, this messenger had just departed from heaven itself and had come to me to deliver a message. I could feel the presence of Jesus. And as the angel walked past me, the angel spoke this over me. God is going to anoint his Josephs. He's going to take them out of the dungeon. He's going to teach them to take one and make it two and take two and make it four. And he gave me this word, and immediately upon saying these words, he disappeared. As he disappeared, I could feel the tangible presence of Jesus just washing over me. It was real. It changed my life. I couldn't move, and I was so calmed by what I had heard, yet so startled by all the magnitude of what I'd been hearing. And I didn't know what to do, and I just laid there stunned in the presence of God. I drifted off to sleep. When I fell asleep, I went into a dream and this was a deeper place of sleep than I had been before. And it was as if as the night went on, more and more revelation was coming. And in this dream I was literally catapulted into the cosmos. I heard the audible voice of God speaking to me. I could feel his presence wrapping around me. And as I was shooting through the cosmos and looking at the stars and the planets in this dream, I heard the voice of the Lord. The Lord spoke audibly and he said, I'm going to open up doors for you, doors to kings and doors to presidents. And he went on and he shared many other things pertaining to my life and to things regarding prophecies that I would fulfill. And so I came out of that encounter. I didn't know what to do. I was stunned, it was a dream, but it felt so real. And maybe like me you've had some dreams that felt so real, so real that when waking up, you can't even tell the difference between that and reality. That was what happened to me for about the first 30 minutes upon waking, I sat there stunned, kind of pulling it all together, both the angelic minister that had visited me with the message and the encounter that I had as I dreamed that dream. It was all sort of a blur but yet God was speaking to me and I needed to see that there was something of His purpose in all of it. As I began to unravel that encounter, I began to think about the Josephs, and many of you are Josephs right now, and you might be sitting in a dungeon season of your life and you're going, God makes sense of this. How does any of this make sense? Part of the Joseph anointing, as you may know, that God's been speaking over his people is to bring a wealth and see the wealth transfer happen where God wants to restore wealth to His people and wants to put His people in a place of influence, influence over the wealth of nations, influence over the wealth of cities. And that Joseph of anointing began to unravel, I began to see it and begin to understand elements of that Joseph anointing, and I began to pray and release that word over people and they began to see breakthrough. Some of the breakthrough that they were encountering in the stories as I released that prophetic message that the angel gave was about people coming into inheritance, some of them immediate. Others were buying businesses and their businesses, that were literally generating six figures, they were buying for unreasonable prices like a dollar. I spoke to one gentleman after praying for him. I came back a year later. He said, You released that impartation over me and I literally bought a six figure business, a coffee business for $1. And now today it generates over six figures. It's the Joseph anointing. And I said, God, I believe in Joseph anointing, is not just for the people I minister to, but for me as well. So I started partnering with my family over business. And I remember at that time, God opened up a door for me to jump in with my family in the restaurant business. And one of that, one of those moments that stood out to me as I was deep into that business, on the weekends, I was doing ministry but during the weekdays I'm part of that business, I was down in the basement of one of the restaurants making dough. It's a pizza business and I was making dough. And after 8 hours of literally folding dough with my own hands, my back was aching. My body was not used to this. I was saying, God, I need a break. But I'm also going to remind you of something. You told me that you would open up doors to kings, and doors to presidents. There was this word reverberating through my spirit, and I said, God, I'm down here making dough in this dungeon, feels like a dungeon, but like Joseph, I'm calling out to you about this dream, this dream that you put in me. God, speak to me and show me. I'm so grateful for everything you're doing in me, but God, show me. In that moment, my brother came through that door and said, You look exhausted. Let's go for a jog. So I left behind what I was doing, folding that dough, washed my hands, my arms were literally caked in dough. It was, it was surreal. I was going, God, I can't believe I'm doing this. But you're, you're setting me on this assignment. I said, But I'm reminding you, you told me that I would be ministering and, Lord, you would open up doors to kings and to presidents. And so have you ever had one of those prophecies that are so high, so lofty, it's like way out of reach and only God can do it? So we get to downtown Saint Louis and we go on this jog, and just before the jog begins, my brother and I are suiting up, put on our headphones on. We're going to get refreshed, nice, cool air. It's evening time. And I say out loud, the president is here. And my brother says, What are you talking about? I said, The president is here. And it was like this prophetic unction was coming out of me. He said, That's ridiculous. What are you talking about? So we get in the jog and we jog for about 20 minutes. And at the end, as we're nearing the end of the jog, 20 minutes into it, we're huffing and puffing, trying to push through this jog, get a little refresher breathing in this nice evening air. We make a turn into this downtown area of the park, and there's this huddle of people and they're all huddled around one person. My brother says, Who is that? And I looked and I said, It's the president. He goes, You're kidding me. And we begin to run straight towards the president. It was a former president. And as I'm running towards that former president, the Secret Service pull back their, their sport jackets, and they show me they have their loaded, they have Glocks, and they said, whoa, back off, back off. And I said, I'm sorry, I'm just out for a run and I would love to talk to the president. And they said, Oh, no, no. And the former president looks at me, says, Come here. And I come close and I shake his hand and I just thank him for his service to our country. And in that moment, I feel the spirit of God speaking to me and saying, I open up the doors. I alone open up the doors that no man can shut. Maybe you're in a Joseph season, or you've been locked in the dungeon and you don't know where your prophecy is going to come to pass. But God knows. And he can make it happen just about anywhere. I believe many of you who are watching this are calling out to God about the dreams and the visions and the encounters you've had and saying, God, is that just my imagination? Are you really going to make it happen? Well, I want to tell you, even in the dungeon, while you're folding dough, God can speak to you and open up a door. Just like Gideon when he was threshing the wheat and the angel of the Lord appears to him and prepares him to be a hero for Israel in that hour. God wants to do the same thing with you. Father, I pray for those watching this that you would give them a Joseph anointing, pull them out of the dungeon and cause them to see multiplication. I ask for an anointing and an impartation. Angels are on assignment right now watching over the word they have spoken and there is a Joseph season coming to your life to come out of the dungeon, to the high place, to minister to the pharaohs of your land, to speak over those pharaohs what Jesus wants to put in you to release to them. I bless you with that right now, receive that in Jesus name. As angels are waking you in the night and prophesying over you, speaking to you, get ready. You're about to embark on a new adventure you've never seen before. This is a new day, this is time to come out of the dungeon to see an addition and multiplication in your life and to speak over those people that God has commissioned you to speak over. I bless that in your life, in Jesus name.
Channel: Supernatural Stories
Views: 703,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angel, angels, angelic encounters, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Heaven, prayer, faith, invisible world, invisible realm, spirit world, spirit realm, Jamie Galloway, Supernatural Stories, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network
Id: N7cG1uKbPT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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