What is your Calling? Pastor Kris Vallotton (Bethel Church)

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i am i want to just pray and I'm not too good at like let's spend an hour doing something besides what I want to do so I just want to hit the ground running and I don't I don't ever feel like I get enough time with you guys not because of anything that the team is doing just because I'm not home that much so I really I have a I have to tell you that I have an agenda so and I'm gonna pray for you first to know I'll tell you a little bit about what my agenda is see if the Holy Spirit's on it and if he isn't then we'll do something else okay the Holy Spirit we thank you for thank you for Bill and Eric and Kathy and and we thank you for me and Lord we just pray for your anointing to be in the room too that we could just revel eight we can be do some visionary we can just grow and and and well I pray for your mind to be in us so that we would grow in the way that we think you know that in the way that we relate to the world and that we'd actually believe that we were a catalyst to a worldwide Reformation Lord we just we pray for that right now I pray that you'd in pregnant use people these sons these daughters you some others these fathers with with the revolution yet the revolution has begun Lord we just pray for that in Jesus name Amen you know everybody plays a part and and everybody's part is important in what you're gonna learn this year and and more important and more important than hearing a message I think little by little I would my prayers that you would become the message in that the words that we share and the experiences that you have and the prayers that would get prayed and all the things that happen that make up this class would mold you into the person that God's created you to be and that we would have in mind your destiny your purpose and I so I want you to know that think that you know I think that each person on on our team can this guest speakers who come in we've been divinely appointed for this time this season in your life and I mean that sincerely I'm not just saying that I mean I feel like it's like you're sitting on a plane you're sitting next to someone and you just have to think like you know this person is this person was called to sit next to me this moment in history or me next to them you know what I'm saying so I believe very much in divine in divine appointments and so I think that that I think that a few years ago I decided that I felt like the Holy Spirit had given me a specific assignment for second year that I don't do in first year at all and I I do it some in the nations but and I don't think my assignment I just want to be really clear just in my introduction I don't think my assignments any better than than the rest of the staffs or anything like that but I my particular call for second year at least at this point is to raise up world class leaders who we can send out into every realm of society to actually change culture then I feel like we're supposed to be cultural Transformers and so what I'm going to be doing with you and we will deviate at times but what I'm going to be doing with you most of the time is teaching about leadership and government and management those are the three things that you're gonna learn from me not on a regular basis and of course we're gonna just always be open to doing something else anytime I feel like the Holy Spirit is giving me a pretty strong structure this year and I really feel like out of this group is gonna be you know is coming the next world leaders and I just got back from a trip that that really actually changed my life in it anybody who knows me knows that I don't say that lightly I've had four experiences in my life that changed my life and the first one was the course receiving Jesus the second one was getting married and having children and then and then the experience that you heard out last year the first few weeks when I talked to you about the Princeton pop message in that that the whole Reformation happened inside of me and then and then this and this last trip that I just came back from absolutely changed me forever I was on the plane flying home and ice and ice I said to myself I will never be the same and and I know there's lots of others of events and people and things in my life that have molded my life for sure I couldn't reduce them down to four things but but if I look at the mountains of my life I I see right now that those things are things that are forming me and so I'm more excited than ever seen Nations actually being discipled and what's that what does that look like and and how's that going to happen and I feel like we are on the the crest of something that's maybe never happened in human history at least not in modern history and that is I feel like that we're on that this epic place where God is actually raising up a generation of leaders that are gonna actually be transforming the world and uh and I and I feel like there's lots of things there's so many things that I feel like I have to give to you and and and the rest of the leaders too I just this year I'm just so excited about seeing I guess coming back from this trip I see the need so much like I feel like a nation was handed to me and I'm like alright what am I gonna do with it it's like when a dog chases a car and the car stops and the dogs all never really thought about what I'd do if I caught one and uh I feel that way I feel like we have to raise up an army of Imagineers people who have who think thoughts that have never been thought before in history people who can see things that not as they are but as they should be and and people that can call things that are not as though they are people that are like I feel like I feel like I'm gonna be looking down in in years to come from heaven and watching you guys take this this message to the to this to the nation's and I I just see you know Josef's and Daniels and Esther's just rising up from this school and going out all over the world you know there was a I probably won't get the facts right because it's been so many years since I read the account but there was a school that ran I think it was only ran one year called the log cabin school and I think there was somewhere around 30 students if someone can google it later and correct me on the facts but the principle is what I want and that that little log cabin school got such resistance from the that log cabin school was a Christian school as a Christian kind of like ministry school and that log cabin school got such resistance from the denomination that they shut it down but out of that log cabin school came the President of Princeton and I think 17 different people from presidents to to to senators and congresspeople and lawyers and I wish I could recall the story I probably need to find it in someone I'm sure will but I I just I was reading that account in fact I saw I actually read it in the morning star journal many years ago I know it's like wow wouldn't be awesome to raise up to develop a school where where people could become great and I mean true greatness I'm not talking about arrogance or pride or any of those things that we would attach to that kind of worldly facade but I'm talking about true greatness that that people would come like when you graduate from Harvard you know if you say I graduated from Harvard there's there's an expectation on you you know I don't I don't exactly know what it is but you say I graduated from Princeton I graduated from Harvard people anticipate they expect something because not just because you graduated but because you got to go because Harvard only receives like what 7% of its applications applicants actually get to go to the to the University and so you know some of the greatest minds have come out of Harvard you know and out of Princeton and out of these I believe colleges and I'm like I think it's I think God wants to have I think God wants to develop a school that that the from the greatest minds the most creative people that can also move in wonders and signs and miracles I think we're just supposed to create an atmosphere a culture if you will where people who come out of this school when they go I graduated from Bethel school supernatural ministry people be like they're gonna expect it's gonna be like saying your last name is bush or your last name is Kennedy I think what I'm seriously many people are gonna people have like well you know you went to that school well those are the people who think they're supposed to change the world aren't they it's gonna be like you're like you're a revolutionary and not not because you're you know scaring a picket sign and some at some you know somebody's against something but because you actually have new ideas that are creating new mindsets and I don't you know I've said just last year you've heard me say this but I don't want to be defined by what I'm against I don't want to be defined by by what I'm not or who I'm mad at or I actually want to have answers and not just keep creating because I don't want to be a critic of someone else's ideas I want to have my own I know I don't want to be an echo of of someone else's ideas I want to I want to have my own and I want to raise up a generation who can actually think you can actually think I asked this question of the leaders that we were with I don't know a bunch of leaders and in both countries and and in both in both countries I asked this question how many you believe these were Christian leaders in this one in we spoke to both but when I was speaking the Christian leaders I asked them to question how many you believe that you have the mind of Christ and and I read them of course first Corinthians chapter 2 and of course everyone in the room raised their hand you don't want meeting a couple hundred leaders another meeting hundred or so they raised their hand how many of you how many you believe that when you be get born again that the creator of all the universe actually moved in and you are actually possessed by the guy who created everything then of course everyone raised their hand and how many you believe that you were that you're seated in heavenly places in like Revelation chapter 4 where Jesus said to John the Apostle come up here and I'll show you what must after these things how many you believe that your that your that your heavenly seat gives you eternal perspectives and of course everyone raised their hands said how many you believe that in first Corinthians twelve that there is actual a gift of wisdom so you can have the mind of Christ like Jesus Jesus mind and a gift of wisdom and of course everyone raised their hand how many you believe that that the the least in the kingdom is greater than John the Baptist who was greatest prophet who ever lived in the Old Covenant and they raised their hand I said now how many believe if John the Baptist was the greatest prophet the Old Testament that mean that he was a greater prophet than Daniel and Daniel was ten times more intelligent and wiser than all the other wise men of Babylon which means that that John the Baptist was greater than a.m. and the East in the kingdom is greater than John so how many of you believe that that gave that that gives you an advantage everyone raised their hand and I did like four more of those and then I said okay then I have a question if those things are true they're not philosophies and theologies but the realities then how come we're not leading every area of society because it is illogical that we are not leading every area of society if those things are read our realities and not just theologies and I feel like when we're breaking into in the area of healing for instance and I use that because it's such a big part of Bill's message in our message but it's a part of what Bill is spearheading in my life and I think in our life and you know it and I think that you know when the Holy Spirit fell on them you know they they were able to heal the sick and and we're always talking about how important it is that we move in healing and that it's not just a philosophy that we actually see people healed it's like well I'll just teach it we actually see people healed it's like it actually happens and you know when and Bethlem a lot of other places is becoming famous for the fact that people actually get healed on the streets like well it actually it's in the book and it actually happens it's amazing can you imagine well maybe some of you you probably know our history because you're second-year students but I mean you know thirty years ago we didn't see anybody healed I mean literally like if we saw a person healed a year it was a huge deal and we repeated those testimonies you know this you've heard these stories and what I'm getting at is like you know we've got a long ways to go I I grieve over my friends that I've lost that have died have come to this place and not got healed I could tell you that there's hardly a day that goes by that I don't think of those who didn't get their healing but from where we came from 30 years ago to where we are now it's like five worlds apart and I'm like I would like to see that same growth I would like to see that same right words I would like to see that same thing happen in the area of intelligence and wisdom so that when when the Holy Spirit fell on Solomon he got smart when the Holy Spirit fell on Samson he got strong you see what I'm getting at and that we would begin to move in the manifestation of wisdom and intelligence and visions and dreams and it wouldn't just be like estatic dreams like oh well you know I had a dream of this those are awesome I love the mystical don't misunderstand me but I mean the dreams that change nations the kind of dreams that our fat cows and skinny cows and and that those in and out of that is unlocks the answer for a nation so their nation doesn't starve to death and I mean I I I'm hungry for what we've experienced in the area of healing and deliverance and prophecy to now begin to extend over into wisdom and discernment vision earring Imagineering into leadership and that the finest leaders that have ever the grace this planet would come out of this school that people would actually say those people listen if you get someone from that school to work for you they are ten times smarter than anyone I've ever thought of they think of ideas no one else and that that box would get broken like the Box not just the religious box that not just the political box but the box that says I had to think inside of these perimeters that we began to have ideas that no one's ever had before because we have permission to think and so I some going back now to the leaders meetings in the two nations I just came from I said I asked him that question it was totally silent it was totally silent I said you think I'm asking you a rhetorical question I'm asking asking you what the answer is to that question because if you go answer that question you'll change the nation's I'm asking you why I'm asking you do you believe this book and if you believe this book then why are we not the finest creation I mean think about how easy evangelism is would be if you were actually ten times brighter than anybody on the planet when you receive Christ now I'm just saying that one thing just think about it I mean how hard would it be to leave some of the Christ they go dumb smart creative black and white color you the idea it's like it would be the true contrast I mean if we became with the Bible since we are the contrast would be so inspiring that evangelism would be like hey you can't get saved yet we don't have room for you and so I asked the leaders so they thought that I was just like asking a rhetorical question like you know you don't really have to answers just like think about this I'm like no I'm asking you someone stand up and tell me why this isn't working total silence I said I think I know I let him sweat for 10 minutes before I said anything I just kept asking them said you that's supposed to be the greatest leaders of these cut of this country I would want you to answer the question are these verses true or not they just kept like they didn't want to say yes because they knew that I would call on them but I think denominationalism gathering when you agree dividing when you disagree makes this is why I said to him this is what I said I said I'll tell you why I think because when you are in a wineskin that you gather when you agree and you and you do buy when you disagree what is an enemy what do you have to have to have a disagreement everybody sat there quite like so this is not deep listen even you can prevent forest fires so a few people said in their own language you have to have an opinion I said that's right you have to have an opinion to have a disagreement you have to have an opinion and to have an opinion what do you have to do they're like thinking thinking think I said this is not this isn't deep like this is simple tell me what do you have to have to have an opinion and someone yelled out in in a broken English a thought I said that's right and thoughts in denominationalism are an enemy to denominational wineskin because if you have a thought you can have an opinion and if you have an opinion then you can have a conflict and if you have a conflict then you have no family because your family is based on you agreeing and therefore religion has taken the place of Revelation and the greatest minds of our time are locked in the prison of religion the religious spirit and the political spirit are locking up our minds we were just talking at lunch i said i refuse i was a political spirit i refuse it and you know what the religious spirit and the political spirit are friends they're kissing cousins or brothers or twins or something it's bills message about the the the leaven of Herod and the heaven the leaven of the Pharisees they they somehow have figured out a way to take the the political the political spirit the religious spirit have somehow created a culture where nobody gets to think because that they do they get to be punished see if you think in church you get kicked out of church but if you think in in politics you get ousted out of office you have to say what everyone else knows isn't true but it's politically correct it's just a it's a religious spirit just in a different realm you have to say thing like men and women are alike they are not alike they're equal but they're completely different and anybody who is Mary knows that but you can't say that you can't say that or you won't win any office as you know homosexuality is wrong because you're not wired to have intercourse that way that's just like this is mindless and look at the separation rate it just goes on but you can't say that because if you do you'll be punished you can't say listen this is actually illogical you can't say like hey that right there in the womb that fetus is actually a baby it's not like doesn't miraculously turn into a baby like you know the last trimester before it comes out actually is like this is deep you can see it on it uh you can you know you can see it you can see there's a sonogram now it's like see that it looks like a baby it'll it has fingers like a baby it has brain legs like lil Amy it actually is a baby like you're actually not like getting rid of tissues he can't say that because if you do you will be punished it is the denominational spirit in politics and you know what's happening it's keeping us from thinking and when you shed that thing and you start to think like God just imagine what could happen that's a I mean the greatest inventions are just a thought away the greatest innovations are just the thought away the greatest answers for the world's problems are just a thought away but you've been in prison so you can't think like that because if you do you'll be punished and what would happen if we developed a culture where you could actually think you could actually like you could actually have the wisdom from another age Ephesians 3 you can actually teach principalities and powers the wisdom of another age what would happen if you actually like like you don't even know what it's like to think like that because like me you've never thought like that before and not talking about like having no foundation I'm not talking about like you know I'm not talking about crazy stuff people come up to me like wow I saw that Jesus was actually an angel my dude the book I mean let's just let's stand on this and then let's move up from there all right but let's have a foundation for crying out loud you know let's you know what I'm trying to some people like they're so Revit or they've lost their marbles it's like I'm not I'm not that's like what is that you know what is that I'm talking about answers that actually solve problems in countries not some weird you know theology that you came up with because you know you believe that page 14 wasn't supposed to be in there some angel Moroni came with some sunglasses and start your own you know whatever you know cell group CEL group I don't know if you got all that I'm not talking about not having absolutes I'm talking about dreaming B I'm talking about dreaming where people have never dreamt before with the core values that are already in the book are you following me at all you know in Hebrews chapter six and it says this leaving therefore leaving the elementary teachings of Christ let us press on the maturity not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works of faith towards God of instructions about baptisms laying on of hands resurrection from the dead and eternal judgment I want to say that one more time it says now therefore leaving that's why the Hebrew writer didn't put his name in the book if you wrote that you wouldn't sign it either now therefore leaving the elementary teachings about Christ let us press on the maturity not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works of faith towards God of instructions about baptism laying on of hands resurrection from the dead and eternal judgment as kind of important stuff there and the Hebrew writer said now leaving we are now leaving we're departing listen he's not talking about leaving like he says he said now leaving the elementary teachings of Christ less pressed on to maturity not laying again a foundation he's not saying leaving like look like you don't believe us anymore he's saying like hey you got this in your foundation now what are you doing I mean repeating what's been said forever is not growing this is listen this is not a movement this is called stuck are you with me like I just want you to dare a dream I don't want you to be you know rebellious or not have I mean I understand the other side of this messages people get ideas you know I was like oh and I know they start cults and all kinds of crazy stuff and right crazy stuff book and write me crazy emails I don't I got your message oh wow I got this revelation that the stars are really cheese I'm like oh dude you know can we not do this you know can this is the reason why we put you in that prison in the first place this is when we let you out you started like doing crazy stuff you know I'm talking about actually having solutions to real problems like that are on the earth the real hunts that you can actually like I talked to God you gave me the answer you know what is it oh it's Purple Haze it's all even my brain what dude that's an old song so I want us to I want us just to begin to create an atmosphere where you can dream and think and make mistakes and but where you can also be called to account like you think there's it needs to line some sort of tension so that people go that's a crazy thought like that not it then the Lord all no one's had that before well there's a reason why don't when you have that thought before it's like one step from insanity like let's stay on this side of the nuthouse and still dream you know what I'm trying to say you actually know what I'm saying right so I I'm saying I'm not saying dream with no boundaries I'm just saying dream with the universe as your boundaries not as just the planet that's my goal this I've quoted this several times this years is my favorite quote right now I've been saving quotes for 25 years I have hundred I have thousands of them actually this is my favorite one right now in times of change learners inherit the earth while to learn find themselves beautifully prepared for a world that no longer exists I love that in times of change it's Eric Hoffer in times of change learners inherit the earth while they learn found them find themselves beautifully prepared for a world that no longer exists I love that that's awesome you know a proverb says like apples of gold's it's 25:11 I like apples of gold and settings of silver is a word spoken the right circumstances is a word spoken in the right circumstances man that's my goal I've had the right word in the wrong season I've had the wrong word in the right season but I want the right word in the right circumstances I remember um yeah I was in Montana this is many years ago and there was a there was a picture over the journal hints of a waterfall that was a beautiful picture I'm serious it was right over the urinal you know guys with down urinal there's like sometimes there's a newspaper there or whatever the guys restroom well over the urinal there was this beautiful really beautiful like picture that someone had framed and but but on the bottom of it says when you pass through the water I'll be with you but it was over the urinal I'm like right word wrong season do you know what I mean it's like no no it's like oh come on dude but you pass through a water I'll be with you just right over the urinal it's like no I've had prophetic words like that how do you know what I'm talking about right word wrong season it's like you know anachronistic you know what I'm saying it's like out of season and so I I think it's I think we're in is changing we're in this changing epic season and and I think I've told you this last year but epic is a way in which God deals with a certain people in a certain time EPOC h epic epi c means awesome great you know but EPOC H means a way in which God deals with these certain people in a certain time and we're in this huge epic transition and it's really important that we that we that we become like the sons of Issachar who understand the times and know what israel should do in the times that we realize that the times are changing and that it we need we need a new song we need a new way of looking at life because life is changing and and and we need to change with that we need to be bring we need to be the people who are bringing a new song I was thinking about this on the plane home plane ride home that you know what anticrist anachronistic means it means living out of time like for instance thumb if you've ever been to like a country like Romania you'll be driving down the highway in Romania in a new Mercedes that you can't even buy in the United States and all sudden traffic will be backed up and you realize it's somebody that's backed up because someone's driving an ox cart with too awks down the down the highway and you'll get past them and drive another three or four miles and there's another ox cart the ox cart is anachronistic it's out of time are you with me it means - it means to live out of time and you can live an artistically either way right you can let's say you're you lived in the the Old West and you driving a Mercedes you'd be out of time you'd be living in the future and some people are anachronistic in that they're living in the past and the goal is for us to actually live in the present with with present prophetic declarations and and present mind sets so that we were actually we're actually like we're not an Etzel you know the Ford created Etzel no sorry some of you people like an Edsel was like way ahead of its time it didn't sell Ford the Ford company actually named the Etzel after his oldest son he thought it was gonna be his greatest creation you had more innovation than any automobile at its time but it didn't sell at all because it was anachronistic it was it was it was it came too early had it had been built 20 years later it would have probably been the greatest invention of its time but it was just too innovative people weren't ready for it are you following me and I was thinking about the way that the way that we change seasons is so is interesting because you know it's kind of like what it would have been like to live around the turn of the century where horses horses were were the the means of transportation but Henry Ford had just developed you know the Model A the Model T you know in 1906 1913 1917 1923 you know these are like these were like epic seasons for the automobile business and think about it you got a Model T but what don't you have so let's say you you buy the first multi awesome what's the problem the problem is the roads have been developed for what for horses and there's no what it's no gas stations so there's no infrastructure you see what I'm getting you're leaving anachronistic aliy because there's there there's actually no structure for something that you're driving that's actually better than what you used to drive but it needs em first sure so if you can just if you pick up this thought with me if you can see this like transitions so I don't know how it happened I I'm just kind of you know just kind of theorizing how it probably looked you know that that as we as we hit the you know the teens the 19 you know 10 11 12 13 14 and all through the teens you know pretty soon you know rich people started to have automobiles people who were powerful that had money had automobiles and so there those kind of people like we need a gas station and pretty soon they're like you know these ruins are too narrow because we can't park our and and a little by little yeah now you got well you have automobiles and horses you probably have a lot more horses in the teens a lot to do then there are cars and then you get to the 20s and then in the 30s priests in you know you see lots of horses and you see lots of automobiles and it's like you understand I'm like transitions doesn't happen like hey we stopped riding horses today and tomorrow we started driving automobiles like it doesn't happen like that that's how we think of it and that's the problem and we don't realize like we don't realize like what happens is that that as you start to like come into the new thing even though that what you have is better than what you had there needs to be structure to maintain this new way of living am I making sense like when you're coming out of something a previous season and into it knew that transitions would be not that easy do you know I'm saying and what happens is you get your new Model T that you bought you drive along you run out of gas and you start thinking like we're going to get gas and someone convinces use like listen this is really a bad idea this is like cultish that's why you had horses you know it's why we draw it right horses these are man-made those are I mean you know these are man-made those are God made and you know we create all kinds of you know are you understanding what I'm saying it all is like create theology like why the car out of gas this is why we don't go there brother God is opposed to this that's why you ran out of gas so you know this is all you understand like a parable right you how do you think I started eating those flu fruit loops like oh he's given us an example of what he meant by crazy ideas so you know as we're transitioning in this season it's not like okay you know what this is over and we start that's like it doesn't work like that and I'm gonna talk to you in the next week's about about transitioning seasons and about structure like I believe that and you don't have to write just down right now because I'm gonna I'm gonna share we're gonna have a board we're gonna talk and interact but see I think that government is the structure that governors govern in and leadership is the art of governing let me say it again government is the structure that governors govern in and leadership is the art of governing so let me give you this in my example governors are the car but government are the roads the roads the gas stations the the the the the repair shops the tire shops are you with me and you can have great you have a great car you can have great governors but if you don't have great government your car ain't going anywhere and so I think that we are moving out of denominationalism and we're gonna talk all about what that is when it's been lots of timeless and we're moving into apostle ships because apostles have emerged in denominationalism and people like they've redefined what apostles are you have to throw away the book because we don't see apostles doing what we see Apostles doing in the book because there are no apostle ships there are no roads there's no government so they've emerged in a in denominationalism and now we redefine the car and so we in my example but the car don't have any gas so we got horses pulling the car nos apostles but looks like a dressed-up denominational idea to me it looks like a fancy buggy that doesn't look like what the Bible says are you and what is the illustration you helping you at all and I'm like but but it isn't gonna happen in a day this this structure is it going to happen a date but how important is it where the word apostle means cultural transformation it means scent but it means to be sent from a place that you reproduce in the place you're sent to what you were sent from them so that you pray this prayer our Father is in heaven Hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven that's an abstract prayer I sit in heaven and I make earth like heaven but it's not gonna happen in one day it's like and you guys need to build this gas stations you need to build the roads the freeways can you imagine what somebody in 1901 would have thought if they were alive today Kathy's grandmother is a hundred years old this week a hundred years can you imagine what if you were a hundred years old your memories can you imagine what your childhood memories would at 1920 I mean just think about the transition no TV no I mean radio what someone could probably no radio maybe 1900s they have radio in early 1900 is they would have huh I can still remember black-and-white TV for some of you are like shocked like yeah black-and-white TV was black and white used to be black and white for his every color yeah he brought Billy have you ever seen a Toronto Saurus I think you do imagine what that woman has experienced because there's been more transition in a hundred last hundred years than there has been since the beginning of recorded history and she was alive in the beginning she transitioned through think about she transitioned from the agricultural age to the industrial age and she's alive in the information age and she's seen three epic season changes in her lifetime can you imagine you know it's like you get someone who's 80 years old or 75 years old they rarely use a computer please I'm not trying to stereotype anyone I'm simply saying do you realize they'd been through to epoch seasons they've had the cou they have that they've had to transition from agricultural age the Industrial Age they had to come out of the fields and learn how to work in factories you take that for granted now you're saying here users computer the way they're like all those old people they're just they're not very smart Slyke dude you realize how much transition their generation brought to our lives and think about if you start thinking what you could bring in the next hundred years are you with me like you you you could be a hundred years from now maybe you're you know you're probably still alive because people are mean and you know in the last 30 years we've gained ten years in life expectancy that's amazing think about what the next 50 years could bring I mean it could be normal to live it to be a hundred I mean you could be young at a hundred and you'd be talking about how you were the architects the founding fathers of the next epic season now you dreamed of things no see God wants to do more than you ask or think that means if you can ask it or think it well let me put it this way your heart will take you places your head can't go because if you can ask see your mind while they go where you can where it can it can think your heart will take you places you've never dreamed what I love about dreams is dreams do you know that in dreams when you dream at night I'm just a regular dream I talk about perfect dream right now just dreams don't live inside the laws of nature I love it because like I can fly at a dream I taught bill how to fly three years ago in a dream seriously seriously with my dream we were standing on us a podium it was at the church though in my dream at the other churches and we were standing the podium and I kept saying now look at all you got to do you put your arms up and you just take a little leap and build jumping follow this girl might know that you got you got it like do it this way now fly around the room come back and go get out you're tried you flap a little and get past the first couple seats I'm like awesome see you're getting it I love dreams because with dreams you know you're not bound by the laws of nature that's weird I understand that what I said see is a great example what I said that first like don't give me your weird stub but we need to do we need to dream things that have never been drunk before and need to begin to give the world give to our children a world and revival like wow what would it look like I'm driving down the street it'll off yet what's this man I can't be I can't tell you who it is and the man looks at me very powerful man and he says what would it look like if the kingdom came in Lafayette if the kingdom came in Lafayette what would it look like this is a man who has the power to bring it I don't know I've been preaching about catching the car so long I don't even know what to do with the car because I don't know how to drive I just know how to tell people we need to catch the car and I started thinking I never actually dreamt of what it would actually look like I just know we're supposed to do it and on the way home I started thinking that what would it actually looked look like what Constantine did when he made it illegal to not be a Christian uh-huh didn't work that feels like religion even God put two trees in the garden so there would still be choices his people could still make a wrong choice God let angels make wrong choices so a kingdom that God rules still gives people permission to make choices even if they're wrong oh that's a scary thought so then I started thinking well if people can still have choices then what's different I think wow that's what we need to dream we need to dream with God your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven what does that mean we're gonna heal the sick we're doing that now you think I have an answer I don't I'm like hey I've got 400 people here think I haven't been able to think of what that could be like that means well Angeles would walk the earth oh my do they get to vote that just opens up a whole nother realm to me how I inspire you
Channel: k3nn3thix
Views: 45,315
Rating: 4.8312502 out of 5
Id: CGw17K5gKoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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