What is War? (Part 1)

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welcome to a video where I teach you how to wage war because that sounds like a good idea war is everyone's favorite aspect of human nature and together we can take whatever we want by force so if you've been paying attention you'll notice some kind of war is always going on and because fantasy is based on what we already know most campaigns have a handful of them being waged during the time of the setting but before we see the grisly side of a disagreement we need to answer some questions and get the battle brewing the foundation of war is motive what's the reason our brave hero is sending out drafted innocents to die in large numbers I'll do a run-through of each cause for war and create my own scenarios as examples but the list shown are all the reasons I could think of another major aspect of this foundation is the individual who starts it this is the person or band of people who choose which battles are waged where and why oftentimes once you know who's starting the fight and who's opposing you'll know the outcome thanks sunsoo the second step forward is actually Act one the first move this will either be very well thought-out with an ideal chain reaction following the attack that favors the end goal or a hot-headed pull of the trigger that brings about the downfall of an idiotic or ruthless leader now in most cases war is usually conventional people who use unconventional methods are met with overwhelming opposition because hitting a wave of determined men with families at home and years of training with a meteor storm does not go over well realistically if you're the only guy flying into war on a dragon or casting high-level spells you're a war criminal moving on to the causes let's start with invasion there are two subtypes of invasion that are pretty damn different the shared aspect is that someone not from around here is showing up and killing people raids the classic ring the doorbell gun down the locals and run behind a bush this is usually done by barbarians who want cultivated goods without having to work hard for them so I'll make my barbarian King dr. fun times his tribe of 300 gets hungry from time to time so being located about two days on horse from our beloved melon village called watermelon way here's what happens every time they get hungry an armed and mounted group of 40 to 100 would visit watermelon way kill anyone who opposed him and run off with a bounty of melons they might also take women but that's a topic I'll get demonetised for covering this is a small-scale war but an important one the struggle here is the size of the raiding party if the village pleads for soldiers the ruling town or city won't heed the call unless it's too late for watermelon way these attacks could persist for years before the harvest fails to provide for the town and it vanishes this example is the least of wars because the opposition is a handful of farmers so let's look at expansion this is a set amount of battles with the goal of permanently owning the locations attacked usually this happens in much larger scales than raids and takes place between kingdoms or nations because of the size it's likely going to be the act of a council as opposed to individuals let's name the attacking nation Rome Spain and make the target the kingdom of free gold I'll find a fantasy map someone else made and use it as an example the plan is for Rome Spain to take the capital city of free gold which we'll call gemstone city the motive here if you haven't already guessed it is to take their main export bananas so if I scatter a few towns and villages about Rome Spain will have to pave a road to gemstone city and seize each territory along the way battles will only take place at the actual locations or just outside it's at this exact moment I'm realizing how long this video is actually going to be once the invasion begins word will spread across free gold and they'll have to set up some defenses this makes each successive attack harder for Rome Spain and a strategic war of attrition will determine the victor if Rome Spain loses a mass of their army the expansion can fail and Freegold might be able to return fire with enough force to exterminate or take over Rome Spain otherwise Rome Spain gets their bananas and we wait for a revolution down the line oh look Civil War's this is a broad category and I put three reasons why this can happen a civil war is any series of battles that takes place inside the same nation or Kingdom let's look at rebellions first but change up our story to explain a rebellion is an armed resistance against the establishment for one reason or another let's pull a hypothetical from thin air and make the reason for rebellion be I don't know an elected official who no unelected has declared national emergency in order to build some sort of giant structure and people aren't happy about it that's something weird that would never happen let's call this hypothetical person Dingle Klump so locals from several settlements in this nation will band together and pretty much do anything rebellions can vary widely because their goal is simply to disobey or reshape Authority some may go about it peacefully with protests while others sabotage structures or incite random warfare to get the authorities attention these guerrilla wars can be very dangerous and caused the loss of civilian lives or they can be directed with a more clear-cut intention or statement to make a few things can happen as a result of rebellions the rebels are wiped out and the authority sets up internal defenses to avoid another rebellion the ruler changes its authority to meet the rebels demands the ruler is destroyed and a new government or leader replaces it this outcome known as a revolution can actually lead to another type of war a war of succession to reshape our story again let's say King Dedmon has been assassinated King Dedmon in his long and fertile reign has a firstborn daughter and two sons a little younger his daughter in the kingdom of sample.txt should be the heir however his two sons feel differently so they fight the endgame for this battle is likely to either kill the other heirs or to kill enough of their soldiers so they can't tell you know these civil wars are supposed to be more organized and respectful waged in open fields until someone yields but if you've watched Game of Thrones ya oftentimes allies of the heirs such as factions or other kingdoms will intervene and cause a big-ass war with dragons and I see dead people my last example for a civil war is a war for independence when a territory says to its owner we're uh us not a you the owner throws a military in that direction to teach them otherwise these are usually pretty lengthy battles take place at any time in any place the separatists have to either meet the opposition right on the border or stationed Minutemen at every vulnerable location this is an ultimate war of attrition and only ends when one side stops being stubborn either the separatists outlast their ruler and become America or they run out of troops if the separatists do lose pretty much everybody gets executed now let's take a look at what isn't exactly a type of war but a relatively common cause religion I think just below practicing it everyone's favorite thing to do with religion is argue with it religious wars are most often based on an argument between two radicalist groups from two different religions these usually end up being similar to invasion wars for the sake of a holy ground or a rebellion against an oppressive religious practice the major differences in battles is often the zealous beliefs of the soldiers and them carrying whatever practice they have into battle such as prayer or cannibalism two ends of the spectrum but they're good examples ethnic wars are similar to religious wars instead of fighting over beliefs they fight because they don't like the enemies culture or appearance ethnic wars are usually invasive and sometimes have an end goal of extinction I'll talk about extermination wars later but when someone says I want to kill every Taback C in the world they ruffle some feathers because that's not something a sane person says and when you have a goal like that you use extreme methods of war that can take nearly any form imagine Hitler on a black dragon imagine magic Hitler you ethnic ethnic wars ethnic Wow ethnic ethnic ethnic what the is his word
Channel: Runesmith
Views: 245,155
Rating: 4.9373746 out of 5
Keywords: Dnd, dungeons and dragons, 5e, 5th edition, tutorial, tabletop, game, tabletop games, dice, role play, role playing, rpg, easy listening, meme, memes, trending, roleplay, series, guide, dungeon master, help, explanation, explained, asmr, universe, D&D universe, dnd universe, war, warfare, civil, civil war, invasion, rebellion, revolution, army, armies, battle
Id: hVuQ8Nj7Z3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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