Failing Winter Preparations - Simple Life in a Nordic Log Cabin

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[Music] no [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know if you've seen one of my previous videos but i actually got this axe from a subscriber a couple of weeks ago so this is the actual first time i'm using it and it works like a charm so dylan who made this one thank you so much and being out here cutting wood i get so much respect for people building houses this way the cabin we live in it's like you just think of the amount of work they had to go through to build that cabin there was no machines no like no nothing to just had access and basic tools [Music] now [Applause] one hour later oh here you can see the card i made here on the right side we have something called lichtening in swedish that's the direction i want the tree to fall in and then i make a cut a few centimeters higher which is up there on the left side that is called the fel hat that actually tipping the tree over because if i make the cut on the exact like same level the tree might tip in any direction and that's very dangerous now the plan is to cut it up into smaller pieces and then transport it out of the forest and then up to our woodshed and then cut it into even smaller pieces that can become firewood for next winter not the one coming out [Music] wait for better days to come and carry us like wind in our [Music] if we just [Music] we are dreamers of the shore [Music] so [Music] oh that might have been just a few minutes for you on screen but it this took me like half a day and i'm so exhausted because like transferring this out of the forest and up to this point takes a while and takes a lot of energy as well and i've started to smell quite a bit so i think it's i think it's time for a shower [Music] [Music] ah here's one thing i never thought i would do growing up like standing in the middle of nature completely naked and having a camera pointed straight at me and not only filming myself showering but also sharing it online like it is it is a bit weird when you think about it it will be even weirder if a neighbor showed up like you know just walking up straight up from the road down here just walking out to see me with the camera on my naked body and then just like i don't know how i would react to that that would be like peak embarrassment i think but this is such a freedom feeling just standing outside taking a shower especially now it's when it's still warm at least because in just a few months we will have complete darkness and just snow and ice so i'm really just really enjoying this when we're already on the topic of hygiene and cleanliness i thought i would ask you something for the last couple of years now i've been doing my own deodorants since i learned what is in normal deodorants i started making my own products um and i probably it would be kind of fun to maybe like show you guys the recipe and how i make it but i'm not sure if that's something that would be interesting to you now i'm just asking you would that be interesting if i made a video about how but also why it's so important to do your own stuff so if you would like that idea or if you do like that idea post a comment down below and tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now you might be a bit confused over the title of this video which says i'm failing our winter preparations and i really am so i just want to explain it to you as well so yeah let's talk about it the firewood i'm cutting up right now that is actually not for this winter it's actually for next winter because it needs over a year to be completely dry [Music] i hope that was gonna crack but damn it okay it's a bit more stubborn than i thought yeah it needs one gear to dry and our woodshed right now is almost completely empty it should be completely filled right now so we're ready for the winter but i don't know if you can see it properly the roof that we have been working on since november which is almost almost a year now has completely broken my back okay i haven't literally broken my back but i've really injured my back and i've overworked it a lot so that resulted in me not being able to be outside cutting down trees and preparing firewood like i am supposed to do [Music] but luckily i found the shortcut and that shortcut to our wood supply it's coming here tomorrow but the firewood and our wood supply is just one of the failings failing areas where we're dealing with right now i talked about the roof a bit and we got an estimation that the roof will take about four to six days to complete that was in november now we're in september and we're still not done i can't stress how stressful it has been having a roof that is not done and it's keep pouring down rain it's been leaking into our bedroom not just the stress of like getting mold or something like that just also all the money i put into the to the roof so luckily we have some friends coming in a few weeks to help us out to finish the roof hopefully finish the roof at least because we're only a few weeks away from frost and winter and snow so i'm getting quite stressed or i am already very stressed but it's gonna get get even worse but since it's getting colder i've also had to [Music] had to prepare the cabin and besides having issues with the lack of firewood and our roof not being done we also have an issue of keeping the heat in the cabin so let me show you that [Music] every time the birds in this forest builds a nest they love to use the insulation in our cabin so they pull it out from in between the logs so a few times a year i had to refill it and put it back because if i don't the wind will blow right through the cabin and the winds during winter time is not exactly warm this is what i used to insulate the cabin with it's called lien derived i have no idea what the english translation is but maybe someone in the comments can help me it's a total natural material and it's actually coated with a bit of tar which makes it smell absolutely amazing so what you use this for it when you're insulating is that you're actually using it when you're building the cabin but since the cabin is already here and i need to fill in the gaps where it's leaking a bit i have to do it now so what you do in the beginning is you have a log like this when you're building and then you put the lean drive like this it's a bit scattered but and then you put another log on top of that that's the basic idea but since our cabinet's exactly not not exactly air tight i need to fill in the gaps afterwards and this this works perfectly for that as well [Music] [Music] these videos wouldn't be possible without my lovely patreons so i want to say a huge thank you to you guys and if you like what you see here on my videos and appreciate what i do patreon is a very easy way to support me so i can continue making these videos if you're interested you'll find the link in the description in my next video christina and me are visiting some new friends of ours that i think you might recognize [Music] [Music] thank you so much for taking the time to watch my video i really do appreciate it and if you're here at the very very end of the video please comment the tree emoji so i know who of you are actually here at the very end that would be kind of cool thank you for watching and if you are interested in patreon just click the link right up here [Music] you
Channel: Kalle Flodin
Views: 113,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outdoor, cabin life, what it takes to live a simple life, simple life, visit sweden, visit sweden tourism, minimalism, minimalist living, slow living, simple living, kalle flodin, sweden, norway, nordic, nordics, rural life, swedish wilderness, daily life, living, country style, lifestyle, woods, into the wild, scandinavia, vlog, down to earth, Christine Kjaer, talasbuan sweden, autumn leaves, Autumn, autumn ambience, winter preparation, winter preparation sweden, forestry, lumberjack
Id: McrAeJ9j7bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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