How Shane Dawson DESTROYED This Youtuber | What Happened to Bobby Burns?

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All of this is factual. Bobby had an interesting thing going but Shane promoted him terribly ('hater'? he was an actual fan) and the initial stigma of hater was too strong for Shane's fanbase to overcome. I honestly think they ruined Bobby's channel.

I didn't know who Priminiks was but now I love this twink. Found a golden new archive to binge!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/QueerEyes 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
the last two years have been pretty amazing for Shane Dawson ever since he switches content over to the high production docu-series he's been doing great dare I say he's producing some of the most anticipated content on YouTube at the moment and a common theme in Shane's series is that he's always helping someone out or he's changing someone's negative perception into something more positive there's most always a positive outcome in his videos but today I want to take a look at the time Shane series led to the destruction of one youtubers career this is the story of Bobby burns and don't know why I can't be happy so he can do emotional videos talk about things and that's not manipulative but when other people do it is she'd like crumbled everything around me and it it got you got back [Music] to get a true understanding of what took place we need to first know who Bobby Burns was Bobby is a 22 year old kid who's been doing YouTube for as long as anyone could over 10 years I believe and over those years he's made just about every genre of YouTube videos you could think of movie reviews hey guys what's up my name is Bobby and I love movies skits commentary stop-motion the list goes on and on how Bobby's channel works is he splits his content up into versions for example Bobby burns 2.0 would be on a new set or with a new style of recording and then 3.0 maybe he moved places or he just wanted to try something different the point is the versions didn't necessarily mean the content change too sometimes it just meant the content evolve this is an important fact remember it there was a total of six official versions that Bobby's channel went through but all these versions all revolved around film production because Bobby had a clear love for film he talked about it non-stop over these years Bobby didn't see any major growth on his channel his videos didn't do bad but he just had a very slow and steady growth but this all changed in version 3.0 when he started doing video essays on youtubers everything that Anthony says in this video is so intentional and with purpose and with soul that it comes off as disingenuous because it is this new type of content looked at youtubers videos and pointed out the flaws in them he analyzed youtubers manipulation in videos like apologies or he just reviewed their content as a whole and these videos started getting him a lot of attention on YouTube he gained like 50,000 subscribers in just a few months it was a really good growth he ended up making a video critiquing Shane Dawson called Shane Dawson the quote/unquote conspiracy theorists have a problem with people manipulating people and not being honest and making terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible content in this video Bobby went over all the problems with Shane's videos at the time which consisted of dumb conspiracy theories and waffle ironing Barbie dolls Oh that's me after facetune did I do too much smoothing Shane what is this in my opinion the video brought up good points of how Shane's content could be affecting his young impressionable audience and the dangers in that talking about nonsense conspiracies is fun but if your audience is taking them as fact it leads to some actual problems chuck-e-cheese the only big problem I saw with the video was that he was unnecessarily aggressive with the criticism you look pretty dumb in this video dude I'm pretty dumb which made Bobby come across as arrogant or maybe jealous but other than that the video wasn't terrible but because Shane is this beloved figure the video received backlash and Bobby was coined a hater now this is where it gets juicy around the same time this video was made Shane was in the process of switching his content over from the barbeque and Barbie dolls to what he currently makes and one of the first series he made with this new content was confronting a hater which if you can connect the dots Bobby was that hater and this is what initiated what was soon to be one of the most tragic outcomes to ever come out of a Shane series real quick before we continue honey is today's sponsor this wouldn't be a shame video if we didn't talk about honey shop being online can be tricky you never know if you're getting the best price and then later you find out you spent too much it's it sucks luckily there's a simple solution to always get the lower price and it's honey honey is a free browser extension that automatically finds the best promo codes whenever you shop online it works on over 20,000 stores such as Amazon eBay Best Buy Sephora and a lot more I shop online a lot because they don't leave my house and I've been using honey for almost a year now and I've saved so much money on Amazon it's amazing because you don't have to do any work you just shop normally and then at the checkout it applies the best promo codes for you to get money off so technically if you ever shop online and you're not using honey then you are basically throwing 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and maybe just maybe I can turn a hater into a lover just an FYI it was not out of the blue or something random behind the scenes I'm positive Shane had this entire series planned before he even sat down to make the video but being spontaneous is good entertainment painting it like a story just if it better but it wasn't spontaneous I think it's clear Shane chose Bobbie as the hater because he had really well done videos that were on the rise and views and Shane actually wanted to work with him they just maybe Bobby it was going to be the Andrew of the crew the editor Oh conspiracy guys in the next few parts Shane confronts Bobby in real life but you said my content was terrible that specific content you said all my content they talked it out and by the end of it all they seemed to have become friends the series follows Shane's pattern of starting out with a negative topic and turning it into something positive he confronted his hater and they realized wow we can talk it out and be friends we don't have to hate each other good positive ending in the fourth video we find out Bobby is moving to LA and is going to be hosting a show on Shane's channel much like Shane has done in the past with other small creators he offered a weekly slot to Bobby Shane even liked Bobby so much that he bought him a car for the move okay what wait what wait what I'd like to remind you guys that this was the boy who just a few months ago was ripping into Shane's content you look pretty dumb in this video dude and now they seem to be very good friends it was kind of strange and it felt a bit forced the fifth video which is now unlisted unchanged channel which we'll get to was about Shane and his friends questioning Bobby as he was hooked up to a lie detector as a way of making sure Bobby had good intentions after all he was just a hater a few weeks ago so you can't blame them for being suspicious the video was supposed to be humorous and playful but Bobby ended up failing a few questions that revolved around using Shane for views are you using my word no he even failed the question does he want to murder Shane you secretly want to kill myself I'm a kid take his breath away that's normal food are you gonna kill me everyone in the room played it off as a joke in just a mystery from the Machine except Ryland who actually seemed concerned I'm fine with you wanted to kill me I'm not raising my children Ryland is my spirit and and while I love him so that was the last video in a series had officially ended bobby had just received the golden ticket he was flooded with millions and millions of viewers and support after years on YouTube with small growth and he was going to be featured on one of the biggest channels on the platform working alongside one of YouTube's veterans it was a dream come true but unfortunately as augustus Gloop knows the sweet river can be deceiving soon after the series Bobby moved to LA with his crew and began producing the content on change channel every Sunday like it was planned but this was instantly met with hate by Shane's fans every time Shane offers another youtuber a slot on his channel they receive hate because you subscribe to Shane's channel to see Shane not this strange emo kid talking about five crazy trends of 2017 we don't care about the fidgets spinners we want Shane fidget spinners but Bobby for some reason received more hate than any one that's ever been on Shane's channel and I think the main reason was because he was painted as this hater it seems the fans felt confused / angry as to why shade would be giving so much support to this person who was just a minute ago despising him he gave him a car people also the lie detector test played a big role in making the fans fear that Bobby was using Shane I'm not gonna go into the science of lie detectors but they are not 100% accurate there are hundreds of studies out there on the accuracy of lie-detector tests and it is widely accepted that they are not near-perfect they are actually not admissible in court in many states and countries because of the accuracy add in the fact that Bobby was extremely nervous fidgeting and holding his breath at many points and you can see why there could have been many false reads the tests even said Bobby likes Shane do you even like yes and actually like him a lot I'm too small a fountain yet very good but then a few seconds later said he wanted to kill Shane that just shows you it was flawed but to this day that test is used as solid proof too many people that Bobby's motives were solid and I don't agree with it because of all the backlash Bobby only got to post a few weeks on Shane's channel and the videos weren't bad per se they just didn't fit with Shane's style all the videos have been unlisted now and I can't seem to find copies but they were just very generic youtuber videos like buying a thousand dollars in Gucci clothes oh and they just weren't liked by Shane's fans by the fourth week bobby was no longer appearing on Shane's channel and a lot of people assumed he was fired Bobby ended up tweeting out that the show was on hiatus to focus on his own content and then later Shane tweeted the same thing then even later Shane confirmed the show was probably cancelled unless they were gonna do a big revamp of the entire thing which spoiler alert never happened that whole Sunday thing if it happens to get me it's a whole reinvention just because so Bobby's show was gone one of the main factors to move to LA and a huge money source for him was taken away Bobby still had his channel and all the new viewers so it was still okay right he's fine he's got viewers right it's good no it's not it's did not go good when Bobby got back from Shane's series his channel had an identity crisis he drastically changed his content to try to appeal to his new audience and started making vlogs of his trip to California but his old fans hated the change remember each of Bobby's versions before only slightly changed or evolved his channels but suddenly his content was completely different and his fans were pissed so in response to this Bobby went back to making commentary but then he received backlash from I assume Shane's fans who wanted more Shane style content then he did a move review and that received backlash he became stuck in a cycle of no matter what he did or uploaded he had a mob of people who were upset about the content and this is where I sympathize with Bobby on a spiritual level excuse me I'm gonna be narcissistic first second if you don't know my channel grew insanely fast I went from getting a hundred views of video to a million views in just a few weeks that sounds amazing right but let me tell you it is one of the most stressful things to ever happen to go from a hundred viewers and a few comments to thousands of viewers in an instant with all different wants and needs is terrifying suddenly you have all these people who each want something different one group wants funny videos one group wants analytical videos one group hates my giggle I hate that group and if you please one of the groups you are automatically making the other group map and on top of that you now have thousands of eyes on you and if you ever make a bad take or have a bad opinion you're gonna hear about it in a dozen rap videos about you I have anxiety and depression I have depression uh-huh I have it worse than these I need it more than anyone else it's really fun haha just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine and it gets to a point at least I did where you just you just give up I don't know what anyone wants for me anything I do is wrong so I quit I'm done and I can only imagine what Bobby Burns was feeling when in a blink of an eye he had millions of people coming to his channel each expecting something different oh wow he was being torn apart in hundreds of videos for using Shane mm-hmm like they don't want you to go back to making movie stuff some people do I don't get it like what did is the constant inconsistency made his viewers and subscribers start to decline rapidly as he struggled to find his style and this all leads to one of the weirdest plot twists anyone could think of nasty boy mr. Wenders a mocha Shawn suited to the scope and the both thing out of the blue I'm Bobby's channel he uploaded a music video called creep under the new name nasty boy I am I like any age particularly stepping on the body when I talk about magazine and this is when I think everyone as a group stepped back and was like are you okay Bobby what's going on here I don't think the music was insanely bad it just felt so very out of character and abrupt nasty boy from what I've gathered is Bobby burns alter ego he suddenly changed into this person and started playing this character who is edgy and crazy and most people just thought he was losing his mind but I believe he was just playing a role he's an artist and this was his art a narrative began circulating that he moved to LA and started doing a ton of drugs and now this was the outcome but I found no evidence of any drug use other than weed which is legal where he was there was also claims that he got arrested but I also found no evidence of that other than a reddit post claiming it was true and the most ironic part was that the nasty boy music seemed to have been in production for over a year before they even met Shane or moved to LA so this narrative that he went to LA and became a drug addict and started making soundcloud rap was just not true the biggest problem at this time was that Bobby had a lack of communication with his fans Bobby never told anyone why he was doing this weird character or what he was doing with his content so people by default just filled in the blanks with these assumptions and rumors and when Bobby finally did communicate with his fans he was defensive and had a bad attitude because at that point he was being flooded with so much hate that he thought his supporters were now his enemies so when are you gonna be back to making sick YouTube videos again you know the only thing you're really good at which sick ones the like Lego Angry Birds what does Suicide Squad mean about the future of film y'all go back to doing that which only alienated himself even more and gave his fans more reason to hate him some time after this Bobby ended up getting in a car crash in the car that Shane got him and another narrative was spread by the one and only rewired soul that he was on drugs are under the influence during that crash and we're supposed to believe that when he got in a car accident this was the one time the one time he was so but once again there was no proof whatsoever to back that up there was no police records or reports or anything it was just an assumption and Bobby was once again flooded with fans of shane saying how dare you crash Shane's car that was a gift you druggie yo so it's one two hop on here and say shoutout to all the people who are so angry at me for breaking Shane's Jeep I got a car wreck yo guys are acting childish is guys he was in a car accident even if he was under the influence his life is more important than a car Shane got him I'm sorry there was then pedo accusations made against Bobby that didn't have any credibility behind them that I could see his news were then leaked to the Internet and hundreds of videos just kept coming out speculating everything he was doing this kid was getting hit after hit after hit with no brake whatsoever it was like nasty videos like people being like like calling my girlfriend like many many times in a video like that sucks like she didn't do anything and to make things even worse Bobby and his girlfriend broke up because of the financial issues and the massive amount of debt caused by them moving to California once Bobby lost his show they couldn't afford California in just a few months Bobby went from being a very young and talented kid at the height of his youtube career to being plucked out and thrown to the dogs losing almost everything he had in an instant eventually this has all built up to a point where Bobby has since vanished from everything [Music] I think there are many factors for the destruction of Bobby burns for one his code of fame was being deemed a hater which I don't think he should have been called in the first place yes Bobby had very strong criticism towards Shane but to classify him as a hater was already giving Shane's fans a reason not to like him and I think Shane realized this because he changed the last title from the series to no longer say hater the lie-detector test this was one of the most referenced reasons to hate Bobby that I could find everyone is convinced Bobby Burns was using Shane based on that video which is why Shane unlisted it to try to stop the backlash we already went over it lie detectors are not foolproof and the fact that so many people gave that test so much weight really gave Bobby a bad start with winning people over Bobby's alienation of his fans this was one of the major factors I noticed during all the hate Bobby didn't have any open communication with his fans and when he finally did he came off as defensive and dismissive when a good portion of people just wanted to make sure he was doing okay even though Bobby was being flooded with hate he still had fans that cared about him and he was lumping up the people that cared with the haters and treated them all like they were enemies Shane's lack of help I want to make it clear that it's not Shane's fault that Bobby crashed and burned like some people believe Shane was trying to help a kid out and give him a huge chance because he believed in him but it just didn't work out the only problem I have here is that Shane didn't really make a huge effort to get the backlash off of Bobby Shane's only response that I could find during all of this was that he had no beef with Bobby when Shane's fans attacked Bobby for getting into a car crash I couldn't find anything from Shane trying to stop it and when the majority of the hate is coming from your fan base after you made a whole series painting this guy as a hater I think he should have stepped in more to control the situation he helped create he deleted videos and changed titles so he obviously knew there was a problem but I don't think he did enough to stop it once again I don't think Shane was malicious at all but I think he needed to step in more to help this kid who obviously couldn't handle the huge influx of viewers in this situation Shane could have been a mentor and really helped this kid out but instead he just laid low and let all the drama float away at the end of the day Bobby is a very talented creator and I don't think he got a proper chance to show the world his talents I genuinely hope one day he can return to YouTube with a fresh start and prove to everyone what he has to offer because he is a very smart kid he's very analytical watch it watch his older videos they're very good but he just had a very unlucky start showing the world Bobby come back to YouTube I want to see you succeed anyways guys that's gonna be it for the video I hope you enjoyed hope I don't get mass disliked for saying Shane did something wrong Oh No if you liked the video please give it a like follow my Twitter leave a comment yeah however yes bye [Music]
Channel: Primink
Views: 4,685,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobby burns, bobby burns shane dawson, what happened to bobby burns, shane dawson tv, bobby burns coming out, shane dawson bobby burns, shane jeffree star, the beautiful world of jeffree star, jeffree star, dawson, documentary, bobby burns music, confronting my hater, what happened to, journalism, investigative journalism, james charles, bobby burns lie detector, lie detector, the rewired soul, primink, shane, shane dawson, jeffree, star, bobby
Id: r8zxMT-xTjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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