VIDEO SHUTDOWN BY FBI? I Bought FBI storage unit- Prepper's locker finds- I bought an ABANDONED unit

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hello everybody how we doing and i hope you're all having a great day this video guys well i released it a while back ago and for some reason there was an issue 15 days later guys so let me tell you the story in the youtube world when you put out a video they checked the video with a.i in the beginning of the video for some reason this video is red flagged 15 days later after 27 000 views my number one video at the time i have no clue why so i contacted on the behalf of jeremy hales telling me hey just contact youtube so that's what i did i went to youtube i asked them what happened i don't know if i'm talking to ai or what when i typed to them they responded we checked the video we do not see any issues we'll have someone look further into the video okay no issues i figured everything was going to come back after three days they responded saying that there was excessive foul language at one part of the video and they gave me that time stamp ladies and gentlemen let me tell you there was no file language in that part so i want you guys to watch the video you tell me if you have any foul language that you see and where it's at and let me know and guys if you already seen the video please please please just watch the entire video help me out and give it a thumbs up pass it on to your friends because i think the fbi shut my video down the lady that owned this unit was an fbi agent and that makes the only sense because i talked to all these other youtubers they've never heard of anything 15 days and then the video gets shut down makes no sense whatsoever and the time stamp they told me ladies and gentlemen where the you know excessive language occurred definitely didn't happen so once again if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell get all your notifications check out you can buy the stuff you see and in this video guys once again it was fine for 15 days they shut it down you've seen it before please please please watch it again watch entirety walk away just let the video play give it a thumbs up i appreciate every single one of you guys out there thank you so much have a wonderful day are you [Music] [Applause] some people buy storage lockers to find gold silver guns but this is probably the greatest find this year [Music] one slice the space tile from the space shuttle columbia in store since 1979 hey youtube universe how are we doing today robertson the auctioneer extraordinaire and i just bought this unit look at how many doors it is a 10 by 20 and it's a little packed when i say a little packed i mean a little pack and it was so packed that i had to bring in some reinforcements so the guy the man the myth the legend mr dave lily hello and uh what's your name your story thrift warehouse where's geneva geneva ohio ohio that's right so a lot of this stuff will be able for purchase at the thrift warehouse so who knows what we're gonna find we gotta start digging through stuff we'll show you anything good we find i'm excited i know dave's excited miss piggy up money in the bank that's what i like to say not much nipple and dave why did we buy this unit for the fun of it so nobody else got it who owned the unit oh miss fbi lady this lady worked for the fbi federal bureau of investigation i already bought her first unit last month and this is their second this is her second one this is the big boy last month was a five by five this is a 10 by 20. what's behind this wall of stuff we're gonna find out and once again if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell get your notifications and we ship everywhere in the world so go to and you can buy this stuff i'm ready to dig in let's go all right we got grass and stuff don't watch your head again man i'm gonna get i'm gonna get taken out household stuff what do you want to do just start pulling out let's see yep dave's already taking his toilet paper that's the best commodity we're gonna hang out look at that three things in toilet paper how much do you use in your shop every day robert how many right here how many sheets oh my three guys use that much toilet paper there's more three of us [Applause] you're gonna get killed now we have to slowly pull that out gotta get really up here stuff lance where's that chair at it's gonna be tough ways don't try this at home this is a trained professional no you're not nobody's dying if i get hurt or die of my kids and my wife i love them it's all fun and games here she was a cannery those peaches yeah just a toner toner checkbooks i mean we got money we got chats we got checks oh look at this i sold one of these before we got good money for them really she's got some jewelry to show you oh gosh nice nice nice that's a good sign dave well grab a tote and just stop putting this i will yeah this stuff will go in there [Music] [Music] asparagus asparagus where's the expiration date it's 29 may 20th dave 2020. you know salsa ain't bad i'll tell you what we got some oh here i'll leave you this one this one's the other hot one [Music] enchilada sauce they're doing well bandanas oh you can wear those biking we're gonna need them today look at all the boxes ladies and gentlemen oh these are cold out here oh you see that cool metal what is that trunk thing you got to get this you want to get this one door open drawer i think we looked in them oh it's closed closing there you okay with it then we'll just throw it up there good to go that's where that nine millimeter is nope oh man more food more food navy bean staple 52 cd player from sony that looks like it's broken i don't like that part about it oh wow wow we're making progress but we're not even making it there's so much to go in here so much stuff to go through it look at it salad dressing why would anybody buy this much salad dressing why dave do you like raspberry yeah honey mustard red wine vinegar greek vinaigrette blue cheese so man all this stuff looks like 2016. i'm gonna guess cookbooks money hey dave didn't you just tell me you sold a bunch of mason jars everybody getting this unpacked this stuff miracle grill started growing we could start growing i want to hit the shop i think i'm gonna take this one i'm taking this plant food dave more canning jars more brand new toner brand new toner more canning dryer stuff an indian cap more indian stuff okay this lady boarded and kept everything probably oh it looks like you got food saver bags in here all brand new like deep cleaning gel pegs holy smoke you got a dishwasher dave yes look at this all the big finish i'm gonna take the this is the 232 and this is the 84 you take that one that's fine wow i'll just take the 64. i just bought you know i just bought a big pack but don't worry it's not like you're not watching you're not like you're not gonna use it dave unbelievable we got toilet paper paper towels and oh dave we see a fridge look at this look at this food safe oh the copper shop copper chef stuff brand new stainless steel kabob racks this whole thing's just filled brand new stuff in here dave you're gonna make a killing laundry soap yeah what's that oh dave this is even better what you thought dave told you the copper shop yeah the digital cooktop though that's the expensive part then down there there's the bacon copper chef holy free drinks all right free drinks don't know where look around me at least they are definitely this is a good boxer this box alone what do you think this box is birthday if you sell your place yeah usually at least a hundred bucks haven't really spent hours you for this vacuum how would you spend for this unit eight hundred dollars hold it i gave you a thousand we're supposed to split it what is going on it's very intensive baby what is that what is that white liquid i'm scared oh it's peanut oil i'm allergic to that that could kill me right there excellent and now we know his week now it's my kryptonite oh there's some spices this lady hit everything in here the whole poodle hopefully she had a jewelry in her blu-ray player checks that cleveland bank outdated cards is this really what's in here that'd be awesome black gloves oh it's all vhs tips all right let's see what else we crank you up there's something good in here oh look there we go he's got a nice antique lantern that's for syracuse new york yeah that's all candid it's exactly four how did you know four bears one for that's afterwards though more stuff for auction see what else we find all right snowing beautiful day for unit look at this nice antique dresser see anything in the drawers party like i think it's just candles in there yeah dog stuff these are the ones find jewelry something in there firearm gotta look through every single thing shane will tell you we found stuff in the weirdest places [Applause] [Music] everything from detergent air freshener ooh lilac velvet dave smells better than you i can tell you that and uh so so dave and i will split up this stuff we can use this stuff at our house washing machine cleaner [Music] she was prepared for coving she didn't even know about it yet yeah she was prepared just all this stuff just in the free stuff from the household stuff that we can use we'll get our money back because this stuff's not cheap detergent toilet paper paper towels air freshener who knows what else we're gonna find nice dremel set it's got this extension cord on there so you can bend it any which way did you take stuff out of here yes i grabbed my stuff dave the rest is yours sir all the way back we got a nice fridge here who knows what else we're gonna find i'm so excited unbelievable look at this vintage cabinet right here see if there's anything in the drawers we got a rental ramp so this one feels like i'll take this one aluminum foil yep 10.8 i got the prices already on there for you dave 11 whole set brand new down here and this whole thing's just filled with exactly what i got last time all the dog treats my dog is in good for another year wow what i got in the first unit was 20 bags of dog treats you got a dog i do have a couple i don't know i'll see if i work one i'll give me one more yeah my dog loves them there's a normal one there's some pedigree wet some peak for your dog oh hopefully my box is better ready [Music] i just love my tea in the afternoon i do drink my tea every day [Music] what's this stuff wild mountain berry coffee you like wild mountain berry coffee day i'll drink it all oh my god [Music] you know you know i'm saying preservatives in them they're good for a thousand years oh look at this man green beans sweet corn oh some sauerkraut want some sauerkraut yes i'm hungry i love sauerkraut oh here we go we got a petapod some more stuff for your dog you can trim your dog's nails a little bit of christmas or not what is it is it a oh man look at that that's why we buy storage units right dave so some kind express i don't think it's really a i don't know is it a lighter no it's not lighter because the cartridge goes this way i think it's a it says caliber 22. oh it is it's got a magazine but it doesn't seem right i'm thinking it's more of a camp gun look it up it doesn't back like that watch out dave i wouldn't be firing anything in the city limits too late [Laughter] i just happen to leave mine at home today so i can't go to jail i'm thinking this is like some kind of starter pistol or something so auction yeah absolutely that's good anything else good in there no paperwork and crap that's why we buy store translation you don't know what you're gonna find you might find this what do you say in her hair i don't know i don't wanna know look at that what is it this could be evidence oh [Laughter] i'm allergic to peanuts and nasty hair okay okay that's two things we learned dave's weaknesses oh of four to eight i'm single so you can have it if it's your family listen some people buy storage lockers to find gold silver guns but this is probably the greatest find this year tp brownie mix chocolate cake over best unit ever ever who knows what you're gonna find the cooler was full of blue rays right there's one right there i'm sorry what am i in here i've already got my head knocked out it's in there brand new doesn't that look good right there yeah gravy definitely yeah there's definitely gravy today sweet and sour sauce asian who doesn't like sweet as he pulls off the knife over my oh look at this i love them what's the date i don't know oh well this stuff is good for strand yeah don't they send that up exactly dude dave there's two boxes look at this baby this two boxes full we got every flavor possible i'm gonna take a box myself i'm going to leave you a box saying get some water forever man oh dave this is the last time you made this thing looks cool what i saw on here look at this today it says gs that's a girl scout symbol right there this is an old metal container oh right there right there it's all broken up unfortunately like the old pocket knife you know some of these old pockets can bring good money [Music] don't give water to your boys i do i buy one water because we have to take it it's hard to take that thing with us we tried in the old days it just didn't work out all paper paper dave stuffing tonight we got cornbread stuffing dave cornbread what's expiration date on this stuff probably never the stale bread really go bad i'm asking questions inquiring minds want to know so oh my gosh this lady just kept every thing fbi headphones cds cds vhs and from the earth to the moon or is this is it manner from mars women are from venus oh nope not that one more movies yeah but those are all oh no uh underneath dave look at that right now three thousand our gang you went through this stuff you got three thousand i guess i'll take some of them though yeah i got tons of dvds too so jane will tell you at my shop i got puns so we got dvds oh look at this all brand new cheesecloth dave [Music] duke nukem so these look like games they might be they're for like a computer and stuff they might have some value star trek i guess we'll try to sell these that's always a good sign maybe she has other games in there you want you want this box i think we're getting some good stuff back here i mean look at this we got coleman lantern boom christmas wrapping paper for next year for my present rob yes i'm going to wrap you up the smell crate oh i just ruined it look at this steam juicer brand new fresh works producing some more of my diapers just keeps going oh what's this what's this it says star trek oh case one that must mean there's two or three oh my gosh it's every episode of star trek you got voyager you got regular star trek dave this is for you i know you are trekkie i'm more of the uh force be with you kind of guy so oh my gosh that's good right there so let's uh it was her pantry because it's got labels veggies this is like from her fallout shelter i'm telling this lady it was a proper man look at this all these here [Applause] [Music] lt 506 burner you know that might be something to do with an fbi case mason jars mason jars mason jars more mason jars unbelievable who knows what else we're going to find this leaves the prepper we've got some hickory 47 pound rooster we just found all of this liquor ladies and gentlemen look at this this is loaded there's bottles of wine this lady was ready for anything she could come here and make it and live look at this french brandy is it what does a green light stand for on the front i don't know besides christmas ooh pina colada schnapps irish mist life is good ireland's legendary liqueur we have more food in here [Applause] who knows for your turkey next year you got the bag you'll get the roaster hey look at this brand new stuff in the box money money money 800 bucks we paid for we already found watches we found a gun i guess all kind of brand new household stuff we got refrigerator dressers oh look at this u.s space program monopoly edition that's pretty cool you need a snow shovel at work yeah for sure we got like the bread box back here all kind of business cards yeah there's another big i was hoping i was hoping important office i beat him with the box i don't know there's so much office stuff in here there's wire cutters in here there that's a new tester [Music] after working with dave all day i'll drink anything [Music] yeah paperwork oh we got some bottles down here lebron james championship wow sprite cans collector battle tony stewart [Music] tyler iraqis kind of cool one slice of space tile from the space shuttle columbia in store since 1979 there it is that isn't wow holding history in my hand i got space shuttle columbia in my hand dave all right you saw the video in its entirety once again leave in the comments where you think that this excessive vulgar language occurred at what point in the video once again guys i appreciate your support out there if you haven't yet watch the video and it's tardy watch it again do whatever you can to help me out give me a thumbs up appreciate every single one of you guys out there have a great day
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 69,210
Rating: 4.8799629 out of 5
Keywords: FBI UNIT, Federal Beaurau of investigation, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire, abandoned Storage Units, abandoned Storage lockers unboxing video, 10 x 20 packed and stacked unit, gun found hidden in unit, FBI SHUTS DOWN VIDEO
Id: JCgu8zcPg8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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