Blinken opposes Netanyahu's plan for Rafah invasion

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Secretary of State Anthony blinkin was back in Israel today for the seventh time since the war with Hamas began last October blinkin is pushing hard for a stop to the fighting but cbs's Ry inosencio reports from Tel Aviv progress on a deal seems Out Of Reach handshakes and smiles aside in the Quest for a ceasefire with Hamas Secretary of State Anthony blinkin shot down Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu's plan for a final Gaza Invasion we cannot will not support a major military operation in Rafa absent uh an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed but a Netanyahu adviser confirms to CBS News the prime minister is not backing down from his plan to attack Rafa thank you Biden thank you a more receptive welcome came from families of hostages pleading for a ceasefire to get all hostages home I feel like I'm broken up into pieces for Aviva seagull her American husband Keith is one of them this Proof of Life video released just days ago and I know that Keith has had enough my family's had enough my country's had enough Aviva herself was a hostage released after 51 days she her daughter and families of other American hostages had a face to face with blinkin what was the the feeling there really grateful for what the United States has been doing since October 7th another sticking point to his ceasefire Aid to Gaza the UN warns of impending famine blink and toward Roots being ramped up and rebuilt into the strip and called for more it needs to be accelerated it needs to be sustained and for the first time Aid started flowing through a reopened border crossing destroyed on October 7th as gazin rallied to thank us University students for their protests in solidarity and Anthony blinkin left the region a few hours ago back to Washington Israel hasn't confirmed it'll send a delegation to any ceasefire talks Hamas still hasn't replied to Israel's proposal JB thank you Ry
Channel: CBS Evening News
Views: 22,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Antony Blinken, Biden Administration, War, Israel, Palestinians, Gaza Strip, Benjamin Neta​nyahu, CBS Evening News, Politics, World
Id: OYm-aiMq6g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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