What Terribly Awkward Moment Were You In? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most awkward situation you've ever been in when I was in second grade my brother and I would always be picked up after school by my dad we had a green van with a red stripe on the side so my brother grabs my hand and storms us up to the car he rips open the door sits us down buckles me in and then says can we get McDonald's on the way home we both look up and there is two middle-aged adults sitting in the front seat that are obviously not our family they stare at us we stare at them in my little brain we've been staring at each other for at least 10 minutes at this point my brother unbuckles me unbuckles himself we get out and walk away no words were exchanged we then checked who was in the car before getting in from that point forward I was sitting in class and the kid next to me farted and I said god bless you as if it were a sneeze okay so me and some friends were at a restaurant and a buddy of mine was telling us about this new girl he just started going out with a few days back well another friend what started telling us about this girl that he banged the previous night the conversation went on for a minute and finally somebody asked for the name of the girl that he had banged and it turns out it was a girl that the other friend had started dating a few days earlier Hugh narrowly avoided fight as we convinced him it's better to find out she's now rather than later the two guys still no longer speak though when I was a kid I hugged a random dude because I thought it was my dad even better how this dudes son was standing next to him you established yourself as his new son ultimate power move I walked in on my roommate in senior year of college banging his girlfriend we had a rule about a hat on the door if we wanted privacy there was no hat when I came back one morning and I got a full eye level side view of him and her mid thrust because he had the top bunk they kind of laughed it off but was pretty awkward for me could have been worse at least it was his girlfriend Yeah right could have been original posters mom instead I was a teenager with her pretty standard so far I walked downstairs and had to tuck it in my pajamas so the head is sticking straight up and the erection is pinned against the body city isn't noticeable well when I put my t-shirt on it fell behind the tips so if you looked at my worse it line you could clearly see the tip of my I was talking to my mom for a few minutes and she was flushed red in the face and quickly trying to conversation not something my mom is known for I walked away saw what was going on and didn't know what the hell to do we never discussed it but because things were so awkward at dinner I'm pretty sure my mom knew that I realized it happened as well when I was a kid we were on holiday and decided to go to a church while we were there I decided that I would be funny if I would slap my dad's with both hands so I ran in full speed to maximize the impact of the slap I ended up slapping a stranger who also happened to walk next to a woman with a stroller in his hands which made me think it was my dad it was even worse that my parents saw it as well a gentleman was outside the hotel smoking in his holy jogging pants I really wanted to tell him his balls were showing but I couldn't summon the courage to do it he wanted to chat about Magic the Gathering not awkward for me but I was the reason for it I served for a couple years and worked multiple restaurants in that timeframe I worked at a Denny's night shift best and worst job for many reasons anyways there was a regular that came in often drunk as a skunk and nasty as hell he tipped really well but was so nasty to us girls it never fazed me so I served him often he offered many many times to pay for extra service and tried to get me to leave with him often of course I never did but a couple months later in working a new place little more high-end I worked morning's here and this was a Sunday morning church rush guess who was sat in my section my nasty regular from my last job with his entire family his wife kids parents the whole group fresh out of church the look on this man's face when I walked up and said hello he was read as a firetruck and I made it worse by asking if he remembered me he left me a huge tip probably because I didn't bring up his nasty mouth and grabby hands from his late drunken nights my 79 year old mother in law without dimers telling us that she had had the previous night with another resident of her nursing home she had been celibate for 20 years up until then we think my mom and I were in the car and the vehicle in front of us had a fake taxi sticker on it and my mom asked me what a fake taxi was I was riding in the passenger seat with my mom who has always been strict and very tight-knit several years ago when for some reason she decided to completely open up to me about all of her drug experimentation and exploits in the 60s and the time she snorted lines with Steve Jobs at a fancy restaurant in the 80s it was a very uncomfortable eye-opener and I was trapped listening to it your mom did see with Steve Jobs her ex-husband was an executive with the firm that managed Apple's first large-scale ad campaign after the first Macintosh launch they went out to a five-star restaurant in LA in railed lines of blow under the table apparently I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that knowledge I remember my by far worst moment I was at my aunt's house for Christmas meet up my whole family from my mother's side is always there and we were just talking about some stuff the life pro tips subreddit came into my mind and I told her that there are some tips like you should drive faster when you are drunk because driving drunk is dangerous and you get home faster I was laughing she just sat there looking at me like frozen and then told me with her voice breaking that would be funny but did you know that one of my best friends died two months ago because he was driving drunk and he was too fast she then started to cry I really wanted to stop existing at that moment trust me my skirt got caught on the concrete bench at work and got pulled down when I went to get up I showed a crowd of coworkers might everyone just kinda stood there trying not to laugh while I tried to collect my dignity bad day not to wear underwear one time in college I snuck into my roz room and hid under the blanket on his top bunk my goal was to scare him when he came in and settled down a bit he ended up coming in with his girlfriend and began making out with her after a good lifetime couple moments I jumped up and ran out no saving it when I was 13 or 14 the guy the first had a crush on took me to a park to talk and learn to know each other we sat under some trees and everything was going pretty well until guess a bird shat on my head while I was talking to him I had to go back home to wash my hair a few times my best friend waiting to tell her parents that she's gay until when I was over for dinner most George Costanza moment of my life I was flying back home from a business trip in gar before we all got on the airplane everyone noticed that we would be flying with three military canines and their handlers all good point being everyone noticed them and if they hadn't the pilot was kind enough to point them out when he came over the intercom to give his spiel a round of applause for our service members and the brave working dogs was given hours later in the flight the flight crew had turned off the lights I needed to take a piss and moved forward in the cabin toward the restrooms well one of the dogs was black and I didn't see his poor sticking into the aisle cue the dog yelping and crying have you ever had 150 people hate you before it was made so much worse by the fact that I am a veteran and I love dogs I am the son of a veteran who was a k-9 handler when he served but how the heck am I going to explain that to a planeload of people giving me the stink-eye for being the guy who stepped on the dog was unexpectedly in the car ride with my boyfriend's parents on their way to sign their divorce papers I used to run a restaurant and had inherited an employee with a sleigh of mental health issues she had massive anxiety issues and just couldn't handle the pressure of working in a restaurant she break down and cry over simple mistakes if she felt she was making too many it was extremely unfortunate but I was terribly underprepared to coach someone like that one day during downtime the cooks were shooting me and recounting stories of weird ex coworkers I opened up my Yap and said who was the one who kept crying every time they'd screw up she was two feet away and literally responded with me so are you two dating he said yes at the same time I said no to which his friend told him I told you you di dnt ask clearly enough edit I accidentally mixed up him saying yes and me saying no when I was a kid my family's van broke down so we all had to squeeze into my dad's car to go to a funeral anyways my older sister had to sit on my lap yep you guessed it I got her and she freaked out and started screaming I am someone who never feels awkward and doesn't get embarrassed but this moment got me good I was doing orientation for my college I wanted to meet the Dean of my department and make a good impression I walk in his office and he is bent over behind his desk looking for something I introduced myself and stick my hand out to shake his hand he sits up and he has no arms I look at him and look at my hand and I am freaking out it felt like my hand was out there for an eternity and I did the only thing I could think of to do I ran my hand through my hair and tried to pay it off he never said anything and just started talking to me but I felt like I was actually going to die of embarrassment [Music]
Channel: Reddit Master
Views: 21,930
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Keywords: Reddit, Askreddit, r/askreddit, Best Reddit, Best of Reddit, Funny, Funny Comments, Funniest Reddit comments, Best Reddit comments, Best Reddit Thread, Funny Reddit thread, Best AskReddit, Funniest AskReddit, Best Stories, Funny Stories, Funniest Reddit Thread, Top Reddit Threads, Reveal, Share, People Reveal, Unbelievable Stories
Id: jMZ73qa1ov8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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