The Truth about Simple Life

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okay just to be very clear a simple life is not easy if you want it easy just stay in an apartment have a nine-to-five job that is that is easy simple is a totally different thing i have never worked this hard in my entire life since since i moved here so if you want a simple lifestyle like this just realize it's a lot of work [Music] [Music] [Music] okay come on come on [Music] as you can see winter has arrived and today is a very very special day if you're new to the channel you have no idea what i'm talking about but if you've been around for a while you know that a couple of months ago we ordered new doors for the cabin and now they're finally done and i'm picking them up today and i'm very very excited about it later in the video i'm also gonna tell you why we specifically chose these doors and that's a very important subject i think so but that's gonna be yeah late in the video so stick around for that but before i jump into the car and go get the doors we need to have a serious talk i checked my analytics of this youtube page and i saw that 76 of you guys that are watching my videos are not subscribed there's a red button right down there click it and that will subscribe to the channel by motivating you a bit more to subscribe i've decided to do a live stream every 10 000 new subscribers so to speak so when i reach 70 000 subscribers i would do a live stream when i reach eighty thousand i would do a live stream ninety and then a hundred okay well let's get the doors [Music] so [Music] after one and a half hours of driving i arrived to the town of nasoke and was greeted by wasa and our team that has built our doors and what i absolutely love about what they do here is that they create new things that they reuse old materials and all techniques i could have stood here for hours talking to also about old techniques and all materials but i needed to start driving back before it got dark [Music] are you ready to see our new doors yeah i can't lift them oh it's heavy i'll pop up oh wow wow lift it that is oh okay i can just lift it yeah that is so pretty they made such a good job it's so beautiful and you know that those planks are actually a hundred years old really yeah where is from an old barn to rescue the planks from an old barn amazing i can't wait to see it yeah and that glass is also handmade as well i'm so happy oh my god it's beautiful it's going to look so good it's art yeah it really is okay let's do it [Music] i would love to put up the door right away and install it but the reality is i've never installed the door in my entire life so i have no idea what i'm doing so i actually asked a neighbor and a friend of ours stefan he lives like 15 minutes away from here and he's coming tomorrow so we'll install the door tomorrow and that's going to be later in this video as well but now i have to actually take a shower and maybe that's not a big deal to you guys at home but out here it's kind of a big deal we're getting guests it's our good friends nicole and nicholas that is coming over niklas is actually the one who's going to help me renovate the roof as well but i have to take a shower before they get here and yeah taking a shower in a like a normal house or in an apartment is not that big of a deal but out here where we have no running water no shower no anything i have to be out here taking a shower um so yeah i'll show you that experience to take a shower out here you need a bucket and then you need an axe so we're gonna collect some water [Music] [Music] so after a few minutes of fighting the bucket is now full with icy water uh so i'm going inside heating it up and then it's time to take a shower [Music] [Music] i just discovered that my i don't know if you can see it it's my bucket is leaking a bit so i have to be very quick about this shower but yeah it's very refreshing to say the least to stand out here good thing when you don't have any neighbors that's watching it would have been even more uncomfortable i would say and do you guys know what's even more complicated than standing out here taking a shower that's actually standing out here taking a shower and filming it at the same time that's like that's make the process take so much longer thank you than you can ever imagine before we were like hidden living in the stone age just took the bucket like this and poured over my head we are now in the like present day in the future so we have brought in some technique to our life to make it make it a bit easier so we have bought this very cool cool little shower nozzle and a pump to it as well it works surprisingly well actually it makes it way easier and the shower shower lasts longer as well okay enough talking i mean while the water is pouring like this it's not that cold um if it's a bit cold to stand in the snow if i have to be honest but i don't know i just it's okay i just have to think about that this is gonna be viewed by a hundred thousand people and just me taking a shower out in a while just a normal day at the office right nicholas and nicole will be here in like 10 minutes so i think i have to hurry up a bit and then we're gonna have a really cozy evening together that's the plan [Music] and they also brought two of their dogs kit and their puppy [Music] somehow i just never learned [Music] me and nicole actually met through facebook some years ago when we both were trying to figure out who we were and who we wanted to be so i'm very very happy to have her in my life and even though they live one and a half hours away from us it almost feels like neighbors because she used to live over three hours away so they're way closer now always with us [Music] we ate and drank some really traditional swedish things called all the time [Music] and this is a very typical swedish thing no one ever wants to take the last piece [Music] oh [Music] my favorite state of mind [Music] and after full day of just hanging out and talking it was time for them to drive home again but on their way back nicole texted me and sent me a picture it was a picture of very strong northern lights so i told christina to pack a bag and we headed out to the forest and up the mountain and hopefully we could get a better view from there just found these tracks i'm not sure where the tracks are but i'm guessing either wolf bear or lynx but the tracks were way bigger than christina's hands [Music] in the beginning we didn't see any northern lights at all i was actually kind of disappointed but then all of a sudden the sky just started dancing [Music] the next morning we woke up to this very beautiful and soft morning light and it was time to get started on our new doors stefan will be here in a few minutes to help me with the door and but i will start on my own with this crowbar and take the old door apart that's the step number one one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and for everyone wondering if we're throwing away the old doors no we're keeping them to another project maybe next year so don't worry we'll keep them [Music] uh [Music] and after a while stefan showed up he has worked as a carpenter his entire life and i feel so thankful to have him as a neighbor i honestly think that i wouldn't have made it out here without my neighbors they've helped me and supported me so much here you can see what they use for all the insulation moss that's from the previous owners is that real nice yeah this really was you can use it to insulate the house you use that all the time actually you still do it's really touch it that's so fun yeah [Music] [Music] m [Music] yes [Music] oh me and stefan were talking about this that like it's one thing that the door is straight or looks straight because the whole house is a bit crooked so you have to decide if the door should look straight or actually be straight does that make sense to you huh yeah yeah just smiling behind the camera oh wow we have new dolls honey yeah we do it feels so good like just the sound of actually being able to close the door yeah we could close a door oh you guys should know what kind of trouble i don't know how to say that work we have to go through to close our door every time i've had this cabin for three years now yeah and this is the actual first time i've been able to like close it and lock it so it feels amazing yeah i can't wait to have a cozy warm entrance that's going to be wonderful because our entrance right now inside of here is actually the same temperature as outside yeah so yeah it's always a struggle when you have to go for the bedroom to the living room because then you have to go through all that interest warm downstairs it's warm and cozy and then you have to take like collect yourself and then run upstairs to the bedroom where it's warm again yeah okay so the next step is actually insulating the doors or insulating the doors uh we use this material right here it's called lean i don't know what it's called in english actually maybe someone in the comments can help me out it's a natural material so you know you can just use it and breathe it and it's no dangerous at all because a lot of construction materials these days are filled with plastic and other stuff and we don't want that a big part of insulation is actually getting it you know quite fluffy you can't just push it in there because then it's going to be too tight because a big part of insulation is actually getting the air into this material that's what's insulated so you can't push it in too hard you have to be quite gentle and fill it up like this so we're doing this from the outside and the inside as well can you open the door so we can see the inside as well because it's actually a bit different it's very different we choose this kind of insight because you're a bit afraid of the because it's so small entrance yeah exactly would it be too heavy if would it did it with this material on the inside as well i think yeah and the guys that built the door awesome he she actually recommended it like yeah do something different on the inside that's our recommendation and we listen to her of course and she was obviously right yeah this looks way better so it really does and it really does also with all this you know old looking planks yeah and have something totally new that fit together is really cool yeah this material because it's so bright yeah it like brightens up the hallway as well yeah makes it a bit more cozier [Music] so in the beginning of this video i said that we specifically chose these doors for a very specific reason and the reason is quite basic actually we decided that we wanted doors from something that was handmade from a small manufacturer made by people not like these big big big companies yeah we would get a cheaper door probably if we found it somewhere like buy it from a big company but that's not my vision of how i want to like live my life i want to support the small and local businesses and that they're local but they're still live one and a half hours away from here but i want to support them and i still we think we got a really good price on the door like if you think about how many hours they must have put into this store like it's so beautiful and of course i want to pay if it even if i pay a bigger sum of money for this store then i would like buying it from a big company somewhere i'd rather pay that kind of money to get something handmade that fits the cabin that fits my lifestyle and my vision and support a local company as well because i feel like the big companies are just getting bigger and bigger all the time and if we want the small ones to stay relevant we need to support them we can't just like the idea of them we actually need to buy the products as well and talk about them and like include them in our lives somehow so think about that just don't go after the price all the time just buy with your heart as well [Music] apparently everything is happening at the same time right now i just got a call from the shipping company that is delivering our installation for the roof and they're coming with this very very big truck and we live in the middle of the forest so we they can't fit the trailer all the way up to the cabin so they're gonna dump everything like 400 meters away from here at the cabin and we have to transport all of it from down there up to the cabin it's gonna take like the whole day and it's getting dark like yeah an hour or something so i really had to get going i look like i belong here okay can we tell this is from one of our neighbors yeah and i just asked him if he could come over to our place like can you come with your tractor and help us like load the insulation and he was like no i'm going away actually i was like oh bummer you can borrow the tractor and drive it yourself like okay i've never been in a tractor ever in my entire life and he gave me a five second crash course like yeah this is the gas this is the brake this is the clutch let's go and that's basically all well i know so please don't laugh at me if i'm not gonna do it can we see it inside yeah sure okay so this is first gear second gear reverse i think 30 gear as well i have no idea no i think that's correct [Laughter] [Music] that's so classic isn't it it should be like that sorry i'm sorry i'm just laughing at you i'm so sorry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hope you don't have any plans for i tonight have that now i would say this what we call a mountain of installation yeah like each pallet weighed over 200 kilos and there are eight of them it's gonna be a yeah full night i think it will take like six hours or something what do you think let's go [Music] uh only 200 left i honestly don't know what we would have done without the tractor it just saved us so much time so once again our neighbor saved us [Music] oh [Music] the guesthouse is really starting to fill up and like we still have i don't know 15 of those left and i have no idea where we're gonna put them and then this happened come on come on come on come on oh i can't handle this the tractor broke down and blocked our road so the only thing i could do was to take our wheelbarrow and started transporting one or two at a time 400 meters up 400 meters down 400 meters up 400 meters down and this continued for hours [Music] okay just to be very clear a simple life is not easy if you want it easy just stay in an apartment have a nine-to-five job that is that is easy simple is a totally different thing and yeah i'm gonna shut off the camera now because i have no brain cells left and continue working i still have like 10 of those to get i think so good night [Music] the next day i decided to start fresh so i drove to the hardware store to pick up materials we can start renovating our roof i just arrived to the hardware store and every time i'm here i just feel so lost i feel like i'm supposed to know what i'm supposed to do here as a man like it's included in a man's dna to like you should know where it's supposed to do in a hardware store but i have no idea so i feel like i'm faking it every time i hear and it feels like someone gonna catch me every time like but you know what you have no idea what you're talking about and i don't so i feel really lost every time i'm here yeah i'm gonna continue faking it now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] if you're crazy enough to made it all the way here into the video thank you so much for watching i know it's been a very long one and i thought we could try something new as well all of you guys that are here right now if you could comment like a tree emoji or something um just to we can figure out who is actually here at the very end and that will confuse all the others that haven't seen the end yet why is there three emojis like in the comments field why and they have to see the end to figure it out in the beginning of the video i promised you a live stream when i was reaching seventy thousand eighty ninety and a hundred thousand subscribers and during the edit of the video edit of this video we reached seventy thousand we're actually at 71 right now and so the live stream is going to be on this sign sunday uh december 13th 8 00 pm swedish time but if you just follow me here on youtube or instagram you will get a notification when the live stream is up hope to see you there and thanks to you again thank you again thank you again for watching see you on sunday bye [Music] and later ladies later later for some boss time up morning but before but before but but before i but before but oh the lord is constant oh but before i yeah that's but before but before but before it's just starting to sound not like words at all [Music] on a blueprint foreign
Channel: Kalle Flodin
Views: 180,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outdoor, cabin life, what it takes to live a simple life, simple life, visit sweden, visit sweden tourism, minimalism, minimalist living, slow living, simple living, kalle flodin, sweden, nordic, nordics, rural life, wild, swedish wilderness, daily life, countrylife, country style, lifestyle, into the wild, scandinavia, down to earth, Christine Kjaer, Simple living, simple living minimalist, simple living minimalist lifestyle, simple living minimalism, The Truth about Simple Life
Id: ktrm_g6RUrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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