What Shane Dawson DIDN'T SAY In His TANACON Documentary!

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Before we get into the topic of today's video, I'm gonna flex a little bit, okay? I can't do that in real life, cause I've got weak animator arms. But the perks of being an animated character, is that you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT! FLEX!!! 52,000 SUBSCRIBERS IN A DAY! 76,000 SUBSCRIBERS IN A DAY! 400,000 IN TWO WEEKS! GHAAAAAAAAAAAAA Andrei: *Cough, cough* Wilfur: Mak, mak Andrei: Yea I know, I'm- I'm okay. I just- I just need to breath a little bit. Wilfur: Mak, MAK Andrei: What was that? Wilfur: MAK,MAK Andrei: Don't let the numbers get to my head? [ominous sound] OH SHIT, the numbers! They're getting to my head! (Pac-Man music) This should actually be a videogame, by the way. And every YouTuber should play it! Legend has it, that NOBODY has ever won the game. [dying Pacman sound] Damn it! I lost again. Why are you wearing the suit all of a sudden? Is this what I think it is? Wilfur: MAK MAK MAK Seriously? You got a sponsor? Wilfur, you know how anxious I get about sponsorships. [bear pops from under the ground] Oh, this is our sponsor? [cute rawr] I mean, I guess he's not that bad. Ok, we'll go with it. This video is sponsored by bears! ...of all possible things. More about that later. But anyway, let's talk about today's topic, TanaCon. You've heard of it. I feel, like we could just end the video right there. "TanaCon - you've heard of it". [ The video ends, you can close this browser tab now :) ] Everybody has a video titled "My experience with TanaCon" or "The truth about TanaCon". It's been the talk of the town for a hot minute now. And by the time I finish animating this, it will probably no longer be relevant. [Ji Pyeong Kwon - "Sad Romance" ;_;] But here's the briefest recap in history: Tana Mongeau gets banned for life from VidCon, so she decides to start her own convention named TanaCon. Aaand, it's a goddamn disaster. [Crowds chanting: REFUND! REFUND!] And I don't mean to kick her down, when she's already on the ground, but... let's be honest. She wasn't exactly the most capable person of running a convention. Tana: Fight me bitch, hit me bitch, you won't say shit bitch, let's go bitch, you're a cunt! Andrei: 5000 people thought, they were buying tickets to TanaCon, but they were actually buying tickets to "Stay out in the blistering sun for an entire day with no food or water"-con. "Also, you get a free condom, cause that's what you need to survive the sun"-CON. Plenty of people have talked about this already. Most notably Shane Dawson, who made a really interesting 3-part documentary about it. And we're gonna pull up our detective magnifying glass here, cause there's a conversation to be had, about this whole thing. And I will preface this by saying: I have nothing againts Tana, even less so againts Shane. In fact, I even made some fanart for Shane way back 2013 - which he NEVER RESPONDED TO. [shocked Shane Dawson face] There's so many "Dramatic Shane" faces in this documentary that you can just skip to any moment in the video, and you will inevitably hit one of them. Tana: ...you wanna put the blame... Tana: It literally said that. Tana: You think that that's the- That's the thing about this documentary, is that it's SO unnecessarily dramatic. Take a look at this moment here: - Oh my God. - What? - The police put out an official statement, saying there was only 4,000 people outside. - Just right now? - Yes. The dulcet tones of Keemstar's voice make a little cameo, for a little added flavor of drama. Keemstar: ...could hold a maximum of 1,000 people. TanaCon had sold 4,000 tickets! Someone from the crowd: What's going on? Andrei: To then, just cut back to him saying: I mean, you could've just said: "Oh, the police put out a statement, confirming what we thought. Okay" But let's be honest. Everything is at least 10 times more dramatic, when you hear this sound effect. [tum!] Of, ffff...uck! Wilfur, don't do that! My favourite part of the documentary is this mysterious Michael guy, who straight-up looks like an exuberant Bond villain. And Shane does him no favors, by putting horror-type sound effects under the slow-motion shots, of him doing just all kinds of Bond villain type shit, hahaha. Tana: It's a scam! [THAT sound again] You... you stole things from people! Seriously! Who sits in front of a fireplace like this? Heheh. You KNOW this guy has had at least 3 people killed. Although, when you see him on his Segway, he looks a smidge less intimidating. "You'll never catch me alive, mr. Bond! For I have the power of the Segway, to propell me to safety. Nyeh!" [Segway whirring] This guy is like, if a Bond villain was played by the Boss Baby. I dare you to watch this documentary, and not picture the Boss Baby everytime this guy is on screen. The resemblance is uncanny. Then Shane goes to talk to Tana, and it's... like 15 minutes of blabbering nonsense? [incomprehensible] [Shane pats/slaps Tana's head] You're like my child, it's weird. [slaps even more] Then they have face-time threesome, to get facts straight. Tana starts shouting at the Boss Baby. Tana: You KNOW I wasn't profitting. You KNOW I wasn't making any fucking, like, money from... But notice how, in the middle of this rant, she takes a quick glance to make sure that the camera's on her. "Michael, you lied to me! I can't believe you did this to me, Michael!" (Am I... in the frame right now?) "Michael, I trusted you! You broke my trust!" (Can you... make sure, that this tear going down my cheek is in focus?) And while all of this is happening, Shane is just sitting there, like "Oh my God, this is such good content right now!" His reaction is like that gif of the awkward chubby kid, who keeps looking sideways. It's- it's just perfect. Basically, this whole documentary is about Tana and the Boss Baby, passive-agressively throwing the blame on each other, and Shane playing everything up for dramatic effect. But the truth is, both of them were incapable of running an even of this size. And 5,000 people had to suffer the physical consequences for it. (Tana) But ARE WE GONNA? [Yeah, knee-slappingly funny...] [*slapping intensifies*] [Oh Andrei, you sly dog, you :)] I don't even know, why they would accept to show this footage. Cause now, every one of those 5,000 people can sue the flip out of you. That's what's never adressed in the documentary. This has legal ramifications! You can cry all you want, you can throw the blame on each other all you want, but I'd be so surprised, if there's no lawsuit against these two. Cause if I have to get carried away in an ambulance, I'm gonna expect a lot more, than a $60 refund! This whole event was just a bizarre occurrence, that should never have happened. It was just a big bubble, that was unable to keep growing, and growing, and growing, until it popped harder, than the blisters on the 12-year-old crowd, boiling out in the sun. The fact that TanaCon happened, is like if you found a dead rat in your bathroom. Except it had three heads. And you're like "What the FUCK am I looking at? What is this?? Forget about why there's a dead rat in my bathroom, but... how is this ever alive? Like, this is a freak of nature!" Scientists take it to a lab to study it, and they're like: "We have no idea, how it got so big! Like, this should have died at birth! How it survived to maturity, is beyond our power of comprehension." That's TanaCon in a nutshell, hahaha. And I feel, like this will be remembered in YouTube history for a long time. - Hey, remember TanaCon? - Oh yeah, that was, uh... that was not good. [Causally Explained's outro jingle] So, TanaCon was not a good idea. But you know what is a good idea? 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Channel: Andrei Terbea
Views: 5,032,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @andreiterbea, andrei terbea, andrei terbea animation, shane, shane dawson, tana mongeau, tanacon, tanacon conspiracy, tanacon exposed, tanacon documentary, truth about tanacon, truth about tana, shane documentary, tana documentary, animation, animated, satire, parody, wilfur, andrei and wilfur, tana vidcon, tana mongeau tanacon, tanacon scam, shane tana
Id: mqj4GpoWkk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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