What Lucid Dreaming Feels Like

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becoming aware inside of a dream is a really cool experience and in this video I'm going to show you exactly what it feels like to succeed and have a lucid dream if you are practicing lucid dreaming or have given up this video will hopefully give you the motivation to keep trying everyone dreams differently but I'm going to be discussing the most common things that happen when you have a lucid dream if you have ever had an interesting lucid dream experience in the past definitely make sure to share your stories down below in the comments so that other people can see speaking of reading other people's stories we just created a brand new lucid dreaming discord server it's a really cool place where you can chat about lucid dreaming share your experiences and ask other people for help with using the techniques if you're interested in joining I've left a link down below in the description anyways let's get started every lucid dream unless you enter it directly using a technique like wild starts off as a regular dream where you are unconscious on autopilot it's like you're watching a movie instead of playing a video game because you don't really have a say in what happens the moment you actually become aware in the dream is extremely memorable this is because it's the point where you realize that the entire world around you is not real depending on which technique you used there are many ways that you might come to this conclusion and one of the first things you might feel is shock because everything around you feel so incredibly vivid and real and it seems impossible that all of it is just a simulation made by your mind another thing you'll notice in the lucid dream is that your senses like sight sound taste and touch are all more extreme than what you would experience in real life your emotions may also be intensified as well which basically means that you'll feel a greater sense of happiness from engaging in seemingly regular activities even just sitting down in the grass and looking at the scenery around you will feel amazing but what makes it even better is knowing in the back of your mind that you are in a place where you can control everything your imagination being the only limit this is such a weird feeling because there's no equivalent to it in real life speaking of scenery when you first become lucid you will be wherever your regular dream left off this could be anywhere like the mountains the moon or a city like Los Santos chances are there will be other dream characters there with you but whatever you do do not run around telling them that they are in a dream unless you want to wake up once you are able to properly stabilize the dream to ensure that it lasts as long as possible the real fun starts to begin flying is usually one of the first things people try inside of a lucid dream all you need to do is jump up in the air and believe that you can fly and next thing you know you'll be soaring in the sky above wherever you are something I love doing is seeing the reactions of people when I start flying your brain tries to make dream characters seem as real as regular people so if you start doing crazy things expect them to be surprised the initial shock of becoming lucid is very common among several lucid dreamers including myself but what happens after that is entirely up to you you may decide to just fly around and explore the environment around you I do this all the time and it feels amazing if you're feeling a bit more adventurous though you can also teleport yourself to different locations around the world or fictional places like the Death Star another thing you can do is spawn in dream characters literally anyone you know or have seen in real life can appear in your dream if you imagine that they are there they will also act exactly like how you would imagine that person to act in real life and you can even have conversations with them which i think is super cool of course if you are newer to lucid dreaming doing these things may be a little more difficult but there are several techniques that you can use to easily control things in the dream and I've made a video all about it and you should definitely watch it just so that you're prepared in case you end up having a lucid dream tonight or sometime in the future eventually the dream will slowly come to an end you might try to fight it for a while but you will inevitably wake up when you do your lucid dreaming experience will be as fresh in your mind as if it happened in real life from here before doing anything else it's really important to record the dream in all of its detail in your phone or a dream journal because you can gather important information like how comfortable you felt controlling things in the dream and mainly how you became lucid in the first place knowing the steps you took to have a lucid dream will allow you to replicate it in the future and you'll be one step closer to mastering lucid dreaming where you can pretty much do it whenever you want your first few lucid dreams will be very strange and you might not end up doing everything on your bucket list but over time you will get a lot better at manipulating the environments around you and staying in the dream for extended periods of time lucid dreams are amazing and once again if you've ever had a cool experience definitely share it below in the comments because I would love to read about them if you are still trying to have your first lucid dream I have tons of tutorials on this channel which go through the most popular lucid dreaming techniques for beginners if you're not already I highly recommend you subscribe so you don't miss any videos and it would also really help me make more videos like this one and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 403,473
Rating: 4.9626689 out of 5
Keywords: what lucid dreaming is like, what lucid dreaming feels like, what lucid dreams feel like, what a lucid dream feels like, what does it feel like to lucid dream, what are lucid dreams like, what lucid dreaming looks like, what lucid dreams look like, first lucid dream, what lucid dreaming looks like part 1, lucid dreaming pov, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, what does a lucid dream feel like, what does a lucid dream look like, explore lucid dreaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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