Jake Paul + Tana Mongeau = POWER COUPLE??

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Jake Paul & Tana mojo what do they have in common well they're both blonde they're both controversial and they both have big dicks metaphorically speaking as in they're both hashtag savage and listen I've done videos criticizing both of these people but no matter how much somebody [ __ ] up I can always respect the grind and the strategy behind somebody's content and these two have been making moves lately let's start off with Jake Paul when he's not copying clipart and claiming it as his own original merch design and promoting illegal gambling to young children Jake Paul is actually a pretty business savvy guy he's very smart in the way he navigates controversy to boost and maintain his relevancy in my opinion of the four main people involved in the big boxing match last year Jake Paul was the one to milk the event most efficiently he even plugged his new merch fresh off the fight sweat dripping down his face with his belt around his chest and despite this hateable image that he's got online we have to keep in mind that he's a real person and he's been through a lot over the past year from team 10 crumbling under him people exposing him left and right to a very public breakup with Erica Costello the fact that he's got the drive to keep going despite all of that is remarkable alongside him we've got Tana mojo famously coming off of the disaster that was Tana Khan last year now Tana is an interesting case to me before Tana Khan I didn't know much about her so it was easy for me to poke fun at her since then I've seen her pop up here and there whether that was on no jumper or on impulsive and listening to her talk candidly about her mistakes reveals a lot of self-awareness and her just being a normal human being I feel like Tana mojo is just a kid with a spotlight on her doing her best to handle her success and other than leaving 5,000 people boiling in the Sun last year I think she's doing a pretty good job up until recently Tana was dating Justin Bieber well technically not the real Justin Bieber but the one that looks just like him you know the guy that ate the burrito sideways at one time his name is Brad Sosa not that you need to remember that because allegedly he's a pretty terrible person allegedly for several months Tana and fake Justin Bieber weren't just dating Tana was tweeting and going on all of these podcasts talking about how amazing her relationship with this guy was until it wasn't fast forward to a few weeks ago Coachella happened where a fake Justin Bieber allegedly cheated on Tana as for Jay Paul unless he's busy busting out some other chick out of jail you can always count on him to save the day with are they breaking it out of jail I don't know this is illegal chance had it that Jake himself was single during this time he even took the time to put it on auto-tune so Jake antenna looked at each other and thought you know what neither of us has been in the news lately our channels are doing pretty well on their own but imagine how powerful we could be together so they hook up Tanna makes a post on instagram with jake paul's bed in the background keemstar exposes them she is literally in Jake Paul's bed and is the same back and this forces them to come out and announce their friendship this is the start of a grave and I use the term forces very loosely because obviously this is what they wanted they even said it in the video that they want people to make videos about them I really just had to come through and give you guys some [ __ ] to be be mad about it go on like work Shane Dawson's sociopaths kids and this is why I think these two are perfect for each other the level of trolling and self-awareness that they bring to the table is unparalleled it's obvious that they're trolling that they both just happen to be single and they knew they'd get a lot of clicks if they played up this facade of being a couple but still it's working and the thing is they're both bad but they're not bad enough to be villains they're anti heroes despite both of them doing dumb [ __ ] there's still a part of you that wants to root for them I think that's why Shane Dawson gravitated towards them that's why he made documentaries on both of them because they're still redeemable despite their [ __ ] ups and having them come together like this in an openly cloud chasing scandal provoking hookup is the perfect marketing move I've talked about this in the past I'm fascinated about marketing about unlikely / unexpected team ups and this is the perfect formula think about the possibilities think about the money that these two could make by cross pollinating their channels by working on projects together by creating a 10 a con - now new and improved with 50% more Jake Paul what's spicy about this is that as soon as their video went up tannaz ex-boyfriend posted a video titled I'm sorry which is ironic because that's also the title of a very famous Justin Bieber song is it too late now to say sorry and Jake Paul dab right on him by tweeting I'm not and look it's easy to clown on them it will be the easiest thing in the world to make a video right now about how dumb their fake relationship is but I actually don't think it's dumb at all people love high-profile couples if these two play off of each other correctly they could be a freaking power couple that takes over youtube over the next six months or they could go down in flames either way Wilfer and I are gonna be there taking notes and you can count on us to get back here and spill the tea what do you think of all of this do you think it's smart do you think it's dumb or do you just not care I think just from a marketing strategy point of view it's a very interesting case study let me know your thoughts down in the comments follow me on Instagram thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon [Music] Oh
Channel: Andrei Terbea
Views: 3,228,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @andreiterbea, andrei terbea, andrei terbea animation, romania, jake paul, tana mongeau, tanacon, janacon, jana, keemstar, drama alert, shane dawson, sherlock paul, marketing, power couple
Id: gDLjAg5w6ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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