Descendants 4: Best Theories And Rumors

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[Music] [Music] do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer yeah let me get me the wall Oh mal your mother would be so proud of you you took down the barrier and became the queen of the world but wait a second where is your mother you sort of ditched her in descendants too and never looked back are you going to help her shed her lizard skin or let her figure things out on her own we've put our money on the second option after all you're super busy now that you have a kingdom to run and a wedding to plan the people have spoken and they want to send in Spore because as it turns out fans still have a lot of questions that need answering watch until the end to find out who the new core for would be new leading ladies mal has always been the star of the show but now that she's set to become queen someone else should take her place as the coolest BK at auradon prep we could think of no one better than dizzy Tremaine it's no secret that dizzy is a fan favorite problem is we hardly got to see her in descendants 3 we loved how close dizzy and Celia were which is why fans would love it if d4 centered around these two leading ladies they would make mal and EB so proud the new wave we never got to see the B case graduate from auradon prep which is a total bummer we would love to see the V case in a case throw their caps up in celebration if there's one thing fans would love to see in descendants 4 it's a new wave of vks in a K's walking the halls at auradon prep there are so many interesting characters we never got to meet on the small screen keep watching to find out which magical sisters would make their grand debut in descendents 4 I was hoping you were home is this a joke Audrey's bow now has been Carlos has jeans he has Doug and Jay has Lani and Gil but what about the queen of mean fans have been wondering about Audrey's future boyfriend ever since they saw her flirting with Harry hook at the end of descendants three we all know that Audrey hasn't been the nicest person but she wants to change so we really want to see her get the happily ever after she always dreamed of and let's face it chad charming isn't the guy of her dreams has anyone seen Maleficent the question on everyone's lips is what happened to Maleficent surely the most powerful sorceress of all time won't be married to her lizard body for much longer fans want to see Maleficent make a grand comeback in d4 it would be so interesting to see mal and her mom face off for a second time Maleficent would undoubtedly be squeamish after spending so much time as a reptile do you think she would forgive mal or seek revenge on her daughter's newfound Kingdom tell us in the comments what about uma as it turns out uma is as selfless as they come she sacrificed her freedom to help her people and didn't garner any titles in the process we thought that Allah would be appointed the rightful ruler of the Isle of the laws but that just didn't happen we'd love to see whom and mal working together in descendants for uma could become one of Mao's royal advisers and start making a difference for DK's everywhere we'd also love to see uma fall in love she may be a former villain but the pirate still deserves her happily ever after Gil and Jai's epic adventure Gil and Jai totally hit it off midway through descendants three their bond was so explosive it was sure to make Harry and Carlos a little jealous we loved how they made plans to tour the world but we sort of wish that we could catch a sneak peak of their epic adventure how fun would it be if mal received a magical postcard from Gil and Jai at the beginning of d4 they would probably be surfing on a whale's back with huge grins on their faces reunion we know belen beasts are going to attend Benin mouths wedding but what about Hades in Maleficent if there's one musical number we need to see in d4 it's a duet sung by Hades and Maleficent Dan's want to get the full scoop on their relationship they need to know why and how it came to an end no I left your mother Hades and Maleficent have some unfinished business which is why their duet would be the song of the ages Elsa and Anna Elsa and Anna are nowhere to be found fans would love it if Elsa and Anna had small roles in descendants for it would be so fun to see them dropping their kids off at school and you never know they might even help dizzy and Celia form the new core for the merge now that the barrier has been taken down themes are going to change in Oregon for good fans are curious to find out how the fashion in Oregon will change now that the V case and a case have merged together they'd also like to see how the ak's Envy case interact with one another have they let bygones be bygones or have they continued to oppose each other the royal wedding but the most anticipated moment of descendants four has to be Benin mouths royal wedding if d4 doesn't end up happening fans hope that the Disney Channel will at least release a short film of Benin mouths wedding what do you want to see in descendants for sound off in the comments [Music] sushi definitely teaching okay now we know you were deeply in love with King VIN at the end of descendants three but would you have gone on to have kids with him or would your VK roots have pulled you over to Harry hook we know the two of you have serious chemistry in the movie and in real life too of course regardless of which guy you choose in the end one thing's for sure there's no keeping that purple hair down your kid is sure to inherit that what would the next generation of BK's look like in descendants for we're imagining all the key couples kids as well as other pairings that might have gotten together keep watching to the end to discover which unlikely couple would have an awesome looking kid plenty of fans have been shipping them mal and then we're starting with the biggest V kak Alliance in the whole franchise and we can just imagine Malin been with an adorable daughter Finn has hazel eyes and mal of course has striking green eyes so it's pretty much a given that their little girl would follow in those footsteps as for hair color we can't help to think that this little one will take after her mom of course mal has gone through different shades from blonde to blue but purple is her signature hue mal and Terry there's no denying there's chemistry between mal and Harry hook and with dove Cameron and Thomas Doherty dating in real life let's have a little fun with art imitating life what if mal and Ben broke up and mal and Harry had a kid we see these two v case having a son and he'd be a mix of his parents ki looks with his dad's dark hair this little boy would represent his mom with an awesome purple streak right through it of course he'd wear guyliner just like his dad and his granddad Hades Audrey and Harry when it comes to Harry mom might have competition on her hands from a K turns VK turned a keg and Audrey after all Audrey and Harry got a little friendly at the end of d3 imagine if they had a little girl we'd love to see Audrey spell pink and blue streaks in mini-me form on her daughter but what was she inherit from her pirate father his love of ruffle collars and leather of course Evy and Doug V's blue hair is her signature look so we can't imagine her daughter with Doug having anything other than blueberry locks given that Doug grew out his hair to epic lengths in d3 we are certain that their kid would have a following mane - but this little girl would inherent something special from her daddy gorgeous green eyes how cute would it be from mal and Evie's daughters to be green eye twins she'd be super well dressed in blue and red - thanks to her fashion designer mother Evie and Carlos so many descendants fans shipped Evie and Carlos so we have to imagine what their little boy would look like don't you think Carlos's white hair would look amazing with Evie's blue hair showing through at the roots we'd also love to see Carlos's freckles being inherited by his son with Evie with their dark brown eyes being passed on to their boy he'd be totally striking Jane and Carlos Carlos was actually head over heels in love with Jane of course so the likelihood is that this couple would go the distance we see them having a little girl who would dress in lacy blue outfits just like her mom their daughter would inherit Jane's beautiful blue eyes - she'd have her daddy's hair though just imagine Carlos's white locks on a girl all the way down to her waist truly stunning you just got a man up Jay and money there's no way Jay and Lonnie's children wouldn't have long dark locks just look at their parents we could see this couple having a boy and a girl and these siblings would have matching Mane's as their dad has proven boys can rock man buns so they could wear their hair and matching styles and they would totally Rock red leather outfits to represent their grandfather Jafar dizzy and squeaky squeaky would likely have twins but rather than boys he'd have identical girls and we'd love to see him having those twins with fellow BK dizzy Tremaine but how would they tell their kids apart well that'd be thanks to their mom's mad hairdressing skills Oh this or today pink just like Dizzy's multicolored space buns these girls would have their own cool style that one would have blue and green streaks while the other would have red and yellow streaks that's against the bright blonde hair they'd have inherited from their dad Celia and squirmy as for squirmy his son would rock a pair of black frames eyeglasses like a cool geek we're matching squirmy with the other d3v case celia and we could see her curly red hair being passed on to her little boy combined with his dad's red beanie hand-me-down this kid would be rocking the red look all over luma and bin are you shipping venon uma if so you're going to love with their kid would look like we can't imagine their son with anything other than aqua blue thoughts tied back and like his dad he'd wear a royal blue shirt he'd be one amazing mashup of a pirate and a king the rest of the B Ches better beware this boy is ready to rule our zon and the Isle congratulations on your engagement now you're going to be the best Queen auradon has ever seen it's a new chapter for auradon and the Isle of the Lost you and Ben will be so happy together but we want to know what happens next what is your wedding going to be like what happens to Carlos we have so many questions and we want answers descendant 3 was epic but we already want more if there was a descendant for a movie what would it be about keep watching for some fan theories that make total sense the Royal Wedding move over William and Kate step aside Harry and Megan there is only one royal wedding that we really care about we want to see Malin then get married we want to see the wedding gown that Evie designs and we definitely want to know who Mouse bridesmaids will be Evie is obviously her maid of honor but do you think Huma and Jane will be her bridesmaids and let's be honest we definitely want to see the moment that mal officially becomes Queen of auradon and the aisle some fans have suggested that descendants four could open with a royal wedding others have suggested that Disney Channel could really so short film of just the wedding we wonder if Maleficent would come Mao would have to turn her back into a human since we're pretty sure she's still a lizard the new vks descendants three brought four new villain kids to auradon those were dizzy Tremaine Celia facili a and squeaky and squirmy Smee the core four have moved on from their time at a word on prep descendants four could focus on these four new vks Celia is definitely the ringleader and dizzy is going to bring a whole new level of fashion to the school we would love to see more about these characters plus the barrier is now permanently open auradon prep will get a lot more vks it would be awesome to see how auradon prep changes with all the new kids they will have new challenges and new adventures that the original four didn't have honestly a movie about Celia and dizzy would be absolutely amazing the next generation here's another popular theory for descendants floor what if the movie takes place in the distant future we could see the kids of mal and Ben who would be Prince and princesses it would be fun to see if they are tough like mal or kind like been growing up with Hades as your grandpa would be a blast Doug and Easy's kids would be the perfect combination of smart and stylish Evie would have upgraded from her starter castle to a really nice one their kids would be BFFs with Mouse children we could find out if Jay ends up with Lonnie or not will oh my get married and have kids or will she be the cool aunt to Mouse family and will Harry and Audrey end up together their kids would be the perfect antagonist in descendants for hopefully they would learn how to be good just like their parents did what about Carlos the whole world was devastated with the loss of Cameron boys he was definitely taken too soon if Disney ever made a descendants for it they would have to address the fact that Carlos is gone it wouldn't be fair to just recast him so what happens to Carlos the most obvious way to explain his absence is actually mentioned in descendants three he says that his mom Cruella will be really disappointed when she finds out that he wants to be a vet he could be off that veterinarian school it takes a long time to become the vet you have to get your bachelor's degree first which takes four to five years and then that school is another four years that's at least eight years that Carlos will have to be away from Oregon he could also go off to rescue animals after vet school - in our hearts Carlos is forever so we would love for descendants forward to mention Carlos and Jane throughout the film life with the villains now that the barrier is open forever there is a whole new set of issues magic will now work on the Isle of the Lost and the villains who were imprisoned there can come to Oregon that is going to cause some serious conflict King Ben and Queen mal definitely have their work cut out for them so maybe all the villains aren't that bad Katie's just wants to be god of the underworld again he really came through for Malin or it on at the end so we won't have to worry about him dr. facili a is a really great dad we think his love for Celia will keep him honest but what about the rest of the villains Cruella De Vil and Maleficent are not nice people and we never met some of the villains like Captain Hook and Ursula we have a hard time believing that they'll all decide to behave since banishing and imprisoning people on the Isle isn't an option anymore Ben and mal will have to find other ways to keep the people of auradon save maybe they'll make a rehabilitation center for the villains who are having a hard time being good it would be so cool to see how auradon and the Isle mesh together in the brand new world Ben and mal have created so what do you guys think is the story really over and what would you want to see in descendants board tell us in the comments how could you forget what she did to us how could you forget that I was supposed to be your grade you will go you will find the fairy godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand easy peasy could Maleficent and Audrey team up in descendants for you and Maleficent have a lot in common Audrey it's almost as if you're the daughter she's always wanted how ironic is that it's really too bad that Maleficent is still stuck in her lizard form if you could find a way to change her back you could work together to boot Mel off the throne it's a win-win really we just hope you fight your evil days behind you or out smell will rue the day that she ever stepped foot in auradon Maleficent and Audrey have a common enemy but will that be enough for them to team up in descendants for if T forever happens we'd love to see Audrey and Maleficent join forces and attempt to take over auradon keep watching to find out which major clue from descendants three hinted towards Audrey and Maleficent working together with the way things ended in descendants three you would never suspect that Audrey still had a bone to pick with Ben and mal but we're not buying Audrey's good girl act and want to hurt you both I wanted to hurt all of you but let's be real she wanted to hurt them long before that Audrey was shocked when Ben proposed - mal so much so that she went to steal the Queen's crown from the museum then and mal finally apologized to Audrey when Hades saved her but their apology was long overdue Audrey might feel bad about what she did but she still wants to be the queen and mal is still living the life that Audrey always wanted so her good girl Act is bound to fade sooner than later Audrey literally screamed when Ben proposed to Mouse so imagine what she'll do when the lovers exchange I Do's Audrey will probably receive an invite to the wedding which is almost as bad as not being invited at all she'll be forced to watch the man of her dreams marry someone else but you know who won't be invited to the wedding Maleficent mouths very own mother we know for a fact that Maleficent doesn't like being left off the guest list so we wouldn't be surprised at the little evil lizard slithered her way into Audrey's thoughts what better way to stop a wedding than to let Maleficent crash it but finding Maleficent and turning her back into an evil fairy won't be easy luckily for Audrey she and Maleficent are fated to team up and even out the score Maleficent terrorized Audrey's family so she would be the last person Audrey went to for help right well not exactly The Descendants franchise has a knack for irony so Audrey and Maleficent could very well end up working together after all Edie ended up falling in love with Doug who's the son of one of her mom's sworn enemies it takes a very special person to work with Maleficent and Maleficent is known for going solo she's got some major trust issues and only really trusts her pet raven diablo and her scepter dragon's eye but for some strange reason her scepter called out to audrey when she crossed paths with it the most surprisingly the scepter let Audrey use it without condemning her to 1000 years of sleep so clearly Audrey and Maleficent share a special bond after all now walked by that very same scepter in that very same Museum and it never called out to her what makes Audrey and Maleficent even better allies is that they both have common goals first and foremost Maleficent wants to get revenge on mal who totally betrayed her in the first Descendants movie obviously mal made the right choice but she did keep her mom as a pet lizard instead of returning her to the aisle both Maleficent and Audrey want to show mal who's boss and they most definitely aren't okay with her ruling over auradon and the Isle of the Lost after what she did to them we just hope that Maleficent doesn't want to be queen because that would put Audrey and Maleficent at odds the first thing Audrey would need to do is get her hands on Maleficent scepter again then she could use it to locate Maleficent and undo the spell that turned her into the lizard in the first place then Audrey could fill Maleficent in on the last year's events and they could plan to ruin mal and Ben's wedding since Audrey still wants to be liked by the people of auradon it's in her best interest to act innocent once Mouse out of the picture Audrey could put a love spell on Ben and caught her way onto the throne Maleficent always feared that mal wasn't evil enough she pushed mal to commit terrible crimes and saw her daughter's good nature get in the way time and time again that's a problem she'll never have with Audrey Audrey has been a mean girl since day one she takes what she thinks she deserves and lashes out when things don't go as planned Audrey is the daughter Maleficent always wanted and together they could come close to taking over auradon we can already imagine the look on everyone's face when Maleficent crashes her daughter's wedding just like she did at Aurora's christening the fact that Maleficent scepter chose Audrey has to mean something Audrey will stop at nothing to be the queen of auradon but if usurping mal is on her agenda Maleficent and audrey better succeed no it's ands or buts because if they fail mal won't hesitate to turn both of them into lizards and let her future children keep them as pets do you think Audrey is done with being the queen of mean or will she strike again on Ben and Mouse wedding day sound off in the comments thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed our video don't forget to subscribe to the things we'll catch you next time you
Channel: TheThings
Views: 557,375
Rating: 4.8580098 out of 5
Keywords: thethings, Disney, Disney Villains, Hades, Maleficent, Mal’s Mom, Mal’s Dad, Descendants 3, Descendants, VKs, Isle of the Lost, Powers, Strongest Villains, Disney Channel, DCOM, descendants 4, disney, disney movie, disney+, pixar, disney princess, descendants villain kids
Id: ridehXcqjmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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