What is the Worst Personality Disorder of all Ten Personality Disorders?

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This is really interesting information! I am really interested to know more about narcissistic personality disorder. Is it something that a child acquires from parents upon birth or something caused by childhood experiences or both ? Thanks a lot in advance

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BrownDoe 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

https://youtu.be/YqV_QIvDeqA - I found this video extremely helpful.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BrownDoe 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to my scientifically informed insider look at mental health topics if you find this video to be interesting or helpful please like it and subscribe to my channel well this is dr. grande today's question is an interesting one from a subscriber it asks if I can explain what the worst person is or is out of the ten person I sorters now of course if you watched my videos before you know this would be a very challenging question because it's highly subjective but I'm gonna try to answer the question in a roundabout way not so much what's the worst person a sorter but what would be the most symptomatic or interfere with functioning the most because the word worst really doesn't have a scientific definition that we can use but we can certainly look at different symptom levels and functioning and say well this person is order seems to have more challenging characteristics in those areas than say this other person actually so I'm really going to look here at four areas that I think capture a lot of what we see in terms of severity frequency and duration of symptoms and interference with functioning the first area would be emotional distress so this would really include a lot of potential symptoms but depression anxiety intrusive thoughts compulsions panic dissociative symptoms so there's a lot of the symptoms you could put under this kind of emotional pain category the next category would be interfering with functioning specifically at work and then I'll take a look at interfering with social relationships in two areas romantic relationships and friends and family now these four areas I'm looking at of course don't cover the entire spectrum of what's considered to be symptomatic or line up with symptoms or functioning or anything like that rather it's just an attempt to reduce this very vast area into something manageable for a video like this so I know there's more to having a personality disorder than just these four areas I think most people would agree these four areas are affected and certainly should a focus of treatment and therefore allow some area for comparison so with the topic like this I'm really not pulling on one specific article I'm using my experience working with all ten of the person alias orders and also literature that I've read over several years I'm not aware of one article that really answers this question and even if there was one article to answered it this is just such a vast question that you would really need several articles in order to draw some sort conclusion so again really this becomes more or less my opinion but based on my experience in what I've read something else that's important to keep in mind is I'm really looking at each of the person is orders here and going through these dimensions based on no comorbidity if you take into account comorbidity for example depression and borderline personality or substance use disorder and borderline personality where antisocial personality that really changes things dramatically here I'm really looking at it as if an individual only has one person a sorter and no other personality sorters and no other non person is orders so no major depressive disorder bipolar disorder or substance use disorder PTSD none of the other disorders in clinical practice of course it's actually not common to see an individual with just one person a disorder and no other diagnosis so really I'm excluding comorbidity but you can't discount the importance of comorbidity if you want to compare the person is witters though it really does have to be removed at some level so important to keep in mind that it really changes how we look at person I swears when we do factor in comorbidity so I'll start here with the cluster a person is orders this would be the odd eccentric cluster I'll move to cluster be dramatic erratic and then the cluster C which is the anxious and fearful cluster so starting with cluster a the first personality Souter here is paranoid person I sort now in terms of emotional pain or emotional distress that first category I'm talking about I would say with paranoid person I swear again on average and that's really what I'm using here for all these disorders I would say it's a moderate level of emotional distress in terms of work I've seen people do pretty well with paranoid personality sorter at work it's not necessarily something that would interfere a lot it really depends on the type of work certainly though the paranoia the suspiciousness the distrust can rub co-workers the wrong way so again it's highly dependent on the type of work somebody's doing now in terms of romantic relationships interference we do see quite a bit of interference to a paranoid person is order as a matter of fact one of the symptom criterion specifically points out that individuals with this disorder tend to suspect their partners of infidelity and of course we know that having that suspicion especially if it's not founded can really be detrimental to relationships in terms of family and friends what I've seen here is these relationships are tense so there can be friends there can be of course family relationships that are maintained but there's a tension when somebody's tendency is to hold a grudge and to be suspicious a lot of time moving on to schizoid personality here I would say the emotional distress is typically low compared to the other personality sorters but that doesn't mean there's no emotional distress again we're talking about one average in terms of work performance I would actually say that schizoid personality disorder is associated with doing fairly well particularly in jobs that don't involve a lot of social contact and again this is right in the definition of the disorder one interesting element I've seen with this disorder and again this is in the symptom criteria one of the criterion indicates being indifferent to praise or criticism this is usually of course thought of as negative because somebody's not sensitive to praise or criticism therefore can't respond in a way that would be expected you know socially but the way I've seen this manifest in terms of work is it particularly if somebody's indifferent to criticism they can work with a supervisor that tends to be very critical that other people don't want to work with and it wouldn't bother them so that's one aspect I've seen with schizoid person is what really sets it apart from the other personality sores now in terms of romance and friends the symptom criteria spell this out pretty well and it's been my experiences while working with individuals with this disorder you're not really going to see much of a romantic life or having a lot of friends typically associated with this disorder we see that individuals with this disorder tend to have little or no interest in sex other people and they tend to have no close friendships except for maybe a first-degree relative so we see kind of a interesting profile it's it's with personality in terms of not expecting a lot of emotional stress usually doing okay with work but really having no romantic life and a very limited social life now the last person is order in cluster a is gets a tipple person is order and sometimes this is incorrectly thought of as being very similar to schizoid personality disorder but really there are some key differences the odd believes magical thinking elements like this and the also the unusual perceptions I think that really stands out we also see some degree of social anxiety which gets a typical person I sort although that's not really one of the first things we would normally think of I would say in terms of emotional pain there would be more distress which gets a typical person a sorter then we would see with schizoid and maybe around the same as we see with paranoid in terms of work individuals with this disorder because the odd beliefs and the magical thinking tend not to do well in a wide range of work activities again if it's restricted to something that doesn't have a lot of social contact sometimes individuals with this disorder can do fairly well now in terms of romance there's a potential for a manse probably more of a potential that we'd see with schizoid person I sort but of course it is limited and I'd say the same thing occurs with friendships and family relationships there going to be a little bit strained and limited because of the nature of the disorder now moving on to cluster B personality R we have antisocial narcissistic borderline and histrionic so the first one is antisocial and this one's pretty interesting when you think of these four dimensions that I'm looking at here in this video with the emotional distress a lot of people would think that it would be low because they're thinking of the construct of psychopathy and with psychopathy particularly factor 1 psychopathy we do see low emotional distress but a nice social personality sorters more associated with factor 2 psychopathy so characteristics like impulsivity irresponsibility and of course criminal activity so I would actually say that it may be low compared to some of the other personality suitors but it's probably higher than most people think now in terms of interfering with work and a social person is order I think has a fairly definitive impact on work because of the criminal behavior and because of the criminal record associated with that behavior work is going to be really restricted in terms of what employers will offer somebody a job if they have an extensive criminal history now we also see the behaviors themselves the criminal activities can interfere with work so I think that's one of the more challenging elements we see her with antisocial personality now in terms of romance and friendships I would say a moderate level of difficult to hear probably not as severe as most people would think again the behaviors you know you see some that are pretty disruptive like irritability and aggression if those symptoms are endorsed that would be pretty problematic to relationships but if it's something like impulsivity and lack of remorse and those criminal activities that are resulting in the diagnosis it may not interfere as much as one would think with romantic relationships and friendships the next person is sort of cluster B is narcissistic personality and of course this one comes with a lot of strong feelings in many directions I would say that even though there are many conceptualizations of this disorder I would say that the emotional distress level is probably moderate now I know some people will say no it's low because individuals who are affected by grandiose narcissism which is what we associate with narcissistic personality are generally resistant to criticism I understand that point of view by what I see is somebody who has difficulty in relationship so of course I'll get to that in a second and I think this does cause emotional distress also with the conceptualization of somebody's defending protecting a fragile sense of self I think this pie has more distressed a lot of people would realize when we talk about the work performance though here narcissistic person I saw it I think is mixed but in general if they reach a certain level in organization I think they tend to do fairly well so if we see narcissism combined with like machiavellianism for instance now again you could consider this comorbidity which I said I wasn't going to get into but if you do look at this one angle the work performance tends to do fairly well technically of course comorbidity has to do with disorders and Machiavellianism isn't actually a disorder it's just a set of personality traits so other presentations of narcissistic personalities were though that don't involve the goal orientation and the limitations with impulsivity meaning impulse control I think we'd see more of a disturbance at work now in terms of romantic situations probably the romantic outlook would be fairly good but because of the manipulation component it wouldn't be good for necessarily the person who doesn't have this word right so you have the individual with NPD and you have their partner the partner may not feel that the real answer is going too well because of that manipulation and that abuse that can occur but the individual with the disorder may think that the romantic situation is fairly good I think really we see the same thing with friendships there is manipulation so the individual with the disorder may think it's okay but friends may keep a distance because they are worried about those narcissistic traits and because these traits can be offensive to other people when somebody views themselves as entitled and grandiose and superior other people understandably want to create distance they're moving on to the next person is ordering cluster B we have were line person I swear and just like narcissistic personality disorder borderline personality disorder we see a lot of strong feelings about this disorder and I would say the emotional distress level here with impersonates Witter would be severe and really we see that right in the symptom criteria so a chronic feeling of emptiness suicidal behavior impulsivity affective instability so we see a lot of areas that point toward extreme or at the very least severe emotional distress in some cases now the work outlook can be okay it really depends on if the work environment has to do with a lot of relationships that are going to be a focus of some of the personality traits and cause like the unstable relationship pattern or maintain that if those symptoms are seen more outside of work in romantic situations that have nothing to do with work then I think work performance could be okay I've seen a lot of people with this disorder do very well at work if the workplace contains a lot of romantic situations then maybe not as well so in terms of the third area I'm looking at here which would be romantic relationships by definition they're going to be troublesome with borderline personality or unstable relationship pattern intense relationships and idealization the evaluation cycle the constant anger that we see will impersonate a sorter frantic efforts to avoid abandonment really a lot of symptom criteria here point to difficulty with romantic relationships and to some extent we could see the same thing with friends and family but usually it's not as severe as the romantic interest area so we see more disruption in romantic relationships a poor life personality sorter typically then we see with friends and family relationships the last person is order in cluster B is histrionic Personality and we don't see this disorder used very much anymore of course the disorder does exist we see it in clinical practice we don't see the term in the research much anymore it's typically associated with a fairly low level of emotional distress and individuals with this disorder if they're working in creative environments tend to do pretty well usually we would conceptualize somebody with this disorder as having a high score and they open this to a experience trait from the five-factor model so they would be imaginative they would like artistic elements they would be creative as I mentioned and engage in fantasy so with some types of work that could be a real asset with other types of work of course it wouldn't be an advantage in terms of romantic relationships infidelity is part of what we see sometimes with histrionic Personality romantic relationships would be strained a lot of times individuals with this disorder like new relationships so that's not always good of course we're maintaining long-term relationships now in terms of friends I kind of see the same thing with histrionic Personality order that I described with narcissistic a lot of times people are just going to keep their distance but that doesn't mean that an individual with this person is order couldn't form friendships or have good friends or could maintain family relationships now moving on to cluster C person is where as the first one here is avoidant personality and here we would see severe and sometimes extreme emotional distress this disorder is characterized by distress that's quite pronounced it would be worse a lot of times another picture with social anxiety disorder now social anxiety disorder I believe is distinct from avoidant personality 1 conceptualization would have avoidant person is an extreme variant of social anxiety disorder again I don't really think that's the case but I see the point that's made there and it does really allow us this way of thinking where we think of avoidant as a fairly severe personality or in terms of emotional distress now in terms of impact on work usually it does have a fairly significant impact on work similar to what we see with social anxiety disorder in terms of romance however it's mixed what I see here with avoidant personality is romantic relationships are hard to start hard to initiate but once somebody's in a romantic relationship they tend to stay no matter what now of course that's not always a good thing but it does mean that long-term relationships are actually somewhat unlikely with a wind person s order is compared to allow the other person sorters we see really the same thing with friends and family those relationships tend to be maintained now of course family relationships would start early so there wouldn't really be a difficulty starting them but friendships could be difficult to start but individuals that the sister order could maintain those relationships for a long period of time the next person is sort of cluster C is dependent person is order now a dependent person is order has a lot in common with borderline and histrionic Personality v'n though it's in a different cluster and usually the emotional distress level I think of with dependent is moderate in terms of work performance it's mixed if that dependent relationship that the individual has is stable then work can actually be something that's not too challenging but if there's a lot of changes in who that person is focusing on in terms of support I think that can affect work performance there's no other major reason work performance would be affected strictly within the symptom criteria we see with dependent personality disorder so I think definitely the possibility exists for a fairly good work experience now in terms of romance if somebody dependent person I swear is looking at the romantic partner as the object of support then I think this could be fairly difficult and if they're not looking at the romantic partner as the person is supporting them that can also be difficult so I think that romantic relationships get strained for a few different reasons but really the presence of needing that support of that set of symptoms that's really troublesome all the way around I think for romantic relationships I think for friendships it can also cause a strain and with family relationships sometimes it could be a problem dependent person is orders one of those disorders we don't see diagnosed very often and there's a wide range of presentations associated with it so we don't have a lot of information on it and there's a lot of variability now the last person is order in clusters say and the last one will be covering because it's the last one of all 10 is obsessive compulsive personality sorter probably of all the personality sweaters this has potentially the worst name although you could argue that borderline personality the name really doesn't fit either but I think one of the difficulties with OCPD is there's another disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder that has both obsessions intrusive thoughts and compulsions behaviors that address those thoughts an obsessive compulsive personality doesn't have either one but it still has the term obsessive compulsive in the name so it doesn't make a lot of sense that way now in terms of emotional distress I would say that OCPD is associated with low and maybe sometimes moderate emotional distress a lot of times the reason somebody would come in to be treated with OCPD would be because a romantic partner or a family member complained to them I said you need to go seek treatment so I don't see the emotional distress component as really pronounced with this disorder like you would see with aura line personally sorter or skits a tipple person I've sort or something like that now in terms of work performance OCPD really stands out here from the other disorders I would say usually some of this disorder would do very well in an environment where they're appreciated so if a company really appreciates somebody who's productive organized has attention to detail usually they're really going to like somebody with OCPD there's an extremely high level of productivity associated with this disorder now of course just like I mentioned with a few of the other disorders it's really about finding that right job finding that employer that appreciates that particular set of personality traits now in terms of romance I find it to be fairly limited with OCPD because so much focus is on work so work generally may be good in terms of productivity but romantic life typically suffers or is non-existent and the same thing with friends we see the same thing here with narcissistic personality where friends may keep a distance and it's really personal suitor we see that happening sometimes but also just not much of an interest in forming friendships because again everything is about work productivity there's a real intense focus element that we see with OCPD so those are the 10 personality sorter is in my impressions of four dimensions of the disorders so in terms of overall again speaking back to the original question which person is or is the worst that's impossible answer but which person is order is the most symptomatic or interferes with functioning more than others or the most it would appear that the ones that stand out would be borderline personality wouldn't personality sorter and maybe to a lesser extent narcissistic antisocial and skits a tipple but of course as I mentioned before this is really just an average so one of these disorders depending on who has this order in a manifestation of course could be the worst for that person here I'm just talking about in general what I've seen those disorders that indicate it tend to have more symptomatic profiles associated with them in terms of those that would be the least symptomatic again it's highly dependent but in general I'd say OCPD really stands out history onic dependent and schizoid really stand out so that leaves paranoid is one I didn't indicate in either category I think it's really tough to put that one either over the fence or inside the fence in terms of being symptomatic in comparison to the other disorders sometimes it can't have a fairly significant effect and sometimes it doesn't so again I talked about it as having moderate emotional distress it's really right in the middle a lot of times but either way those are my impressions in terms of the ten personal sorters what I look at as more associated with symptoms and interfering functioning and the ones that maybe don't have that same association just as is the case with all my videos I really appreciate comments on this video I know there gonna be a lot of different opinions about which personality sorter has a more symptomatic profile associated with it I'd like to see your opinions in terms of what you've seen what your experiences and maybe some points about these personalised sorters that I missed that could indicate that the profile would be less symptomatic or more symptomatic I'd be really interested in reading those comments I hope you found this description of the person s orders and symptoms and functioning to be interests thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 467,671
Rating: 4.8862729 out of 5
Keywords: worst personality disorder, ten personality disorders, 10 personality disorders, Cluster A personality disorders, odd, eccentric, Cluster B, dramatic, erratic, Cluster C, anxious, fearful, paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial, psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, OCPD
Id: A2QuDg8zSxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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