The untold truth about DREAMS

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would you like to see an x-ray of your soul an x-ray of your emotional infrastructure well just like the body today with scans with x-rays with different types of Technologies we can see the inner workings of what makes us tick we have a blueprint that will give you a picture of the spectrum of your emotions and understanding how they work and what you can do to improve them check out the description below the special Omar book 49 steps personal refinement character development understanding and cultivating the very nature of your emotional being dreams from the beginning of time and history have always mystified us what is a dream many dreams we don't even remember we just remember something happened and those that we do remember are often are often entangled embedded concealed with all kind of paradoxes where do they come from these dreams and what do they tell us what do they teach us this is what we're going to explore and briefly just as an introduction we all know we have our conscious minds and we have our superconscious that which we're not aware of but lies behind the curtain or under the dashboard and a dream indeed is a glimpse into a deeper part of our minds where things are not necessarily always rational and structured as it is when we're awake and thinking in a in a structured and organized manner so the mere fact that they're not organized the mere fact that they're an entanglement of so many different elements often a narrative that combines all kinds of different details something's even completely absurd that itself is a revelation of a reality that is not defined by the structures that we're so accustomed to and that's very much part of the Mystique of dreams so let's begin with a talur statement that says the following there is no dream without nonsense on the other hand every dream has a glimpse has a taste gives us a peak into a deeper reality the challenge is that they all come mixed together and it's hard to distinguish what is nonsense what is not nonsense then of course there are those that get obsessed with dreams and they have difficulty taking care of their lives when they're awake so you have to also put it into context to just focus on dreams and not focus on the responsibilities of your your conscious awake waking hours can also be a distortion so things have to be balanced so the way the cabalists the mystics explain the psychology of the human psyche is that there are generally two Dimensions there's the conscious self and I'm going to call it the superconscious self some psychologists use the word unconscious or subconscious let's use superconscious and conscious because why am I calling it superconscious CU it's above conscious it's not below conscious it's not sub it's above it precedes Consciousness which means that in our minds there's what we're aware of what you're aware of right now listening to me speaking or other things that you may be reading or conversations you have or just your general thought process is your conscious life now conscious doesn't mean you're conscious of it every moment but it's always accessible listen we have millions of ideas in our mind you're not accessing them all the time but think of it like your hard drive all you need to do is press a button you say oh I want to I want to think now about something I began thinking about yesterday or a year ago 10 years ago that's the conscious the difference is is it conscious as in is it active we'll call it active Consciousness or is it inactive Consciousness but then there's another dimension which is the superconscious that remains always beneath the scene this can include events positive or traumatic ones from childhood that you don't even remember but you see its effect on your life this includes in general a step that precedes Consciousness as the cabalists explain it just I'll give analogy an analogy think of a foret of water so water is dripping out of the faucet but that's not where it originates it originates from the pipes from the that connect to the main that connect to a reservoir which itself Drew water from rain or however it was collected so we're the on the conscious level that's the drop the water Dr running out of the foret the superconscious is not seen so when you think of an idea you say where did that idea come from and I'm not talking about idea that has already entered the inactive or the active Consciousness where did the idea come from like a flash it comes from a mysterious place we're calling that the superconscious in the language of the cabalist the hidden wisdom or just to give it a contemporary uh example I remember reading a book I think it was called storming Heavens uh America's love affair or romance with LSD you you you'll see in a moment the connection so it was um it was in the late 40s Professor uh wasn't a professor he was a chemist worked in uh Dr Hoffman Albert Hoffman I believe his name was worked in Switzerland in either for fiser or one of the pharmaceutical companies and he was seeking to find a drug that would induce or simulate Madness what was called madness in those days today we would call chemical imbalance or other names for mental health uh challenges he was looking for something and he was trying to create a synthetic drug that would induce it now you couldn't just experiment on anybody so he experimented on himself and he um what he did was because he didn't know what would happened he was always at risk he may take something that would really kill him so he had a tape recorder wherever in his both in his lab and in his home as well as notebooks so in case something was happening some type of shift of Consciousness he would immediately record and write notes as long as he was conscious so that way no matter what happens there'd be a record of what took place well long story short he experimented and he finally came with some type of chemical combination which would later be called LSD which is a an acronym for the chemicals that he had mixed together and he was going to lunch going home for lunch when he had ingested this chemical this synthetic and he was riding on his bicycle in Switzerland and and and the way he documents it is that he was riding on a bicycle in a very beautiful uh the hedges were on both sides was a path that went with many many trees and hedges and he was going home as he was driving on his riding on his bicycle he suddenly feels some shift he looks around and the hedges are beginning to pulsate and he looked at the sky and the sky began to change colors and slowly he was having this first psychedelic experience which he didn't know at the time what it was basically seeing things in colors and sounds and everything being exaggerated and Amplified and he was like completely blown away by the time he got home he was in a stuper he was in a state and he turned on the recorder and took notes whatever he was capable and then he passed out but then he was revived this was the first LSD experience acid trip now what he wrote down was and I don't recall the details was that to him this was a Peak into the superconscious he didn't he didn't use the word superconscious where things melt and do not have the regular structures that we're usually accustomed to an example I gave earlier about the faucet when the fora is running it's regulated it's it's gauged it's uh flowing in a very organized way but behind the scenes lies this reservoir of water so it's not one big jumble but it's far far greater than the conscious flow which is a limited flow that we can relate to so in a sense really Madness as he called it or that state of accessing that is actually closer to reality than our conscious Minds our conscious minds are like a foret it's actually limited reality but the fact is we cannot exist in the superconscious because it would be too overwhelming and you see in a sense when we say there's a very thin line between Madness and genius what are we saying we're saying essentially is that um is that Madness is things so disorganized that overwhelms you genius is that channel is open the foret is open but not to the point where it breaks and it just begins to flood you know when you see a foret breaks down then it just floods but let's say it's almost to the point of floting that would be genius you go a little step over and it turns into madness another example you may have seen that Ted Talk in the book The stroke of Genius by a neuroscientist and she talks about her stroke she was she went into Neuroscience because of her brother had schizophrenia so that was her passion wanted to understand the mind and then she had a stroke a stroke that affected her left brain and therefore the right brain was functioning but the left brain wasn't now the difference between the left brain and the right brain she explains the left brain is the details take an example when you're brushing your teeth you have a brush you have your fingers you have your mouth if you don't have the love brain she said I I was able to see the toothbrush the toothpaste but I could not take it to me because I couldn't focus on the details the right brain connects everything so in effect when we're do anything we're doing has two aspects to it there's the details that are necessary but then there's the connection like brushing your teeth is not just brushing it's not just taking a brush it's taking the brush to your mouth there's something that needs to create a sequence if you only had details they'd all be disconnected so very much life is a combination of details but then there's a so-called a conglomerate a Synergy between the details the right brain focuses on the Synergy the left brain focuses on the details and you need both you need a vision to build a house but then you need bricks and mortar and all the details to to build it one without the other is is lacking so with in a healthy human being they both work together in a sense the the peak into the right brain gives you a sense of where everything melts into one where you just see the Oneness of things well let's bring bring it back to dreams a dream is a peak into that superconscious that's what a dream is and that's precisely why it doesn't make sense to us because we are used to structure if someone said to you right now read a 500 page book in a minute you'd say no I can't read it in a minute I'm not just talking about the speed of reading the way our mind's process is line by line paragraph by paragraph chapter by chapter until we finish the story The Narrative that's how the mind is able to contain things if in some way the Mind did not have those compartmental that compartmentalization we would go crazy in many ways depression and high levels of anxiety is somewhat of a chemical imbalance what's a chemical imbalance think of the minus compartments something really negative happens to somebody a loss a death a trauma so at the moment we're overwhelmed and shocked very difficult to function in in trauma what happens in time in in healing the catharsis that we begin to compartmentalize a loss a death that happened a year ago two years ago yes it's still in our Consciousness in our inactive consciousness or an act or active one but it's the compartmentalization of our chemicals allow us to let it reede and we can focus on other things in life imagine you cannot in any way lose the any way minimize or diminish the intensity of a traumatic experience that there's no we don't that there's no forgetfulness it's as if you're living in it even if it happened 20 years ago what they call post-traumatic syndrome PTSD what happens the trauma is still living with you that means that the compartments are not completely compartmentalized we need compartmentalization to be sane so in a way limited Consciousness is critical for our own sanity because we need to be able to say okay that happened it's true it was a very negative experience but now I'm not there so in general life then is based on structure so yes you do have memories and you do have some general narrative but it breaks into details the left brain right brain and we need both if somebody is a place where there's no compartments they can simply not function that's where people's minds are racing they completely lose it because so much is happening it's so the other side of it is people who compartmental very well the genius or don't use the word genius people who are smarter or their minds work in a more efficient way they have both compartments but the compartments are not as tight so they're not very n they connect things very well but not to the point where they lose the compartments so like anything in life the human body for example is made up of many components the healthy body has to have each component has to do what it needs to do the mind the heart the liver the lungs and so on if they would lose sight of their own identity we would not be able to function on the other hand if they were completely separate entities you wouldn't have one cohesive healthy body so that's the the the power of it is the harmony within the diversity it's as diverse as it gets if someone did not know better and they saw a a human being dissected God forbid they and and didn't know an alien would see that a martian would see that they'd never know these things all come together so you'll see any beautiful structure whether it's a man-made structure or it's a natural structure it consists of these two elements the structure and the details but they speak to each other like a conductor of a symphony different musicians but the conductor is keeping a cohesiveness so it's one story one narrative made up of details our waking hours is focused far more on the structure our when we're asleep and the conscious mind so-called also goes to sleep that what opens up is the Mysterious World of the superconscious and one of the ways it expresses itself is through dreams a dream is an experience of the superconscious the problem is it doesn't work by the rules of of structure so a dream can be complete nonsense things that you know why are you even dreaming that or it can be a combination of events that happened today yesterday 10 years ago and then suddenly gets all connected in a very strange way it's not even a narrative you'll have characters that don't know each other but in your dream they'll come together the first thing is we need to know that don't try to make sense of it because if you're trying to take the superconscious and put it into conscious structure it won't work what you want to do if you are indeed analyzing a dream is want to dissect and say okay let me see what elements I can extract and maybe learn something from it but as I said earlier it's also critical not to become consumed with it I know people whose life is not working out and they become desperate or it's even somewhat of sensationalism interpret my dream people come to me all the time so I remember my teacher my mentor saying to someone before we interpret dreams let's first figure out what we do when we're awake now of course we have dreams we have dreams in the Bible Jacob's dream we have Joseph's dreams interpretation of dreams but that's only in addition to a responsible conscious life if you don't have your conscious life in order to go to dreams can be a form of escapism just like many things when things are not going well we escape so it has to be put into context on the other hand dreams do give us a glimpse into that superconscious state and it has as I said sometimes you'll never figure it out sometimes you could get something there have been times I know from my own experience I had a very intense question I went to sleep with it and during the night during the dream something came to me and you wake up and say ah I got it now it's not necessary in a very structured way as I said it's like it can be completely in mesed in a million other things that are going on but some Glimpse something came from a deeper place and in truth the tud also says an interesting thing that a person dreams at night about what they think by day so if you focus on something by day it's likely the dream it will appear in the dream it's not always the case because it's interesting dreams will sometimes focus on something that you really matter to you not necessarily you thought about it by day I remember thinking about this once you know something I really was concerned about during the day and by night I never dreamt about it I dreamt about something else and then I realized that something else has significance but it's a complicated process and there's really no formula it just we need to know that it is a glimpse into that reality and that's one of the reasons we're given dreams is to realize that there's more to life that what meets the eye there's more to life than the structured conscious mind that we have and feelings and we're getting it's a gift to know there's another reality whether we can understand that reality or not is another discussion is another issue but the fact that there is what something that makes you tick now it makes total sense we all know that when people for example have an anger streak or or other other virtues or vices in their personality they're most often I'm not talking about superficial things they're most often coming from a deeper superconscious place whether we know it or not so it's not it don't need a dream to recognize that like anything has a behind the scenes what's going on under the dashboard as I said behind the curtain but a dream is an actual glimpse into that so I would like to say that a dream is also un humbling experience because it humbles you into realizing that what you know about life and what you know about your own structure of life and the patterns and routines the things you depend upon is only the tip of the iceberg and that's a good analogy here the tip of the iceberg it's what you're aware of it's not what you're not aware of it's not the superconscious and I should add in the cabalistic writings they talk about two levels of superconscious which the truth is there are many more infinite levels just like you speak about microscopic or subatomic particles so the Sub sub and the Sub Sub sub who knows how far down the rabbit hole it goes so the same thing in the superconscious there's the superconscious the super superconscious so superconscious I talked before about active and inactive Consciousness there's also in a sense an active superconscious and a and a completely fundamentally concealed superconscious what's what do I mean by saying that there there are things in the superconscious that are Beyond consciousness but they're not completely off limits which means you will get a glimpse they will emerge they may may take effort with with effort and with a certain commitment you're able to draw from there that's why a person who really struggles and exerts themselves can open up the channels of the faucet and more flow of ideas will flow in from the superconscious but then there's a level of superconscious that really remains Beyond conscious altogether and that's the way should be now of course there's a desire a temptation to want to taste it but it's like the very fact as soon as you become aware of it it's no longer there like Mercury that is why when Moses asked God show me your face Show Me Your Glory and God says you cannot see my face and live but I will show you my back I will show you a dimension that you could contain but the dimension that's beyond the only way you can experience it is by not looking so it doesn't mean you don't experience it but you have to get yourself out of the way because we want I want to own like conscious mind I understand something the superconscious is really there's no I and that's really the purpose that's why I call it humbling it teaches us humility that it's not just about you so let's talk a moment about intelligence in that way most people see the mind as being our P most powerful asset I understand things I'm able to process evaluate and Come Away with some conclusions maybe I can build a business and make money I can innovate that's what the mind is and it's a very powerful tool very very powerful tool however there's something else about intelligence that many of us don't focus on it's not an end in itself intelligence is here to help us reveal a higher truth keep that in mind it's not just you're a smart guy or smart woman and you're able to innovate and then whatever that the benefits you get from that or you just are able to see things more than others because of your intelligence but it's about experiencing a higher truth so in a way you can say I understand something or the idea is understood is the idea capturing me or am I capturing the idea do I own the idea or does the idea own me so there's one level where I understand and then there's another level where you get lifted and absorbed into understanding there's an expression by the prophet Isaiah he says that in the future it will be a world filled with Divine knowledge as the waters cover the sea think about the waters cover the sea knowledge is compared to water but you can have water on the on land that's like conscious intelligence when the waters cover the sea means the waters are dominant and the seabed is not seen you know his knowledge has absorbed you and you have become part of a heart higher knowledge a higher reality and that's where the individual ego and I don't mean ego necessarily in negative in a negative way the individual identity becomes absorbed and completely consumed with something greater than yourself you know think of staring at a natural wonder beautiful piece of art listening to Exquisite music what happens you sometimes get so absorbed in it you're reading a book you don't even realize you're turning pages you've lost yourself in the an experience in a good way it's one of the most gratifying experiences and then when you come out of it you suddenly realize that was magic being in the zone where the object and the subject converge and melt into one the deepest experiences of Love of intimacy of Truth is when you become one with it in other words it's a state of being not just a an act it's a noun not just a verb so love love can be a verb sometimes they say I'm not sure who coed but I use this a lot love for men is often an action and for a woman it's a state of being the highest level of experience is when it becomes a n you become one with it not just you're experiencing it so let's say you're watch you're looking at the Niagara Falls or you're looking at other something beautiful so you can be like a journalist looking at it and saying wow that's great and saying and being and and and at the same time observing yourself experiencing this or you can become so absorbed you don't even notice you can't even talk about it you can't even document it because you have lost your own individual identity in the experience that is what the superconscious is ultimately like so dreams in that sense are a bridge that help us a glimpse into there and when we work on it and real work not just not just the dream and dream interpretation we actually can open our expand our conscious channels our conscious forets and structures to be able to to allow in deeper states of superconsciousness but to do that effectively you can't just go there with the same identity as you are on the conscious level because on the conscious level everything is as I said compartmentalized to enter that place you need to really lose yourself like surrender into the experience now surrender many people don't like the word sounds like weakness but here I mean surrender in the beautiful way will you give you you essentially suspend your own self in order to experiencing something greater than yourself that's truly when the mind is at its best so yes there's an intelligent part of the mind that understands it analyzes it evaluates it reflects it connects ideas it innovates but then there's the higher level of intelligence which is where you're seeking a higher truth and indeed when you allow that that channel to open up the bridge between the conscious and the superconscious you will innovate better and you will understand better because it's not understanding alone it's experiencing it's drawing down channeling a higher reality a higher truth and that's how the calist explain the relationship between they call wisdom the hidden wisdom the conscious and the superconscious and indeed the super superc conscious as well which does not manifest in a conscious way but it's still at work it's just not working on our terms so in a way you can say the conscious is on our terms it's compartmentalized it's structured I understand it the superc conscious is you're letting go and experiencing something Beyond yourself and the super Supra is completely on terms of the truth itself complete truth itself middle level is where you are suspending yourself allowing yourself to be absorbed in the truth and you want to draw all that down into the consciousness now the cabalistic and the cidic writings there's a lot of discussion on this because ultimately this is how we grow this is how we become great people this is how we achieve Excellence but as you see it's a journey and dreams are one part of it they're giving us a glimpse it's like giving you a peak a sneak peek into a world that's beyond our regular structures and sometimes we could find some meaning in it and interpret and many times we can't but that's fine even if you can't it's also a peak and maybe it's just the humbling fact that there's another reality that you don't understand nothing wrong with that it's like standing on a on a mountain where you're no longer on a plateau or in a valley and you see a vast Horizon beyond your scope you look into the sky to the heavens solar systems Beyond solar systems Richard fan the physicist spoke about the vast that vastness itself is a humbling experience it means there's a reality greater than ourselves he came to the conclusion that he's wondering why that is is there a god why would God create so much empty space or empty so much space that nobody's using but the mere fact that it exists in such a enormous infinite way an infinite expanding universe that alone tells us that the higher reality the higher truths are Beyond us and that opens us up to experience that so not everything has to be contained and understood sometimes the Mystique of something is precisely what you need and it's the greatest blessing you try to understand as much as you can and then you open yourself up and surrender and allow yourself to be absorbed in something Beyond you when you hear a beautiful piece of music that's what happens you don't need to evaluate it and and and um and dissect it in many ways you compromise its very Integrity it's Purity when you start doing that Mystique is something great to embrace and dreams the Mystique of Dreams open us up to that reality as do other experiences that open up the door the hidden door William Blake said as the doors of perception are cleansed when the doors of perceptional cleanse you see everything the way it is Oneness infinite Oneness so that is really a mystical concept that goes back into the ideas we're talking about but we don't just want the infinite Oneness we want the infinite oness channeled into the finite structures of our existence so that my friends is somewhat of a take on dreams the cabala of dreams and how it relates to us in our personal lives and uh I want to bless you all to open up those channels be enriched and allow yourself to be absorbed into higher experiences not everything has to be owned you know we live in a fast food Society instant gratification we want to own everything acquire things acquisitions some things best experience the truest things truth Soul love higher truths higher realities are best experience when we let go and just allow it to emerge instead of us grabbing you can't pull a flower out of the ground you have to let it emerge and there's a process process and emergence you water it you nurture it and then it emerges that's how the superconscious and the conscious work with each other so everyone have pleasant dreams learn let it open up those channels learn from them and may you experience the greatest vistas of fusing the infinite and the finite this has been Simon Jacobson meaningful where you can find more such materials this program and all the programs are all archived there we have a wide array of options please check it out meaningful I'd love to hear feedback your thoughts your comments your suggestions and of course course please share this if you see fit if you see it fit with friends others because it's about a ripple effect of each of us as individuals connecting together in a greater Synergy be well and be blessed thank you this program is brought to you by the meaningful Life Center please help us continue our programs make even a small contribution at meaningful donate
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 4,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, soul, meaning, purpose, god, kabbalah, torah, chassidus, mysticism, psychology, bible, practical bible
Id: C_UMQmzWjgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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