What You Never Realized About Zombies 2 Disney Movie (Compilation)

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[Music] our razor sharp claws will cut him and splatter their foot we hate to say it but we're disappointed in you bucky you're supposed to be a leader but you run and hide whenever things get spooky we thought you had put your zombie bullying days behind you but you were back to the same old shenanigans in zombies too you might have allowed zombies to join your cheer squad but that hasn't stopped you from sabotaging and segregating them we know you're a nice guy deep down bucky but we're still waiting for you to prove it zombies 2 welcomed a brand new soundtrack and a band of unique actors to the franchise with so much going on it was easy to miss out on some fun tidbits and background information we're about to dive into zombies 2 and reveal the 15 things everyone missed if you haven't seen the sequel yet keep in mind that this video contains some major spoilers you've been warned i'm so sorry we got this is the first song we hear in zombies 2 addison and the cheerleaders sing it while completing a huge obstacle course at cheer camp and zed and his zombie friends join in while dancing through zombie town but if you hit pause when zed and the zombies are dancing in front of the movie theater you can see that knight of the werewolf is playing at the cinema is this a coincidence probably not what's even more curious however is that the sign next to it is blurred out could this be the title of zombies three watch until the end to find out i'm so excited to see well you know zed's little sister zoe loves animals more than anything so we weren't surprised that she was excited about the werewolf threat instead of being afraid zoe even put up a poster saying that she wanted a werewolf friend that's when zoey crossed past with wyatt who is posing as a human after chatting with wyatt zoe realizes that he's not who he's pretending to be zoe makes a remark about the size of wyatt's eyes which look huge behind his glasses zoe says what big eyes you have which is a reference to the european fairy tale little red riding hood if you notice this reference leave a wolf emoji in the comments it was a werewolf it's no secret that bucky doesn't like zombies he's made that very clear but during the musical number we got this we see just how far bucky will go to humiliate and harm the zombies at his school in a blink and you'll miss it moment we see bucky blasting a z team cheerleader with his bugzuka which is like a bazooka but with water we knew that bucky was mischievous but we never thought he would physically harm his cheerleaders the look on the z team's faces says it all bucky had a bukzuka made to sabotage the z team but they won anyway disappointing you can't be scared to get those jazz hands dirty every sports team needs a mascot which is why no one batted an eye at the seabrook high mascot shrimpy but things get a little weird when it was revealed that shrimpy also doubled as a bus driver clearly shrimpy had some issues keeping his eyes and bus on the road instead of slamming on the brakes when he saw zed on the ladder he hit the zombie and kept driving shrimpy did not stop driving until the bus collided with a fence in the forbidden forest so basically without shrimpy the werewolves would never have seen addison and entered seabrook without shrimpy zombies 2 would not have been possible we're surrounded by werewolves cool shrimpy's days as a bus driver are numbered he put everyone's lives at risk when he failed to bring the bus to a stop during his rampage we see shrimpy collide with a fence and on the fence is a sign that reads forbidden forest keep out afterward we find out that this vent was stopping the werewolves from getting out or the zombies and humans from getting in but did you notice how small this fence was what was stopping the almighty werewolves from jumping over the fence before shrimpy took it down and who put up the fence in the first place we find the girl and if she's the great alpha she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden there's a lot of mystery surrounding the forbidden forest and we're hoping to find out more about it should the franchise add a third installment did any of you notice how huge the moon was when willa and her pack surrounded addison in the forest not only is the moon huge and dark but it's also present despite it being light outside could this bizarre moon be what powers the moon stone in the first place and why can this moon only be seen in the forbidden forest obviously seabrook is a town unlike any other so anything is possible anyway who cares what they think it's a terrible town ever since zombietown was allowed to open its gates tons of new shops have popped up all over town there's the night of the living dead store and a crystal shop too seabrook has come a long way since the first zombies movie but they still have a long way to go after watching zombies 2 we know that the zombies and werewolves inherited their special powers from magical crystals however crystal shops are usually run by witches could this crystal shop be hinting towards zombies 3 introducing witches of some sort what other new stores did you spot in zombie town in seabrook tell us in the comments they see one werewolf and we can't go to prawn the dog ate my homework is one of the oldest excuses in the book it's a joke that's been used plenty of times and it popped up in zombies 2 in the most subtle of ways when wyatt is following addison in the library the camera jumps to brie who is doing her homework but then winter pops up behind her rips out a page from her binder and eats it now we all know that winter can go a little overboard with her intimidation tactics but who eats paper well a dog does we hope bree's teacher believes her when she says that that dog just ate my homework fans of the first zombies film were quick to point out that the zombies all had the letter z in their names while some zombies like zed and zoe start their names off with the letter others like eliza and bonzo simply have a z inside of their first names well in case you didn't notice the werewolves follow a similar naming pattern as the zombies wyatt willa and winter all have names that start with the letter w but the first letter of their names isn't the only thing that can be linked back to their werewolf backgrounds willa and wyatt's last name is lykensen which derives from the word lycan and lichen is a term used to describe a humanoid wolf i am a mean mean werewolf king it's pretty common for high schools to have huge budgets when it comes to sports but seabrook's cheerleading budget is out of this world not only is the town about to knock down seabrook power to make room for a new cheerleading platform but it also hosts a yearly cheer camp the obstacle course we see during the song we got this must have cost the town thousands of dollars to build if not more seabrook high has a huge budget when it comes to cheerleading every adult knows that they have to watch what they say around children kids can easily pick up on bad words and repeat them without fail we saw this happen when addison was brought to the den of the wolf when addison is attempting to howl she says a bunch of hilarious things but at one point wyatt stops her to remind her that there are were pups around winter points out that addison needs to put a pebble in this werewolf jar but the damage has been done all of the young wolves mimic addison's swear word at the exact same time did you catch this hilarious joke she needs to put a pebble in this werewolf jar zed and bucky go head to head for the chance to become the school president they sing the catchy song i'm winning to show the crowd why they deserve to win during the song things get a little personal bucky points out that zed is a monster who can't control himself bucky believes this to be the reason why he should be elected school president instead of zed but zed fires back without a second to waste when bucky points out that zed eats brains zed says that bucky has nothing to worry about since he has none zed called bucky stupid to his face and it flew right over his head did you catch this hilarious insult oh did you see that that was a high five there is both good and bad karma depending on what you put out in the world unfortunately for zed he did something bad and received a huge dose of karma within minutes when zed finds out that addison might be a werewolf he steals her necklace to stop her from transforming but obviously this wasn't his choice to make after winning over the crowd during the presidential debate zed's z-ban clashes with the crystal necklace which results in zed going full zombie on the crowd because of this zed loses the crowd and bucky becomes the student body president if zed hadn't stolen addison's necklace he might have won against bucky i lost the election maybe [Music] probably the werewolves might look like high school students hence why they were welcome to join sebrakai but these sly wolves are not who they appear to be willa wyatt winter and their pack are a lot older than addison zed and company they don't age like zombies and humans do at the beginning of the movie winter says that once they locate the moonstone they'll be able to live wolf strong for another 100 years turns out the moonstone also provides anti-aging properties and when we do we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years if you thought the zombies franchise was over and done with think again although the disney channel has yet to confirm a three-quell it's obvious that something is in the works after all zombies 2 did end with a cliffhanger we still don't know which group addison belongs to she's not a human or a zombie or a werewolf if we had to guess zombies 3 would finally reveal addison's true heritage addison's white hair was glowing bright blue at the end of the sequel and a blue meteor was seen falling from the sky there's so much left to the story and we can't wait to find out which new couples link up in z3 did anyone else notice the chemistry between eliza and wyatt sound off in the comments we're a strong united and tight-knit community the highly anticipated sequel to disney channel zombies finally aired on february 14th 2020 zombies 2 was a lot of fun with new songs and great new characters want to know how milo manheim and meg donnelly felt about that on-screen smooch keep watching to find out all the behind the scenes secrets we have a brilliant and cheer-tested candidate running for president this year me filming a movie is hard work actors spend long hours on set during filming they have to film each scene several times to get it absolutely perfect it's even more difficult when there are lots of huge dance numbers like in zombies too even though filming was a lot of fun for the cast they had to work really hard after a full month of rehearsals they started filming but a lot of the movie happens at night after all there are werewolves and zombies in seabrook they aren't known for hanging out during the day many of the night scenes took hours to film even if they were only a couple of minutes long this led to overnight filming sessions the cast would be up all night and sometimes the cast to just hung around at night if they weren't in those scenes they really just enjoyed being with each other meg hung out when she wasn't needed on trevor torchman's last day on set but there are a lot of daytime shots too how did the cast manage to catch some z's [Music] milo manheim plays the world's greatest zombie as zed he's a great friend athlete and big brother he's also a really great dancer milo impressed everyone with his dance moves in the first movie but then he impressed the rest of the world when he appeared on dancing with the stars in 2018 milo was paired with professional dancer whitney carson the pair came in second place on the show milo showed off his new dance moves behind the scenes of zombies too according to meg and his other co-stars he solves us every five seconds it's great meg told j14 magazine that she thinks his dance moves got even better after being on the competition show but that didn't stop her from teasing him in milo's behind the scenes video he said meg likes to do an impression of his dance moves it was pretty hilarious but he got her back these two best friends aren't afraid to tease each other a little it's all in good fun oh oh hey um hey i'm milo and i'm meg from everything the cast is said it sounds like zombies 2 was a blast to film it really helps when they are all great friends j14 magazine sat down with mcdonnelly pierce jose arielle martin and chandler kinney they asked megan the new actors about their funniest moments on set apparently they all spent their time laughing trevor tordsman who plays bucky is apparently one of the funniest members of the cast he likes to riff and improv when he's off camera meg would cry from laughing so hard trevor has great comedic timing meg also thought that it was hilarious watching everyone dive into the mud for the song we got this it was funny for the fans too another hilarious moment behind the scenes happened at dance rehearsals in the last week of rehearsals the werewolf dancers had to get used to dancing in their wigs so they came to practice in normal clothes and makeup while wearing giant werewolf wigs the actors said it looked so funny since no one else was in costume [Applause] one of the most powerful scenes in zombies 2 is the dance number for flesh and bones this song was amazing it was all about standing up for yourself and loving yourself for who you are we're all more than flesh and bones the song also had some deep political messages too milo mannheim revealed that this song means the most to him out of all of them it's a really emotional song his character zed has a lot of fear he realizes that he hates being a monster which he takes out on addison he has to get over that milo said that flesh and bones was the turning point for his character that's when zed realizes that the werewolves are more than just monsters and so is he he really turns his attitude around after that and fixes his bad decisions we can really see his character turn it around too milo poured all of his emotions into that number you're fierce proud werewolves yeah they think we're monsters we are monsters every time we see a cast in an interview they act like they are all best friends but it's more than acting the cast of zombies is really close how did they get to be such good friends the answer is game night in the first movie the cast often had dance parties together they continued that tradition but added a bunch of board games to the mix they all stayed at the same hotel so they would get together and play games they started this from the very beginning of rehearsals everyone talks about how much fun these nights were the number one game that they played was bananagrams the cast also had pool parties honestly it sounds like filming zombies 2 was a blast if they were not playing games or spending time at the pool they were always hanging out they'd even go to the grocery store together just to get some snacks the original cast welcomed the new werewolves into the fold right away meg invited pierce to hang out the very first night they met they were in the elevator and she asked if he was coming to her room to hang out he was a little taken aback but he joined the rest of the cast he was part of the pack from that night on i knew they didn't have to be loud you just you oh one of the themes from the first movie was standing out from the status quo seabrook was all about conformity that theme of individuality continued on in zombies too but when you're filming choreographed dance numbers it's hard to be an individual everyone is doing the same moves right not in zombies two the choreographers and directors wanted everyone's personality to shine through the dance numbers they have the same basic moves but they were free to add their own personal spin everyone had their own variation that made these dance numbers even better this personal touch extended into the costuming department the werewolves didn't fit in with the humans or the zombies they are totally unique so pierce arielle and chandler got to have input in their costumes they had to wear certain items but then they were allowed to spice it up for their characters we love how much artistic expression the actors were able to uphold zed and addison finally kissed in zombies too but filming this on-screen pack wasn't easy keep watching for all the details [Music] it can be daunting to be the new kid on the block arielle martin said that she had a lot of anxiety about joining the cast she knew how close-knit everyone was and then she had a delay when getting to toronto for rehearsals she showed up three days late which made her feel even more anxious she was worried about not knowing the choreography and how everyone would treat her but she didn't have to worry at all when she arrived meg texted her to welcome her to canada arielle told 17 magazine that that helped a lot she got to rehearsals early the next day and ran into chandler pierce and meg they showed her the choreography that she missed so she wouldn't fall behind the next day arielle joined them for her first game night once they spent time hanging out she no longer felt worried about fitting in it definitely helped that her co-stars were so nice and helpful our pack is our pack we don't need anyone else so it wasn't just the older cast members that would hang out together it can be hard to be younger than a lot of people on set kingston foster who plays zoe in the movies is only 9 years old most of her co-stars are in their teens or early 20s but they didn't make her feel left out at all kingston bonded really well with the werewolf actresses arielle and chandler she had a girls night with them they baked cookies from scratch and had a ton of fun she also said that they would play a game where there were spies on set we think it's great that the older actors worked hard to include kingston and who can blame them she's an awesome kid that's it we're going when you're playing a werewolf you need a lot of makeup and sometimes stage makeup can be a real hassle pierce jose who plays wyatt said that his makeup test took seven hours for the test they try to figure out what works and what doesn't and creating a werewolf takes a long time he spent literally a whole day in the makeup chair while the makeup artists work their magic it didn't take 7 hours every time but putting on the werewolf makeup still took a couple of hours every day pierce also got freaked out by the acrylic nails he was having a rough day and hadn't eaten he didn't realize that they glued giant acrylics on your nails before they trim them he said he nearly passed out when he saw how long they were and what about those glowing werewolf eyes often actors will wear colored contacts but not everyone can handle them the movie avoided that issue altogether the creepy eyes were all added in post-production by video editors [Music] okay this is a little bit weird fans were so excited that zed and addison finally had their first kiss it was so sweet and romantic but they were just acting there's nothing romantic about filming this sort of scene milo and meg are best friends in real life thankfully that made them feel relaxed instead of awkward but the logistics of kissing on screen are difficult it has to look perfect on camera meg said that they probably kissed about eight times to get it just right in one take her nose looked squished in another his face was almost entirely covering hers they had to work hard to line up their lips to get the perfect shot yeah that's definitely not romantic it may have taken them several tries but they finally got it their on-screen smooch was perfect even though it was one of the last scenes in the movie it was shot the first weekend of filming they got it out of the way so it wasn't looming over them we go tonight you've been the alpha for so long willa it's hard to imagine you letting go of the position without a fight but luckily you didn't have to step down as number one you had your doubts about addison from the start but she proved you wrong in the right kind of way you might come off as mean and tough but willa your bark is worse than your bite we hope to see more of you in zombies 3 if that ever happens too much perfect zombies 2 had a fresh storyline an amazing soundtrack and a pack of new and wild characters the disney channel sequel had it all movie mistakes included we have 10 mistakes from zombies 2 lined up for you but before we start we'd like to point out that this video contained some major spoilers so keep watching at your discretion if you're all up to date watch until the end to find out which huge mistake disproves the alpha wolf legend when we first meet addison in zombies she's ashamed of her natural hair color causing her to cover it up with a wig but by the end of the film she's ready to come clean about her hair color so she takes off her wig that's when we see that addison's hair is collar bone length however come zombies 2 addison's hair seems to have grown three times as fast as it should have zombies 2 picks up at seabrook high after a groundbreaking semester so basically only a semester has passed since we first saw zed and addison fall in love on the small screen who would have ever thought that a zombie can change the world and have their happily ever after but if that's the case how did addison's hair grow so quickly according to healthline hair grows an average of 6 inches every year but addison's grew over six inches in just under three months since addison's hair is very different than everyone else's it may grow at a faster rate however this was never explained and it's being seen as a continuity error watch and learn snowball ah yes my hair when the town of seabrook finds out that werewolves are real they panic and choose to restore the monster law half of the town is put under curfew while the other residents are too afraid to leave their house willa and her pack choose to sneak their way into seabrook high where they can locate the white-haired alpha in the morning but to do this they have to keep a low profile or else they risk getting caught the pack dances their way into seabrook high where they take refuge in a vent the great alpha's near but this scene had a few mistakes that didn't go unnoticed by eagle eye fans first of all how did willow wyatt winter and the pack get into the school last time we checked schools were locked at night especially during monster curfews and most curiously how did the entire pack manage to fit behind an air vent in the hallway seeing the wolves walk into the vent was like watching clowns casually stroll out of a clown car focus remember we're fierce midway through zombies 2 zed catches wyatt and addison sharing a special moment which leads him to say things he doesn't mean according to zed werewolves they're not interested in fitting in and according to addison zed is trying to fit in so badly he's forgetting who he truly is zed lashes out on addison says the girl who wore a wig her whole life this leads to a heartfelt duet called gotta find where i belong which is sung by zed and addison who have just fought for the first time but something a little strange happens during this duet we see addison walking through a hallway wearing her cheerleader uniform but seconds later when she turns the corner and walks out of school she's wearing a light blue outfit instead while it's normal for outfit changes to occur the song seem to be unfolding in real time causing viewers to raise an eyebrow or two at addison's spontaneous new outfit we spotted more than one mistake and gotta find where i belong but more on that later come with us what's so important it's a well-known fact that werewolves and silver don't mix however there are a few inconsistencies surrounding this ancient fact in zombies too while walking through the seabrook high trophy hall willow winter and wyatt reveal that wolves aren't scared of anything except silver yes silver the ticks and rabies but then you can see a werewolf in the background grab hold of a silver trophy and start screaming when it burns his hands this doesn't sound like something a scared werewolf would do so we figured that disney wanted viewers to know just how detrimental silver could be to werewolves problem is near the end of the film the wolves are handcuffed after being sprayed with a thick veil of silver smoke dale reveals that he sprayed them with collodial silver and claims that it will tame them which it does but here's the problem why didn't the silver smoke burn the wolves like the trophy did being sprayed by a liquid with silver attribute should have given the wolves some serious burns but it never did if it's gonna hurt the werewolves you have to stop it you're right when we first reunite with zed and addison they reveal that seabrook and zombietown have united forces to create a brand new civilization however everything falls apart when it's announced that werewolves are on the loose seabrook chooses to reinstate the monster law preventing zombies from going to prawn and upholding their human rights but wait did anyone else think it was strange that willa and her pack were accepted into zebra kai with open arms despite the monster law still being in effect this is not about politics i always just felt like cheer could unite we mean the whole reason the monster law was reinstated in the first place was because werewolves were in town and yet they were allowed to join the school no questions asked it just doesn't add up what's even weirder is that principal lee didn't even get a choice in the matter addison and coach decided to welcome the wolves without ever consulting her how could monsters join the local high school when the monster law was in full swing can you explain this movie mistake sound off in the comments now everything is just being handed to the werewolves on a silver platter brie is addison's best friend and she has a huge crush on bonzo who likes her back problem is bonzo doesn't seem to speak english whereas brie shouldn't be able to understand a word coming out of bonzo's mouth but as it turns out bonzo and brie have no problem communicating during zombies 2 zed suggests that seabrook high teach the students how to speak zombie zombie tongue taught as a second language good so we know that it's not on the curriculum so how does brie understand the zombie language she could have learned how to speak zombie on her own since she does have a crush on bonzo but how did she master the language so quickly when bonzo asks brie to attend the prawn with him she says yes without missing a beat did anyone else find this strange keep watching for the biggest mistake in zombies too bundle's got an ear for languages addison zed and the wolves go to extreme lengths to save the moonstone from being destroyed in the power plant explosion sadly the seabrook power plant accidentally explodes after they win the fight the wolves are immediately affected and many of them fall ill when zed visits the wolves hideout he sees firsthand how the explosion is affecting them many of them are so sick they can't even stand they were wrong to destroy seabrook power but this rule doesn't apply to willa and wyatt despite their powers coming from the same energy source willa and wyatt are seen standing upright and helping their packmates still they decide to go to prawn and have a good time this plot hole isn't super obvious but the more we think about it the less it makes sense wouldn't willa and wyatt be just as sick as the other wolves and why would willa who is seen as the alpha leave her pack behind when they need her the most there's not enough of us earlier on in this video we mentioned that there was two mistakes in the duet gotta find where i belong the first one revolves around addison's spontaneous outfit change and the second one takes place near the end of the song when day turns to night in the blink of an eye addison starts singing the two minute song while she's still at school but by the time the song comes to an end it's dark outside could it be that zed and addison's duet defies the hands of time like their relationship defies social standards even when protesting for what's right you bring people together it sure seems like it or perhaps time isn't as linear in seabrook as it is in real life this could explain the time jump that takes place in gotta find where i belong as well as the mystery behind addison's hair growth by the way i love this new look new hairstylist one of the biggest mistakes in zombies 2 revolves around the magical moonstone throughout the sequel willow reveals that without the moonstone werewolves will stop existing however when the moonstone is destroyed in the power plant explosion the werewolves fall ill instead of disappearing but the biggest mistake of all is exposed when the moon stone reveals itself to addison and the wolves midway through prawn the students find out that the moon stone has not been destroyed we have to get to it quickly but we still can the wolves are then able to recharge their crystals and cure themselves but if the moonstone was never destroyed in the first place why did all the wolves get sick at the exact same time it could be that the placebo effect came into play the wolves thought the moonstone had been destroyed so their bodies tricked them into feeling sick what do you guys think was this a major plot hole or not so it's only buried and not destroyed zombies 2 was amazing but there's one last mistake that we just can't shake and it has everything to do with the legend of the great alpha ever since the wolves saw addison's white hair at the beginning of the movie they believed her to be the great alpha you are a leader addison but of something a lot greater than cheer according to them there's a prophecy that states that an alpha werewolf will lead the wolves to the moonstone however when addison finally tries on the werewolf necklace it doesn't light up for her so basically she's not a werewolf still she is the one who led the wolves to the moonstone so if addison isn't the alpha wolf there's a huge mistake surrounding the legend of the great alpha i thought everything would make sense if i was a werewolf could it be that addison really is a werewolf but that zed z band supercharged her necklace preventing it from lining up or could the prophecy be wrong sound off in the comments and be sure to tell us if you spotted any more mistakes in zombies too they think we're monsters we are monsters today's the first day we can attend human high school hey zed we are so glad that you finally were accepted by the residents of seabrook we know you didn't have an easy life as a zombie but now you have friends and an awesome girlfriend i thought that you wanted to go first so okay that's my excuse we heard there are some new kids coming to seabrook high and we have to wonder how are you and addison going to handle the werewolves all right that wasn't that bad [Music] will you accept them immediately or is it going to take some time werewolves are coming to seabrook in zombies too and we are so excited here is everything you need to know about the new werewolves when disney channel announced that we're getting a sequel to zombies we were so pumped we are back because we are shooting zombies but we were left wondering what the movie is going to be about the end of the first movie was pretty perfect addison and zed convinced everyone in seabrook that their biases against zombies were wrong they proved that zombies are just people too they just happen to like brains for dinner addison revealed that she isn't like everyone else either everyone is different and seabrook learned how to celebrate those differences the segregation of zombie town ended and the zombies were fully accepted life seemed pretty perfect i can feel the energy coursing through my bones right now it's awesome so what on earth will happen in zombies 2 to upset the new dynamic the answer is werewolves according to disney channel werewolves are coming to seabrook and not everyone is going to welcome them with open arms this isn't surprising it took decades for seabrook to accept zombies they have only just learned how to be open and accepting and the arrival of a whole new type of supernatural people is going to challenge the residents of the town and it's going to cause a rift between dead and addison these two have already had a challenging relationship we wonder how they will overcome this new problem zombies 2 takes place a year after the first movie everything is going pretty well for the zombies and the humans it's not perfect but everyone is learning to live together then a pack of werewolves arrives you can't show them that as a surprise three of these wolves are teenagers who will attend seabrook high the werewolves are wyatt willa and winter wyatt and willow are brother and sister winter is a member of their pack we don't know much yet about their lives as werewolves can they turn into wolves whenever or is it just at the full moon we can't wait to find out we also know that they aren't the only werewolves coming to seabrook there is one other werewolf listed in the cast so far his title is just werewolf dancer 12. that means there are at least 11 other werewolf dancers wyatt willa and winter are just the main three werewolves that the movie will focus on it's also possible that we'll meet adult members of their pack since we know some of the human and zombie adults too you don't have to change who you are son i love who you are who is playing the werewolves winter the werewolf is played by ariel martin you might know her better as baby ariel ariel is a singer actress and social media influencer and we are so excited that she is joining the disney channel family recently ariel has been acting on the brat shows chicken girls and baby doll records she plays drew ariel first became famous from the app musically she had millions of followers because she is just so talented so i've just really been myself all these years i've been doing it for three years in 2016 and 2017 she won the teen choice award for choice muser time magazine and forbes have recognized her as one of the most influential young people in entertainment she is going to be amazing in zombies too wyatt is played by pierce jose pierce has been at disney channel for a few years he appeared on a few episodes of lab rats in 2016. he has also been playing spider-johnson on mech x4 for the last couple of years you might also recognize him from legendary dudas on nickelodeon pierce is only 17 years old but he already has an impressive career his family moved to los angeles in 2015 so he could pursue his passions it didn't take long for him to get picked up by hollywood we can't wait to see him sing and dance in zombies too chandler kinney plays willa chandler is one of the stars of the tv show lethal weapon in 2014 she appeared in several episodes of the nickelodeon show the haunted hathaways then she left to star in gordamore gibbons life on normal street as catherine chandler began dancing at age three set the path necessary to like achieve their goals she's also trained in martial arts which she started learning when she was 10 years old she was just 13 when she earned her first degree black belt we wonder if any of those martial arts skills will appear in zombies too zombies two theories we know that the werewolves are going to cause a rift in addison and zed's relationship but who is going to have a bigger problem with werewolves it could be addison she was quick to accept zombies in the first movie but she knew that zombies existed her whole life they lived in another part of town plus she fell in love with zed werewolves could be extra scary and threatening to her or maybe it's dead he knows what it's like to not be accepted but often supernatural creatures have a lot of prejudice against each other zombies and werewolves could be sworn enemies he might also feel like wyatt is threatening his relationship with addison what do you think will happen in zombies too let us know in the comments welcome back we were so excited to find out that you were returning for zombies too megan donnelly you were so great as addison in the first movie we are so pumped to see you and milo back in seabrook you changed the world through cheer but we got to wondering are you and your castmates really high school students and we know that we ship addison and zed but who are you two dating in real life we want all the deets you can't show them that as a surprise we love the entire cast of zombies too and we have their real ages and relationships lined up for you so don't go anywhere you won't believe who meg donnelly is rumored to be dating in real life milo manheim the star of the zombies franchise is zombie zed he's a football playing zombie who is totally in love with addison well how would you know you're perfect milo manheim is 18 years old in real life he used to date holiday kriegel but they split in october of 2018. there have been rumors that he is dating his dancing with the stars partner alexis wren the two are definitely close but neither of them have confirmed a relationship emilia mccarthy we know her best as the seabrook high cheerleader lacey she eventually comes around and decides zombies aren't that bad this isn't good bucky what are you doing lacey is played by amelia mccarthy amelia is definitely not a high schooler in real life she is 22 years old amelia has been acting for a while she is currently single and focusing on her career it looks like she has dated in the past but she keeps her private life under wraps chandler kinney one of the new cast members is chandler kinney she is playing a werewolf named willa chandler has been on the lethal weapon tv show you'd be surprised she also appeared in one episode of girl meets world in real life chandler is 19 years old if chandler has dated anyone she has certainly kept her private life private there's no news about any current or past relationships carla jeffrey addison's bff brie is returning for zombies too brie was an aspiring cheerleader who became addison's friend in the first movie she is played by carla jeffrey she might look young but carla is actually 26 years old wow we never would have guessed carla has managed to keep her personal life a secret so we don't know if she's involved with anyone right now pierce jose next is another new character pierce joseph plays wyatt one of the werewolves who comes to seabrook you might know pierce as spider johnson from the tv show mech x4 you know what maybe it's friendly i'm sorry i shot at you he was on the show for two years pierce is just 17 years old in real life that's right he is one of the seabrook high students who is currently of high school age pierce is currently living the single life trevor torchman you know him as bucky from the first zombies movie he was the head cheerleader and he hated zombies we like to remind zombies that we don't accept freaks in this town his character was also addison's cousin which made things even more complicated trevor torchman is back in the second movie trevor is on a canadian tv show about dancers called the next step for over 120 episodes in real life trevor is 23 years old he is currently single kingston foster dad's little zombie sister is zoe we loved her character and we were so glad she finally got the dog she always wanted my very own puppy we can't wait to see her again in zombies too kingston is just nine years old she is certainly getting more and more awesome roles since she's so young kingston definitely is not dating anyone we are so excited to see her grow up and do awesome things kylie russell eliza is one of zed's awesome zombie best friends and she is one of the best characters in the movie yeah we would have cleaned but the teacher's territorial about his mop eliza is played by kylie russell she has been a disney channel star for a long time she appeared in the original movie jump in way back in 2007 she is 23 years old in real life kylie has been dating samuel hoser since 2016 and they are seriously couple goals james godfrey zed and eliza's other bff is bonzo and we just love his character bonzo is played by james godfrey you might also know him from the disney movie the swap zombies was james's first real big role and he did great he's no teenager like his character james is 22 years old he is currently not dating anyone jasmine renee thomas stacy was one of the cheerleaders in zombies and she is back in zombies too stacy is played by jasmine renee thomas playing stacy was her first major role stage two initiated appreciated she is 25 years old stacey is trained as both a dancer and a gymnast she started lessons when she was just two years old if jasmine is currently dating anyone she is keeping it on the down low ariel martin the third werewolf is winter and she is played by ariel martin you might also know her as baby ariel she got her start as a singer on the musically app and gained a huge following but how do you get 40 million people following you i mean i honestly don't know she also played drew on the brat shows chicken girls and baby doll records ariel is just 18 years old in real life she has dated blake grey and zach clayton but she is currently single meg donnelly addison is everyone's favorite cheerleader we just love her character this is our revolution okay but does it have to be cheer though come on she is played by the talented meg donnelly meg has also been acting on the show american housewife for the last three years megan is 19 years old she's very private about her personal life but there are rumors she is dating logan pepper she is also real life besties with her co-star milo manheim who is your favorite character from zombies let us know in the comment section all i've ever wanted is to find my pack zombies 2 was the perfect sequel with great new characters and catchy new songs but it ended with a huge cliffhanger does this mean that zombies 3 is happening keep watching to find out i think i may be a werewolf too what how let's do a quick recap of everything that happened in zombies 2. we find out that werewolves used to rule the land around seabrook their moonstone and home were stolen by the settlers these days life in seabrook seems pretty happy zombies are fully integrated and mostly accepted addison is at cheer camp and there are even zombies on the cheer squad she leads the newbies to victory zedd plans an epic invitation to prawn but it goes awry when the bus full-on hits him seriously who lets a shrimp mascot drive a bus they end up in the forbidden forest where addison sees the werewolves we're not alone we're surrounded by werewolves cool this puts seabrook in a panic and addison's mom reinstates all anti-monster laws preventing zed from going to the prawn the werewolves need to find the moonstone and recharge their gems otherwise they won't survive wyatt thinks addison's white hair is a sign she is the great alpha who will save them all zed runs for school president against bucky and addison has a chance to become cheer captain she thinks she might be a werewolf and joins their pack she and zed have a huge fight because he doesn't want her to be a monster he tries to pass as human because he thinks that's how zombies will be accepted everyone unites and saves the moonstone and the werewolves recharge their necklaces zed and addison make up and finally lock lips at prawn the zombies realize that being monsters is what makes them special because i couldn't accept the fact that i am one after the prawn addison is fast asleep in her bed we hear what sounds like an explosion outside her window something like a blue meteor crashes to the ground outside of seabrook addison wakes up because her clock radio is going crazy with static and music she looks at the camera and says weird then her hair glows blue the movie ends on this huge cliffhanger what does it mean we know that addison's hair is significant in the first movie it just made her different in zombies 2 she thinks it might mean she's a werewolf but now that her white hair can glow we have so many questions my hair means something zombies 2 was just released on february 14th 2020. they are still riding the wave of the new release so they haven't officially announced a three-qual however there is a huge chance we will get a zombies three and most fans agree that the cliffhanger guarantees that it will happen there is a lot of other evidence to suggest that we'll get a third movie too first up disney channel wasn't sure if zombies 2 would happen so they didn't end the first movie on a cliffhanger everything wrapped up neatly just in case the movie wasn't a success but it was a huge hit if they weren't sure about zombies 3 they wouldn't have ended the movie the way they did ending on addison and zed's romantic scene would have been perfect the zombies franchise also has a couple of precedents on disney channel sometimes original movies stand alone but their most successful films often turn into trilogies the xenon franchise had three movies halloweentown had four and in the last 14 years disney channel has had great success with huge musical movies high school musical is the top disney channel original movie franchise of all time this musical had two sequels then descendants happened these movies were such a huge success they had great characters and even better music descendants also became a three movie franchise zombies has a lot in common with those two big musicals there are edgy musical numbers and awesome dance scenes and like descendants zombies has epic like story lines it's fantasy so it's pretty common that it requires multiple movies so when will zombies 3 happen zombies 2 wasn't even announced until a full year before it came out we can expect a confirmation from disney channel in early 2021 filming for both movies occurred in the spring and early summer before its release that means the cast probably won't head back to toronto until spring of next year zombies 2 came out two years after the first one so we can expect to see zombies 3 in 2022 and disney always releases its sequels around the same time of year since the first two were both released in february we're probably looking at february of 2022 maybe they'll rename the school after me one day what cast members will return so far no one has said they don't want to come back most of the principal cast seems open to a third movie and who can blame them filming it look like so much fun and they're all such close friends milo manheim who plays zed has confirmed that he is definitely interested in telling the next part of the story disney will also probably bring back the same director paul hohen he's done a lot of great movies for the disney channel and the two other big musical trilogies kept the same directors paul will make sure the third movie feels like the others the werewolves are now an important part of seabrook they have expressed interest in returning too [Applause] [Music] we also know that zombies three will have a similar theme and message zombies dealt with accepting others who are different it was an important message about prejudice and how it hurts everyone zombies too continued this theme but took it to the next level zed showed that sometimes we have internalized prejudices about ourselves this is common in marginalized communities he had to learn to accept that what makes him different makes him special and both movies had strong themes of individuality and belonging they teach us that we should be ourselves and that we can still belong without conforming but addison still feels like an outsider she wants to find her pack we're sure to see these themes pop up again in zombies 3. they think we're monsters we are monsters so what could zombies 3 be about there are a ton of possible plot lines that we would love to see explored the first has to do with addison and her true identity in the first two movies addison is really focused on helping other people sure she wants to be a cheerleader and the true captain but the main point of the first movie was helping the zombies in the second movie she wanted to help the werewolves it's about time we get a movie that is really all about addison the cliffhanger makes us think this is probably the case a meteor crashing from outer space is a pretty good indicator that aliens will be involved was it a meteor or was it a spaceship it would definitely be on brand for there to be a new outsider in seabrook we will also find out why addison's hair is so important the thing that crashed caused her hair to glow blue but what does that mean it has to be more significant than just identifying her as an alien right does addison have special powers that would be really cool but the movie would need to explore why these powers just now popped up it must have something to do with whatever crashed they must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow let's talk more about the crash there is the possibility that it is a spaceship full of aliens if addison is an alien what does that mean about her parents addison could have secretly been adopted if that's the case her parents have some serious explaining to do what if they let her think she was different for her entire life without ever coming clean and then made her cover up her hair to look like the perfect daughter anyway if there are aliens in seabrook there could be addison's real parents they might be coming back to find her will addison want to be with them or with the parents who raised her is it possible that she would choose to leave seabrook to learn about who she really is that would be so sad addison might also be a half alien one of her parents could secretly be from outer space for some reason they're trying to pass as human maybe they got stuck here or maybe they're on some mission by order of city council effective immediately all anti-monster laws are reinstated but what if there is no spaceship maybe the meteor that fell is something else entirely remember seabrook became prosperous because of its special energy source seabrook power was destroyed in zombies too the werewolves reclaimed the moon zone so they could charge their necklaces and save their lives seabrook might need a new source of energy it's possible that without seabrook power harnessing the power of the moonstone seabrook is struggling the meteor could be a new source of energy for the town there's another possibility for it too remember how eliza had a theory about zombies evolving she thinks they might not need their z bands anymore it's true that zedd was able to control himself from attacking and he was able to put the z band back on but what if the meteor is actually a way for zombies to fully integrate they can keep their zombie strength without endangering the people around them eliza's comment was too significant to ignore we think zombies evolving could come into play in the third movie milo mannheim has his own theory about zombies three and we have to admit it's a good one zed and zoe live with their dad who became a foreman overseeing the demolition of seabrook power he's a great dad and zed and his sister are both really happy but what happened to their mom fans asked this after the first movie they have to have a mom right but she has never mentioned milo said again that no one knows what happened to her is she even alive who knows he said that sometimes the cast would talk about it and come up with their own theories he suggests that finding out what happened to their mom should be a plot point in the third movie there's a huge age difference between zed and zoe so zed has to remember his mom it's possible that she went missing maybe she escaped zombie town and seabrook she might have gone looking for a cure to help all of the zombies or she might have just gotten tired of being segregated but what if she has something to do with the crash from outer space maybe addison and her abilities are part of a cure for the zombies it would be cool if zed's mom got help from an alien civilization then zombies wouldn't have to wear their bands anymore they can have powers without losing their minds we really want to know what happened to zed's mom and that's a wrap let us know your zombies three theories in the comments section when you put it on you'll be transformed into a werewolf thanks for watching hit that subscribe button and give us a big thumbs up see you next time on the things [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 1,333,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zombies 2, thethings, the things, zombies disney, disney channel, disney original movie, disney+, things you missed, mistakes in zombies, behind the scenes, zombies 3, zombies bloopers, disney movie, zed and addison, wolf tales
Id: phl0GKhHG4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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