What Really Happened at Jake Paul and Tana Mongeau's Wedding | Felons, Scams, and More!

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in Czechoslovakia the meaning of Jannah is God's gift and I'm not really sure that's what they are but they are a gift to entertainment rush welcome back i'm Primack i never say my name in videos but you guys keep calling me priming so I guess I have to now today we're gonna take a look at the Jake Paul antenna mojo wedding which was a beautiful mess I think we all know who Jake and Tana are they're too varied notorious people Jake once promoted some gambling site to his audience of kids antenna increased people's chances for skin cancer at her failed Tanika they both have had some problems in the past to say the least but that's okay because today we are only gonna focus on the positives after only three months of dating Jake and Tana have gotten married now weddings usually don't interest me I think they're pretty boring I went to a wedding this week and the highlight of it was coloring at the kids table with a bunch of children it was low-key a blast I'm not even gonna lie also this is completely off topic but the bride and groom used handcuffs instead of rings I think they may have mixed up the honeymoon with the wedding if you get what I'm saying the jannah' wedding interests me though because since the very beginning people have speculated Jake antennae are hoaxing this whole marriage for views and money and personally I love the idea of big youtubers faking relationships and drama for views because it happened so much on YouTube and people rarely catch on so that's why I've been invested in Janna fake drama just tickles my fancy I'm pretty sure I messed that phrase huh but I'm gonna stick with it they announced their wedding day at VidCon this year which fun story I was actually there when Tana and Jake announced their wedding well that's kind of a lie we only stayed for like 10 minutes to watch tannaz panel but then we left when she didn't answer our feet questions during her Q&A Tana just tell us your shoe size it's not weird and we just want to know the wedding would stream live on some weird site but in order to watch you had to pay a $50 which I did not pay because I hate spending money and also I have no money but don't worry I know a guy we got the footage under the table plus a little something extra on the side for me over 60,000 people did pay to watch though so in total they made like I suck at math so bad 60,000 times 50 equals Oh just three million dollars no biggie plus the stream was filled with sponsors so they made well over three million dollars on this wedding that a lot of people don't even believe is real does anyone want to get fake married or just date me at this point I'm gonna load us pretty [Music] crashing the wedding took place on July 28th at a mansion that was custom painted with jaikant Anna's social medias splattered all over the wall paid by their sponsors of course the ceremony was supposed to take place at 6:30 p.m. Pacific time but things quickly went awry as the tens of thousands of people flooded into the live stream they quickly noticed things weren't going as planned who would have thought a wedding organized in less than a month when it go as planned before the ceremony even began during some introductions they were already having sound and video issues no one in the live stream could hear anything and the video was constantly freezing now this was just minutes away from the actual start time of the ceremony so they would have had to work fast to fix all the problems in order to be ready for the wedding well lucky for the film crew they had plenty of time to fix any issues because the ceremony was running late I don't think anyone really knew why the ceremony was running late but Anna was posted selfies of different dresses the entire time to her Instagram while everyone was patiently waiting so that may have had something to do with it hey guys editor prim prim here so I misspoke and I want to correct myself Tana wasn't posting selfies of herself in the dresses to her Instagram it was other people leaking the selfies but she was still changing dresses a lot I think she had a total of three different dresses she kept trying on but it wasn't on her Instagram correction I'm sorry and don't get me wrong I think a half an hour late or maybe even an hour late is pretty forgivable especially for a day this important and hectic but the ceremony ended up being delayed by three hours with no notice as to what was going on or why they were behind so much during these three hours while the crew were stalling for the ceremony the thousands of viewers who paid $50 got to watch the equivalent of CCTV footage of the mansion with no audio and thrown together interviews with the guests that also only had working audio and video about 10% of the time I think it's pretty safe to say the people watching the live stream we're not having a great time a lot of them in fact started demanding refunds in the chat and they were comparing this event to Tana Khan why do people keep buying tannaz events they don't go well at least this time they were getting scammed in their own homes and they weren't in a parking lot burning to death so I guess that's an improvement so the livestream people not having a good time but let's take a look at how the people who are actually at the wedding how are they doing they must be having a better time right the guest list at the wedding consisted of popular influencers a bunch of news media and a very very strange selection of impersonators like Oprah Winfrey and Bruno Mars Bruno Mars makes sense he can sing so that's entertainment but why would you hire an Oprah impersonator does she just walk around throwing money at people you get two books you get ten books you get ten books honestly if she did that I would hire her that sounds amazing someone at the event asked Oprah what was going on like white why we late in Oprah replied was saying she didn't even know why she was there dementia maybe setting in on our poor Oprah I mean rich she's filthy rich Oprah give me some money basically most every attendee at the wedding was there to get the wedding media coverage or more publicity in one way or another which really doesn't help their case and trying to prove this is a legitimate wedding and not just the publicity stunts from the stories I read the wedding guests also didn't seem to be having a good time one guest said there was about 400 people at the wedding and they only had 80 seats to watch the actual ceremony it was also extremely hot out that day I think it was like 110 degrees Fahrenheit we don't do so since her out here it was really hot out and people were standing out in the heat fully dressed in suits and dresses dripping of sweat I'm sweating my ass off how queer probably also wondering to themselves why the wedding was three hours late Tannis off taking your selfies unless its feet I don't want it that's a joke stop I don't have a fetish the ceremony finally began after the long wait like I said before there was only about 80 seats for 400 guests so things quickly turned into a mosh pit of media and film crews mixed in with influencers trying to get a quick selfie or footage for their vlogs another guest said the bouncers were only letting in the most relevant people to get a seat so you've been invited to this wedding but if you don't have enough influence you can't watch if you don't show me your diamond flava and guess what you're gonna have to fade out fifty dollars like everyone else do you peasant so the wedding people weren't having fun either but back to the live stream the camera angles weren't very good a lot of the times the camera shot was in the way back and out of the way of the action it really felt like someone wishes live streaming the wedding from their phone in the crowd but soon Tana and Jake made their way to the stage and the viewers in the live chat were finally relieved the moment they waited hours for literally hours for has finally come but their joy quickly faded away as the audio and video issues that persisted for the last three hours still hadn't been fixed someone's getting fired if you were able to make out what was going on by deciphering the few snapchats every minute that you got to see it you would have noticed the officiant of the wedding was not actually an officiant at all but in fact the founder of the mansion and a once convicted pimp named Armand I don't know about you guys but that's who I want to marry me at my wedding 20 felony charges for beating up women let's hire on them that's probably how they got the mansion look guys you can use my mansion I'll give you a discount I just I just want to marry you guys it's my dream come true the ceremony ended as quick as it started only lasting a brief 10 minutes which was once again filled with laggy video and poured a non-existent audio and left the stream chat filled with angry viewers as the ceremony concluded and the pimp pronounced them man and wife Jake and Tara went in for the kiss but all of a sudden an unknown assailant ran up and threw a drink on them both while screaming f jana which prompted the once convicted pimp to beat him up and kick him out it was the most staged thing i think i've ever seen in my entire life after they threw out the unknown assailant he's unknown because they just let him go instead of like calling the cops and like getting them arrested because once again it's all state but anyways the wedding was now officially over but the guests didn't really know what was happening so they all just stood around wondering what was going on as Tara and Jake left the mansion in separate cars going separate places I might add at this point the live stream viewers were absolutely pissed off they paid $50 and had to wait an extra three hours to watch a 10-minute ceremony that was glitching the entire time it was so bad and people were so mad in fact that Google pay and the Apple Store ended up issuing refunds to anyone that complained and that marked the end of this beautiful disaster of a wedding so is it fake like I said earlier only really care about this because I love when popular youtubers and celebrities fake drama in relationships for publicity it happens so often and I love it what is jana fake the fans of these two are overwhelmingly convinced is real I mean 60,000 of them paid to watch them get married so I don't think they believe it's rigged but let's take a look at the facts I looked at the marriage registry in Las Vegas where they were and legally they are not married they have not been registered into the system as married and also the officia who was a once again convicted pimp was also not registered to marry these two so legally no they're not married but Ana later said she doesn't believe in legal marriage and it's more about the ceremony guys the event was about love it wasn't about the $50.00 you had to pay to watch it wasn't about the guestlist filled with media and social influencers and it certainly wasn't about the dollar store Oprah besides the legal aspect are they in love that's a hard question because even their family doesn't know Jake's mom was still questioning the legitimacy of it all at the actual wedding she told a reporter I was a little shocked I have to say I was like is it real is it not imagine not knowing if your kids wedding is a publicity stunt or not Jake's brother Logan Paul also didn't seem too confident in this marriage [Music] seems a bit seems a bit hasty in my opinion he says a bit preemptive one may say it seems the only people that know if the relationship is real or not is Tana Angie but I have a very strong inclination that it's not real and let me tell you why first off jake has a past of faking relationships for views just a couple years prior to this fake wedding he faked another wedding with another girl named Erica and continued to fete that relationship for months and months just for some views so Jake already has a resume filled with faking relationships not a good sign next they've only dated for three months which they got married in Vegas so I mean that's like a ten-year relationship anywhere else but it's extremely rushed and the timing is almost impeccable with when Tana got her show Tana turns 21 on MTV in the wedding and janna relationship is used heavily in the filming of that show Tana turns 21 is your basic reality show and what does every reality show need conflict and drama every single episode of the show involves conflicts between Tana and Jake or the planning of the wedding or Jake aunt Anna's family it just all revolves around Hannah and Jake in some way or another I'm gonna go off on a limb and say Tana got a TV show with MTV but they needed to add something more exciting some more controversial some some substance you know so they decided to create a fake relationship with another known youtuber who is equally as controversial and what do you know bada-bing bada-boom now you have an entertaining TV show I'm not gonna call it straight-up fake though because I'm not in the mood to deal with thousands of dislikes from their ravenous fans at this time this is completely unrelated but if you're a fan of Jake aunt Anna can you guys close your ears just for a few seconds it's it's just a few seconds trust me all right guys all right guys listen we don't got much time the fans are gonna come back Jana's the fakest thing I think I've ever seen they can't even look each other in the eyes when they're talking to each other like it's it's bad it's it's oh this vague so yeah it may or may not be fake who really knows what do you guys think let me know in the comments if they're still dating in the next six months I will eat my hat anyways that's going to do it for the video I hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like you better leave a like it's free it's just one little click that's all it takes it's calling your name please also watch the video on the screen I don't know what it is but I'm sure it's great as always I love you all bye join the discord
Channel: Primink
Views: 1,929,997
Rating: 4.9627767 out of 5
Keywords: jake paul, tana mongeau, jake paul wedding, tana mongeau mtv, tana mongeau wedding, jake and tana, jana, jana wedding, jake and tana wedding fight, wedding fight, wedding, jake and tana wedding live, jake and tana engaged, logan paul, jake paul song, tana turns 21, tana mtv, tana turns 21 mtv, tana mongeau turns 21, tanacon disaster, tana mongeau breakup, engagement, tana mongeau jake paul, jana fake, jake and tana fake, primink, primink slazo, commentary, funny, fail, scam
Id: M10KmDjIDhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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