What the Heck has been Happening at Linus Tech Tips??

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Gamers Nexus exposed a lot of problems over at lonus Media Group and they cited their insane frequency of videos I don't know what our current count is weekly but I know it's very high very rarely am I particularly proud of a video I've worked on the accuracy with their information within their videos maybe because of that insane frequency rather it becomes intentional to do so because of the knowledge of that approach and a lot of the Fatal flaws within ltts or Linus Tech tips is communication within their company lonus Tech tips did respond to these claims and said they're going to fix these things over time but through it all we put together a PL a lot of people in the community were actually positive on this surprisingly and the lonus tech tips viewership has actually stayed relatively good if not better since all of this went down but is everything that lonus Tech tips said just virtue signaling it underscores our new commitment to do whatever it takes to move Beyond just enter entertainment to become the authoritative voice that you guys deserve and the one that we all want to be or has LT actually gotten better in these three months since all this went down so I want to stress I'm just here to check up on them I'm not here to like hold lt's feet to the fire or anything like that I don't have that kind of authority I want to know what you think about this whole situation let's jump in if you go on to the LTT Channel they did say they're going to be slowing down their video production so that they could make every video higher quality we don't need to run at this pace in fact in some ways it's our efforts to keep doing more and keep doing better that have created our current situation 10 days ago 8 days ago 7 days ago 6 days ago 5 days ago 4 days ago now this one there's like a 4 day Gap in between these two videos it seems like at least at times they are putting out videos Almost daily in this case it almost looks look like they put out two videos in the same day I'm not exactly sure if that's what it was before this whole incident went down with Gamers Nexus they were putting out basically a video day on their main Channel and they have other channels like short circuit which also still put out a lot of videos one day ago 2 days ago 6 days ago 8 days ago 9 days ago 13 they still put out a lot of content even on this channel as well now the real question is is the frequency of the videos that they're putting out actually a problem it it could be a problem if they're lowquality videos but it kind of seems like their quality has gone up let's jump on to the next [Music] session LTT isn't an interesting situation as a company in general because the kind of content that they put out is ju to posing I'm using big big fancy word to itself so that's a laptop they got a laptop that was very it's like a military grade like very strong materials and they basically spent this entire video basically just trying to break the damn laptop yes this isn't going to be the most scientific video out there but that's what exactly what makes LTT content hard to make because they do have information within their videos but a lot of it is pretty crazy and it's not really that together in terms of content they recently got this thing which is a chiller and what they did is they wanted to cool a CPU so your processor on your computer with this Chiller and this thing can get your CPU down to like 10 degrees 10 like it can literally freeze the water that's Cooling and this is something normal people wouldn't really ever do check out this section all right I don't think we need the farting sound effects Alex they were implied for those of you wondering the point of what I'm doing is to prevent any condensation that forms on the CPU from shorting it out and that condensation is very likely because it's going to be so cold that any moisture in the air is going to turn to liquid as soon as it touches it they're still explaining why they're doing this thing they're putting this this grease on it or this is like goo or whatever you want to call it I know you might call it so because this Chiller that we just talked about is so cold so they want the computer to not kill itself but they also show another part in this video Even though again this is so ridiculous but listen to what lus says here quick note in a perfect world we wouldn't be using an acrylic or Plexi topped block for Sub-Zero Cooling in the short term like what we're doing it's okay but if you ever wanted to go chilled liquid for a long-term build you would want to get something that is all delin or acetel on the top but it's cool to see that even on the ridiculous projects they can explain it same with on this MacBook they literally put new a new cooling system inside of the MacBook and yeah they even explain certain things like this we got rid of the Emi Shield so we're going to be replacing that with more capton tape you know they they're putting things like Emi Shield if you don't know note that is electromagnetic interference shielding so it it protects the components within your computer so they're actually even warning you if you were to do something like this that you need to put Emi shielding on the device if you wanted to do something that's stupid now they're not really recommending you do this it's really important when you're reviewing a product that you give people accurate information to work with because you're actually recommending if somebody should or shouldn't buy a product and it seemed like they had a ton of errors in their content before so when LT came off of their little Hiatus it seemed like they knew that this review on this graphics card here this was a Moment of Truth to see if they had improved and were keeping their word to getting their content consistent given this is our first post Hiatus Hardware review and we were working under a deadline we had to make some tough choices on which gpus to include in our roster you know they they took their time to choose what they did and actually did only the right products that they could do in a reasonable amount of time and I'm pretty sure with this review on this graphics card they were actually a day late they weren't the day on time and I know this because I actually got this graphics card to review um I knew what day that they had it and they could have put it up and they didn't have a video up that day they had it up the next day see look I made a review on it you can see right here there was no pin comments so they didn't really make any major mistakes and I don't think anybody really had anything to say that like is like really bad or anything so but and then they did this in a future video if it actually works works like this segue to our sponsor AMD the new Radeon RX 7700 XT and 7800 XT are here with up to 16 gigs of gddr6 memory and amd's FSR 3 for Sharp visuals and high frame rates these graphics cards dare to ask what if game but more good so they made a video that was actually positive on these graphics cards they ended up advertising it in a video that came out about 2 weeks later after this one came out were they working with them beforehand we have reason to believe that they were and did that influence their review now in this specific review I don't think it was an issue because they were saying what most reviewers were saying and even an opinion that I had on the products before they were put out there is that they were a decent value anyways a little iffy to see LT taking sponsors from the same company that they're reviewing products from they made a review on the steam deck OLED through this video I I think they were pretty accurate with a lot of their stuff and they showed the benchmarks here seemed good to me like I honestly I have nothing to complain about here they didn't pen a comment that was actually you know like saying they made a mistake or anything like that and it seems like the comment section is pretty normal by everything that happened with this Gamer's Nexus video seems like LTT is in a decent spot nowadays something I did want to point out which was really interesting and probably something I'm not sure if lonus has ever done in the past maybe has like I don't know don't quote me on that but has they actually re-uploaded a video because the information they put within this video was not good so this was a secret shopper so what they did is they bought a pre-built PC from a bunch of different companies and they judged them on how much value they got of the product they judge their customer service their delivery times uh for one of the companies here called star Forge it has nothing to do with a dick they actually re-uploaded the video and then they put this section in through to clar say the best for last star Forge $300 for shipping is that in US ah while our invoice said $300 for shipping in their checkout you can see the shipping cost should be $99 and the rest is import duties and taxes that they're charging up front so you don't get a surprise bill when the creater drops off your PC they added that section in after the fact because they didn't like the information they put in there they did pin a comment to say this was a re-uploaded video to clarify the star Forge section with regard to the cost of shipping we believe this new version is a much more fair representation of what it's like to order from Star Forge systems today so they actually took down a video which does risk the viewership on the video not being as good in order to make the content better could this not last in the future who knows but this is definitely a good step in the right direction and we all know the Billet lab situation that whole thing where they sold the company's prototype product on an auction was all done because of a poor communication within the company this is more the communication within lineus Tech tips not really to us specifically I actually think they've been doing pretty good communication with us I'm going to keep this part kind of short because I don't really know we can only logically assume that their their communication their company as a whole is getting better because we've seen that there are less mistakes in the content within the channel I can't 100% guarantee that now it's been 3 months since the gamers Nexus video and we look at LTT Linus Media Group and everything now they they're looking pretty good nowadays when I initially saw the here's the plan video for an entire week we have done almost nothing but dig through every misstep and conduct face-to-face meetings between our teams with the goal of surfacing the communication and the teamwork challenges I was pretty skeptical along with probably a lot of the communic uh a lot of the community about this but I was optimistic about LT and that they're going to be able to change for the better now over these 3 months we've seen that they've been doing some of the right things while still making content that we actually enjoy would taste delicious I've never had had a drink that's below zero you can have all of the nice fibers from the factory in China that made that heat exchanger I mean it's probably good for you doesn't taste that much colder well it's very plasticky I wonder why and based on the viewership on their videos it seems like people are still watching them and that is a good thing it was crazy to me to see that they actually took down one of their videos because the information in it isn't what they wanted to represent even though this misinformation was only a small part of the video they still chose to take it down and re-upload it with the correct information to me that's a huge step in the right direction that takes a lot of guts to do something like that but what I really want to talk about here at this point in the video is Gamers Nexus this video has actually become second most popular video on their Channel and within 3 months it has 5.5 million views you know obviously this video on the channel wasn't monetized or anything like this they weren't trying to make money on it but the thing is like they're still held to that standard that they're the ones that con out lineus Tech tips maybe it's just me but I felt like in their content they felt a little bit more insecure about their testing and stuff like that they have to overe explain things to make sure that we get the message across for ITX methods we're going to have a separate video coming up soon detailing the full thermal and acoustic testing procedures we're looking at multiple configurations within the same case to try and understand where it performs well and where it performs poorly because Ely with ITX it is so massively variable compared to ATX where one can't fit a larger cooler and the other one can because if you standardize you have to choose the smallest of them and it's not a realistic or a fair representation I was trying to look through their videos to try to find evidence about them doing this and I I couldn't find a whole lot so this could be kind of maybe just a feeling that I'm having that they're having to overe explain things for their content to kind of compensate but I swear I've been seeing it in their videos they talk about things kind of too extensively for what's really necessary I wanted to know you guys had the same Vibe with Gamers Nexus right now I don't think they at all need to be insecure about their content they make great content so I don't know why they should care now for this overall situation with LTT over this time and how they've changed me and a lot of other people are probably very worried about the whole Gamers Nexus video and if it was just going to be a negative thing for the community that they're calling out LTT and LTT couldn't really improve actually there was so many of freaking videos the deserved downfall of lonus tech tips deserved self-destruction of lus tech tips the fall of Linus Tech tips the deserved that's not lus Tech tips quite a few videos that were like dooming LTT and stuff like that we've actually seen lonus Tech tips content improve and they've also been keeping their mistakes to a minimum which is a a pretty large Tas ask for them I guess though I do fear that over time especially with how much their their channel has still been uploading they don't be careful here and watch themselves they could easily slip back into the same cycle of messing up their content that they did before so hopefully they're they're keeping tabs on things doing meetings and stuff to make sure they're communicating well inside the company and I also have concerns about them taking advert advertising space from the same companies that they're reviewing products from to me this is pretty misleading anyways though I am happy that things are able to improve from this I didn't know if it's going to be able to or not and everything didn't go to like a lot of people probably thought it was going to so let me know what you think about LT and Gamers NEX is that whole situation 3 months later what do you think about their content I'll see you guys in the next video you have a good one and [Music] peace
Channel: Vex
Views: 61,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ltt, linus tech tips, lmg, linus media group, gn, gamers nexus, drama, vex
Id: vXsaJyiqbP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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