What is the Military's Plan For A Zombie Outbreak? (Reddit Ask Me Anything)

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read it ask me anything I served as a doctor with the United States Air Force I advised on large-scale disaster preparedness contingencies including a zombie attack ask me anything first-time poster so forgive me if I forget something obvious I was directed over here by the comment section of a different post during my time as a military doctor I worked on disaster preparedness which included biological outbreaks and attacks an aggression inducing illness is on that list the word zombie is never used however there exists a plan for a rabies outbreak that would be systemic and widespread to the point that military intervention would be needed we military have prepared for every eventuality that can be thought of including ones that have nearly no mathematically significant chance of happening like with a pandemic outbreak of rabies I currently work as a neuropsychologist and psychotherapist ask me anything what would you say is the most disturbing and realistic disaster you and the Yousef prepared for hands down missile bombs bombs big and small plain and simple on the whole nearly everything we do revolves around preventing other countries from flying into our airspace or into the airspace of a place we like we devote countless warehouse sized computers to scanning and watching the skies at all times we aren't just looking for nukes it's anything there isn't a geese that flies into the United States airspace without the use of knowing about it three months before the bird thinks about taking a flight and so then what happens when a bomb does land every major city has a fallout shelter nearly all double as something else a school a hospital a flea market you name it they are safe places usually in buildings that are reinforced to have underground havens that the local community can go to in the event of bombing emergency broadcast would ring out on everything device that carries a current it would instruct citizens where to go and what to do the citizens would either go to shelter or stay in their own then there would be the biggest dog fight to win them all depending on severity it could mean a few days till a few decades all of which are meticulously planned for are we supposed to know about these shelters beforehand yes public schools and churches have mostly been charged with the spreading of this information on local levels here is a great little article on shelters where to find them how to build your own and a bunch of other stuff the buildings are also clearly marked with the fallout shelter emblem it's yellow black and red and it looks like a nuclear power symbol no bigger than a handicapped parking sign why did you make this post and then disappear I'm here I am just fighting off a wave of messages and PM's and pictures and I'm pretty sure a guy just offered me a house did you take the house I did not I don't want to live in Florida he was disappeared NSA has entered the chat have anything you've seen or uncovered that is classified made you go holy duck or I knew it or how was your reaction this came up while doing some background work for a particular project involving pigeons so a while back the US government was all hung up on the idea of teaching pigeons to fly explosives to submarines as little kamikaze pilots the pigeons didn't know obviously so little bomb vest were made for the pigeons and they were taught to hone in on a ship and land then the bomb vest would blow up causing the skip to get a huge hole in it problem was the pigeons had a habit of landing on American ships too not just the German once so we scrape that plan but then someone in government was like hey what if another country did that to us but trained them to land in our cities out of that was born the plan for an invasion of bombing pigeons the plan dictates that laser acts I talked about these in another post a bit ago they are huge racks of lasers designed to shoot flying things out of the sky pinpoint precision and it can handle large volumes of flying things mosquitoes were the original targets of the racks be used to identify and target birds with explosives that for me was a holy duck moment so what's the plan for a zombie outbreak go to the Winchester have a nice cold pint and wait for all of this to blow over so for a rabies virus outbreak we use thermal equipment to quickly identify those infected but not showing signs it's a quick way to weed out anyone with an even slightly elevated body temperature we weed out who has a regular cold versus rabies we isolate those with rabies and treat if we can if the window has closed full treatment we quarantine and make comfortable until expiration there will be command points in the city to control the flow and movement of the OEL suspected ill and healthy curfews would be instated until infection was squashed expiration I know in this line of work you have to use terms like that but Wow amazing what humans are capable of the zombie angle is a joke for sure but the very real possibility of a rabies outbreak is well within the realm of possibilities so we plan for it it's far more likely that the military runs into rabies while overseas rather than here in the States but we still plan for a large-scale outbreak here in the state's bio bugs are by far the greatest threat to humanity I include humans killing other humans in that category as well ah so that's why that today I learned recently said no country has a plan for a zombie attack because they don't use the word zombie that is 100% correct what's the contingency plan for a hold of Naruto running alien freedom fighters descending on a base well after I [ __ ] my pants watching my best friend get torn into by an alien I will probably find God then open fire immediately while screaming about how I don't want to die in Florida most likely place for our alien friends to land scariest real-life possible one the absolute scariest for me because it almost happens all the time as droids an asteroid roughly 60 miles wide would completely and totally kill every single solitary living thing in existence in a fraction of a moment asteroids one mile wide would take out entire countries like that and they'd fire by earth very closely all the time it happens so frequently that NASA and the military have teamed up to come up with an Armageddon style plan when we will fly to outer space and use explosives to send the asteroids onto another projection away from Earth in fact there is one asteroid that NASA believes might not be able to pass us headed our way that's 80 miles wide it's expected to reach us very ducting soon and NASA scrambling it's been all over the news lately you may have already heard about it but these are absolutely terrifying for the simple fact that Earth is missed by them all the time so according to the users and your experience what should I do as an individual in the event of a zombie aggression inducing illness apocalypse has the military planned for rob apocalypse scenarios I'm thinking of Terminator style Skynet situations and such for any biological threat prepare invest in plastic sheeting duct tape bottled water for wks worth non-perishable foods for wks worth and medical supplies in the event of an airborne outbreak cover all the windows and doors to your home with plastic sheeting sealing the edges with the duct tape stay indoors and await the play-by-play you can also make single-use gas masks with water bottles sheeting and tape and you can make a reusable one by using some of the medical supplies you want to create a barrier to your home in person as much as possible limit contact to contaminate taking special care to protect all of your skin from direct contact to anything that may be contaminated practice blood-borne pathogens knowledge stay clean as much as possible when washing hands always wash to the elbow and for God's sake protects your eyes even simple safety glasses would go a long way to protect you from a potential pathogen of an as-yet unidentified source are there any situations where there literally isn't a contingency plan at all like literally just er abandon hope all ye who see this message type of thing know staying positive and planning we have plans for things that will wipe the world out in a moment asteroids we completely know that plan is pointless but having a plan even if it's the shittiest plan to ever exist gives people hope so we plan we plan out our plans while while planning tomorrow's plans and the reason we do that is because people are common when they are pointed in a direction and told what to expect but for a lot of these the plans are only there for their psychological benefits to the soon-to-be-dead service to the end my friend I imagine due to the popularity of the religion that there's a video in the event of the rapture that would be a fascinating one to watch aside from having a zombie video what's another funny video you're we're off the funniest for me is basically for biblical level pestilence specifically an invasion of crickets you may laugh at this idea but every few years a few places in the southern United States are overrun by crickets and it shuts those areas down they actually decimate the areas that get invaded they destroy crops homes cars electronics electricity towers and so forth they've become so thick that you can't see through their cloud making the sky dark at times but for it to happen they would have to be a massive uptake and breeding and environment sustainability enough food to go around but people would literally be walking through a blizzard of crickets so the method of dealing with this would be large laser racks designed to shoot the crickets dead it was originally invented for use in killing mosquitoes to tackle malaria but very similar technology would be used as it would be able to kill several million and just a few minutes do they have a contingency for if someone creates match a Hitler or some dictatorial equivalent while this is diving into territory outside of my particular job I advised on the medical fallout of disasters so I never got to take part in the offensive side of the air force I patched people up but I will say that the military likes to take a special interest in any dictator often snuffing out the ones they don't like before they even rise to full power if our government can get something out of the deal they will absolutely leave them in place it's a total crapshoot what if some real-life Jurassic Park [ __ ] happens this is actually a fun question so from a scientific standpoint we are a lot closer to this that you would think having a Jurassic Park I mean with CR is PR you will be able to not only bring back dinosaurs but certainly way down the road one would be able to create their own creatures from scratch but for the military most of their attention is focused on the militarization of CR is PR getting the science and exploring their own particular interests no contingencies for this particular Jurassic Park thing but there are countless plans for handling animals if in the event there were large-scale military intervention needed for an animal outbreak the animals would always be killed especially true when biological issues arise and then disposed of according to needs as it pertains to any biological baddies that might be on board so we would burn a body infected with a disease that is transmitted easily when aerosolized I would like to clarify for everyone reading this though that we are not necessarily close to creating dinosaurs in any sense just closer than we were like 30 years ago even with CRISPR we just simply don't have the technology we have not been able to obtain any samples of dinosaur DNA because they're just too old to even in perfectly preserved mammoths the DNA just begins to break down from age so we couldn't even bring back a mammoth right now let alone something millions of years older than that this biggest issue is that the extinction is incredibly hard the most well-known attempt has been with the Spanish ibex they took fresh tissue samples from the last one to die and used that DNA to clone that individual back into existence unfortunately without a Spanish ibex uterus and hormones the infant ibex died only a few minutes after birth despite being carried in a very close relative of the ibex mammals are easier than reptiles and birds to clone no eggs needed but we haven't figured out how to do cross species birth yet let alone something that's being dead for millions of years and with no fully intact DNA left what is the military's priority in a widespread outbreak would it be saving as many people as possible or protecting important assets required for the long terms of level of civilization NASA's food sources and government facilities the people are always saved first this is about to get a bit gross so apologies you save the people first because if need be they can become the resource you said in the ass credits read that the government prepares for every scenario imaginable and beyond obviously they cannot keep all of these contingency plans current I assume there are certain concerns that are a higher priority and thus are updated more frequently based on changing circumstances for example the threat of NK dropping bombs Russian cyberattacks knocking electric grids offline and Canada goose selling out off copes before Christmas a high-profile cataclysmic events that I am sure the army prepares for more than say the threat of the entire Coast Guard affecting two maderos regime and holding all US ports hostage in exchange for sanction relief and arms that being said what are some unexpected a weird scenarios that are kept more up-to-date than civilians would venture to guess I can answer this to a degree the Pentagon is constantly running future warfare scenarios that are 20 years out for example right now they are planning on fighting a war against someone or something that might exist in the year 2040 they ask the questions who could that enemy be what would the battlefield look like air-ground see space cyber etc what kinds of weapons could would they use against us and most importantly what kinds of weapons would we need to effectively counter that threat number four is the most important because that is the one that guides the budgets every year the Pentagon retires 5% of the military hardware and buys 5% of what's new therefore every 20 years you have a completely refreshed military that will hopefully be equipped to tackle the enemies we face today and tomorrow during the Cold War this was easy the enemy was Russia after the Cold War it was a duel theater conflict of Russia China but then terrorism caught us off guard and we found ourselves fighting wars in the Middle East we weren't prepared against insurgency and desert back but here we are now 20 years later and we can handle that easily but now we are establishing the Space Command because in 20 years as to the contingency plans there are contingency plans for everything no plan survives engagement with the enemy this is true but having done the prep work you have the tools and resources at hand to handle pretty much whatever gets thrown at you how much do the plans prioritizes saving the military's weapons over people sadly more than you want to know it all comes down to numbers how much damage can I do with this gun versus how much damage will be done if I lose all these people all war is when you get right down to it is a numbers game you put your resources like men and weapons up against the people you can afford to let some people die if it means the difference between you protecting thousands of others because of the advantage the weapon gives you I know it must suck to hear but not everyone will get saved and not everyone who will die will die adjust death war is epically shitty and no one wins ever so the military is prepared for a zombie outbreak well I suppose we gotta have plan for anything did you see any plans in case of a plague like the Black Plague also in you current job how is it I've thought about joining that field but wimped out it's not a zombie outbreak that has being prepared for but the rapid spread or the rabies virus infection the rabies virus is frequently mutated someway to become the zombie virus we planned very expensively for mass infections all the time the Black Plague being one of them that we have planned for the bubonic plague actually never died off people get it all the time so there is a very real threat of that coming back so typically any time there is a concern over a virus such as this infecting the masses air travel would be stopped the borders would be tightly controlled until the infection rate was contained if there was a particular area that was suffering a bad outbreak the city would be quarantined until all those infected had been treated the whole goal is to stop the spread what if a portal to help were to open up is there a plan for hell no the closest thing I can think of would be time travel what was the one show with the gate see gate no [ __ ] I can't remember the name but there is a show where the military goes through these gates that led to another gate somewhere else in a different dimension I'm probably not explaining that right but the military has a plan in the event of time travel and it's the same as every other plan contain contain contain so the suspected person would be quarantined along with any belongings and then they would be investigated in the event the claims proved true and after quite a bit of prodding and poking a delicate would be sent with the person back to their time to gather more data then on and on with a back and forth and then once a relationship is built then trade delegates freely as our federal government dictates in the moment then branch our times by cataloging technological advantages and what current day applications would be ro you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: U9pulutfTJg
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Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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