What Nobody Realized About Audrey, Dizzy, Jay and Jane In Descendants 3

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I was hoping you were home okay Audrey you really freaked us out in descendants three we know you lost your shot at the crown not to mention your boyfriend but don't worry you don't have to be the queen of mean to get what you want do you think we speak for everyone when we say we're glad you put down that scepter but we have to be honest you're evil look was a wicked cool before you judge Audrey there are some things you need to know about her she's not your typical villain kid she's a good princess gone bad gone good again but here's what nobody realizes about Audrey in descendants three keep watching to find out who she's teaming up with after d3 Audrey didn't start out as evil sure she was a little full of herself and yes she thought Ben was her property we're not even sure she loved Ben or if she was dating him so she could just wool auradon I was princess girlfriend on the fast track to becoming his wife in the Queen Audrey was clearly better about Mouse stealing everything she ever wanted but she shocked everyone when she stole Maleficent sceptre and turned into the queen of mean how did this happen let's start at the beginning and piece this thing together at the beginning of the movie Audrey wasn't planning on creating a sleep spell that knocked out all the word on she had just returned from the salon rested and fresh with a fabulous new makeover you could see the look of complete and total shock on her face when Ben proposed - mal we watched Audrey's dream of being the queen of auradon shatter like a glass slipper when Audrey broke into the museum she didn't intend to go full evil she just wanted to steal the crown did you notice that she didn't even put the crown on her head until after she transformed into evil Audrey she was about to throw it away but then the scepter hypnotized her the same way Maleficent hypnotized Sleeping Beauty some people thought that Audrey caused the guard at the front of the museum to fall asleep but what if it was the scepter well if it's in scepter beckoned Audrey into the museum and lured her into going full the scepter wanted her to take control of it the magic in that staff was too much for Audrey to resist she was under an evil spell which caused her to cast many additional evil curses so was it all Audrey's fault keep watching to find out when Ben and mal got engaged Audrey didn't only lose out on the crown she also lost her first love then was the only boy she's ever had eyes for she had her future with him all planned out we know that mal didn't mean to do it but she took it all away from Audrey it seemed that Audrey had everything a princess could one but did she truly love Ben Audrey was betrothed to Ben since she was just a little girl perhaps her grandmother convinced her to love Ben despite what she really wanted in Audrey's room there are pictures of her and then going all the way back to preschool Audrey was too young to be able to choose a partner for herself back then those photos were staged by Audrey's grandmother who knows if Audrey would have chosen Ben to be her boyfriend if she had a choice from the beginning so who would she choose if it were up to her we'll get into that a little bit later it's obvious that Audrey only wants to make her grandmother proud in fact every action Audrey takes in The Descendants movies is tied to her need to please her Grammy so when Audrey hears her grandmother's fighting words of disapproval after mal and Ben's engagement it cuts her to her core all she ever wanted was to make her granny proud our family stutters gone Queen Leah's expectations of Audrey were impossible to achieve Audrey reached her breaking point when she learned she would never be the queen of auradon that's when she crowned herself the queen of mean underneath all of that pink hair and distressed leather was just a little girl who needed the unconditional love and approval of her grandmother instead her grandmother slapped her with that cruel comment that Audrey's mother could hold on to a prince in her sleep now we see where Audrey learned to be so mean now here's the really mind-blowing thing that nobody gets about Audrey if it wasn't for her the barrier would have never been opened Audrey's evil deeds became the catalyst for change in auradon allow us to explain before Audrey stole the crown and the after another villain was stirring up trouble that's right we're talking about Hades after he pushed his way through the barrier and almost stole all of Mel's powers everyone in auradon was terrified they wanted to close the barrier for good and it was all mouths idea which was a total whoa moment for fans I think that we have to close barrier forever if Audrey hadn't stolen the crown and scepter put asleep and stones fell on everyone and turned Ben into a beast now would have learned nothing instead mal came to realize that there is both good and evil in every one that realization is what made mal decide to take down the barrier for good so thanks Audrey thankfully when Audrey woke from her deep sleep she was back to her old self again alas she was still without a prince on her arm but don't feel bad for her from the sparks flying between Audrey and Harry we think the pirate's life might be right for Audrey so what's your verdict is Audrey mean or misunderstood sound off in the comments [Music] we were so excited when you got a chance to go to Oregon dizzy we just knew that Evie had to pick you after all you are practically her little sister I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own job you might have spent most of descendants three under a sleeping spell but there is a lot more to you than meets the eye and we are here to clear up all the reasons you're such an awesome character dizzy Germain is one of the newest vks in Oregon check out these theories and connections that no one realized about dizzy family business when we first meet dizzy in descendants - she works in her grandmother salon we don't meet lady tremaine until the third movie but she seems to treat dizzy a lot like she treated Cinderella dizzy is responsible for doing all the cleaning and she gets yelled at - but a relationship with her grandmother is way more complicated than that we don't get to see a lot of interaction between them but here's what we know from descendants three it seems like Lady Tremaine is the main parental figure - did the Dizzy's mah mistress Allah and her aunt is Anastasia but we never see Cinderella's two wicked stepsisters when dizzy is ready to leave the aisle her mom and aunt are nowhere to be seen but her grandmother is there to say goodbye to her lady tremaine is super strict but dizzy loves her she gives her a big hug this family obviously doesn't like to show affection lady tremaine is totally taken aback by the gesture their relationship may not be perfect but there is definitely love there but why don't we see Drizella well let's be honest Drizella is not cut out to raise a kid don't you remember how childish and awful she was in Cinderella Lady Tremaine has raised two daughters so she's the obvious choice when it comes to raising dizzy dizzy is also related to someone from Oregon they don't mention this in the movie so you might not have noticed but dizzy is related to Chad charming Dizzy's mom Drizella was the stepsister of Cinderella chad is the son of prince charming and Cinderella that means that Chad and dizzy are cousins well technically their step cousins but there are lots of blended families that don't make that distinction does he acts more like the sweet Cinderella we know and love and Chad is so spoiled he acts more like Drizella did these two should have switched parents we bet that dizzy and Chad will connect and Cinderella will be the awesome aunt that dizzy deserves the next Eevee I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine each of the core four got to pick the next generation of vks to come to auradon our original villain kids are just about done with school they picked kids that really resonated with them J and Carlos picked squeaky and squirmy because no one expected much from those boys no one ever expected much from Carlos and J either but they believed in the Smee twins now picked Celia because she is the baddest kid on the Isle and Evie picked Izzie because they're so similar they're definitely the sweetest of the villain kids they see the good in people and being mean just doesn't come naturally to them Suzy is also a fashionista like Edie Edie brought her fashion design skills to ward on Perez dizzy will bring her awesome salon skills we expect to see some awesome hairstyles at the school now no magic needed she's also talented at making accessories like Evie's tiara from descendants - Evie respects Dizzy's talents we think these two will end up in business together after dizzy graduate Evie love's dizzy they're just like sisters did these mom got to grow up with a sister but dizzy is an only child and she didn't get a lot of affection at home but she did from Evie Evie was the person who believed in dizzy she was always quick to hug her and encourage her Evie wanted dizzy in auradon because she knows she belongs there she's smart and kind and talented and now dizzy can be the cool loving older sister to this me twins and other decays why dizzy didn't fight after meeting dizzy in the second movie we expected her to have a much bigger role in descendants 3 but we really didn't get to see too much of her smell tells her to stay with the twins dizzy squeaky and squirmy all fall under Audrey's sleeping spell so why didn't dizzy fight she might be like Evie in a lot of ways but there is one important difference dizzy doesn't know how to fight most of the villain kids learned how to fight from their parents but Dizzy's family wasn't particularly skilled in combat or Savion magic dizzy didn't have anyone tough to show her the ropes if dizzy had gone to the aisle with mousy Leah and the rest she wouldn't have fallen under the sleeping spell but she would have been in way more danger does he stay here to take care of the twins we'll be right back and everything will be just fine mal and Evie wanted to protect her and Disney wasn't even upset about it you don't have to be tough to be a VK dizzy just knows that she has her strengths she's responsible and caring still part of us wishes that dizzy had been a more prominent figure in descendants 3 do you think Disney made the right choice by staying in auradon or could she have helped the BK's throughout their quest tell us in the comments and be sure to tell us what you love about dizzy while you're at it o Jafar you did an amazing job at raising J sure you turned him into a master thief but unlike the rest of the bee case you and Jay had a a strong relationship he stole things to help you run your shop and he rubbed every lamp you came across just in case it was the one you were searching for J is always there for his friends and he's got family values in the bag so we guess what we're trying to say is thank you for giving us Jay Jay has changed a lot throughout the descendants franchise but we didn't realize just how much he had evolved until we watched descendants 3 here are 10 things nobody realizes about Jay when we first meet Jay it didn't take us long to find out that he had sticky fingers Jay could shake your hand and swipe your wallet and you'd be none the wiser Jay continued to steal stuff when he first came over to our Adan but it didn't take long for his fingers to lose their grip we couldn't believe our eyes when Jay stopped Harry from stealing in a case wallet in his Sinan's 3 wow he sure has come a long way Jay loves his freedom and everything that comes with it he plans to travel and embark on more adventures than he can count although it's hard to believe Jay is the only single VK out of the original core for evey has dug now has been and Carlos has Jane and when he comes today he's got adventure on the brain Jay doesn't seem to mind the single life he looks happy to be on his own in descendents 3 but Jay is never alone because his fellow bk's have quickly become his family and J values family above all else when the V case were given the task of choosing a recruit Jay Chou's to pair up with Carlos and pick the Smee twins Jay wanted to keep the twins together no matter what he knows how important it is to be surrounded by family which is why he would never separate squeaky and squirmy and no way we're splitting up the twins so get over here squirmy come on the wild Jay may be content with hanging out with the fam there is one person he didn't bother mentioning throughout the film and that's Lonnie most of us thought that Jay and Lonnie would be an item by descendants three because well they totally hit it off in d2 but for some strange reason Jay remains single throughout the three cool and never once mentions his could have been girlfriend we wonder what happened between these two although we don't get the full story we do know that Lonnie is spending her time with her swords and shields team and since Jay loves sports he would never stop her from following her passions Jays real passion on the other hand is playing tore knee he's the tourney team's star player and he proudly wears number eight on his back did you guys notice how Jay usually sports an embroidered Cobra on his fact he loves to represent afar and he does this on the tour knee field to his number eight it's easily switched out for a cobra mimicking the infinity sign whereas Carlos wants to become a veterinarian Jay wants to become a professional Tour knee player Jay's dream is to go pro and become a torna coach once he's done playing the field so while mal and Ben will be busy brewing over our Don and the aisle Jay will be touring the world and playing his favorite sport it takes a lot of guts to go after our dreams the Jay knows what he wants and he's not afraid to go after it and luckily for our Don Jace one of the bravest V Ches of all time this was proven in d3 when Hades managed to sneak his head and arm out of the barrier Jay was the first one to charge Hades his bravery is undeniable but unfortunately it resulted in him being the first one to get blasted by Hades luckily mouths dad didn't actually hurt anyone J has always been brave which makes us wonder if this is something his father taught him he might have noticed how J is the only VK out of the core for to have a single father instead of a single mother but the scale tipped in descendants three when Hades was revealed as Mal's dad now both mal and J have father figures in their lives but who could Jay's mother be if you have any theories comment them down below some people believe that Jays mom was a pirate and the reason behind this assumption makes sense in return to the Isle of the Lost Jay gets approached to join Captain Hook's pirate crew however Jay refuses and continues to help his father run his shop it would make sense for Jays mom to be a pirate since he was approached by Captain Hook but in the end Jay ended up being close friends with uma hairy and Gil so he might very well have the C coursing through his veins I want to get a kick out of a very bish we were happy to see Jay hit it off with Gil because well Jay seemed to be a little lonely in descendents 3 while Jay had plenty of friends they were all in relationships and making future plans without him so finding a friend like Gil was super important Jay looks so excited when he started bonding with Gil and now the boys have plans to travel the world for the entire year you know what will be fun to go rafting in a jungle river find a lot of civilization or maybe a penguin we wish we could watch their adventures on the small screen what do you say you me go exploring I'll do a gap year jungles or icebergs both so did you guys notice anything else about Jay and descendants 3 sound off in the comments section on the plus side it's been the longest birthday I've ever had Real Talk Jane do you have any idea how awesome you are Minnie fancy you as the unsung hero of descendants three Carlos was lucky to be with a smart go-getter like you if only you could see what the rest of the world sees you are obsessed with magic but the truth is you are magic and we love to watch you shine so own it girl there is one descendant who is more than she appears to be and one villain kids saw that before everyone else that's why he fell hopelessly in love with her there are so many things about Jane that nobody realizes watch until the end to find out what secret magical powers Jane possesses do you guys remember when Jane stepped into her power and descendants - she was a boss in charge of the entire cotillion and it was epic she definitely came a long way since her days of following Audrey around in the first Descendants movie but Jane's journey reveals something you may have missed about the fairy godmothers daughter let's start at the beginning Jane started out as a shy sweet little auradon gal who was afraid of the villain kids from the Isle that's okay don't mind me as you were Jane was fascinated with magic even though her mother wouldn't let her anywhere near it Jane had trouble figuring out who she truly was in the first movie that's why she helped Audrey bully now she had no self-confidence this lack of self-esteem cost her to only see her value in her appearance but we all know now that there is so much more to her than that once Jane slowly started to accept the BK she started to accept herself as well becoming friends with Malin or crew helped Jane to see that it's not just about your outside appearance it's what's inside your heart that counts that's when she really takes the lead in descendants - Jane steps into the leadership role in do - with the planning of the cotillion she is much more outgoing and happy this makes her irresistible to Carlos but along with the newfound confidence comes a bit of cluelessness she gets frazzled easily during the planning of the big celebration and she's totally oblivious to Carlos having a crush on her when he tries to ask her out he has to explain over and over again what he means would you be my date for cotillion carlos is so happy when she finally says yes and let's not forget jean is the one who tried to stop Ana Numa from getting together by unveiling Ben's gift for Mau at the cotillion by accepting the villain kid she started accepting herself as well but Jane's transformation in d3 was the most surprising one of all keep watching to find out more about her secret powers in d3 Jane doesn't know why Carlos misses her birthday celebration but even then she still believes in Carlos and sure Jane can be a bit naive sometimes but she's still outsmarts Audrey she jumps into the enchanted lake to avoid succumbing to Audrey sleep spell Jane calls to warn Ben and also tries to call her mom so she could get her wand and put a stop to the madness she takes action rather than staying on the sidelines and she saves the day again when she sprays Ben with water from the enchanted lake to turn him back from the Beast to man where did this Jane come from she just did what needed to be done she didn't ask for permission from anyone Jane has come a long way since the first descendants movie and can we talk about what a cute couple Jane and Carlos are even when she thought Carlos forgot her birthday all she cared about was if he was alright and he was so happy to see her that birthday gift Carlos got for Jane was perfect jar loaves forever it broke our hearts when Jane saw that her mom was turned to stone but this is the biggest moment when we see Jane's true self shine she is now the one reassuring and rescuing her mother she has to rely on the very magic that her mother forbade her to use not that long ago Jane represents the heart of the movie she is kind brave and in charge the old Jane would have crumbled under this kind of pressure but this new and improved Jane finally understands the impact she can have on auradon here's the truth about Jane that nobody realizes Jane knows just how strong and mighty the power of love can be she knows that you can change an entire kingdom by connecting with the person right in front of you took the time and effort to encourage every person she met and when her mom was turned back into her human self Jane was there to comfort her she told her mom that it's okay this heart-to-heart connection that Jane fosters between herself and others makes her the unsung hero of The Descendants movies mal and Audrey went through some major transformations throughout the descendance movies but Jane also grew and changed significantly she didn't understand that she had power without magic all along but by the end of d3 she notes that her magical powers are leadership and compassion in the future we can see our becoming a great ambassador for auradon sitting right next to mal and then on the throne all leaders must have courage and compassion and that is why Jane is the queen of compassion do you think Jane is the unsung hero of descendant 3 if so leave a star emoji down below if you disagree tell us who you think the real hero of descendants three is in the comments thank you for watching hit that subscribe button and notification Bell to be the first to know when we post a new video and don't forget to give us a big thumbs up we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 2,606,472
Rating: 4.8454127 out of 5
Keywords: Dove Cameron, Sarah Jeffery, Descendants 3, Queen of Mean, Hades, Cheyenne Jackson, Uma, Harry Hook, Descendants 3 secrets, Disney Channel, DCOM, D3, booboo stewart, the things, thethings, queen of mean, descendants 3 song
Id: 1CsIlhRfIAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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