What Kabbalah Teaches Us About Manifestation

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hello everyone Simon Jacobsen here and we're going to be speaking about what Kabbalah teaches us about manifestation so that title itself is quite a handful wrap your head around it what is manifestation I'm sure some of you are wondering well manifestation is another word for being present you know you ever find yourself not feeling yourself being totally present in the certain experience in a relationship and a conversation you're not really fully there okay that can sound innocuous are not such a big thing but sometimes it's a very profound thing because it means you don't know how to bring yourself entirely there you're not secure you're not safe and many times it's for good reasons if we were hurt or disappointed if we have experiences where we were betrayed I don't have trust and the list goes on for us always keeping a certain caution and not completely investing having as they say having one foot out the door to protect yourself we all have our defense mechanisms our escape hatches escape routes to protect us and we don't always commit to something and sometimes we don't commit to anything fully for that reason because we don't want to be hurt as I said it could have good reason but it also can trap us to a place where we never really fully engage and be fully present so manifestation is one word that captures that concept that idea that psychological state were you there I'm here with you and that could include being vulnerable and include being possibly hurt but you're there completely there we all have our masks we have our different suits of armor as I mentioned defense mechanisms that we use but have you ever wondered your mask become your identity so mask is good when you know you have an identity and then you need a mask or you need a certain posture or projection because you're dealing with a particular environment different people and we all have our different masks for different situations and I say by mask I don't always mean it in a destructive way were you completely conning or distorting or deceit being deceptive or duplicity it means you're just according to the people or the environment or the work place you're at but what happens when your mass becomes your identity that is quite sad because then you lose yourself and all you are is what you are what you project to others whether you're pleasing them or not pleasing them so this is all part of this discussion called being manifest now the question is if we indeed have that attitude or that approach to life where we have difficulty with commitment difficult to being present to being engaged to being invested entirely then the question is are we trapped there are we stuck is there a way out of that how can we develop those tools and mechanisms and methodologies to actually be more present in the areas where we should be present you know for example if it's a burning house and I don't just mean that physically also figuratively dangerous situation you don't want to be present you want to get out which is what many of us who had homes that were battle zones are doing and that's why we have difficult to be in presence but that's immediate danger but what about when you want to really love comes your way or another great opportunity comes your way how many of these opportunities or the love is what we will miss because we put up this barrier and we don't allow ourselves to manifest so where do we find an approach guidance direction and methodologies and they the answer comes in a sub from a supplies were surprising an unexpected place it's called Kabbalah mysticism which is sometimes called Kabbalah in our modern age takes on the form of Hasidic teachings the Mystics teach that the regarding the divine there are two forms of expression divine expression and revelation and energy for you is two types of energy we'll call one transcendent energy and the other one manifest energy or eminent energy one is transcendent means you've always remain aloof and above the divine remains above existence creation structure because that's is that that's its nature it is from a different reality and then there is a divine manifestation in an eminent fashion that engages and gets involved in existence and structure and what's fascinating and this is what we're going to be discussing that examining and studying the parallels between the vine manifestation and transcendence and human manifestation and transcendence or maybe the other way around transcendence a manifestation we can derive tremendous insights and directives and direction and lessons of how to apply to our own lives so this is the laying the lay of the land the outline and I will get into the topic itself but I've asked you above all to personalize this because think about yourself are you a person that can be present I'll give examples you're busy having a conversation with someone you care about but the text comes in or a phone call comes in or something else and you easily move on to something to something else easily distractible you're not completely there with the person because if you were and if it was really urgent you don't want any pauses or breaks someone was if you were sharing your life your deepest to your guts you were spilling your guts to a good friend and they suddenly take a text or a phone call not only is it insulting it means they're not there with you and that alone is what we need that's what love and nurturing is about you know think of a child in the mother's womb the mother's room is 24/7 constantly being nurtured attention so ask yourself in your life Duke I don't want to do or suffer but do you have this issue and you even see it as a problem some people don't see the problem they call it multitasking I'm able to do many things so yes when it comes to superficial things and things that are not that does that require found an emotional intellectual investment yeah you can do a bunch of things still you could chew gum and drive a car however when it comes to things that are important and vital there's an element of focus and just like we want that focus we need to give that focus so many of us will answer well I haven't I don't have such important relationships in my life to that extent that I'm ready to invest that way is that the reason that may be the reason or is it perhaps that is difficult to do so really to benefit from what we're gonna discuss here it requires your own honest appraisal as being sincere and genuine with yourself that's the most important thing of all because if you're genuine and sincere even to the point where you acknowledge that there may be a challenge or an issue then there's something to talk about but if you're going to lie to yourself where you want to just be comfortable and not face this issue it's gonna be more difficult and I say bluntly because let's be honest like most things if you really want to grow you have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and even look deeper into places that sometimes are uncomfortable so I ask you to do that obviously it's your call and I'm not here as you know my approach is not an assault on anyone's psyche but I do need to state this at the outset because it's so vital in this process because many of us do delude ourselves but out of being comfortable because it's not easy thing to confront yourself in how present you are very many of us do not like to admit I'm not present not only to others but even to ourselves so that's something that you need to determine how much you want to be present even what we're talking about how much you want to apply it but as you know I speak openly and candidly and that's a critical component so now let's discuss it we'll discuss it first on the cognitive on a cerebral and intellectual level on a spiritual level I mentioned the vine manifestation and transcendence so there are words used in the Kabbalah and a Hasidic literature I'll refer to them but I don't want it to be an impediment to use words that can be restrictive or in any way prohibitive to listen to this I'll use a lad I'll mention the words the actual terms used in these texts at the end of the explanation let me begin with the explanation so what does it mean transcendence and imminence transcendence says the word implies means you transcend you're above I used before the word aloof aloof can be a positive it can be a negative aloof can be detached and indifferent but aloof could also mean because you're above it so you're not affected by it quite that way so we're talking about the divine which means anything that's greater than ourselves if by definition is transcendent it's above and beyond who we are meaning who we are means humans and and as well as existence itself but the question is the theological question that the Mystics asked is the divine also present with us with us or is it always removed and distant and for good reasons because it's of a different reality and the answer is that is present because the whole purpose of existence is that there be a relationship let me move it right away to the human level we have a transcendent side each one of us your unique personality that place that almost nobody can actually enter even you can't or you're not always even conscious of it it's like your core essence I use an example very often for example you're sitting right now wherever you are what is your left leg doing this moment so before I ask that question your left leg was there and it was living and existing but you were not thinking about it that doesn't mean does it exist less no it means that's on a core level that does not have the Phi's expression then when you think what's my left leg doing you suddenly become aware so awareness in this sense is almost a descent it's a it's a state where you're going down from the core state in other words core living really has no consciousness and no awareness if someone asks you what does it feel like being healthy if you have any answer to that then there's something a problem health shouldn't have any feeling it's a non sensation we reality I exist what does it feel like existing if there's a sensation a blunt sensation a sharp sensation a cold sensation a warm sensation that's already an expressive element so all of us have what we call the transcendent side transcendent means it's not defined by a particular conscious an awareness and definition that's a key word definition but it's there it reads a reality it's like when you're in the zone you're not thinking about it you're just doing it that's in a sense a transcendent State what is a manifest state or an imminent state when you're consciously aware and engaged in something so if you think about it from that perspective and this is not necessarily out of weakness you can say transcendence is the optimum why should I be immersed and involved in the find way and be involved in this and not in that I remain always transcendent I remain always aloof I remain always apart and there is a part of us as I said even in the deepest engagements with people and experiences that remains beyond everything however the full human experience and will use love as an approving experience is the other relationship with another remaining aloof remaining a part remaining transcendent as admirable as that may be is not is missing the most important ingredient in a relationship which is intimacy companionship friendship engagement with another caring about the other and they care about you being vulnerable yes celebrating vulnerability in the relationship so how do we have a healthy balance the answer is we need both in a relationship with another and we'll go back to the divine in a moment we need both we need a sense of self where there's a respect of space boundaries and yes there's a part which we each as an individual but then you also need closeness and you need manifestations so the healthy balance is to have both the expression Hillel uses is if I'm I'm not for myself who will be for me that's the transcendent that's the self if I am only for myself what am I which means if you don't engage and involve and that the interaction and interconnectivity and I would even say the complementation the synergy that each gives the other you don't really have relationship there's no love so love is not just closeness love is also respect and a certain sense of law I don't even use the word mystique the mystery there's something transcendent about the relationship that is elusive and there's not able to be owned so manifestation or imminence on its own is like owning it it's connected to you and that you have it in a way transcendence is you never own it because it's always above above you even your own transcendent self and the beautiful relationship is when you have both the Mystics explained this on the divine level that the divine is completely beyond anything that exists so you could technically in hypothetic and theologically philosophically argue that the divine is always a part and we are not the divine we're human were mortals the divine is immortal we're we have limitations we have definitions we have parameters and the divine has no parameters and yet the key beautiful thing is that there is a marriage there is a harmony there's a synergy where heaven meets earth with infinite means the finite where eternity kisses the temporary and that we could find the word extraordinary in the ordinary and we can find the eternal in the moment and that is because there are those two dimensions there's a transcendent element yes that's the more natural state but there's also an imminent that transcendence chooses to engage to manifest now of course if you ask the question how it seems contradictory that's why there's a third dimension that's neither transcendent nor manifest or imminent I don't want to really go into that because that's a somewhat digressing but I just need to point it out and that dimension allows there to be a complete harmony a complete fusion between transcendence and imminence between self and other between being removed from and above and apart and engaging and investing and being completely present and in the moment that's the beauty of it so it's not there or it's really joining now I spoke about this inside of strength try strong transcendence and strong manifestation now let's apply this to what I spoke about earlier those of us to have difficulty being present not because we're so spiritually transcendent even if though we may convince ourselves that's the reason and there may even be some truth to that as well but let's also acknowledge that it could include fear insecurity being afraid to be trapped as I mentioned discussed earlier the different reasons that we may not be completely present in an experience with another in a conversation and so on especially when you get to when it comes to clear it's too close to home so then we from vit we put up our walls we don't want to be hurt and we avoid being completely engaged so we always keep a little back door to get out an exit strategy so there it's not necessarily coming purely from strength they may have some strengths in it but there's also a lot of weakness in it so clearly it's not sufficient because you'll never have a relationship so transcendence teaches us even healthy transcendence needs manifestation and definitely unhealthy I don't want to call transcendence because not really transcendence it's it's just a negative form of manifestation just with yourself being alone because you're afraid to be with others or you have concerns or you can totally engage so the paradox and the interesting irony is the more secure you are in your own skin the more comfortable you are with your transcendent unique self the more you're able to manifest and be present and engage with another again this has to be done with discretion it doesn't mean you just let down your garden and everything is entered has to everything is allowed in because we could we have neat that they have kortek to proceed with caution make sure we're not hurt but we don't put a wall up and don't allow ourselves because then we remain trapped in our own inner armor and masks so the key thing is to recognize first was against cognitively and cerebral e that there's that element of a transcendent state even the best of it requires manifestation and they don't contradict because even when you manifest your transcendent unique self is not compromised now if you can cognitively with exercises meditate and contemplate and meditate on that concept what it helps one do is helps you feel safer because if you can identify that inner self and feel strong about it then you will have less fear engaging the fact that you see there's a contradiction no one will ever understand me I can't really engage because I could be hurt all the different reasons and then the day the fear of it is really because you're not that intact so you avoid true contact you avoid through engagement you avoid truly being immersed in something because you feel you'll be a failure at it or people who suddenly expose you people often hear from people they really knew who I was it wouldn't be my friends I have to put on this show I have to perform I have to please I have to be perfect I have to be excellent so the key thing to remember is that we do have a transcendent unique self and it does not require want to go into hiding and undercover it requires nurturing that element of self like I said with hillo if I'm not for myself Who am I discovering that self but at the same time you need to know that that self requires and it actually complements discovering the self is also engaging with others so the more comfortable you are in your own skin the more secure a person is the more they can also have manifestation and be present we'll talk about practical ways to get there but I first want to explain the concept because understanding it even though people say you know what this is all intellectual it's theoretical abstract when it comes to emotions I just have fear doesn't make a sense doesn't make a difference if I understand a lot of things I understand I don't act upon and I could also give advice to others but when it comes to me person that's where my blind spots or my subjectivity well my prejudices and biases come into play so obviously that is true but there is something called the cognitive life raft when you understand things you become it's become safer to travel there you know one of the big fears is you don't know what's going on in that world because you've been hurt when it came to there but if you can dissect it and you can like prepare yourself a research so then when you go let's say to a foreign city and you don't know what it's like it's full of unknowns and there's a lot of fears and concerns and so on but if you prepare yourself and you know the terrain and you were able to recognize at least with your mind certain aspects then they builds confidence that you can then navigate and actually travel there it would be like a captain of a ship or anyone else leading a journey or a journey somewhere but they prepare the ground there like a tour guide they know that terrain they know the mountains the valleys that I mean that of course metaphorically they know all the twists and turns as much as possible so then when you go you have a map that's going with you or a guide that's going with your GPS it makes it easier the same thing is with the mind and the emotions when you understand this concept of transcendence a manifestation and the need that each of them complement the other and they actually grow out of each other then and you understand the importance of it in one's own one in your own life then you have a sort of speaker map you have a GPS yes you still have emotional blocks because you don't motions are emotions but you're armed with knowledge and awareness is key because we define the enemy the strongest thing a psychological way of warfare is that it makes you think you're weak but if you really knew and that's what intelligence comes into play this that your enemies not as strong that it as it's projecting and it's not as fortified as you may think and it's not as harsh as you imagine because we always imagine the worst when you couldn't actually get a picture of the enemy then you suddenly realize you know what I can handle that so what is the enemy here the enemy is the unknowns of relationships the unknowns that happen when you engage when you manifest and yes there is a concern because the manifesting means now I'm invested if I'm invested I can be hurt there's a risk involved so the more you understand its importance and of course the more you understand who you're engaging with the safer it is so this leads me now of course the neck step is was so what are the methods one of the methods so in before I go to that I said I would say the Hebrew words so that words in the Kabbalistic mystical language the Hebrew words in the Zohar and then later in other Kabbalistic works and the Hasidic works for transcendence and imminence is a few different words were gonna use one is called massive and penny me those of you familiar with these words is helpful and if it's not you can ignore the words that's not meant to be a distraction it's man just meant to come to ground the ideas in sources Mac if means literally means to surround but in truth as explained in the tiny it means that's around that means it's not within it's from without its transcendent so transcendent is the word markup enemy means internal invested I am here I'm present I am integrated that's one expression another expression and cabbalistic language eagle envy Asia this is interesting equally means circles nation means aligned I've written about this in some articles as an article you'll find online a meaningful life calm zeros and ones so you get down to the basic language machine language without interfaces it comes down to a bunch of zeros I want zeros are circles ones are lines the circle represents the transcendent like infinity a circle has no top and no bottom no beginning no end a line has clearly a top and a bottom and it's gradations and you need both a ghulam and eurasia and finally in the Kosilek lexicon lingo the word for it is safe of Colombian and mamala kilometer actually it also comes in the Zohar but this is save of also means surrounds surrounds them and mamalakat means it fills it fills up what essentially is the transcendent and the imminent and all of us every human being has both elements in many many ways transcendent faculties for example is your will your desire your pleasure it doesn't have a localized space where it occupies within your system in a sense hovers over and drives everything you do on the other hand what our eminent faculties what our premiers dica will call Christmas premium eminent faculties that would be intelligence in the mind emotions in the heart is a vision in your eyes hearing in your ears so these are imminent because they manifest in a very particular part in a very particular way the vision is not sound is not there's a sight sight and sound are not the same they desire to see or the desire to hear there is a certain equaliser it's also I don't want to go too deep into that because it's another discussion I've talked about it at different times but this plays itself out everywhere in life when you stand before in awe before a natural wonder or any experience of awe a magical moment the birth of a child falling in love marriage marrying off your shoulder anything of that nature there's transcendence manifesting or it's beyond you it's like lifts you up you almost disappear and melt and dissolve in the experience so that's you melting and dissolving in the experience and then there's the other way when you integrate when you internalize it you understand that you appreciate it you're present in that way so there are times we need to like just dissolve just stand in awe of something magical moment and there are times that we need to internalize it and they complement each other to take it back to relationships manifestation is essentially the art of being there and being there entirely because in that moment that's what you should be and nothing else is taking place that requires a lot of confidence a lot of securing secure and Trust but it's not a contradiction to the transcendent part which is not manifests quite there so now methods generally speaking when we talk about how to manifest we need to find examples of where this manifestation and we need to find examples that we can that will work because if you try cold turkey tries to do something completely you have never done of your comfort zone if it's very uncomfortable you're probably not going to continue doing it so we need exercises that will be sustainable that will be maintainable and will be actionable so my suggestion would be is to try to find something in your life that you enjoy note reduce to manifest and be present something you don't enjoy is just gonna make the battle more difficult because then we have two battles you don't like it and and you generally don't like to be present completely things you truly enjoy there may be a person in your life you really enjoy having conversation with so maybe schedule a time and sit down and shut your phone off you know and do it very deliberately you can even say you're doing it and try to have a conversation without any distractions it could be an activity a hobby I would even submit that more all of us do this too some way but it's usually done and things that are pleasurable you know people I see people watching sports or others more superficial things they can watch a movie and completely be absorbed with it in it absorbed in it however that's not a good example because that's really sometimes a distraction that's why we're talking about things where that has a productive result with other people it's usually the easy the most effective but it could also be with the projects that are productive that produce something this does not mean you cannot enjoy yourself and listen to music and be absorbed by that but it means best to try to do it in areas that you're not doing it already where you're comfortable because then they become part of your comfort zone you want to break away from the comforts and find yourself manifesting and being present and things that you have not done until now now why do I begin with that because if I said to you you know what why don't you find someone to love and really be there present there so on yeah that's nice to say and we all love it but if you haven't done it till now or you have concerns about it just be telling you do it it's not gonna suddenly resolve it that's why the approaches do small battles that will lead to the harder situation like I've often said when you want to untangle a ball of yarn or a bunch of wires you don't try to untangle the hardest part or here first untangle the periphery the easier tangled stuff divide-and-conquer is the right expression and then when you isolate and see only that part firstly of less to deal with and then you can focus on that and slowly do that so I'm a big believer in action breeds action you don't need to do it all begin areas that are not quite something is not quite your routine but not completely completely that you're completely resistant to and that opens you up it's it's like an exercise its conditioning you're not gonna run a 21 mile Aerith on if you can't run a mile so it's running the mile trying to do something on a smaller scale but broadening your horizon which will open you up to be able to manifest and be present in more serious and more important things and there's nothing wrong if it's for ulterior motives you know many people are invested when they gain something from it you know like if you need if you're gonna invest your money somewhere or you want to make a pitch you want to make a sale or you want to really gain something you're gonna be more present hopefully so ulterior motives doesn't matter the key thing is to find experiences but deliberately now I should add that based on what I said earlier there are people who manifest very well but they're not manifesting in a healthy way they're always pleasing others they're always there and they're lacking the first point their own transcendent unique identity in Hilo's words the if I'm not for myself who will be for me some of us have lost our identity our identities in helping and pleasing others so it's beautiful to please others beautiful to be nice not at the expense of losing yourself because you know the truth is and this sounds it's another irony but it's correct you're not really present you're doing it because you feel insecure you feel that's the only way that you'll be valued which is ultimately gonna backfire you're going to be resentful because you really did not manifest yourself you just lost yourself in the presence of others by being there and you never fed yourself that has to come back to bite you so we have to understand there's also the other side of things we are to present and to manifest for the wrong reasons so that's something that needs to be assessed and that always leads me that having a mentor having someone you can speak to because you don't want to get into yourself trap that you convince yourself that what you're doing is the right way and for the right reasons so you want to have some healthy assessments and some a good sounding board that can review with you and get beyond any of your traps and your own blind spots and prejudices so that's one one way let's talk about some others some others you know they talk about today mindfulness mindfulness is really an extension of the concept of being present mindfulness could even be in how you take a piece of food in your mouth I remember a few years ago we do I do a program called my life consider supplied every Sunday but you can watch it's a live program every Sunday 8:00 p.m. and just check it out on meaningful live.com or city supply.com and an outgrowth of that we did an essay contest we do an essay contest every where people write essays that apply ideas from mysticism folk acidic thought to contemporary issues so I remember the first year we ran the contest it was a very excellent essay called it was a mystical approach to overeating and was basically taking mystical and spiritual ideas so the idea that when you eat you're actually doing a spiritual act you're refining the food you're elevating the sparks using the words of the Kabbalah and it creates a mindfulness of focus what I found out it was a very practical application of a very profound concept so the idea that there are divine sparks everywhere in our lives whether you're commuting or walking or doing something shopping or doing something that you think is just the means to another end everything has Divine's props parks allocated to you so we you are sitting right now or standing or listening to this has sparks tomorrow in your work in your family and your friends and your food in your hobbies and everything so mindfulness and this can say is presence a manifestation is thinking about that that wherever you go think what spark is waiting for me to free it to release it I've told this story it's one of my favorite stories with Rob hi Rapaport who was a student and a colleague of the Baal Shem Tov the founder of the Hasidic movement so the most something once sent him on a mission somewhere accomplished something he came back and the Baal Shem Tov insisted he mission accomplished insisted to know how did you travel there so you know it seemed like irrelevant but Washington wants to know so he described he said the first night I stayed and then second night there was nowhere to sleep so I slept I camped out of the side of the road in the morning I woke up I washed my hands I said my prayers and then I said doctor I have a little short little breakfast meal there was a brook of water on the side of the road the spring a brook of water and I went over and took a cup made a blessing and drank the water about something jumped up with excitement I said that water was waiting from the beginning of time for you to come to make a blessing on it it story touches me profoundly an IV and it really it actually energized me I travel oil travel you come to different places and you think your son you know you sometimes to come to a place many people have been in this place before but you haven't happen here or even not been here in this time and this period in history and what sparks are waiting what brook of water or other experience are waiting for you to do something that you and only you can do that's called manifestation you're not just spiritually transcendent than aloof and yeah wherever I go things happen but the detail a small detail a little child comes over to you something that may not be dramatic and significant in the sense where people gonna give you awards and is gonna like you know attract headlines those small little gestures those are where real manifestation takes place and that's the powerful mystical concept the divine as beyond and I'll end and transcendent it is it can be found in the smallest fiber of existence you know recently I've been looking into the DNA human DNA through the divine DNA and fascinating how simple such simple building blocks define the entire diversity of a population of existing 7.5 billion of us and every form of life that billions and trillions of forms of life everywhere just a few certain codes just the question is the sequence those four key building blocks amazing what does that tell you that the detail and every cell and every fibre there's tremendous in the manifestation of this tremendous infinity so yes to find infinity in the big picture that goes without saying but to find infinity and the finite and that's us in the finite and then minut in a little corner in a detail that is like what can I tell you that's awesome that's even more transcendent than transcendence because transcendence is transcending itself to be discovered in that way small drink of water small gesture entire creation entire existence is waiting for you to do that and you not me and the things I have to do it's me and not you that there's not that to the exclusion but it means each of us has our allocated sparks so tremendous concepts a tremendous way of looking at life the whole concept of monotony I'm bored would disappear if everything that came our way we saw that energy waiting to be released it's waiting for you to release it but that cry requires a mindfulness it requires a focus it requires manifestation so the divine manifestation teaches us about our manifestation just as the wine transcendence teaches us about our transcendence and the true harmonious the true balanced life the true formula is when there is a bill a real symbiosis between these two where they complement each other and each feeds the other and one does not annihilate the other because both are necessary for the healthy human being it's a relationship and a relationship that requires that element of the mystique the or the transcendent and an element of manifestation and presence this is in some ways hopefully put into pop out palatable terms palpable and palatable I should say so concepts that are quite abstract and quite profound and quite mystical and cryptic when you read them in the sources but it's ultimately the fusion the joining of these two forces the transcendence and imminent that is the key to all harmony in life individually personally and collectively because when you have those both coming in a healthy way and a way that they complement each other then what you really have is the key and the ingredients to everything that is healthy to everything that is productive and functional not just functional thriving because in the human body as well and in nature and wherever you look microcosm macrocosm you'll find these two elements and how they join together as I mentioned with a third invisible ingredient that works behind the scenes that brings them both together so they need to have two different experiences transcendence and imminence manifestation presence and awe but they join together and you experience transcendence in the manifestation and manifestation of the transcendent and the journey continues because what is transcendent today tomorrow is manifest then there's higher levels of transcendence think of it like climbing a mountain as you climb the horizon becomes broader so as you internalize and you become more acquainted and you become accustomed and assimilate what was yesterday a transcendent experience today is now a manifest experience an imminent one and internalized one and a new level of transcendence emerges that itself is also exciting because it's an ongoing journey of growth of climbing a ladder where when you your yesterday's rung was beyond you now you're on that rung and a new rung emerges that's higher both quantitatively and qualitatively so I hope I did justice to this theme is obviously much more to saying it but there's a good beginning hopefully more than just the beginning but a good synopsis encapsulating this concept in our personal lives for more simply go to meaningful of calm a lot of resources on this topic and many other topics if you hear for the first time really please take advantage stay in touch with us share this like it all the different words used and we're on all the different channels whether it the internet and web social media and other platforms podcasts and all this is this is this is of course this is live and being recorded and archived and please partner with us in this journey of transcendence and imminence the journey of transcendence and manifestation being present integrating being there being there entirely it enriches life and creates the true healthy platform for beautiful relationships enduring ones eternal one's eternal relationships even in our impermanent lives so this has been simmering jacobsen every Wednesday right here at 8:30 p.m. is when it's live and it's always an honor please stay in touch again meaningful live calm and we're here for you and hopefully you're here for us and our goal is to create links person-by-person reaching every person on this planet because each of us has our unique role to play our unique sparks to elevate and we need each other because we are both uniquely necessary and also complement each other be blessed thank you very much
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 175,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rabbi simon jacobson, kabbalah, chassidus, manifestation, being present, presence
Id: Jgxa7oYZC50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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