What is Renewed Mind? Pastor Bill Johnson (Bethel Church)

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Oh well it's going to be a pretty important year I think the Lord is doing so much in us you know at Bethel here in Redding and things are constantly shifting and changing and I I know it's always from glory to glory he's he's it just takes us deeper he he really thinks that you live by dying you don't live by working harder at living he the way he thinks is just is just completely different and for those of you that have been in Redding know we've been I've just taken out another fresh look at another run at the transform mind the renewed mind and it's a it's a it's a huge theme for us has been a huge theme of mine for a number of years and and have a you know a book accordingly but I I feel like I could write part two because there's so much that the Lord is opening opening up and what I want to do in this in this in second year this year is a large you want to go after the issue of the renewed mind and I I'm not gonna say I'm gonna do that every every week and every time I'm in here but but it's just it's so much on my mind that it's it's going to be on yours since they force-feed you but you will you will think about it the renewed mind if I can just maybe review a few things that that hopefully we are all current on and in the way we think the way we approach the renewed mind the renewed mind is I believe is the best tool to display the miraculous it's the best vehicle through which the um of the kingdom which it miracle signs wonders and many other areas are best displayed through the renewed mind and where I get that is a Romans 12 verse 2 where it says don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is good acceptable and perfect you may prove the will of God which is good acceptable and perfect in fact you probably should open it up in your Bibles so that if you see it in here it might help it to stick a little better Romans 12 verse 2 how many of you were not here Sunday you weren't here you weren't here yes okay okay Romans 12:2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of God the will of God is pretty clear I think in Scripture Jesus is the will of God he manifested the will of God everywhere he went the will of God is not separate from the person of God when Jesus revealed the will of God he manifested the Father Jesus came to manifest the Father to an orphaned planet he came to reunite people with the father most of the social ills in this world exists because of the absence of true Father's and not being gender specific there it's it's the this the realm of parenthood that is even where it exists sometimes it's sorely lacking in other words there are there are fatherless children who have fathers and this scripture says that the renewed mind can prove the will of God the will of God is clearest most clearly defined in what we refer to as the Lord or that kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven what is the will of God on earth as it is in heaven so when we see disease leave somebody's body it's because that body just got contacted with heaven the reality of that world was superimposed over that person until their body lined up with a will of God that exists already in heaven it's the renewed mind that proves that now the way I've taught it for years that I don't apologize for because I believe it's the outcome but when I when I have taught this for years I've emphasized the fact that the renewed mind can prove or demonstrate manifest the will of God and that is true that's the absolute out is that the the renewed mind is able to manifest a little God now you'll see the will of God let's just say healing or deliverance any of the miracle signs any of them multiplying food whatever the the miracle realm you can see through a gift of faith there are just times where I'm in a situation and that gift of faith comes upon me I wish it came on me more than it does but when it does I'm very happy but but but I realized something's going on but if I stop and look at it I'm afraid it's gonna evaporate you know it's just gonna disappear because it doesn't faith doesn't like attention if you have time to stock stop and talk about your great faith you probably don't have it because faith does not attract attention to itself faith is actually manifested in the context of love in fact it says the faith works through love love is does not attract attention to itself so biblical faith serves a purpose and will always point that purpose unto the source of faith which has got himself now so I've taught for years that the renewed mind can display the will of God and I believe that that's absolutely the outcome but that's not what the word means in Romans 12 I believe it's the outcome but it's not the literal word approve or to prove the little God in Romans 12 where it says your mind would be transformed you'd be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good acceptable perfect will have gone the word proof that actually means to approve that you would approve now the outcome is that you demonstrate manifest but think about this why would the Lord want you to have to approve his will approve this word means to actually it means to evaluate thoroughly and to prove that it's genuine so let's say that let's say that someone in this room has a horrible disease and you have you have two friends that call you now in the morning and both of them are both very proven in their love for God they're very passionate and will not forgot they're both equally devoted to the people of God to the body of Christ they both have impeccable character and they both call you and they each have had a dream that night and the first one calls and says I had a dream last night and the Lord Jesus stood before me in this dream and he told me that this this illness that is on you is allowed for a season because he's going to use this illness to bring your family to Christ and then when these family members come to Christ he will heal you and then your second friend calls and said I had a dream last night and the Lord came before me in this dream and he told me that he has heard your cry and and I saw you in the midst of a time of worship on a Sunday morning and nobody prayed for you but just this presence this anointing came upon you and and you were healed and delivered of that disease and I saw on the calendar that it was such-and-such a date well you've got two pieces of art and you've got the masterpiece of all masterpieces right here and you now have to hold up these two pieces of art and exams it's why you want to become thoroughly familiar with the work of Jesus in the Gospels how he dealt with stuff he worked with people what was it that stirred up passion in him what was he resistant against what did he fight against what did he so celebrate what was he so excited over what were his straw like what were the colors that he used and you take these two dreams and you put them against the multiple revelations that are contained in Scripture of this Jesus and the Lord is actually going to call an assign to be one to examine various pieces of art to see which ones were actually painted by him and so you get that word you get that dream and you hold the first one up and and it says that Jesus actually allowed this dream this sickness to come upon you for ment family members to be converted and you hold that up against the fact that Jesus never allowed any sickness he never turned anybody away and this isn't the speak little of the person who called you because it took a lot of courage for them to call you and to submit the dream it's not to question their spirituality it's just you have a responsibility love each person that tries to minister to you you know I've had people read to me out of Ezekiel that I was the you know the shepherd that was fleecing the sheep and God's judgment was on me and and and I let them finish and then I express my love and wash their feet because you you don't want to you don't want to react against the person or other factors involved that we always don't we don't always see we don't always understand and that person was trembling and shaking as they shared this word because they felt they heard from the Lord it took a lot of courage so what are you gonna honor a person for I'm gonna thank them for the courage that it took for them to speak such a difficult situation but then of them the honesty of a response so now you've got a dream that said the Lord allowed a sickness and yet there's no place where he did there's no place where anybody came to him with a disease and he said this is for a purpose come to me in six months and I'll heal you they are you catching the picture now it's here's the deal though he says it's the renewed mind that approves now why would the Lord want you and me to be those who would put our stamp of approval on anything that he did because the Bible says the heavens were made for him but the earth was made for men he's called us into a cola burring partnership relationship he doesn't need any of us I've heard people talk about God's need for people no he was quite happy by himself his father son Holy Spirit they've had a good time and who knows how long the the four living creatures have been hanging around and everything else that he made up there that he made long before he made any of us yeah I don't buy an effect that he needed us but he just he loves us he loves he loves he loves the nature of love is to give and so by nature he creates so that he can give because he's loved it's just the way he is and so here in this this privilege to approve the will of God it actually means I've been called into a posture position to examine what's going on before me because I'm supposed to put a stamp of approval on certain things and not put my stamp on other things now only the renewed mind is capable of doing that anyone can read this book and come to certain logical conclusions about principles and this and that and not have a renewed mind at all they could still recognize certain spiritual values the value of Prayer the value of worship the value of discipline the value of accountability you can get all that without God even shows speaking to you now these things are essential was the renewed mind is much bigger than that the renewed mind actually thinks quality is more important than quantity it's just the way the renewed mind thinks that's why God would celebrate and mustardseed side of faith is because it was as small as it was it was all faith it wasn't mixture it wasn't mixed with anything else it was all faith and the smallest measure of anything in the kingdom is bigger than the biggest opposition to the kingdom it's it's the way that Kingdom works it's it's a it's it's what made the boys lunge capable of feeding a multitude a picture this a boy's lunch is only going to feed the boy but when Jesus took it see this is what a renewed mind can do when Jesus took it he gave thanks for it first of all and then it says he blessed it which meant what did he do he just transferred something from the natural kingdom he transferred it and put it into the kingdom of God now in the atmosphere of the kingdom of God it's no longer just a boy's lunch it's now it's anything that we need it to be if you're anything like me you still get missed messed up by sizes the size of a problem the small amount of whatever it is that we need to take care of it the size of a bill the small amount of cash in my pocket all those things still have impact on us but they're not Kingdom they're not they're not Kingdom that does not give us license till if carelessly it's quite the opposite but what it means is is that we live according to a different standard of a different lifestyle and it means that it means that we learn the power of blessing that when I bless something I just I just transferred it from one kingdom to another when when it's a boys lunch it is it is in a natural Kingdom the natural Kingdom says that two little fish and a piece of bread feeds a child that's the natural Kingdom and it's is regulated by the laws of the kingdom but whenever you transfer something to a different Kingdom it is now run by the laws of that Kingdom and that's that's what we've gotta learn I've gotta learn the ways of the Holy Spirit the boundaries the nature the principles of this kingdom that we that we are part of for example if you have a let's say that you're a jeweler and you diamond cutter and you you live in New York City and you you on a regular basis have to carry millions of dollars of diamonds in your briefcase across the street to another you know to another business and to a buyer or broker whoever and you have a license to carry a weapon for your protection because you have millions of dollars of stuff with you all the time and so you have what's called a concealed and carry permit and so you can actually have a gun hidden on your person legally by the police department they gave you this permit well if you go into Mexico with that gun permit you can show you permit to anybody you want but you'll be put in jail because the permit you have that works in the US or in New York does not work and Mexico and vice-versa whenever you go to a different Kingdom you have to you have to live by the rules of that Kingdom what happens as we try to live we want the benefit of the kingdom of God without living by the rules of that kingdom you know we all I mean let's face it we love we love the nature and the the fruit the the blessing of the kingdom of God we want that sense of discovery in achievement we want that sense of fulfillment we want to see the the miracles and the whatever we we we love that's why we're here it's why we're together as we we love this world called the kingdom of God we love the freedom we love the Liberty we love the you know we love seeing people changed and transformed this is the stuff that that we all signed up for but there are laws to that Kingdom and it works differently and in that Kingdom it is true you live if you die it's just the way the kingdom works you receive by giving you were exalted by going low this is the nature of this kingdom little is much the impact of pure simple faith the size of a mustard seed can remove the biggest obstacle on the planet a mountain the faith from one kingdom has amazing impact and effect on the natural kingdom because it's a superior world everybody is everybody wants a king like Jesus the whole earth wants a Kalin Jesus they all want what you say you have they all want to see what you say you've seen they all want to experience what you claim to ever experience everybody wants people have been disappointed for so many years so much religion so much hype so much you know where leaders have plundered and deceived and done all the stuff so people are so resistant even to truth but it's only because they've been burned and so hurt and nobody wants to be gullible but in the heart of hearts people wish there were a god that was a father who not only had the capability but had the heart to help them in whatever situation they were in that's what everybody wants everyone wants at keeneland Jesus and you and I have the privilege and responsibility to manifest that now faith does not come from the mind are we all in agreement on that faith is not an intellectual matter but trusting God beyond reason is the most intellectual thing I've ever done the most intelligent thing I should say the most intelligent thing I've ever done faith does not come from the mind it doesn't say with the mind man believes it says with the heart man believes your heart can take you places your head can never fit your heart can wrap itself around truths around things in God that your mind cannot yet absorb it's not that the Lord doesn't want us to have understanding quite the opposite he's wants us to get it from something we're experiencing in the heart though the whole point is that he is he wants us to learn by the spirit that the spirit man would encounter God and it would be it would you know these things that we learn and see in scripture would be filtered into the way we think so that we actually end up with a renewed mind not just a religious mind so the the mind is not the source of faith that says with a heart man believed so it's the yield at heart the yield at heart is the big deal if I can find somebody with a tender heart then I know we can do it we can accomplish anything because that person is pliable that person is in James it says in humility that's the heart in humility receive the word implanted so there what do you see see tender soft soil in humility receive the word implanted which is able to save your souls what has the ability which is able it's the seed that has the ability to save what I realized I was converted X amount of years ago but I'm still being saved I'm still being changed it transformed and delivered and healed and all these things are still at work in me so he says in humility receive the word implanted why because if you don't receive it in humility that seed won't go deep enough to save you the way the word claims it is able to save did that make sense in humility received the word employment so we know it's what the heart man believes it's what the heart is the yielded heart faith is the result of surrender not striving it's the fruit of surrender not striving it's not it's not I choose to believe it's the you can't will yourself into faith you can yield yourself into faith faith is the normal here's here's one thing we got to get squared away in our thinking faith is the normal expression of a believer that's why you're called a believer it's normal free to believe God it's just normal for you to believe the times I don't believe is when I've gotten all anxious and fearful and fretful and and I you know I try to impose my will and you know it's it's if I get too heavily involved in trying to superimpose what I think God wants into a situation I will mess it up his faith honestly is that yielded place a relationship with God so I says the faith comes by hearing not from having heard hearing hearing implies present tense encounter present tense relationship faith is the result of something I'm experiencing now in my personal relationship with God so faith doesn't come from the mind it comes from the heart but here's the thing I'm discovering it has me very excited this is my excited face right here this is this this right here is pure ecstasy right is while faith doesn't come from the mind the renewed mind enhances faith with Kingdom understanding faith doesn't come from the mind but the renewed mind actually will enhance faith because it carries with it an understanding of the nature of God and his world it gives you the parameters for faith to function in but you know this is not only legal it's God's heartbeat it gives you tart the renewed mind gives you targets an incentive to go after things you look about as happy as I do that's great so in this renewed mind the Lord is I believe he's targeting specific areas in the same way we have these columns in the room they they hold us this building up in the same way you have four legs to the chair that you're sitting on there are there are pillar truths there are things that that hold everything else up if you'll look in I forget which one it is offhand that I'd have to look for it but Jesus mentions in Luke one particular parable in fact he says in this parable he says if you don't get this one how will you understand the other parables what was he saying he's saying this one provides the key that unlocks the others so the truth does come to us in layers some things are true and some things are just more true it is the way this kingdom works there it does come to us it's it's multi-dimensional in nature this kingdom is multi-dimensional in nature it's it's some there are things that are truths that support other truths and if you don't get this one in place God's a good steward he won't release truth to you won't release revelation to you if you don't have a place to put it does that make sense if you if you have a like a pillar to it let's look at it this way like the framing of a house before the sheetrock the windows are in place everything's just the framing a sheetrock er is not going to try to hang sheetrock on a house if there's no framing in place right you don't just lien the sheetrock up and then tape it together and paint it and call that home because there's no place to put it there's nothing to attach it to and revelation is all I honestly like this sheetrock and the windows and the pictures and never curtains everything else the revelation is like that there's got to be a place to attach it to and so you want to have those you want to have those those places of stability and insight you want to have them in place you've got to eat and you know I will through the year I'll go through some of these that I think are are the most critical things that Jesus taught us that when they get put in place it just seems to attract you know one of the things that people ask for a lot when I'm praying for people so they'll say they'll pray that God would give me a spirit of Revelation that he would just I want more revelation and that's awesome it's it's appropriate for us to hunger for that for hunger from Warren to look for how to get it but the Lord is really a good steward he he doesn't release he doesn't release the sheetrock when there's no wall to nail it to you know it's it's like there's certain things that we get in place in our heart certain things that we get established in our own experience in God it literally attracts revelation I can tell you I can tell you how to attract revelation you can be a revelation magnet so someday I'll tell you that what it is and if anybody want to be a revelation magnet let's get the last week of school I'm gonna unveil this whole thing to you it's really true I mean it's it's like this fascinates me I don't I don't know if this kind of thing totally excites you as it does me if human need moved the resources of heaven Haiti Mozambique these various countries would be the wealthiest countries in the world it that's not what releases now human need moved God to send his son to make anything possible but once that payment was made there are the principles of the kingdom that actually brings the actual release of supply into the human arena I mean you can sit there all day long and say I'm in such need why doesn't God pay attention to my need wait what why do I sit here I'm in pain or I'm in whatever this that and this no help seems to come I prayed I sat here I prayed for 12 months and nothing's happened it's just not the way the kingdom works I'm not saying you never get breakthrough that way it can still happen but it's a sovereign active goddess not because we tapped into the principles of his kingdom you know you can starve to death with a million dollars in your bank account if you don't make the withdrawal and buy the groceries you'll die is this you'll die now it may be somebody who come to your house and go man you look skinny you must not have eaten for a while and they feed you but that is not the way we're supposed to live we're supposed to live by making the withdrawals purchasing the groceries cooking the food there's a process of learning to tap into what he's made available for us and you can sit there you know with self-pity oh you know all of our life forgets it they're going bad why does it God pay attention my knee he does he did he loaded your bank account you know right the dumb cheque you know to put put a demand on what has been placed aside set aside for you if you don't put a demand on what has been put in your name so honestly there you know I can say a good chunk of my Christian life I have I've wondered why God just didn't do the certain things why didn't he answer why didn't you provide why didn't he do this why didn't he do that I did all that you know I did all these things here we are in need God we're crying up fasting I'm on my hunger strike I mean my fast I'm praying trying to get God to do what I know he wants to do and and and God in His mercy I mean it all chalks up for good because he sees our heart but he still sometimes he will withhold an answer when he wants you to be a part of the answer see he doesn't always like to invade a situation and fix it sometimes he likes to give you the insight so that once you fix it by your decree cooperation of the Holy Spirit you can then train others to do the same I mean it sounds kind of weird maybe to you but he's not he's not the father that wants to come and rescue out of bankruptcy every other month you know he's the one who wants to teach us world works so that you can you can tap into resources and I hope you understand by now I'm not talking about dollars it may include that but I'm talking about kingdom resource of anointing of insight yeah of time of giftings a relationships all these things that God has filled us the treasures that he's filled our life with how do how to appropriately use these things for the expansion of the kingdom and he will intentionally not answer some of the things that I prayed for not because not because it wasn't good it's just because if he answers it he'll sustain my inability to appropriate the principles of his kingdom he will sustain my immaturity perpetual immaturity so he's a loving father he's tender he's generous he's gracious he's all those things times a million but he also wants me to be like his son not in infancy but as a man and he's been working full-time on that in me in you that's what he wants he wants us to mirror his son so I I I want I can provide answers but you won't recognize them if you don't have the questions I want you I want you in this school year I want you to ask the questions ask them of the Lord ask the questions it's the only way you'll really recognize the answers because the answers will come day after day I don't mean to suggest we have all the answers but we do have some so as we share the answers as I talk to you day after day about renewed mind and what it looks like to bring the kingdom you know get the questions going and your own heart not just for asking in class because sometimes the most profound ones you may not even want to ask but you just want to carry them carry them before the Lord and then and then bless you then you recognize solutions when they come that make sense I'll give you one one core principle of the renewed Munson Romans 6 verse 3 do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should walk in newness of life verse 6 our old man old nature was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to sin verse 11 likewise reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin new American Standard I think says even so consider yourself think of yourself in this way I'm dead to sin how is this a part of the renewed mind because there are many who have been taught that you still fight with your old nature and when you believe a lie you empower the liar and you can spend your whole life shadowboxing and be exhausted from fighting something that's not even there the renewed mind Madhvi it would be erroneous to say you cannot sin we know better than that at least I hope so up the spirit of stupid hasn't best messed anybody up too bad but here's the point that you that you need to have firmly in the way you think the way you look at life the way you look at what is in front of you the way you look at your own make up your own gifting your own persuasions your bent towards this towards that is that if you've been born again your old nature has been crucified your sin is not going to be something that came out of a nature you couldn't control you can't blame it on the old nature why because it's dead you'll have to do it out of something else how big a deal is this he says even so did Jesus died for your sin this is not a trick question if I go to our preschool they can answer this so I expect 2nd year to be able to nail this question it's a challenge I know did Jesus died for our sins that was very good we almost had to start over okay we believe that he truly died for our sins it wasn't just a figurative but he actually died he didn't raise himself the father raised him through the Holy Spirit even so as much as you believe that Jesus actually died so you must believe your old nature is dead and when you think about yourself that's how you have to think if you think differently then you're thinking outside of the kingdom and when you operate outside of the laws this kingdom you don't get the benefits of that kingdom you get the fruits of another Kingdom I'm not talking about mind of matter I'm not talking about the power persuasion or self-talk where we we just quoted a thousand times till we finally believe it no I mean do you believe Jesus died in your place do you believe he was raised from the dead now consistent with that if you truly believe it equal to that in your theology should be I am dead to sin [Applause] that's a real large chunk of the renewed right mind right there that's a real real large chunk of what it means to have a renewed mind that's why he says think of yourself in this way you know what if we just got out of the school actually believing that we'd probably be doing pretty good weights if we made it through the next nine months just come to that conclusion you know what I think it's true I think I think Paul was right I think I'm actually dead to sin I then we would have accomplished more than most generations before us that kept fighting and wrestling was something that wasn't there that we actually empowered by a belief system that was wrong a man now lay a hand on a person actually and pray that they get this one they need it really bad all right John three I want to spin off of the thought the truth is multi-dimensional I want to just work that just a little bit deeper and then well well I'll figure out something else to do John chapter 3 verse 3 jesus answered and said to Nicodemus most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he's old can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit water is natural birth most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God Jesus goes on to explain that analogy verse 6 that which is born of the flesh natural birth is flesh that which is born of the Spirit is spirit do not marvel that I said to you you must be born again the wind blows where it wishes you hear the sound of it but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes so is everyone who is born of the Spirit and what a fascinating verse the wind blows where it wishes this is supposed to calm him down from marveling on how to get reborn here this will put your mind at ease the wind blows where it wishes you hear the sound you can't tell where it comes from so as everyone who's born of the Spirit was I supposed to get that Nicodemus answered and said to him how can these things be jesus answered are you the teacher of Israel and you don't know these things you're a teacher and you don't know the beginning place most assuredly I say to you we speak what we know we testify what we have seen you do not receive our witness I love that verse Jesus is not talking about him and the disciples is not even saying me and the angels say Father Son Holy Spirit we speak what we know we testify what we have seen but you don't receive our witness in other words I want to tell you some family stories I want to tell you what I saw before you were ever born I wanted I want you to know what you've inherited I want you to know what your forefathers were like I want you to know how he moved on the earth before you were ever born to this generation he would say I want you to know how the Holy Spirit was released in heaven went into an upper room and changed the course of history by touching 120 people I want you to know what that was like I want you know I want you to see the highways of heaven the highways were the spiritual realm is released into this one verse 12 if I have told you earthly things and you do not believe how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things no one who has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven that is the son of man who is in heaven now some of your translations are different on that last part just listen to this one no one has ascended to heaven but except for he who came down from heaven so who is he referring to himself now he hasn't descended yet he hasn't died yet but yet he's telling them I am ascending he's giving a little secret about his personal walk with his father that he enters into heavenly realms Paul later would find language for when he said we are seated in heavenly places in Christ where do Christians go when they die what happened to you at conversion [Music] back to verse 12 if I have told you earthly things and you don't believe how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things Jesus is very practical if it's not practical it's not Kingdom Jesus is very practical he says all right if I teach you about earthly things and you don't get it how do you think you're gonna get it when I talk to you about heavenly things let me change the language a little bit so I hope it'll it'll help to make sense if I talk to you about earthly principles that reflect and mirror the nature of the kingdom of God and you don't get it how are you gonna get it when I talk to you about things that exists in my world that have no earthly parallel what did he do he just talked about being born natural birth and wind it just used two natural elements to teach his disciples of Nicodemus and a group to teach them about the kingdom of God because there are principles in nature that actually reflect the nature of the kingdom right sowing and reaping you plant corn you harvest corn you so bitter words and do your children's lives as you raise them guess what you will harvest bitterness and resentment it's just you reap what you sow it's a natural principle but it reflects the nature of his world right if you are generous economically you will have returned what a person plants that's what they're going to harvest in Galatians this is such a big deal than in Galatians six the Apostle Paul says God is not mocked what a man sews that will he also reap it is mockery to think I could give something into the kingdom and not get a harvest well we're not interested in being blessed we just want to bless the kingdom don't be stupid don't be stupid you know there's not one decent farmer on the planet that plants a crop and doesn't expect to harvest you're working with the laws of nature he can't make the seeds grow but he works with the laws of nature the laws of this kingdom so he submits the seed to the soil the proper amount of moisture can't control the sunlight but you celebrate what's there and you watch as the laws of nature cause that seed to grow all it was cooperate with those laws now the law of sowing and reaping is not the highest law in the kingdom though does it reflect the nature of the kingdom of God absolutely yes the higher law of kingdom blessing is not sowing and reaping it's called the law of blessing and sowing and reaping you get according to what you've done the law of blessing you get according to what he's done but she don't start with a law of blessing you have to be faithful in the law of sowing and reaping before you can be trusted with the benefits of the law of blessing if i have told you earthly things and you don't get it how you gonna get it if i tell you heavenly things how you gonna get it when i talk to you about my world that has no earthly parallel there's nothing here on earth that closely resembles the way it works there i don't know if this is making sense do you hope so this it teaches us the laws of his age teaches us what his worlds like and he uses natural things born again that's a that's a believer a person who puts a faith in christ it's born again they're brand new get a fresh start that's the christian life used a natural law to illustrate a kingdom principle when the nature of the spirit the nature of the new belief of the believer those two natural principles were to reveal the nature of the christian life the nature of the kingdom to the disciples but he said if you guys don't get it when i talked about the natural things that reflect my world how are you gonna get it when i want to talk to you about my world where there's nothing on earth that even closely resembles it in other words those building blocks he builds there's things that are true then there's things that are more true than there are things that are more true things don't you can't start here you start here and you let him build i no longer call you servants i call you friends but you don't start there you start as the servant and you never lose the servant's heart you just add to it an intimacy in a relationship that you didn't start with what I hope that we can do in this next several months is just once again a jar or cause a shift in perspective there's a lot of ways to describe that one as I want you to know what's in your account so you're right appropriate checks you know you'll take the risks that are necessary on others that I want you to know that sometimes the answers withheld until you act there are many things that I have prayed for through the years I prayed for years and years and years and years and years and nothing happened and then finally I realized later I need to act it was in the action that released the miracle God wanted to not answer for me you wanted to answer through me how do you know when you're facing one of those well you don't answer [Laughter] yep I've had at least one or two of those this week you know sometimes he does want to just do it on his own I mean sometimes he just wants to display his goodness to me doesn't want me to involved he doesn't want me to make the decree or to you know to do this so that he's wants me to simply come as a child and pray and watch him act that's just that's his prerogative that's his joy as a father it's just you know that whole passage out of Exodus whether the Moses spoke to Israel said stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today another word stands still you're not to do anything you're just to watch it's actually a funny story I'll just show it to is this funny story Exodus 14 and with this one I am actually through teaching I'm pretty sure Exodus 14 verse 13 Moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace now God speaks and the Lord said to Moses why do you cry out to me so what happened between his prophecy this ears the deal he's prophesied to Israel stand still you'll see the salvation of the Lord which he'll accomplish for you today any weights nothing's happened so here he is going and that's when the Lord speaks says why are you crying out to me so it reveals what he did after he prophesied right what was he doing he said come on God back up my word here I had a conviction about something I declared it so when the Lord speaks to him he says why do you cry out to me tell the children to go forward now going forward is quite a bit different than standing still [Laughter] yeah I needed to see Moses going oops okay the outcome I was right the process I was wrong come with me and they went forward and then the Lord delivered his son freebus is sometimes sometimes we have a certain conviction on how it's supposed to happen against us where'd you get that idea tell him to go for time to go for it it's a good thing they didn't stone everybody who made a mistake all right take a moment to pray for Kingdom revelation to come to you to the people around you take just a moment for that and then we'll do some more prayer things together oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him oh come for he is for he alone is worthy he cry Oh Kong Russ Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we give you all the glory we Oh [Music] he cries for you [Music] for you [Music] the craw eyes oh lord I give you my heart and I give you my soul I live for you [Music] every breath that I take every moment I'm away lord have your way me lord I give you my heart and I give you my soul therefore you [Music] every dress that I lord have your way in me Lord I give you my heart I give you my soul every breath [Music] [Music] yes kha some of you that are that have come this year that you left really really tough circumstances behind and you almost didn't come because of it you actually considered not coming because of certain things that were happening either at home or in the church or whatever put your hand up owner who that is put your hand up if that's you okay let's have everyone stand I'll make this little easier let's have everybody stand put your hand up if that's you here's what I want you to do those of you that are standing close to them and put your hands up high so people can see it cuz I want them to be able to come to you all right here's the deal took a lot of courage for them to come and I want you to help pick up their load and pray that God will work this out on their behalf in their absence that the Lord will actually work on their behalf on this case they will be able to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord I want you to intercede for them right now I want you to pray and begin to intercede those of you that are receiving prayer if you want to tell them what's going on that's fine if you don't doesn't matter to me but just I want to encourage everybody start praying right now for these people connect with somebody someone in the room that raised their hand connect with them and pray if you know their name bring their name up before the Lord and we want to intercede right now you now I want you to catch something because I want I want you to see the power of the moment that we just had when did the loaves and fishes multiply then multiplied after he gave thanks and He blessed it alright thankful for what he had blessing it transferred it into the laws of another kingdom what you guys just did is you just released blessing on people who need their problem transferred into another kingdom what you want to do I mean this is just a lifestyle you just you live to encourage people every day of your life just make it a primary ambition I just want to be an encouragement everywhere and it doesn't matter if the person knows the Lord yet or not you know encouragement always real encouragement always bring people closer to their destiny every time the Lord has given you a promise about your future it's because he came to you from your future with a word necessary to get you there you came from your future with the word necessary to get you there probably for most everybody in this room it took a pretty big step to get here we we just we know how life works we know how how it just works and it may have been family it may have been financial it may have been any number of things but I know that there are varying levels of courage that were expressed to get all of you here and you made it so congratulations now now we want you we want we want you to do well we want you to do well we want this to be the absolute greatest year of your life so far so far so what I pray for that just to increase as we as we monitor and navigate this this life of radically pursuing you and and just seeing what's possible lord I pray for that for that sense of vision and destiny to be even stronger this year than last year you impacted us by giving us a dream but I asked this year or that we had become possessed with the promise so I pray that in Jesus name Amen all right it's wonderful to see it welcome back
Channel: k3nn3thix
Views: 256,326
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Id: p-h_ZQE4MPA
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Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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