Can a Christian Live in Sin and Still Go to Heaven?

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next one can it can a true believer live in sin to the very end of their life and still go to heaven no no that it's very clearly laid out in the Bible why because God stops true believers from living a life of sin because he's put his name on them and he says you're not going to be acting when you're born into my family you cannot act any longer like you're of your father the devil and if you want to and choose to I'm going to interfere with your life to whatever level I have to interfere to make you stop so the quick answer these are all the quick answers I just wanted to give you the quick answers no a true believer cannot live in sin to the very end of their life and still go to heaven because if they live in sins the very end of their life and God doesn't intervene they weren't a true believer now you notice this is several parts for a and B and C because it's so big because what we really need to talk about really is this can a true believer true believer live in sins the very end of their life first let's look at who God says doesn't go to heaven this is what prompted this this actually started the the switchboards lit up after the first message on salvation let's go to Revelation 21:8 this was right in the middle of the throne room of the universe series and I just had everybody flip to the end and I says let's just look at at everybody that's going to be in heaven and I very lightly read this list and look look at revelation 21:8 and by the way these all these verses that I'm telling you about if you're ever going to talk to people minister to people do personal work do any biblical counseling or discipleship these are some of the key verses and the whole Bible did that you should have somehow noted and starred or something but this is what it says and and 21 is the new heaven new earth and we're in the eternal state and he starts in verse 7 he who overcomes and don't don't define overcoming by what you think it means that is a biblically defined term and it says in first John that an overcomer is equal to a born-again believer there is not there aren't super Christians and normal ones and then bad ones all Christians the Bible says anybody that's saved a lady's going to heaven is an overcomer they have overcome sin and death and hell and destruction and the grave and the power of sin it's part of salvation it's kind of like trying to pull out you know some part of your strip out some of your DNA out of every cell you can't do that it's it's part of the DNA of a believer that they're an overcomer but but he overcomes that's a born-again Christian you don't have to define it in Revelation 21:8 it's been defined all the way through first John and the beginning of Revelation so there's no new meaning here he overcomes shall inherit all things so believers inherit all things and I will be as God believers find the fulfillment of the Lord's his Emmanuel God with us and and and you will dwell in my house I mean it's just this is just reiterating everything that believers have already been told and I will be as God and he shall be my son but as many as received him to them he gave the right to become the sons of God so see this is just all what we already know but now look at verse eight look at this list of who doesn't go to heaven is that on your radar Cowardly cowardly first these are the fearful people that are in Rev Romans 1 God says I haven't given you spirit of here I we need to work on that because a lot of people live in dread fear and God doesn't like fear but the Cowardly the unbelieving the abominable murderers sexually immoral now I mentioned this morning did you know there's a danger for four decades youth speakers have told young people you're gonna struggle in college everybody does when you get to be about thirty you'll come back to the Lord and make him Lord of your life did you know those words make him Lord are not in the Bible you cannot make Jesus Lord of your life he already is if you're Christian and if he's not the Lord of your life you're not a Christian the Bible like overcomer he's already defined that in the Bible but it says the sexually immoral the Sorcerer's that's an interesting word pharmakeia has to you with drugs drugs are not new they're very old there has always been drug use tied with the occult and tied with opening the mind and and you know being in this this mentally affected trance-like hallucinatory type of behavior in fact if you ever heard of the Oracle of Delphi and and all of those they they were involved in in fact there used to be the the a volcanic chasm that had vapors coming out of it and these two in the Greek gods they would put these priestesses over that vent and allow them to to breathe in these poisonous gases kind of like putting gas in your car and stand there you know and just sniffing that as long as you can until it starts affecting your mind and then they would go into a trance and start giving prophecies the Lord says watch out for sorcery any drug induced effects on your mind and that opens your mind to the occult be careful of that idolaters what is an adulterer anybody that puts some created thing an object or or a desire on the same shelf as God that's idolatry materialism covetousness and all Liars shall have their part in the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death so I just read that and the switchboard lit up and people said are you telling me that you know my friend is not going to heaven I said no I didn't say that who wrote this God said that God says those people the the Cowardly unbelieving abominable murderers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters and all Liars will not be in heaven but they are forever going to burn and fire and brimstone which is the second death so who does God say won't go to heaven that list now real quickly let's go to Ephesians 5 and and I'm backing up through the Bible here let's I'll just show you all the lists because well no I won't show you all of them and take too long i'ma show you a few of them because there are about 19 of these lists sinless in the New Testament and I'm only going to show you a handful therefore be imitators of God Ephesians 5:1 is dear children and walk in love as Christ has loved us and gave himself as an offering a sacrifice to God a sweet-smelling about fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not even be named among you as is fitting for Saints neither filthiness nor foolish tossing talking or coarse jesting which are not fitting but rather giving of thanks and what I just said should absolutely change the lives of a lot of people if you really believe the Word of God God says you shouldn't even have a hint of all that stuff you're a saint and and don't say I'm just joking because God doesn't joke and he doesn't like that kind of coarse filthy foolish talking jesting that's not fitting if you don't know what to do say you're thankful give things you know that's what he said but now look here's the punch Ephesians 5:5 for this you know that no fornicator no one whose life is consistently and persistently characterized by fornication and fornication is any sexual activity outside of marriage mental physical consensual sporadic just you can put any you know modifier on it fornication any sexual activity outside of marriage no fornicator unclean person nor covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and got o inheritance so do you know what there's a movement now that says oh they're too kind to heaven has two sections first class and coach and in the coach are the fornicators I mean they just can't stop and the covetous they live their whole life for money their job their house their clothes you know what I mean and the first class those people that were so busy for God you know they're in the first class section but we're going but we're in the coach you say that's not funny it's not but there's a whole group that believes that and what they they they say that the inheritance is up here these are the ones that inherit the kingdom of God they are in first class they're up there getting juice and steak and we're getting peanuts in coach if you're you know if you're on Southwest I don't know if they give food away in the other ones but you know I mean the coach people are back there packed in like sardines all those fornicators and covetous people and idolaters and those people that were really under the Bible they're up there in first class with the white tablecloth eating a steak that's that's not what this is saying let no one deceive you verse six with empty words and that's very empty with empty words for because of these things the wrath of God comes in the sons of disobedience therefore don't be partakers with them okay let's look at another one look at Galatians five says the same thing Galatians five starting verse 16 this I say walk in the spirit you know not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusts against the spirit verse 17 the spear against the flesh and these are contrary and so that you don't do the things that you we wish for if you're allowed by the spirit you are not under the law now of the tone changes now the works verse 19 of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication isn't interesting every one of these lists fornications either first or second always sexual sin and we live in the most over sexually stimulated culture in history and it's getting worse and so this is very relevant adultery fornication uncleanness adultery out married outside of marriage doing something fornication involved in something without the the covenant of marriage uncleanness is thinking and talking and loving and just being just being soaked in it and there are those I mean they don't do it they just love it and they're around it and they think about it you know lewdness idolatry there's that pharmakeia word against sorcery the whole occult thing hatred contentions did you know a contentious person someone that you say something they say something else they're always one-upping you and they're never good they're very opinionated and you're not gonna let anybody that as a sin and it's it's a mark of the flesh contentions jealousies Wow outbursts of Wrath I lost my temper no you didn't you've never let go of it you've keep it selfish ambitions that's the American dream I'm gonna get as much they can I'm gonna climb over to many people's I have to if I can snooker you in a deal and make an extra ten thousand I want to laugh all the way the bank because you're so dumb and you didn't know how much that was worth and I did and I'm gonna make money you know I just bought something I laughed about I paid I told Bharti about this I paid with real money in the poor lady at the counter she she she counted it out she moved it all around she put it she couldn't count is the problem and finally she just she counted so many times she just put it all in a unit together and she said and she said an amount of money and I looked at her in in the credulity I said I said would you say she said isn't how much you gave me she started she was gonna give me change back a lot of change I said no no I gave you exactly the amount of the bill and she just it she couldn't believe that I wouldn't take I mean I would have made about 60 bucks on the deal and and did you know the Lord says that that is dishonest gain people people brag about how they they've got this and the person didn't even know how much it was worth amazing that's a part of our selfishly ambition anything for myself society dissensions heresies those are people that elevate one thing above you know a heretic is someone that takes a point of doctrine elevates it to high kind of like those Universalists did Envy murders drunkenness revelries and the like of which I tell you before as I've told you in time past that those who practice there's the key practice such things are going to be in coach there comes that interpretation again because we don't want to tell people that grace the aisles of the church that that their persistence and sin is making them look like they're unsaved and so we have to comfortably it's almost like Roman Catholics made purgatory evangelicals have made the Coache section and those you know goody two-shoes people they're always reading their Bibles and memorize and having their devotions and you know I mean they're those kind they just are all and God's stuff all the time but we're normal and we're rebel riffs and envious and jealous and fornication but we're gonna be in the coach section God says no you're not even on the bus you're not on the plane notice what it says shall not inherit the kingdom of God it says in the Bible that when we're born again we become co-heirs with Christ that's what it means to be inheriting the kingdom of God so the people in coach are not joined to Christ and I could do the same thing for 1st Corinthians 6 you can read it yourself Romans 1 you can read it for yourself so can a true believer live and send the very end of his life first of all who's a true believer these people aren't 2nd in the church and and will probably only be able to do this let's look at one of the most famous verses 2nd Corinthians 13:5 second Corinthians 13:5 you ever heard this first examine yourself whether you're in the faith it had a beautiful verse 2nd Corinthians 13:5 this is an amazing verse why would Paul write that verse well remember I told you this morning about how you don't understand John 9 1 through 7 if you don't read John 8:59 they were picking stones up to cast him at Jesus and he slipped away and as he's slipping away he's cutting through the pools of Bethesda and he sees a man that's been there that is that is blind and Jesus stops and they're chasing him with stones and that was remarkable do you know what the context of this look what this says in verse 5 examine yourself as to whether you are in the faith whether you're in the first class the people going to heaven you should check your ticket you should see if you're saved don't let anybody tell you you are you should examine yourself in fact that word examine is a very interesting word it's kind of like you ever watch a Western you know where where they pay in gold and the guy takes the coin he says thanks and goes what what's he doing it's that same word he's examining the coin to see if it's soft as gold is if his teeth sink in to the metal teeth don't sink into very many metals and if you can bite that coin you have a good idea that it's really gold and when he says is bite into your faith to see if you really save and then he says test yourselves you know do remember the banks had to go through the stress test believer is supposed to go through this little test do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you are disqualified it's very interesting what's the context of that verse to examine yourself whether you're really saved well back up to send Corinthians 12 verse 20 if we took out all these chapter divisions people would understand a lot more about the Bible because we read segmental II you know unconnected ly look what it says in verse 24 I fear I mean it's just an inch above for I fear lest when I come I shall not find you as I wish that you shall be found such as you do not wish lest there be contentions and jealousies and outbursts of Wrath and selfish ambitions and backbiting and whisperings and conceits and tumult lest when I come my god will humble me among you and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lewdness the Corinthian church was doing all those things you know what Paul said just because you're in this house Church that I started and by the way there's not a house in Corinth they've excavated the whole place there's not a house in Corinth that could hold more than a hundred people so think Paul spent 18 months pastoring a church that's the size of 90 plus percent of all churches in America they're all 90 percent of all churches are under 100 and that's the size church Paul pastored for 18 months and those people in that church with all the the wickedness I mean if you ever go to the land of the book and go to Corinth you you see the gymnasium which is central because they did the pianist minion games in Corinth so you're standing in the gymnasium which means a place where you do sports with no clothes on and as you're standing there you're looking at the acro corinthis which is the highest sport spot in the town it's a mountain top and there was the temple to the goddess of lust and between those two is where the leather makers were there's Paul's where Paul would disciple people so he disciple people walked by the naked gym place looking up at the prostitute place I mean and then if you walk around the streets I mean whenever I take tours you know it's embarrassing what they carved in the streets they carved what politely are called phallic symbols and they had one for everything you were into homosexuality you'd follow that one you're into heterosexuality you'd follow that one if you're into bestiality lesbianism you just followed the marks on the road they're still there they're carved in the pavement and you know what Paul says he says you all you all need to examine yourself whether you're saved Paul said that he didn't say off I saw you raise your hand don't worry you're in you prayed good no he says bite into it see if it's real because it doesn't look like it's real if you have outbursts of anger and jealousy and contentions verse 20 and selfish ambitions and backbiting and if you have uncleanness and fornication and lewdness in your life examine yourself if you're in the faith now real quickly next time this is fascinating that's why I don't want to rush through it I think most people don't even know the biblical doctrine of chastening you know it says in Hebrews 12 fascinating passage if you have an old King James there's a swear word in there you know it says it says if you say you're a Christian and you're living in sin like any of those lists and nothing is happening then God isn't your father you are illegitimate and it uses a swear word you know what that means God says that God will chasten everybody who's a believer if they remain Unchained they prove they are illegitimate and have never been born again children of God that answers the question for people that say I have this friend and we were in youth group together in middle school and now I mean they've become a you know an agnostic and atheist in a lesbian and and they're a drug addict and they're an alcoholic and they deny God what you asked is is the Lord chastening them if he never does they're illegitimate and we'll we'll study the doctrine of chastening Lord willing next time it's 7:15 we've got to go we've got a clear of the building so let's all stand because the ceiling falls at you know if we go over time so so what I'd like to encourage you is you oughtta write some of these down you know if you don't have a plan for your devotions this this week you ought to read Hebrews 12 it's one of the most encouraging passages in the Bible you know it ends with in verse 20 for those who are registered in heaven the only people go to heaven have reservations they're registered it's wonderful minutes on can a true believer live in sin every one of these words is important live in sin doesn't mean sin doesn't mean stumble fall live that's what the Bible calls a liar you didn't some of that lies it's someone that that I mean we've had people in public arena it's like do they ever tell the truth I mean there's a book written the day America you know tells the truth the whole country would stop it's just do not do you at a moment when you're challenged not fully explain something the way you should and when you look back you wish you would have said it better or in an embarrassing moment say something that it isn't true and you say Lord I was wrong please forgive me I'm talking about someone that just manipulates and has no regard for truth they live in sin but can they do that to the very end of their life and still go to heaven and the question is answered no God stops true believers from a life of sin so let's let's look at this whip first haptic I'm not Dan what am I doing wrong Dan doesn't like me maybe the board is sinning let me try this there we go it likes the keyboard first and and I would cover this again whom does God say won't go to heaven you can look at the sinless and these are only a few there are about 19 of them in the New Testament these are just some major ones revelation 20 if he's in five Galatians five first million six and Romans one we talked about that a lot last week secondly in the church what was the context of 2nd thien's 13 fives examine yourself whether you're in the faith or whether you're safe and the context is in in chapter 12 where it says some of you and he lists off all of the sins of the Saints but what he's saying is Saints can commit those sins but if they never repent and forsake them you should examine yourself whether you're saved so that's that was what we covered last week then last week we also looked at this but we're going to begin here and I want you to turn with me to Hebrews chapter 12 and for the context of chastisement the biblical doctrine of chastisement is alluded to it's kind of like shepherd and sheep John 10 is the motherlode of that chastisement the the most complete treatment is right here in Hebrews 12 but but the third element is this always remember in the context of can you live two sins to the very end of your life always remember that if they are a believer see this one of the tests of salvation you know there are many ways we can be assured that we're a believer one is calling on the name of the Lord you know whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved it's not like there's some secret info you know incantation it's just calling out to the Lord that's why a child can be saved that's why someone who knows very little about the gospel can be saved because it is not whether they exactly intone the right sequence of words it's whether they make connection with the Lord because he's the one that faints but how how are you assured that that you're a believer here's one assurance that your believer and it's this if you're a believer and if you have sin that is persisting in your life God will chasten you or else or else what or else you're not a believer you understand I don't have to prove that I'm a believer if I'm a believer God will bear witness with that I don't have to it's not like I have to manufacture evidence it's the fruit of the Holy Spirit he's the one that that manufactures the evidence he bears energizes prompts causes quickens our lives to demonstrate that but what am i mean by that well let's let's just read Hebrews chapter 12 and starting I mean I I started in in verse 3 I love 1 and 2 but so to use so you already know the context there of our whole you know looking under jesus race but look at verse 3 for consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against himself lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls you have not yet resisted the blood shed this is alluding to you know the whole Luke 22 Jesus crying out in the garden and sweating as we're great drops of blood you haven't done that the writer of Hebrews says striving against sin you haven't had your blood vessels burst and and and sweat blood like Jesus did from the crushing load of the sin of the world verse 5 excuse me you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as sons now here comes the chastening if and this is what we're looking at if they if if a person that claims to be a Christian remains unchanged now by the church this is not Church chastening the context here is God chastening if they remain unshaken they prove that they are illegitimate that's the term God uses and an illegitimate person is a never born again child of God in other words they claim to be a child of God they were never born again Matthew 7 says they say Lord Lord that they don't do what he says Luke chapter 6 says they claim but they do not they don't have the transformed life so let's read it verse 5 you've forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as sons my son do not despise the chastening of the Lord nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by him for whom the Lord loves he chastens and and look at the end of verse 6 and scourge is every son whom he receives scourge is who else with skirts Christ scourging us very negative scourging was I mean they a lot of men a lot of people not just men never made it to the cross because the scourging killed him scourging is a very negative it's a very I mean this is not you know I remember when I used to be at moralia elementary school mrs. Ralia the the principal of the school this is elementary she was only about this high but she carried a very big ruler I mean she always was wrapping us on and I'm glad they made all those laws do not beat kids you know because it was kids like me that got beaten a lot you know in school but but I never got skirts I got hit with a ruler this is serious but look what it says for whom the Lord loves he chastens and the parallelism this is from Proverbs and scourge as every son whom he receives Jesus takes us just like we are and loves us but he won't let us stay like we are we've been bought at a price he's given us a new heart a new spirit he's putting his he's put his spirit within us to cause us to keep Commandments and if we resist refuse and disobey him and begin acting like an unbeliever because he loves us he will scourge every son he receives now look at verse 7 if you endure chastening God deals with you as with sons for what son is there whom a father does not chase him now he's talking about humans he's talking about I mean any father that loves his child will chasten them there will be a consequence for wrong behavior to train them into the way that is right but now look at the next verse verse 8 but if you now he's going back from human father's to spiritual relationship with God verse 8 but if you are without chastening of which all this is one of those Universal verses every believer gets chastened this verse says if you don't get chastened then you are illegitimate and are not a child of God it's a very sobering passage of Scripture especially for the 21st century church that that is so conformed to the world you know it's James McDonald the famous pastor from Chicago said he says the seeker movement has sown tares in all churches very insightful and and what's happening is that it's hard for believers to know who's a believer because everybody is is being compressed I'm not talking about here I'm talking about if you look at the church the modern church the the the visible Church it's just like you can't tell who's the wheat who's the tares but the Lord can tell and look what he does in verse eight he chastens everyone that's really his and so that's why you can go right down the line in the church and there's one person that is being chastened for their sin and the next one has not a care in the world now I've told you the story I just lightly repeat it because this issue flamed to national prominence in the late 70s and early 80s when a teacher was speaking at a major seminary and a delivered address on the content of of Matthew 7 and the president at university was taken this teacher back to the airport and they were talking about his message on the way to the airport and they went by a Walmart sized liquor store and the Bible teacher says wow there's a lot of people whose lives are destroyed by that place and the president school said yeah one of the elders in our church owns that chain and the Bible teacher said an elder at your Bible Church owns the liquor barn and he said yeah it's bothered us a little bit but the fact that he just left his 55 year old wife for a 25 year old woman whom he is living with bothers us more and the Bible teacher said is he a believer and the president said pray to prayer if you prayed the prayer you're saved and that inflamed what is called nationally the lordship controversy because of verses like this if they remain living with the 25 year old woman selling as much alcohol as they can sell and living like a lost person and there's no interdiction no chastisement no stopping them in their tracks the writer of Hebrews says you should legitimately question their legitimacy and consider confronting them with have they possibly never been born again because that's what it says so keep reading furthermore we've we've had human fathers who corrected us and we paid them respect verse 9 of Hebrews 12 shall we not much more revelry now listen to this be in subjection to the father of spirits and live the heavy-duty saying this is this is a a restatement of what Jesus said in Matthew that they call me Lord Lord but they don't do what I tell them to do if you are in subjection to the father of spirits that's another name and title for God the Father he's a father of spirits he's he's the God over the spirit world he is the Creator God all-powerful if you submit to him you'll live if you don't submit to him you're probably illegitimate keep reading verse 10 for they indeed for a few day do you notice how he bounces back and forth the writer of Hebrews between human parents and divine parenting they indeed that's that's your dad your earthly dad for a few days chastened us as it seemed best to them now we're talking about God but he for our profit that we may be partakers of his holiness verse 11 now no chastening seems to be joyful at the present but painful nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been changed trained by it therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble needs and make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be dislocated but rather healed what it's saying is that chastening is to is to get us it's almost like you know when you're driving down the road they have those rumble strips so that you know they even have one in the middle so that you know if you're going across either going off the road or you're going across the middle line because you're sleepy mm-hmm it's the rumble strip it's too it's too jar you and that's what he's saying here chastening is to jar us so that that we can yield the peaceable fruit verse 11 of righteousness to those who have been trained by it it's it's chastening is to to help us realize that God will not be mine and and if we so the flesh will reap corruption therefore he goes on to verse 14 pursue peace with all people the people is a towel sighs pursue peace with all and holiness now listen to verse 14 without which no one will see the Lord now I told you last week that what this has done is this concept of right here what I just said this is the crux the heart of the lordship controversy and what has happened is I told you before those who do not like this verse they have the two they have the first-class car go into heaven and coach and what they say is that right there follow after holiness without which no one will see the Lord this is the same thing as it says in in you know in Matthew five blessed are the pure in heart that they'll see God well the impure in heart won't they'll be so far away from the throne there in the coach section and they are just not really I mean it's like sitting in the nosebleed section of the concert you know you don't get as good a seat but you're still there is that what this says that's not what this says it says follow after holiness if you are not holy as God who regenerates us makes us then you won't see God it's a very sobering verse it doesn't mean coach nosebleed section looking carefully now he's going to illustrate it the writer of Hebrews uses many the writer of Hebrews is massively drawing on the Old Testament Scriptures to illustrate it remember I told you that the Old Testament is like to picture the illustrations of New Testament doctrines and the writer of Hebrews is using Old Testament events and people to illustrate doctrines that he goes into one right now looking carefully unless anyone falls short of the grace of God fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble there's so much truth here bitterness is like crabgrass it's like it's like it has it's like cancer that that goes into other organs bitterness starts in one place but doesn't stop it just it starts spreading out beware lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled now we get to the point verse sixteen lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau did you know if we didn't have that verse Esau is presenting the Old Testament kind of like a California athlete you know dark suntan I mean all American outdoorsman and then there's this man be Pam be weak pale mama's boy who likes to cook you know and wear clothes with mama in the tent Jacob I mean if you read the Bible Esau looks like the hero I mean he's out hunting he's he's a man's man he's tough and macho and and everything else but you know how God who looks beyond the exterior God doesn't look at the outside God looks at the heart you know what God says the Esau problem was he was a fornicator he could not stop feeding his lusts of the flesh that does not come out in Genesis 25 onward from his birth he saws birth universi fornication that that is just amazingly absent from the story God's isn't he's a fornicator and he's profane he went through the motions and you know it acted like he was the son of Jacob and the God of Jacob but he was profane he just he wasn't reverently in awe of God in any way when he met Jacob and and had that exchange that I forgive you you're great it it was only because God was preventing him from harming Jacobs he was profane and and look what it says who for one morsel of food so his birthright he didn't think that that the blessing of God was worth more than a bowl of lentil stew for you know that afterward when he wanted to inherit blessing he was rejected now look at this for he found no place for repentance and we're gonna see when we end this in a few moments that the gospel message that Jesus proclaimed to the apostles and then reinstituted to the Apostle Paul and Paul at the end of his ministry reiterates in acts 20:6 always involves repentance do you know what the first best-selling modern Study Bible says the Ryrie Study Bible do you know what it says in their repentance an unbiblical addition to salvation unbiblical dr. Ryer II I mean I could even say he's my friend I've lectured opposite him but that's wrong I mean that's one error in the Ryrie Study Bible probably the only one it's not unbiblical and it's not an addition it's biblical and it's the basis for salvation that repentance and faith should be preached among the Gentiles it's not even for Jew the Jews but we'll get to that later so look what happens he couldn't repent though he sought it diligently with tears Wow Esau came to the point where he says no I can't make it without God's whoa go don't leave me but it was too late that's another doctrine the Hebrews talks about that while you hear the Lord's voice don't harden your heart because there'll be a time when you can't change you can't repent and you saw hit that and then I mean I'll finish this is one of the most I mean remember I told you every chapter is my favorite this I mean look at what this says for you have not come to the mountain that can't be touched that burned with fire he's talking about you know the whole ten commandments scene and Mount Sinai and the blackness and darkness and Tempest verse 19 the sound of a trumpet the voice of words and those who heard it begged that the word should not be spoken them any more for they couldn't endure them he's going back to Exodus 20 but look at verse 22 but you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven Wow and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect by the way that were made perfect right there at the end of verse 23 is the word jesus said from the cross when when in English we we translate it it is what finished it's same word to the spirits of just men made perfect to tell us died that the price has been paid in full that their sins are absolutely under the the justifying death of Christ and then verse 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant to a blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel all that to say remember if a person says their believer and they're living in sin God will chasten them or else or else what or else they're legitimate and that's what the Bible says and had a little conversation after morning service with someone and they said did I hear you correctly did you say you know did you tell me that I shouldn't eat with one of my relatives that's living in fornication I says oh no no you didn't hear me correctly I didn't say that and they were just big bowed and they smiled this is oh great I thought you did I said no God did and I popped out and showed him and they look down and they looked at it again and he said it really does say that doesn't it he said yeah you don't hear that very often do you they said no you don't it's not popular okay fourth as a deterrent now this now we're getting into heavy-duty stuff now someone stopped me at the funeral part of what made me get cold yesterday as they talked to me outside in the cold weather at blowing and everything and they says why didn't you ever teach us on Sunday morning I said are you kidding they'd get upset I said why don't you teach then Sunday morning when they shoot you then I can still speak you know but but let me just read this for you as a other believers are not to treat sinning believers as if everything is okay do you know what is causing the powerlessness of the 21st century church born-again spirit-filled loving the Lord believers see a brother or sister in Christ that is consciously actively aggressively sinning and they just act like everything's okay see how you doing good praying for you see yeah that that is dangerous where we we feel that's none of our business if they're really saved it's our business they are our relative would you would you have a relative that had this cancerous growth just growing out of the side of their head and they didn't have a mirror at home they didn't even was there and you just says hello you look great today and didn't tell them that's not love sin is worse than cancer cancer can only hurt your mortality and your your physical life sin sin it is dangerous okay Matthew 18 17 let's just turn to these real quickly and I want you to read them we had a major discussion about this on staff because I believe it's very important that that people know that God is serious about the if you claim to be a Christian their rules you're supposed to operate under and and and there are boundaries in your life it's not you can do whatever you want it's all forgiven look what Jesus says in Matthew 18 17 the churches to treat an unrepentant believer like they are a heathen and tax collector what would that mean well let me tell you this this is what it means from church history you want to know how the people that heard this right from the horse's mouth as it were they heard it right from the Apostles they heard it right from those that had known Jesus and walked with him do you know what the early church universally the early church I'm talking about the first century sec century church they did not allow any unsaved person into the celebration of communion it was a closed service communion was so sacred that worship of the risen Christ who gave his blood as the atoning sacrifice for our sins no unsaved people were allowed in in fact during the persecution of the Neronian and onward all the way through people were not allowed to come to communion till they'd been a Christian for a long enough time they could tell they weren't gonna quit because when the Roman soldiers came looking for Christians people a lot of times says I'm not one I deny it I ow I'll worship damper don't kill me and those were called lapses there's the the whole lapse arian you know there's these people that lapsed from the the faith and then they were brought back into the church and so what they did is they said we're gonna watch you for a few months to see whether or not you are really a believer so the early church when they saw unrepentant believers they said you're not welcome at communion at the at the most sacred worship service of all where we celebrate the one how often did they celebrate it next to they went from house to house daily breaking bread and they said you're not welcome so that's Matthew 18 17 look what it says and if he refuses to hear them by the way this is the the fourth step church discipline is basically this way if if you see a friend of yours and Christ doing something wrong you go to them say you shouldn't do that or if they sin against you you say I admonish you I confront you I rebuke you shouldn't do that and if they go I'm sorry I repent of that you're supposed to forgive them up to seventy times seven I mean if they keep doing it all day long and they keep saying I'm sorry you just keep forgiving them but if they say no I don't care I'm going to keep doing it then look look what it says verse fifteen is you go tell him alone and if he hears you you've gained your brother but verse 16 if he won't hear you if he says bug off you know take with you two or three more that by the mouth of two or three witnesses now you go and confront them about their sin that they're you know lying or cheating or stealing or you know unreconciled allure embittered or living in sin or adultery or fornication or something and something happens between verse 16 and 17 a lot of people don't realize what you do is after this group goes and and preferably an elder be involved so that they can confirm that for the church if that person persists in pursuing an unbiblical divorce that's a and there's no biblical reason for them to divorce their believing husband or wife and they just are plowing along and you hear about it you go to them and you say don't do that and they say bug off leave me alone it's my own life you have no idea and I'm just going to do it then what you're supposed to do is look at verse 17 and if he refuses to hear the church if you refuse to hear them tell it to the church and if he refuses even to hear the church do you know what the the biggest step of church discipline is you announced to the church that so-and-so's pursuing an unbiblical divorce if you know them and love them you ought to talk to them y'all say you know what you shouldn't be doing that that disobeys the Word of God that dishonor the Lord that displeases him it you're gonna have you think divorce solves your problem that multiplies them it's kind of like smashing a light bulb you're going to step on broken glass the rest of your life don't do it and if they refuse to hear them look what it says this is the putting out of the church we call this in church history excommunication ex communion table you're not a communicant you can't come to the Lord's table you're you're refused you are not allowed you're kept out you are not welcomed excommunication look what it says in verse 17 if you refuses even to hear the church who goes after them who prays who lovingly says don't or her whoever it is say repent and if they refuse let them be to you like a heathen and a tax collector what is that they're unwelcomed at communion and at the worship of God so that's Matthew 19:17 look at Romans 16:17 this is very very much in the fabric to the church this is why the early church was empowered to do such great things because they were serious about sin they hated it and look at at chapter 16 the last chapter of Romans 4:17 now I urge you brethren note those who cause divisions and offenses contrary the doctrine which you've learned avoid them avoid Christians yeah if they're divisive if they're people they're always divided they're always saying did you hear this did you know that you know have you heard this why are you yeah they're just they're kind of like bearers of gossip basically because they have no idea of the context but they are divisive in fact it's it's it's very interesting the word heresies hi reto means to lift up and there's some people that I mean doctrine is doctrine but some people they have their pet doctrine they hold it up and they divide with everyone over that one I mean they are not holding every doctrine up they just leave them all laying there but boy are they onto this one and they just harp on that that's what heresy is it's to lift something too high as in I told you the the Universalists take the sovereignty of Christ sovereign power and his love and and and they say that if such a loving powerful God could die on the cross certainly he will not allow anybody to go to hell that that's the Calvinistic roots of universalism that sprang out in Prague in in the sixteenth century because of elevating one doctrine disproportionately out of congruence with all the others well anybody that's doing that of any kind note those who cause divisions 417 and offenses contrary the doctrine you've learned and avoid them you separate from the devices for those who are such don't serve our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly ins by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple so if they're living contrary to doctrine and dividing people and cause sowing division of avoid them avoid them and like remember in football you learn to keep that stiff arm and you didn't you you didn't let them deter you avoid them now look at first minions five I mean this is certainly not the normal pathway we go in church is it I mean but this is what was was underneath this is part of the operating system that kind of like the the cleansing system of the early church and so Paul this is the classic chapter first Corinthians 5 it is actually reported there is sexual immorality among you in the church such sexual immorality verse 1 is not even named among Gentiles that a man has his father's wife and you are puffed up you notice that puffed up it's it's back in chapter 4 verse 19 it's back in chapter 4 verse 18 it's back in chapter 4 verse 6 this puffed up thing was that they were just heady with their spirituality and with their knowledge and everything else he says and you're puffed up and you should rather have mourned that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you the illustration I use for the staff is and and I think I've told you this before and it it's terrible illustration but when Bonnie and I were newlyweds we were so poor that I who paid the bills didn't want to ever use a diaper that wasn't really used because diapers cost too much and so when we would detect a diaper need to be changed but I say could you go help me and change so and so I so just a minute and I would you know pulled the back of the diaper to check and make sure it was really used you know and sometimes it was overused and my checking finger was defiled by by the usage and so that is exactly the picture of a Christian who's living in sin they have defiled themselves and what are we supposed to do cut the finger off that's what a lot of people think Church this one is just cut it off or others say no let them serve the food at the church supper with that on them and they'll just defile everybody see we both are wrong what you do is you hold you hold the defiled part away from you you you keep it so it doesn't bother anything else and isolate it until it can be cleansed that's the whole process that you see right here of church discipline what he has done might be taken away from among you for indeed I'm absent body verse three and I've jaw already judged as if I was present with him here's what you're supposed to do in verse four and this is the whole church discipline Matthew 18 this you see a narrative of how it runs and it was a big case I mean it was bad case but it's a clear pathway in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ this is verse 4 when you're gathered together along with my spirit and the power of our Lord Jesus Christ deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that his spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ you see when they got out of the communion table I'm talking about you know the table that's usually do this and remembrance of me when they got away from being a part of the body of Christ celebrating the the memorial of what he did there was an element of their protection from the evil one see that's what it's saying here that that they are open to the destroying power of the devil because God makes them a target because their sin and allows Satan access to look what it says for the destruction of their flesh in other words they're their bodies they're their physical part that their spirit the non material part maybe saving the day of the Lord but your glorying is not good verse six don't you know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump you allow that person to own the liquor barn to leave their wife of 30 years and to move in and live with a 25 year old and just say well you know don't know why he's doing that and you let him merrily go along look what it does it leavens the whole lump what are we supposed to do verse 7 purge out the old leaven that you may be a new lump since you are truly are unleavened four indeed Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us therefore keep the feast he's talking about now Communion and and keep the feast not with old leaven that's why we're supposed to always examine our hearts and not partake of the Lord's Supper first Corinthians 11:23 onward in an unworthy way dough partake with the old leaven not with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth now here's the kicker look at verse 9 I wrote to you my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or idolaters since you would need to go out of the world here's the verse I showed in the lobby to this lady said you didn't say what I thought you said and I said no I didn't say it verse 11 now I've written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother aka someone who claims to be a Christian a brother-sister brother or sister in Christ born again person claims to be saved don't keep company with someone who says they're a Christian who is living with their girlfriend in the dorm living with this woman because it's too expensive to pay taxes as a married couple so they keep their single status but they they you know love each other and they're they're loyal to each other you know or whatever form of sexual immorality they're involved in you know they're they're in a monogamous homosexual relationship you know what what are you saying no God defines morality if they are sexually immoral don't keep company with them or a covetous person they live for money or an idolaters someone who's elevated something in their life above God or equal with God or vile or someone who just is always you know speaking against the things of God or a drunkard or an extortioner now look at the end of verse 11 no not even to eat with such a person Wow so it says in 1st Corinthians 11 deliver them to Satan purge out the old leaven don't company with them and don't even eat with them and then second Thessalonians 3 you can read it yourself it says do all this but admonish them as a brother you go to them and say in the name of Jesus our Savior you should repent and I love you so much I'm not gonna even eat a meal with you because Jesus told me not to but I am admonishing you as a brother to repent of that sin in the instant you do I'll rejoice with you but until you do I'm going to avoid you did you know that's how the New Testament church had purity had the seal had boldness and had the spirit's power flowing through them and the world says oh how they love one another and they're doing this yeah whom the Lord loves he chastens
Channel: DTBM
Views: 277,260
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, believer, Christian, sin, Heaven, salvation, death, dead, the, end, life, live, bad, imoral, lie, truth, deadly, christian, good, fake, not, real, john, barnett, sermon, bible, verses, biblical, dr, teach, teaching, sermons, holy, savior, christ, unreal, lies, false, sinful, sinning, evil, doings, wrong, hard, heaven, family, forgive, foragave, god, discover the book, dr john
Id: csrMDKeKQPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 56sec (3776 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2015
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