Dissecting The 1-10 Attractiveness Scale

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what would you rate yourself on a scale of one to ten ten but I'm also under an initial pageant Queen you think others would agree yes yes all right let's see you may have seen the kind of video circulating Tick Tock or YouTube shorts where people are just rating each other based on their looks so when someone says you're a five we don't usually take it as a flattering comment and so what's the deal with that why is the physical attractiveness one to ten rating scales so controversial well it's unclear when this concept of raiding people's looks on a number scale first started but it does seem to be quite a Modern Trend social media has also made it quite trendy to rate people's looks almost as if it's a game you'll find YouTube shorts Tech talks and even various subreddits all asking to Ray each other's physical attractiveness and people love this stuff too it isn't even a fringe concept the one to ten rating scale it's almost a standardized unified way that we use to get the idea across of how physically attractive someone is in simple speak this is our attempt to boil down a person's physical attractiveness to a single communicable number A 1 one a two a three a four a ten maybe even and we can say that the majority of people would agree that the scale does a pretty poor job at communicating how physically attractive someone is because it's very one-dimensional but there may be some other ways that we can use it effectively which we'll cover in this video so in this video let's try to talk about the one to ten scale break it down and see if it actually holds true when trying to rate your own attractiveness the basic premise behind the scale is to rate an individual's physical attractiveness apart from personality or other non-physical factors a 10 in theory should represent the most attractive people in the world or the level of looks you'd see among the worlds say top models and yes we use the word of top models because they do exist and social media has made that a trend of being all the more obvious to everyone there is an oversaturation of good looking people so the scope of what makes a 9 or a 10 has in theory broad end and is a lot more accessible we can think of back to as recent as the early 2000s where only 5 percent of people would be using social media or in the common sense it didn't even exist and today the number is more like 60 globally and about 90 in the US according to our world and data article that doesn't even factor in the great deal of hours that we actually spend on social media and in theory the amount of tens that we see now is a lot higher than ever before almost like an attractiveness inflation this is well documented and we did make a video on this on Tick Tock which covers the theory behind this being average looking in your normal day-to-day life just doesn't seem to cut it anymore even though most people around you are still mathematically average or the mean of the population you could certainly create unique one to ten rating skills where you hear people say things like an la6 is a 10 elsewhere we can also look at beauty standards in the west versus the east in terms of their differences in Beauty culture and there will certainly be some differences in the facial traits that are being preferred still there is no doubt that the one to ten rating scale as a function of a linear scale today is a lot less forgiving than it would have been 100 years go as we've explained on the channel before if we really want to assign statistics to the rating scale it would look a lot more like this this is a gaussian curve or the normal bell curve where most people fall right in the middle around four to six out of 10 and we see this with almost all human traits take height weight speed all of them generally like beauty also have a normal distribution and there's a good amount of sevens here and a few eights there and above that is how it should work in theory but there's also new research coming out showing that this scale could be skewed because of our Reliance on plastic surgery people having better nutrition and in general greater inequality between those who can afford to look good and those who cannot if you've watched our previous video on the topic it also seems that when asked most people rate themselves a 7 out of 10 and that mathematically not be the case without Distributing this curve differently funnily enough research by cooperatel shows this exact phenomenon frankly we can call it delusion but it applies to pretty much everyone and it's not something we do to be spiteful or malicious the study asks what University students would rate themselves from 1 to 10 and unsurprisingly about one-third of the students gave themselves a seven making it the most frequently chosen rating the seven was also the most frequent rating chosen as the lowest rating that they would date at the same time more than half of the students said a 10 was the highest attractiveness level they would date and the men in the study really seemed to stand firm on the importance of looks while women said more personality focused aspects like most people that are above A7 tend to know and be conceited if it wasn't conceded I'd be able to date him everyone has their own interpretation of the one to ten scale where you often even see people rating themselves and 11. this is actually the first reason the scale doesn't do a good job of telling you how attractive you are two different people could have completely different perceptions of what A7 means to them to one person a seven could basically mean average looking but to another it may mean that you're actually above average which is the correct mathematical definition however there is also a a fine line between trying to rape Beauty and reducing people to a number based on their appearance or a fixed perception like we've mentioned earlier there is also not a single Universal Beauty standard even on this channel we look at western eastern and perhaps some other micro nations of beauty standards to better understand what we're talking about in context later in the video we're also try to break down how you can rate your own attractiveness accurately but for now let's look at some examples of how not to rate someone open your mouth I need to see the teeth oh you got a good face but you need to get your teeth fixed I'm gonna give the face of eight fix the teeth the body a nine and the sex appeal a seven the show are you hot just took the idea of raiding people and ran with it as the whole premise for their show it featured some harsh comments from their judges and it seems to have shown no regard for people's feelings where judging someone's physical appearance is particularly sensitive because it is one of those things that is difficult to change especially if we're talking about bone structure most importantly the show is public and it is difficult for a lot of people to accept so what we can take away from this is that it's probably not a good idea to rate other people's appearances especially if the rating comes from overly critical commentary about features that you can't particularly change so we have kind of alluded to this earlier but the main thing that prevents the one to ten scale from being useful is cognitive bias there are various biases that our brains will deploy almost as if we're bending reality in a way that is more pleasing to us and on this channel we've covered almost all of the ones that relate to Beauty previously we've touched on the Dunning Kruger effect as one type of bias where in this case case less attractive people tend to overestimate how good looking they are because they simply don't know how much more there is to looks on the other hand more attractive people tend to give themselves a lower rating because they know how much more there is to looks and so their self-esteem is lower thinking that they're not good enough you haven't really changed the reality of how good looking you are to everyone else but your brain is making you think that you're a 10 when you may be a seven a 10 could also see themselves in terms of a seven because they have lower self-esteem there are other psychological biases as well such as festinger's theory of social comparison which suggests that people have an innate drive to evaluate themselves often in comparison to others various emotions like jealousy can come into play when making those types of comparisons so imagine you're comparing yourself say the conventionally attractive girl in your group and in doing so your brain may try to subconsciously lower her rating so now instead of her being a nine she's a seven in your mind you may not even be aware that you're doing it but that is why the concept is called an unconscious bias by lowering her rating you are effectively boosting your attractiveness rating since it's all relative to the most attractive girl in this example of the group and while yes it is true that humans are partial to ourselves and bias when it comes to pretty much anything we fortunately do have ways to check ourselves this is done through empirical evidence or experiments where we can control these biases in other words we're making the rating process more clinical or emotionally detached and that's kind of what this whole channel is basically about obviously every person watching this does not have the means to conduct a controlled experiment on their own physical attractiveness but we can still take a few key points that will help us rate our own appearances and perhaps accurately judge physical improvements that we can make look better every year maybe you've had a glow up but you can't seem to objectively tell if you are that much more attractive the first thing in that case in order to rate yourself accurately and even others is to be mindful of your biases on this channel we've made a particular video that covers the types of beauty biases that influence how we look at people and if you go through that you'll be quite aware all the ways a mind plays tricks on us this may sound simple but even being aware of the biases themselves their existence will make it a lot easier to tell where you stand the second is to gain knowledge in that area if it's facial Aesthetics then you have to know what makes an attractive face training the eye as Leonardo da Vinci famously called it and in this case we want research-based knowledge on what makes physical features desirable we've made plenty of videos on that exact topic here at Coos because that's what we do but the reason this is so important is because it adds a bit of objectivity to the rating just like in the Dunning Kruger case when you don't know how much more there is to know you're not going to be able to rate people accurately because you think that beauty ends here and that's all in fact there are many studies much like this by Ford's atal that try to answer these exact questions like what is the most attractive jaw shape what is an attractive side profile look like or what do the most attractive eyes look like and these studies often have two or more groups of observers there are lay people or just normal people that don't know much about the science behind facial attractive and the other groups are actual clinicians it could be orthodontists plastic surgeons or any other practitioner that has experience putting these concepts of what makes an attractive face to actual people the ratings often are between different groups because they have different information bases for judging attractiveness and oftentimes the orthodontist or the clinicians and the lay people slightly different definitions of what makes an attractive face that's why it's really important that we learn the theory behind it at the same time we don't really need science to tell us when someone is attractive I mean just think about it you look at her face you either like it or you don't even with all of the research artificial intelligence and the top Minds at our disposal have still been unable to find a way to fully capture or quantify what makes a face attractive until that changes the best way is just using a trained eye your trained eye our eyes are surprisingly good at quickly Discerning an attractive versus unattractive face if someone is exceptionally beautiful we can just tell and most of us don't lie at their extremes say something like a three or above of an eight so these biases make a big difference in how we perceive Beauty most of us lie in the middle ground where a little bit of bias can knock us down from a seven to a six which is not actually a linear decrease as we've seen in the bell curve distribution or even boost us from A5 to a 7 and to sum this up a knowledgeable and unbiased eye is the best way to rate yourself from a one to a ten so this is easier said than done because being honest with yourself can be tough unless you can gather a group of the world's top plastic surgeons or modeling Scouts and ask them to rate your appearance this is the best way to rate yourself on the 1 to 10 scale where you become the eye of the plastic surgeon or the bonding Scout instead of having to hire them for any words a spoken and individual's appearance is his or her first line of non-verbal communication with the world being a nine on the look scale can certainly be an advantage don't need me to tell you that just like being a 9 out of 10 in intelligence or Charisma but a rating of one to ten on your appearance doesn't capture all of what makes you you in fact it doesn't even do a good job of capturing your appearance and and that's why we also argue that the rating scale is very flawed and in all of our aesthetic reports everywhere in the curves company we don't actually give out ratings to anyone because again it's flawed so with that being said while we don't give out ratings of one to ten in any of our products you can still order a comprehensive facial aesthetic assessment to get a better understanding of what would theoretically make you a rating if that's what you're after without the rating itself in other words explanation criticisms and positives and negatives of your face that make you attractive and can also help the way you change your aesthetic all of that done by a team of professional researchers doctors and dentists and that's all available over at the ku's website as for now I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: QOVES Studio
Views: 235,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: attractiveness scale, qoves, attractiveness scale rating, looks rating, face rating, attractiveness scale female, attractiveness scale men, attractiveness scale women, attractiveness scale male, Am I attractive, how to know if you are attractive
Id: qpZ5AXvXYYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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