How to Lead Worship as a Beginner (5 Tips for Beginner Worship Leaders)

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hey guys it's Virg today I'm going to share with you five tips for beginner worship leaders if you are starting out as a worship leader I know how it feels when you are in front of so many people and you're thinking about what song you're singing or what's the next song that you need to sing you're thinking about the lyrics you're connecting your heart with God and you're assessing are the people worshiping are they able to connect with God and there's so many other things that you need to think about and I know that feeling that how can you become a better worship leader what are the things that you need to to know what are the things that you need to prepare so that you can usher people into the very presence of God where they encounter him and where they have an experience with him so I want to give out to you five simple tips that can help you as a beginner worship leader so the very first thing I want to share with you is prepare before anything else make sure that you've prepared spiritually when you lead worship now it's not even so much about one time preparation that you fast for how many days or you pray for hours and hours and hours and hours before you need worship but it's more about building a lifestyle of worship it's good when you already have that kind of lifestyle before you even start leading other people into the very presence of God before you lead worship in front of congregation it's very important that just like David you develop that personal lifestyle of worship with the Lord while he was still tending his sheep as a shepherd you know he already have this personal time he has this personal time with God and he has this intimate moments worshipping to God out in the fields together with all his flock worshiping him in the most secret places so just like David it's so important that should as a worship leader to have that personal moments with God you know to build your history with the Lord in worship so make sure that you have those personal moments build a lifestyle of worship so that when you step out and lead the congregation into worshipping God it will just be an overflow and outflow of what you have inside of you of what you have in your personal times with the Lord so if you encounter God in your personal moments in your worship moments then you can lead or you can invite other people into that same encounters that you have with God it becomes easier for you to lead people into worship if you already experienced God in a regular way so I really encourage you build your personal worship lifestyle with the Lord that's very important the next thing is listen listen to what God is telling you as you prepare as you spend time with God hear his voice take time to listen and soak in his presence and be filled with his love be filled with his goodness and don't worry yourself too much on what songs do I need the same what other preparations do I need to do but be confident and we address and just trust him and listen and ask God Lord what are you saying in this season and in those moments that you have with God you will hear his voice and you will hear what he is telling you and perhaps you would even hear from God what songs he wants you to sing for that particular Sunday of that for that particular gathering or maybe even you will you will know what season your heart is in or what season the congregation is into because it's very important that you capture what song is fitting for that very season now I have those moments when there's just this particular song that's so real in my heart and I know it's the Lord that is impressing upon me this particular song so I would worship the Lord through this song in my personal moments and even as I do my daily things my daily work I would be worshiping and in my heart is that song so I know that that particular song is for that particular season so it's important that you hear from God and asking Lord is this song for the church because sometimes you may need to differentiate the songs that are just for you personally from the songs that is for or that are for the church so that's why it's so important that you ask God and you hear his voice and asked him Lord is this song for our church is this for our congregation of this specific season in our lives so make sure that you have time to listen to the very voice of the Father now number three the third thing is make sure to practice with your band it's so important that you have time in worship practicing the songs that you will be singing with your band and if you are singing a new song make sure that you give enough time for your instrumentalists and your worship team members to be able to learn those new songs make sure that you send them out videos or chords so that they can study beforehand before you even meet for practice so that when you meet as a team to practice then you will not be spending too much time on learning the song everyone is already aligned and they already know how to play the song so that that makes your job easier as a worship leader so make sure that you spend time together as a team practicing the intro the extra and how you flow with every song it's important that you build chemistry with your team that you know how to flow with one another and make sure that you each of the team members know the signs that you use in your church or in your worship team like for example we use this sign for the verse and then we use this sign for the second verse and this one for chorus and so on and so forth so it's all about team dynamics so it's very important that you have your time of preparation as a team to practice with your team so that when you'll be worship you will not be thinking so much about the dynamics of the song but you will be focusing more on your hearts over sky in worshiping God in spirit and in truth so that's why it's so important that you have your time to practice as a band now the fourth thing is to coordinate with your leaders you must coordinate with your service program directors or whoever is in your church that is in charge for the worship service so that you will know which part of the service are you coming in as a team which part you know yeah is there a song that's needed to be sung in this part and so that you will know what are your limits what is the timeframe that is given for you for example you only have 20 minutes or 30 minutes or one hour for worship so with that you will your boundaries because it's for me it's important that you also balance things out with a good organization and to be organized in our services of course we want to be sensitive with what the Spirit is doing but at the same time we want to be organized and to be orderly in our program so we don't want to spend the whole day or maybe five hours in our worship service so we want to be sensitive to our time for the time of the people that is attending so that's why it's important that you coordinate with your coordinators in your service and of course coordinate with your pastor as well make sure that you know what your what your preacher would be preaching about in that coming day so that you will know what his topic is and that you will you will know how to which songs is appropriate for that particular service and then lastly is and the most important thing is to be authentic when you stand up there and lead worship you don't have to copy anybody else just be who you are be real in your worship be authentic as you leave people in you don't even have to say so many things to exhort them into worship sometimes that could be you know the trend or that could be the thing that yeah you you do so I encourage you to just feel say a few words fewer words for me I think it's better but the most important thing is to be really with what you feel with what's in your heart be authentic in your worship and so when you lead worship in front of your congregation feel their heart and feel the heart of the Father and desire in your heart that you will be able to connect their hearts with the heart of the Father as you lead them in worship I have a I have I had my experience leading for the very first time and when I was up there on the stage I was so nervous I don't know what to do at that very specific moment I prepared I knew I had my own personal times with the Lord I know that he is working inside of me but it's so much different when you're in front of the congregation there's so many things happening inside of you and you don't know what to do and I was at that particular time it was that in that moment I was singing our first song and I was so troubled in my heart I was so disturbed why am I feeling this why am I so conscious about myself and then I just had to stop I decided in my heart this has to stop I just had to refocus my heart on God and really worship Him in spirit and in truth no the moment I did that when I stopped literally I stopped singing I stopped playing and when I refocused my heart to God and aligned my heart to God and say God I'm gonna worship you with all that I am as if I'm alone in this room this is what I know this is how I know worship is so this is the only thing that I know so I'm gonna worship you with my all and you do the rest God so when I did that I felt the very presence of God I knew I was connecting to the heart of the Father and that's the most important thing and when that happened I could feel the presence of God the rest of the congregation and they were experiencing that the had encounters with the father during that specific moment so I hope that with this five tips you'll be able to improve or you'll be able to become better in leading Russian so let me just give you a recap of those five things first is prepared prepare yourself spiritually make sure your heart is okay make sure that you have your own personal lifestyle version second is to listen listen to what God is saying at that specific moment in time in that season in time third practice with your band make sure that you have time to practice all the dynamics so that when you lead the congregation it will be all smooth number four is to coordinate with your leaders in your church make sure that you touch base with your program director and your pastors and your preacher so that you are all connected and you know what's happening in church and then lastly is to be authentic be real in your worship be real as you lead people in worship and as you connect your heart with God I know that God will come he will fill that place with his presence and the people would be able to connect their hearts with the Father so I hope those five tips that I've shared with you will be able to help you in becoming a better worship leader so be blessed and enjoy your meal you
Channel: Verge Ascabano
Views: 170,464
Rating: 4.9369087 out of 5
Keywords: worship leading, worship, presence of God, ministering, Destiny Ministries International, Verge Ascabano, Paul Yadao, Leif Hetland, Contemporary Worship Music (Musical Genre), Religion (TV Genre), Praise, Tips, Need, Tutorial, Gospel, Pastor
Id: Ah33Fq_6dik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2015
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