10 Funniest Bloopers You Never Saw From Descendants 2

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[Music] the villain kids in descendants too are super edgy and tough but sometimes they can be downright goofy we tracked down some of the funniest bloopers behind-the-scenes moments and wacky interviews from the cast of descendants - just for you guys you're not going to want to miss the last one we are still laughing about it if you're into descendants - like we are subscribe to the things channel to be the first to see our new videos and click the like button if you love descendants - as much as we do clumsy cast with all the dance choreography in the films you would think that the cast of descendants too would be super graceful and balance right think again we found a couple of pretty clumsy moments in the blooper reel that had the crew cracking up the first one we found was when mom was making her grand entrance on to you mister she's supposed to look tough and in control but instead she slips and almost eats it right next to the pirate swords dove Cameron realizes that she ruined - the take and says alright we're going back she turns around and walks right back out we've all been there dove then there was a time when Evie was in the villain kids hideout on the Isle she runs up to the end of their homemade two megaphone and is supposed to call mouths name but when Sofia Carson hit her mark she hit something else - she accidentally bonked her face on the edge of the megaphone she kept going not missing the beat but the crew started cracking up Sofia laughed it off - even uma had a clumsy moment in an interview Chyna and McClain said she tripped when she was dancing on the table for her big number what's my name whoops catch magic mirror on the wall who's the blue proced one of all Evie is sophisticated smart and fashionable with all that going for her it's not surprising that she might have a small shortcoming once in a while for instance her catching skills seem to be a bit off there's a great blooper we found when Evie is on umas pirate ship the villain kids are about to have the epic battle with uma and her crew the situation is tense and Evie dove Jay and Carlos need to look tough and intimidating they have to defeat Yuma's pirate crew if they are going to have a shot at rescuing Ben and getting back to our Don but there's a part where Evie is supposed to catch a sword and she misses she must've missed the catch more than once because we watched the final fight scene and there is no part where Eevee catches the sword our guess is that they changed it to accommodate Sophia's lack of catching ability don't worry Sofia you can always fall back on your singing dancing acting fashion designing and sword fighting talents no one can do it all even if you are the daughter of the Evil Queen mouths wigs name let's face it dove Cameron and that purple wig have been through a lot together from the opening number wicked when she dances with poisoned apples and possessed the students and parents of auradon prep so when she gets reunited with her polished purple locks at Dizzee salon curl up and die and there was never a purple hair out of place when mouths arm-wrestled uma and then had a sword fight on umas pirate ship her purple side braid was gorgeous at the beginning of the cotillion and even better when it formed into purple waves after her epic dragon battle against whom as octopus it's only natural that dove would name her wig what she did in this behind-the-scenes video in the video she is in the makeup trailer saying goodbyes the wig with which she had been through so much one of the makeup artists recommended calling the wig mister mob dove laughs and says goodbye to mr. mob at least she won't have to part with it for too long she put it on for the descendants three teaser so there's a good chance that Duff and mr. mob will be reunited for the filming of the third film pranks we found out that the director of The Descendants movies Kimmie Ortega is quite a prankster in an interview with parade comm Kenny talked about some pranks he has pulled on the cast's from both the first and second descendants films he said a couple of times the kids worked really really hard for weeks on a number and then he would come in and he would look at it he said he would have a real straight face and just say no what it's just not good enough then he would tell them that they should probably just start all over again from scratch he said it really pulled the rug out from under the cast for a moment then he would laugh it off and say gotcha and that's not the only time he pulled a prank in the first dissonance film he had the cast run up on dub Cameron during her big emotional number in the woods and surprised her she said she was singing the song if only when she heard footsteps and thought zombies were coming to attack her but then she turned around and discovered it was Sophie Kameron boo-boo and Mitch to say she was relieved would be an understatement good one Kenny dropping the Apple the opening number in descendants 2 is totally amazeballs dove Cameron said that her favorite part about the number is dancing with all these zombified auradon prep kids as they dance and sing about the ways to be wicked that number was pretty complex according to King Ortega it took place over two or three weeks of their shooting schedule that's a lot of work for a three and a half minute song can he said they shot the number in pieces our Don was not all in one location they had the exterior of the castle the interior of the castle the hallways locker areas and then the garden area and the front of the school he said they would do it in chunks and rehearsed before shooting each piece but even with all that rehearsal bloopers still happened Cameron Boyce was supposed to juggle apples in front of Bell and King beasts before giving them the apples and dancing away but juggling and singing and dancing isn't as easy as it may look there's a blooper of him dropping the apples during one of the tapes if you watched the final edit you'll see that Cameron has to sing while juggling and then toss the apples to the king and queen yep that looks hard The Incredible Hulk and the Carlos clones when he watched dissonance 2 it almost seems like the cast has superpowers they are so good especially booboo Stewart he is handled by the cast has the best sword fighter he does tons of flips and acrobatics in the movie the guy is just awesome but he left the fans in on a little secret during the interview apparently all of his clothes keep ripping he said in the first week two jackets rips then he said his fluffs ripped and his fingers were coming out of them then he said he was bursting out of his shoes and his socks on both feet he was dancing in with him so hard he Incredible Hulk right out of his costume in the same interview Cameron Boyce shared that since he was a minor during the shooting of the film he had to have about four or five doubles he said he had a stunt double a dance double and he had to picture doubles Sofia Carson said that more than once they would go up to Cameron from behind to say hey and then realize it wasn't him they had a bunch of Carlos clones walking around the set wearing the same wig trippy dove Cameron can't drive a Vespa you know how in the movie Finn gives mal a purple Vespa as a present and she totally is over the moon excited about it then she knew that purple Vespa to escape the pressures of royalty and volts back to the Isle where she feels she belongs it totally looks like she's driving that Vespa right well dove Cameron revealed that any time the audience sees her on that Vespa it's a lie they used a double to do the scenes where mal is driving the Vespa Deb said that anytime you see her on the Vespa she was barely able to keep it upright she said her feet didn't touch the ground she remembers being perched on an awkwardly to do the scenes Cameron boy said one of his favorite moments of filming was seeing da bond the Vespa in front of a green screen with these dudes crouched out of frame spinning the wheels and rocking the scooter back and forth with one hand on the basket at the back so let's go down dub Cameron's list of credentials singing check dancing check acting check driving a Vespa fail why does she don't have to have it all we still love you dub evil antenna we all know that Maleficent is rotten to the core and totally wicked but did you also know that she can be used as an antenna neither did we until we found out this funny outtake okay we're just gonna preface this by saying we know that nas mom is a lizard and dissonance 2/4 we missed her so much we thought we would include her in our favorite outtakes even if this one is from the first descendants movie remember that scene when fairy godmother facilitates a video call for the villain kids from their parents who were still trapped on the Isle well they captured comedy gold footage of the villains trying to figure out how to use the video calling system in this scene that mostly wound up on the cutting room floor the Evil Queen puts aluminum foil on Maleficent horns and tries to use them as Nintendo then Jafar tries raising her hands up to get a good signal you see kids this is what folks had to do in the old school analog TV watching days well - the horns anyway it's really hilarious if you have the DVD check out the bonus features to sneak a peek at it deleted song and scenes along with the bloopers and funny outtakes there are some deleted scenes worth talking about first there's the deleted song that didn't make the final cut of descendants - it was supposed to come after mal and Jay have a heartfelt talk in the grassy garden outside of art on prep Jay reassures mal and tells her to come to the cotillion that night after Jay leaves mousing the song from the first film you know the one called if only for some reason the filmmakers cut the song bummer speaking of cutscenes did you know that the other two characters were filmed saying the final phrase of the movie yep little dizzy Jermaine also said the famous line you didn't think this was the end of the story did you then she giggles and jumped up and down with her invitation to our don prep in her hands they also filmed harry hook saying the last line and this deleted scene he's doctors up to the camera and says the line then he caresses his cheek with the hook and chuckles before he glides out of the frame we loved them both but it's clear why they chose uma to deliver the final line big inside secret the cast has become incredibly close during the filming of descendants and descendants too they laughed a lot they cried they pranked each other they ripped out of their own clothing butts a few Carson and the cast shared a special insider secret that we can't stop smiling about she revealed that Kenny taught the cast a chance before they would film each musical number she said all the dancers and all the casts would huddle up into a big circle and do this chant that has a lot of boom Shakalaka isn't it Chyna and McClain said it helped the whole cast get hyped before a scene we're going to go out on a limb and say it totally worked the numbers are high energy the dance routines are masterful and fun and all the villain kids add their own flair of sass and passion to each musical number that they do so what's your favorite musical number how about your favorite blooper or behind-the-scenes moment leave your answer in the comments we know one thing we can't wait for descendants three to come out don't you guys agree and that's it for the 10 funniest bloopers you never saw from descendants two we hope you had as much fun as we did see you next time on the things [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 3,145,122
Rating: 4.8712072 out of 5
Keywords: thethings, descendants 2 cast secrets, descendants 2 behind the scenes, descendants 2 bloopers, Dove Cameron, funny bloopers, sofia carson, bloopers, descendants 2, descendants 3, disney, disney movie, disney channel, mal, 0518
Id: GXn_cG8-qs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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