What Makes a Good Worship Leader?

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hey thanks for joining me today I have got a good question from Albert in Saudi Arabia I'm looking forward to coming there sometime Albert maybe I'll meet you one day your question dear Don in your opinion what are some important characteristics of a good song leader that's a short question but a good one what are some important characteristics of a good song leader so first of all I want to ask you a question Albert why are you leading songs in the first place now what are your expectations you know it's it's good to talk about expectations when a when a group comes together and they say okay Albert you're the song leader what do you think your leaders or your pastor wants you to accomplish what do they want to accomplish and it's it's it's an important question to ask and I ask it all the time when I get invited to sing at a conference or in a church a lot of times I'll ask the pastor what's the purpose of this gathering is it a missions conference is it a you want a time of deep intercessory worship you want a time of prayer what are you looking for pastor so I think it would help you to understand what are the expectations of your pastor or the organizers because you're going to pick your songs accordingly and many times if it's at a conference your pastor or the organizers are wanting you to just do songs that kind of give people a chance to stand up and sing between speakers and if that is their expectation then you can pick a certain song that just gets everybody up and singing if your pastors expectation is to I would like you to take the people into an extended time of deep worship you know you need to pick different songs so and again the characteristics of a good song leader you aware of who your audience is I used to say many years ago when I was teaching on worship I would say to worship leaders worship and don't lead but a friend of mine a good friend of mine Jack pastor Jack Hayford said to me Don I take issue with that because he said as an experienced worship leader you understand that you have to be aware of your audience as well but an inexperienced worship leader when they hear me say worship and don't lead then to to them that that means close your eyes be unaware of everything in the room except your communication with God in worship and you're on the stage and you have your own private time of worship meanwhile you know people may be doing different things in the audience so a good song leader worship leader is directing the people to God and praise but you know you're always keeping one eye on your congregation on your audience and even a simple little thing as you know we stand up to worship well you might have a 85 90 year old Grandma and Grandpa who are just it's hard for them to stand so they're moving around and as a good worship leader or a song leader you might just want to be able to say go ahead and feel comfortable to sit down as we continue to worship but that something as simple as that but it's being aware of who your audience is so those are two tips for you today be aware of what your pastor's expectations are when you're picking your songs pick the right songs and the right key I always do that be a good song policeman pick the right songs pick a good song don't pick some garbage song but pick a good song where we're strong theologically and it makes sense it's singable to your audience so do that and then be aware of your audience as well it's all about communication and in and truthfully it's about earning the trust of your audience of the congregation they trust you to be aware that if everybody is getting tired you go haven't have a seat let's just enjoy the presence of God continue and join his presence let's continue worshiping but you're making people comfortable and you know they'll they'll start trusting you and say yeah you know Albert Albert has my back he's thinking about me so good communicator and think about the expectations really good question Albert hope to see you someday in Saudi Arabia may the Lord bless you there and continue to bless your ministry hey if you've got a question you'd like to ask me go to Don Moen com forward slash ask Don and I'd love to give it my best shot make it a great day god bless [Music]
Channel: DonMoenTV
Views: 86,230
Rating: 4.9638228 out of 5
Keywords: don moen, donmoentv, don moen tv, don, moen, worship, leader, worship leader, tips, worship leading, songs, worship leading 101, worship leading training
Id: g94-bGzB2sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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