5 Things CHRISTIAN WORSHIP LEADERS need to STOP DOING in the church today

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Hey guys! Some of us, sometimes, leave a lot of comments and talk about what certain preachers should preach, and what they should not preach according to Scripture. But what about worship leaders? Now, I got a few questions on the worship services in churches from some of you guys. And so in this video, I'm going to answer some of those questions while talking about five things that Christian worship leaders should stop doing in the church today. Let's get to it. Now, just very quick; if it's your first time here on my channel, Welcome to DLM Christian lifestyle. My name is Daniel Maritz and if you haven't subscribed yet then please consider it, and also click that notification bell so you won't miss any of the next videos. Now, I love worshipping God in the church with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but then there are times when I just want to sit down and pray individually, just me and God. I just want to talk to Him before the service, because there are some things that worship leaders do that makes me not want to partake, in the worship services, with the whole church. Let's start with the first thing. Worship leaders need to stop focusing on entertainment and focus more on engagement with God. If you just focus more on entertainment, putting on a good show, then you're focusing more on yourself, being selfish, and not so much on God. The church is there to praise and worship God, not there to listen to a person who wants to be the next star. You know some worship leaders, they got amazing voices, but then sometimes they try to reach those high notes and nobody can follow them. So if you are a worship leader and you sing in such a way that people cannot follow you, then you just leave them there staring at you and they can't sing and praise God with you. Your role is to lead people to God to praise and worship Him, and to do so, listen very carefully, to do so through the Spiritual nature and not through the selfish flesh. Remember John 4:24 says, “God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.” And church leaders, please listen to me, when you appoint a new worship leader, please make sure that they are Spiritually mature. That the word of God dwells in them richly, so that they can lead people in worship the way that God wants them to. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” Stop commanding people to do certain things in the church. It's like those social media posts, those Facebook posts. And it says 'like and share this photo if you really love Jesus. ' So it makes you feel like, ‘All right, if I don't like this and share this, then I don't love Jesus for some reason.' And then in some worship services, some of the worship leaders say, "Stand up, put your hands up in the air if you love Jesus." Group pressure. But then not all of them are genuine because they don't want to be the odd one out, who just sits there and does nothing. They just do it so that people don't look at them strangely in the church, but it's not genuine. And remember, not all of the people in the church are Christians. What about unbelievers who come to the church just to check it out? They don't want to be coerced into doing something that they don't want to do. Your job as a worship leader is not to command people to do things but to lead them to worship God. To lead them into the presence of God so that they can worship God, the way that God wants them to worship Him. Instead of commanding, give them options. Like saying, ‘Guys this is the next song we're going to sing, we invite you to stand up to sing it with us, but if you don't want to do that, it's fine, you can just sit down and worship God in your own way.’ Song choices are very important in the church and you need to choose those songs that are biblically accurate, and that edifies the church. Please try to stay away from those songs that lack depth and also those songs that just, the word just keeps on repeating itself, over and over, and over again. Some songs already have the same line three or four times. So it's unnecessary to sing it 10 to 13, 16 times over and over, and over. The repetition itself is not bad, but it can be used and abused. Sometimes the type of things that people sing over and over, it has no biblical depth. And then when we look at song choices. New songs can also be good at times, but also remember that people won't be able to sing it with you if they don't know it, and if you choose new songs be very careful with what you choose. Look at the words. Look at what you actually sing and then some new songs these days, they got a lot less Spiritual food in them. You got to remember to use the worship services to build people up in their faith, and not just to encourage or motivate them, but if you build them up in truth, that is what changed lives. Don't just get into this habit of just singing a song, but really worship. Lead in worship. Remember who you are singing to. You're singing to God almighty, that created the heavens and the earth, and you need to lead the congregation to do it with you. You need to connect with the church and with God. Some worship leaders, they get on the Spiritual 'high' if I can call it that, in their Spiritual bubble and they just worship God, kind of almost on their own and they lose sight of their purpose to help the congregation to worship God. You got to stay alert to know how well the church is tracking with you. Now, remember, when people come into the church, they just had a whole full week. There's a lot of stuff going on back at home in their life. There's work life, family life, there are financial issues, there's a lot of stuff going on that's in their heads. So you need to help them to shift their focus from all these things to God, and then when the sermon starts, then they're already in the right mindset and open to hearing what God wants to tell them. Stop following a routine and start following the Holy Spirit. If you just follow a routine every Sunday, you do the same thing over and over, and over. You're not really giving any space for the Holy Spirit to work through you. Leading in worship services is not just about singing, you can pray, read a bible verse or share your testimony about something that God did for you. Let the Holy Spirit lead you and before the service, if you don't feel like you're right, you feel like you can't connect with God, then pray before the service until you have that breakthrough. And you know, now, if you're going to go in worship, you're going to do so in truth and in the Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit lead you, let Him guide you, and always remember to go back to the heart of worship. Do you know what it is? What is the heart of worship? It's all about God, always put Him first. And always remember that God loves you, and I love you too. I’ll see you in the next video. Bye!
Channel: DLM Christian Lifestyle
Views: 113,743
Rating: 4.9621363 out of 5
Keywords: christian youtuber, things Christian worship leaders need to stop doing in the church today, worship leaders leading worship, worship leaders 2020, things worship leaders should stop saying, things worship leaders should know, how to worship in the church, worship leaders, how to lead worship as a beginner, how to lead worship, worship leading, worship leader, how to lead worship effectively, worship leader tips, worship leadership, how to lead praise and worship, worship
Id: -hZ-QCeFkUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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