My Life Scouting Models in NYC For a Living | Refinery29

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-In terms of scouting a girl, you can be walking down the street. I found someone at Coney Island when I was just out with my friends. I found someone at CVS when I was just out shopping by myself. I've scouted someone at a Taylor Swift concert. The next step is just getting, like, very basic pictures. So we'll get, like, a few head shots, full-body shots. I'll submit those to agencies in New York City or in L.A., depending on their look. And we try to, like, fly them out here pretty quickly. Hi. My name is Jasmine Dwyer, and I scout models worldwide for a living. ♪♪ So, tomorrow, you guys have the beauty casting. I know it's, like, very specific posing, so I want to prep for that, make sure you guys know how to pose. Plus, it's the first time you guys are casting together. So that's, like, different. You're going to be able to have to pose, like, as a couple. So I want to just practice a little bit, all right? And if you feel your partner is doing this, you can't do that. -Okay. -So you need to be feeling what she's doing. Okay. Gorge. Okay, now look at the camera, Kat. Gorge. Okay. This is very nice, see? -Yes. Oh, yeah, that's better. -Look at us! -Yeah. -I've been modeling since I was 14. I learned about the industry through that. My work as a model informs my work as a manager because I've actually lived it. I've been in, like, every situation. So, for me, I come from, like, a lot more empathy, and, like, I think that helps my girls. Your hands, like, have to always be -- they're either, like, actually there or they have, like, intention. -Okay. -All right? So you can always, like -- -Have intention. -You can grab that little skirt, you know, like, "I'm holding it." -Yeah, holding it. Okay. -Hold it up. Okay, see here? You went back to your Instagram face. -I did? -Right? So look at this. And then the difference here, where you're just like, you know that you're beautiful and you're relaxed and pretty. Like, you don't need to be, like, showing yourself. This is social media. This is you're a beautiful model. -Okay. -Right? See the difference? -Yes, I do. -I love that. Even that. Beautiful. After I scout someone, there's a lot of different things that I do to manage them. I'm CC'd on everything as the manager who's making sure they're showing up on time, who's making sure they, like, know how to pose for the castings, doing their hair right. So, when we're prepping for castings, a lot of these new faces don't realize, like, what specific brands want what, so just making sure they don't go in, like, completely unprepared. I'm going to stop here, right? I'm going to make sure I see the cameras. I'm going to make sure I get my shot, which is going to go on Vogue Runway. I'm going to see them, and I'm going to turn. Okay. Clementine, you come out here as well. Beautiful. Remember, you're holding, like, heavy something. Stunning. Stop there. Nice. Okay. Now you turn around. Gorge. Do a little longer strides. A little longer. Yeah. There you go. Beautiful. And stop. Now look here. You're looking in the camera. And then turn. Okay. Long stride. Long stride. So, with scouting, I like to use social media. I initially started with social media. I used TikTok, had my little hashtag, #scoutedbyJasmine, and I asked people to post on it. Other than that, street scouting. I'll hit up the malls. I'll hit up the subway stations. And you kind of just have to wait it out. It's like a waiting game. So, sometimes you'll just be walking down the street and usually go up to them. I'll be like, "Hey, I love your outfit," just to, like, kind of break the ice. I'll compliment them and then I'll say, "My name's Jasmine. I'm a mother agency. Have you ever thought about modeling?" And I'll give them my business card. If we have time, we'll chat. Otherwise, usually they go back, they research my agency, and then we set up meetings from that. So, when I'm scouting people in public, there's a few categories that I'm scouting for. There's your general, like, a fashion girl. And that, I'm looking for high bone structure, something that's very charismatic. Then for, like, the more commercial beauty girls, things like strong eyes, an eyebrow that's maybe, like, really straight across, like, freckles or a gap tooth. Something that's like, when you look at a girl, you're going to recognize her. And then that can then connect to a brand, and that's a girl who will make it very far as a model. For people interested in modeling, my suggestion to stand out or get noticed is, first, you've really got to take some good digitals. They can be simple. You don't need to pay anyone. You don't need to do anything. You just take a little selfie -- full-body, head shot. And if you submit them to agencies -- you can find, like, good ones on -- you will get noticed if you have potential. So, the rates for a model manager, a mother agent, my models don't pay the manager, AKA me. It's once they get signed to a booking agency, then the booking agency takes a 20% commission from the girl, in America. Like, that's the standard. And, from that, they pay me a commission. So they pay me 10%. If a girl books a $100,000 job, the booking agency will take $20,000 from the talent. Then they'll also take $15,000 or $20,000 from the client's side. Out of that, they will give me $10,000 from their cut. I think model management is definitely -- In terms of income, it would be secondary to modeling, just for me, because I have built, like, a nice career. But, yeah, I do it because I love it, because I see, like, this new generation of girls who don't really have someone looking out for them. You make money. It's been great, but it's not like -- I don't think that's the reason to do it. So, Genevieve, what's your dream job? -I would say, I want to do a really big beauty campaign. -Oh, yeah. I see that. -I would love to do, like, Maybelline. -Yeah, totally. -Or, like, Milk Makeup. -Milk would be so cute. -Something a little edgier. -Yeah. -Yeah. -If we're talking beauty jobs, Glossier. -Oh, yeah. -It would be so cool. -I could see you doing that. Glossier is cool. -Overall, either, like, Miu Miu or Prada. -Nice. -That would definitely be the dream. -I think Chanel Beauty too. -Oh, Chanel is gorgeous. -I think my agency, Bamby Management, is very unique because of the community we've created within the girls. It's never been a business. It became a business, like, accidentally. At the start, it was, like -- it was me just helping these girls out. -It was October of 2021. -Aww. -I remember. And I know, like, my entire life, I've been like the -- like, I've always been tall. Like five feet in third grade kind of tall. And it's always like, "Oh, you should model. You should do this." But I'm from, like, a really, really small town in Michigan. And it was always like -- like, I never had any idea how to get into this industry. I didn't know where to go, how to apply. And I get Jasmine's TikTok on my For You page, and she's like, "Hey, I'm a scouting agent, and you should submit to me." And, like, literally just sent me -- like, this was before, like, Bamby was even a thing. I was such a little baby back then. -You were. -And I submitted, and I think, within the day, you got back to me. -I was very excited. -And were like, "Hey! Like, New York wants to sign you. Like, let's get on a Zoom call tomorrow, or, like, within the next two days." And then I was like, "Do I tell my parents?" That was the biggest thing. And I was like -- I was on the same page as Leah. I was like, "Are you real?" -I think the modeling industry has definitely changed. When I started 15 years ago, I was too short to model overseas. Like, I was too short at 5'8". Now, I have girls from size 0 to size 22. Our shortest girl is 5'4". So we've got it all, and they're all working. -Well, I think with curve, like, I don't know. I had always heard so many horror stories about the modeling industry and how you're held to really extreme standards and how people will always be telling you what's wrong with you. And with curve modeling, like, I just feel like it's a very actually genuinely healthy part of the industry. Like, for my first meeting with my agents, they were like, "We don't care what size you are. We don't care what your measurements are. Like, we need you to" -- like, come in and keep them updated. -That's good. -"But, like, whatever is healthiest for you, that's, like, great for us." I thought my only option was to, like, lose weight in an unhealthy way. Like, I just didn't think I would ever become a model. So, yeah, I don't know. It's been, like, super positive for me. -I would say Jasmine's really helped me with, like, staying levelheaded and being sure of myself. Because I have some trouble with that, as you know. -I do. [ Chuckles ] -So, I know we talk just about every day about knowing what's meant for me and then allowing it to happen and not worrying about the when. -Yeah. -When things are going to happen. Just knowing that it's going to come, I guess. -For me, I love when I'll get, like, a text being like, "Oh, my God. Like, I wore my miniskirt, and they said I was ugly," and, like, these little things where I'm like, "There's no way I could have ever said that to my agent." So, I appreciate that you guys kind of like trust me so much. -Yeah. -You know that, like, you can come to me with anything. -We went from thinking you were AI... -Right? being, like, the closest friend in New York. -I know too much about you guys. -Oh, God! [ Laughs ] -I don't know if I need to know all this, but I know it all. ♪♪ I hope that my agency can set a new standard in the industry. I hope that other agencies can look at my agency and say, "Hey, she has a girl who doesn't fit the traditional size, but she's working." I really want my models to feel empowered. I want them to know that, everything they're doing, they are in control of. I want them to know I have their best interest at heart. ♪♪
Channel: Refinery29
Views: 31,159
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Keywords: refinery29, refinery 29, r29, r29 video, video, refinery29 video, female, women, vice, vice media, refinery29 youtube, vice youtube, model scout, new york, new york model, r29 model, refinery29 modelling, modelling, model, fashion, runway, r29 fashion, refinery29 new york, model agency, talent scout, talent agency, r29 for a living, life as a model in nyc, being a model in nyc, model life in new york, being a model, refinery29 model, refinery 29 nyc
Id: ldSgDxmUioc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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