The Vlogging Family Who Faked Their Baby | Sam and Nia

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pro_Elemento 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
I've sought forgiveness to God and he's forgiven me so I've been completely cleansed of this in hey guys welcome back recently on my own time I've been looking into people that have had public scandals go on in their life and I've been doing this because I've been curious to know what happens when all the bad publicity blows away and people stop caring about the situation's it's kind of like Oprah's where are they now but for scummy people it's a revolutionary idea I know I love thread for today we are going to take a look at a vlogging family that were accused of faking a pregnancy announcement video and then just a few days later faking a miscarriage as always I hope you guys enjoy the video and join the discord also if this video gets 1 million likes I'll do a face reveal [Music] meet Sam and Nia the Christian vlog and family they've been uploading on YouTube for over eleven years that's probably older than all of my subscribers I'm just joking according to analytics you guys aren't actually twelve shocking Sam aniyah's first success on YouTube was a viral video that they uploaded in 2014 of them singing - love is an open door from the frozen film [Music] [Music] it's a pretty nice video but the title of the video was called good-looking parents sing Disney's frozen love this an open door which is kind of a strange thing to call a video it gives me a hint of narcissism going on which is also a theme that we're going to see later on it's like if every title of my videos started with sexy twinkle I'm sorry it's kind of strange the video is now at 23 million views and was a huge jumpstart for their channel they gained thirty five thousand subscribers in just a month and the video also gained the attention of Disney which resulted in Disney asking them to be in one of their frozen music videos called in summer [Music] 2014 was really the high point for Samba Nia's YouTube career it's the time when they started vlogging and they began pulling in a good chunk of views everything truly seemed to be going right for this family they were one of the fastest growing vlog channels on YouTube but not even a year later they found themselves caught up in multiple scandals that made people question every aspect of their life and their YouTube fame quickly turned from a dream into a nightmare [Music] on August 5th 2015 sam Alenia shocked their fans with a video announcement of Nia's pregnancy but unlike a normal pregnancy where like the girl tells the guy hey I'm pregnant you know this video was a little different Sam thought he would change the game and he decided he was gonna find out Nia was pregnant before she even knew and he was gonna break the news to her first night long usually Nico's pee throughout the night she has a bladder the size of a golf ball and she doesn't flush the toilet at night because she's afraid she'll wake up the baby so here I am [Music] okay what should I do how am I gonna announce it what what can tell me it's like randomly like flashing in my face except she's just like such a cute this morning you getting wine for us no I'm not getting what are you doing jelly for her this is right he can't have one once you make a bologna sandwich honey honey huh what did you do did you get a job run to the toilet no you didn't the video was a unique and touching moment and because of that it went viral reaching five million views in just two days the video was picked up by tons of news and media channels and everyone was enjoying the announcement of the baby with the family but as the video got more and more views people started to question the legitimacy of it is it possible to get an accurate pregnancy test from a toilet bowl why did they not confirm the test later with the actual test questions like that started to create specks of doubts that started to appear in the touching video and people began to suspect that it was fake but overall the public opinion still remained mostly if not overwhelmingly positive until just a few days later they uploaded a new video called our baby had a heartbeat experience miscarriage before you know I just reckon now I can relate now and this video was just getting so big never imagined this would happen but this baby came along made us happier than can we remember and you know just by seeing that pregnancy test and she came and just made the biggest difference in our life in this now deleted video Sam and Nia explained the situation of how they found out that their baby was no longer with them this video was met instantly with massive amounts of hate for one Sam Minea said they never went to a doctor once about the miscarriage or the pregnancy and secondly their reactions seemed really fake to people the specks of doubt that formed in their announcement video have now turned into a full-fledged conspiracy with people suspecting they faked this whole entire pregnancy for views shortly after the video BuzzFeed uploaded an article that basically called out Sammy Nia for some discrepancies in their viral video BuzzFeed got in touch with multiple doctors that claimed using urine from a toilet bowl could lead to false negatives or false positives on a pregnancy test and it was very far from a reliable way to test for a pregnancy also after the pregnancy announcement video Sam claimed that he quit his job to focus on YouTube but BuzzFeed once again called him out because they got in touch with his employer and they found out that he was still very much employed the family was now under the microscope of everyone that had once supported the family news articles and drama channels and conspiracies you know basically everyone was covering the conspiracy theory and all over people were debating rather the videos were real or not Sammy Nia's public image started to come into question but this was just the beginning of their nightmare just days after the miscarriage video Sam and Nia found themselves caught up in another huge scandal in 2015 a hacker group by the name the impact team that's a pretty crappy name let's be honest please don't hack me I'm sorry this team hacked into the website called Ashley Madison if you guys don't know what Ashley Madison is it's basically a website for people who want to cheat on their spouse with other people that want to cheat on their spouse the fact that the site is a thing is kinda sad but the fact that the site has millions of members is actually depressing the hackers got into Ashley Madison's files and copied the personal data of a ton of the site's members and threatened to release them if Ashley Madison did not shut down their site obviously Ashley Madison did not shut down their site because they like money and the hacker group ended up releasing 25 gigabytes of info on the site's users the leak contained the emails of many members that used Ashley Madison in the list of names people quickly found out that Sam was in fact a member of the site this news spread like wildfire because on Sam manias channel they expressed themselves as very religious people following the Bible very closely and cheating on your spouse is a very christian-like hey guys as you may have seen my name has been associated with an Ashley Madison account website made for spouses who want to have an affair I'm here to clarify some of this with you guys because I owe to you I did make the account I made the account two years ago this is an issue that is in our past this was before I got on to YouTube I've brought this to my church at the time when I first started the church that I'm at now this has been brought to my discipleship partner this was brought to my wife's attention she's she has forgiven me for this mistake that I made and opening the account I've sought forgiveness to God and he's forgiven me so I've been completely of this end fun fact apparently his Ashley Madison user name was dirty little secret man 28 the more you know when the Ashley Madison files were released Sam and Neil were actually at a convention called vlogger fair it's a convention where a bunch of the communities vloggers meet and hang out with each other in fans imagine being at a convention and all of a sudden everyone around you is reading tweets about how you cheated on your wife hey Bob it was on the Ashley Madison site Wow that's awkward at the convention everyone was getting along and while some of the creators were hanging out in the creator lounge Sam decided he wanted to confront a couple of people who he believed were attacking his family online um there just kind of explained I won't mention any names but there was a couple of vloggers family vloggers at that when we had our miscarriage and we posted a comment on Twitter about being proud of our more baby changing our lives and making a huge difference in our lives I'm retweeted it and said is jacked up that I had said that another one liked it so they pretty much teamed up and we're bullying us is what it was that's all that it was they're bullying our family if I got into a fight with everyone that liked a tweet I didn't like then World War three would have happened ages ago I'm just saying I could have find the actual tweet I believe it was deleted but the tweet basically said that it was messed up that Sam mania has said it was God's plan to avoid the baby and in return he gave them a viral video and views not gonna like kind of messed up so Sam ended up confronting two other vloggers at the convention verbally and ended up getting kicked out because the convention saw him as a safety hazard right after being kicked out he uploads this video this guy approached I told him that uh I had read what he wrote and it hurt our family extremely hurt our family it actually brought me to tears I told my forgave him I said just want to let you know man you caused a lot of hurt within our family but we've forgiven you we've moved on we've moved past this and I just wanna let you know we've forgiven you so then today I had approached the other guy I couldn't help myself he was attacking our family in a public forum has another family Phil a blogger I just really got to me so I was gonna approach him and let him know that I forgave him too but instead of telling him that right away I approached him and said hey man I saw that you liked this post I was wondering why you liked it he said that he could like whatever he wants he got he got a little bit defensive right away and he was just like I can do whatever I want I was like I understand that but can you can you explain further why you liked it just so I better understand where you're coming from I wanted to apologize I told him I was sorry about it I lost my cool nothing got physical at all Sam paints the incident as a calm conversation but one of the vlogging channels that was actually a part of the confrontation quickly uploaded their side of the story as far as our situation goes I was holding my daughter in my arms in the drain room or the lounge and I got confronted he was physically being aggressive at all but just nonverbal body language so as I walked over to take gains from Colin's arms Cohen said at that point he just wouldn't leave me alone about it he had to have an answer like you said in this video why and in that point I said why do you want us or do you want to start and he replied yeah what is first and from then on it got really loud again and everyone there wasn't really a lot more said I mean it was more I was like okay Colin just step away you need to step away and somebody came over to kind of get Sam back there wasn't like he said in this video there was no physical altercations there but like I said it just was kind of inappropriate with I mean it wasn't appropriate after all that happened in the last few weeks with the baby controversy the Ashley Madison scandal and now a fight had a public convention Sam Minea decided they needed a break from everything so for a good while they just completely vanished from social media [Music] [Music] so where are they now after the vloggerfair scandal and the family taking a break from social media the buzz around salmon has slowly faded away as the public moved on to the next viral sensation please kill me when sam mania returned to YouTube they continued vlogging in they tried their best to forget the situation they only talked about the scandals and a few instances and mainly tried to keep things positive Nia released a video on her personal channel where she addresses how she dealt with Sam cheating why is this happening to me I'm a nice person I love people I like to serve people I go to church I'm raising my kids for the Lord why is this happening but then I started to think why not me I am a believer I do like to encourage other people I desire to uplift other women and I feel like the Lord has called me into ministry to help others who might be going through similar situation and so I decided to just work hard diligently every day to mend my heart to mend my mind and to be able to share a video like this with you guys Nia says she forgave Sam and that the whole situation was a test from God it truly boggles my mind why these super religious families keep cheating on their wives and their wife's decide to stay with them why old stuff it's now been two years since everything has went down they welcomed a new baby to their family which they had shortly after the unfortunate events with the first baby they announced this new baby in another planned video by Sam kind of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] their channel doesn't pull in the views that it used to but the viewers they do get either have forgiven them or they are unaware of the events that took place two years ago because now they mostly get positive feedback while looking into salmon yeah I constantly was getting a strange vibe off Sam he comes across as a very narcissistic guy and seems to have no self-awareness to his actions or consequences I got the feeling that he was slash is just into YouTube for fame he came across as a very famous person at the end of the day if your goal is fame or money you're not gonna be happy that's the hard truth I got to tell you guys on the other hand Nia seems like a really really sweet person and a really good mother slash spouse and I can't help but think that Sam is the one who constantly pulled her into bad situations I'm a strong believer that people have a right to their opinions and faith you can believe in God gods or a flying Pizza named Jeff that watches over us who knows but anytime Sam mania found themselves in trouble they almost used God as a cop-out Nia said it was God's plan for Sam to cheat on her but at the end of the day Sam is the one who cheated and he's in control of all of his actions in all of these instances it's kind of sad to see all Sam's bad actions be excused by God or he's forgiven by God do I think they faked the pregnancy videos yes the reactions in terminology used in the videos seemed pretty staged to me but there's always a chance that it was real and I have no right to say that it was for a fact faked at the end of the day Sam and Nia seem happy now and for a family that went through all the scandals that's saying a lot so I guess I'm happy for them yeah anyways guys that's the story of Sam Ania and this is going to be the end of the video if you liked it please give it a thumbs up and comment um I I wash up the pizza cut I don't know if you're not subscribed you should click that red button you know you want to I love you guys bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Primink
Views: 5,855,659
Rating: 4.9165239 out of 5
Keywords: sam and nia, sam and nia pool, sam and nia pregnacy, sam and nia ashley madison, sam and nia slime, the gamer from mars, internet historian, scandal, controversy, sam and nia vlog, vlog, vloggerfair, christian vlog, famous families on youtube, family of five, sam and nia baby, pregnant, pool, ashley madison hack, 4chan, lolcow, /b/, /r9k/, 4chan stories, youtube family, shay carl, shaytards, shay carl cheating, cheating, caught cheating, vidcon, vlog family, primink
Id: NhjBgDZf8Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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