The Renewed Mind | Bill Johnson | Hillsong Conference - Sydney 2019

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it's so fun to be here this is like the largest family reunion on the planet it's just from the moment of walking in to see so many people that are just happy to be together happy to be with each other and it's such an honor I've heard about this event for so many years and just pinching myself to make sure I'm actually really here I mean in the presence of real significant impact in the world I want to honor and thank pastors Brian and Bobby Houston for just their impact on the church around the world it's a we're all better the world is a better place because of the yes of this this team and the yes of that family and all of you guys so bless you bless you bless you bless you I'm just glad glad I get a chance to be here so I think as long as we're here we might as well have some fun an old Italian gentleman lived alone in New Jersey he wanted to plant his annual tomato garden but it was very difficult work as the ground was hard his only son Vincent who used to help him was in prison the old man wrote a letter to his son described his predicament dear Vincent I'm feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot I know if you were here my troubles would be over I know you'd be happy to dig the plot for me like in the old days love Papa a few days later he received a letter from his son dear Papa don't dig up that garden that's where the bodies are buried love Vinnie at 4 a.m. the next morning FBI agents local police arrived dug up the entire area without finding any bodies he apologized to the old man and left the same day the old man received another letter from his son dear Papa go ahead and plant the tomatoes now that's the best I could do under the circumstances love your guineas [Applause] Jesus started his ministry with this phrase repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand most Christians repent enough to get forgiven but not enough to see the kingdom the purpose of repentance was to shift from one reality to become aware of another the kingdom is the realm of God's Dominion it is measurable it is real it is now Jesus works every day of our life to teach us what his world looks like to open up our hearts to become aware of what it looks like when the Dominion of God comes upon the inferior that greater reality changes and transforms whatever moment we are facing whatever inferior reality we are dealing with and learning to be ministers of the kingdom is the real essence of the gospel for us it's not just about dying and going to heaven I'm so thrilled that's the future of everybody in this room but the reality is we've been assigned not to go to heaven we've been assigned to bring the reality of heaven here my job is not going to heaven my job is to bring the reality of that world here it must be measurable it is not a theory it is not a feeling it is that which conquers the inferior and repentance is what turns us into a position to see to behold what it is that God is about to do repentance is the way of the renewed mind faith does not come from the mind it doesn't come from our intellect faith comes from the heart the scripture says with a heart man believes unto righteousness faith is not the product of striving it's the product of surrender it is my nature as a believer to believe it is my nature in Christ to be a person of faith Jesus never taught us how to deal with an answered prayers because he didn't have any Jesus invited us into a journey to explore what might be possible in our lifetime four times in three chapters he said that's what you desire and it'll be done for you I understand it's a dangerous invitation because there are so many that want to use any opportunity they can to boost their ego and to boost their own self significance and I get that but Jesus is a God who makes himself vulnerable to the desires of his people and he welcomes us into a relationship negotiation is the wrong word but I'm going to use it because I can't think of a better one we're in the relationship we negotiate concerning the affairs of Man and the happenings on planet Earth the scripture says the heavens were made for God but the earth was made for man he gave us responsibilities we oftentimes blame the Lord for tragedies and disasters that take place and yet we're faced with the reality who did he leave in charge Jesus Christ is perfect theology anything you think you know about God that you can't find in the person of Jesus you have reason to question he illustrated the heart of the Father the Gospel of John gives us this overwhelming message I remember going through the New Testament to try to make a list of all the reasons why Jesus came and I mean just common sense having walked in the faith we all could make a great list we know that he came to destroy the works of the evil one we know that he came to suffer in our place and we know that he came to release reality the kingdom there's so many things we could put on that list the Bible gives us a great list of things but the one overwhelming reality of why Jesus came is that he came to reveal the father everything that would be on my list which is about ten or twelve things everything that would be on that list is a sub point of the primary reason he came he came to reveal the father the father was not the revelation of the Old Testament the revelation of the Old Testament was the severity of sin the absolute lost condition of humanity the fact that there isn't an answer apart from the Lamb of God himself there are not multiple ways to God the Father if there is then he was unusually cruel to his son Jesus to require the suffering that he went through it was required because it was the only possible way Jesus came to reveal something that had not been adequately revealed before because it wasn't time but when he came he came to reveal that there was a father who actually cared for his children is a more extreme father than any of us could possibly imagine and His goodness cannot be exaggerated it can be distorted it can be defiled it can be deleted but it cannot be exaggerated is better than we think and so we have to adjust how we think our thinking needs to be consistent with his nature that's what repentance is repentance is the introduction to who he is and then I began to think according to his nature the target of the Lord for every one of us is the renewed mind as I've already faith doesn't come from the mind so it's not like it's the source of faith but the renewed mind would be like banks of a river it's the context that faith flows in a renewed mind creates the context for faith to be expressed I wish I could say that the renewed mind comes from studying the scripture and I I believe so much in studying the scripture and it's the beginning place of that process but there are many who study the scripture six seven eight hours a day and they can talk to you all about this Jesus who used to perform miracles but they can't display one see the Bible says that Jesus began to work with his disciples about all that he did and taught there wasn't a separation from his function and his teaching see in many of our cultures right now you can go to a business school you can get a degree in business and be taught by people who never owned a business because our culture elevates concept principle not experience and yet that's not the biblical mandate the biblical mandate is that we come to know him Jesus taught in the Gospel of John they said you search the Scriptures because you think in them is eternal life but these lead to me and you're unwilling to come to me in other words this is the launching pad for divine encounter without the counter there's no change there's no transformation we're not talking about a philosophic adjustment we're talking about a power encounter with the Almighty God who then produces the same fruit of the Father through that surrendered son or daughter of God the same that Jesus did Jesus made this scary statement he said the Son of Man can do nothing of himself do you know that Jesus so restricted his function on earth that he actually couldn't heal anyone he couldn't multiply food he couldn't cast out Devils he couldn't do any of that stuff because he had restricted himself to the life of a human being that would have to be dependent on the father through the holy spirit now if he did miracles as God I'm still impressed but I I'm reduced to an observer I stand back and go that's amazing god that's amazing but the New Testament was different the New Testament shifted where everyone gets to be involved and that which God is doing everyone gets to be involved what because now the Holy Spirit that once rested on the prophets of old now dwells in every believer and he is the Spirit of Resurrection the Holy Spirit is in you and he wants out he's in a supporting description as a river not a lake it's not just an abiding presence it's a flowing presence that alters the geography of the world around us it's being a people that learn how to cooperate with this wonderful Holy Spirit so that he can bring transformation to an individual to an environment to a city to a nation but he is the one who brings about the change and it's by yielded this to him that makes the difference never turn down an opportunity to die resurrection follows death it doesn't proceed it it's yielding to the purposes of God it's saying that yes in our heart of hearts that lives with the kind of risk that demonstrates faith I want you to open your Bibles with me if you would to the Gospel of Mark chapter 4 I want for us to pray for folks at the end so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done in this session but let's at least start and I have just enough time to make a mess and that's what I enjoy so do you understand what I was saying about Jesus being dependent on the father it's like he's God he can do anything I get that but he chose to live with restraint he chose one because he chose to live as a model something that we could actually follow that was the point he chose to live as an example that could be followed I don't know if this stands out to you but in you know I'd love to read the Commission's of Jesus to his disciples and in Matthew 10 he says heal the sick cast out devils cleanse lepers raise the dead please notice he didn't say pray for the sick he said heal them and you might say well bill we're not the healer he is and that's true it's just not what he said I get it I can't heal anybody but for some reason he chose to command me to do something that was impossible for me to do why would that be because the only way I can see his command fulfilled in and through me is that I so yield myself to him that he manifests through me what only he can do and that's to heal the sick as to raise the dead that's the cast out Devils in the Gospel of Mark mark for me is a is a book that has taught me more about the renewed mind than than any other place in Scripture and let me just mention something about the renewed mind before we read this story many of you can quote the passage we're familiar with the renewed mind passage romans 12:2 don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove the will of God that which is good acceptable and perfect don't be conformed with us will be transformed by the renewing of your mind a transform mind transforms a person a transformed person transforms a city it starts with this in that passage he said don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind why that you may prove the will of God the renewed mind I personally believe is the best way to demonstrate the will of God and what is the will of God the clearest definition is found in the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray he said pray like this your kingdom come Kingdom as Kings domain the realm of your Dominion your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven what is the will of God on earth as it is in heaven listen to me every Commission God has given us is a part of this greater Commission the greatest Commission is on earth as it is in heaven everything else he's told us to do is an expression of that that's his passion on earth as it is in heaven what does a renewed mind do it proves his will on earth as it is in heaven all right mark chapter four are you alive huh that's good so I was a good sign eight I hate when people die in the meeting it's just as real it's rough all right I want to start with verse 35 on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side and when they left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him and a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was in the stern asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing then he arose and rebuked the wind said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm but he said to them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith this story is one of the alarming stories of Scripture for me personally I want you to picture this Jesus is sleeping I've heard people say he wasn't really sleeping he was laying there with one eye open waiting for his disciples to come but the Bible says he was sleeping I believe the whole Bible I I believe the maps I believe the table of contents I even believe my leather cover I believe all of it says he was sleeping so they wake him up and they say don't you care that we are perishing he stands up rebukes the wind the wave everything calms and he turns and he asked them how can we don't have any faith so let's walk through the story who is Jesus he's God what do we call conversation with God prayer so the disciples came to Jesus and they prayed and he answered their prayer and then asked them why they didn't have any faith let me try this side over here safe they prayed jesus answered their prayer and then asked them why they didn't have any faith so what does this tell us this tells us the renewed mind there's two things about the renewed mind in this story that are vital for us as New Testament believers number one it's important to realize in the renewed mind that sometimes God would rather do something through you than for you he was training the disciples to represent him on planet earth not just to petition him to work on their behalf it doesn't mean that prayers intercessions cries for help are wrong it's just as we mature we live from the heart of God towards the issues of life God what are you doing and we live from that place of authority and we make decree see the disciples are being trained to speak to the mountain speak to the obstacle and command it to be removed but instead of doing that we find them petition Jesus to calm the storm that they were trained to calm the second thing about this story that I think is critical for us is that Jesus gave what he had he spoke peace to a storm he had it because he was sleeping in the storm you have a thorn over any storm you can sleep in see the renewed mind lives with the reality that our internal world defines our external world that was a very good point bill very good keep it up the renewed mind lives with this awareness that our internal reality actually has an effect on the external reality let me illustrate all of us have been around people that maybe are smiling on the outside but they're anxious or fearful terrified on the inside you can feel it when you walk into the room where they're sitting their internal realities defining their external world and Jesus was able to take inward form was able to make a decree and to release peace that calmed a storm you alive alright John 1:14 says Jesus is the word of God made flesh and he dwelt among us but in John 6 it says the words that Jesus spoke became spirit the word became flesh but when he spoke the word became spirit the word became flesh but when he spoke he only said what he heard his father say so his word became spirit now think with me the kingdom of God Romans 14 verse 17 the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but it's righteousness peace and joy what's the next phrase in the Holy Spirit the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but it's righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit the kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit when Jesus speaks his word becomes spirit why is that significant because that presence contains the reality of the king and his kingdom where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom the manifested presence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit is measurable through freedom and liberty that affects and changes and transforms people's lives but the Pharisees had a hard time with where the miracles that Jesus would perform like on the Sabbath day if they were not moved by human need they wanted to see signs but they weren't moved by the signs that were to touch and change people's lives they never understood that miracles were redemptive in nature to restore people to God's intent that's the purpose for miracles I love the story of Israel in the wilderness I just I love I just love the story I love to see them on that journey in their daily trust in the Lord and the battles they have and their entrance into the Promised Land but the miracles in the wilderness or to sustain them the miracles in the Promised Land were to advance them there's a difference the nature of miracles that we experience in our in our early days we're learning to trust in God were always to sustain us but he's trying to bring us to a place where we live in a full expression of the promises of God and those miracles are now not just to keep us alive those miracles are to enable us to advance to bring the reality of his presence his kingdom in display to redemptive lis touch the human race I've got one more story I'd like for us to read it he'll go to mark chapter 6 and just because of the time I'm going to abbreviate the first one you guys okay with this I'm it's like it's not like you get to vote I just thought I'd be nice and invite you into the dialogue you know say it's that mercy gift it's in mark chapter 6 look at verse 30 the Apostles gathered to Jesus told him all things they had done and what they had taught there it is again and he said to them come aside by yourselves to deserted place and rest a while there are many coming and going they didn't even have time to eat this is one of the stories where Jesus multiplies food it's a great story of the disciples in fact the humorous part to me as the disciples thought they were getting a vacation a few days rest with Jesus and they sail across the sea and they notice on the shore the same crowd that was on that side of the sea ran all the way around this one and they realized oh no Jesus is going to do that compassion thing and he's gonna want to minister to these people and sure enough he did he slipped into that compassion mode and began to touch people and the disciples I'm sure had conferred together on how to get back to their vacation and they came to Jesus and they said we're we like you Jesus we are very burdened for this crowd they have not eaten for days and and we're we've taken a vote and we're we feel pretty strong that we need to send them on their way so they don't faint and Jesus as he always does just shock them he said you feed them and you know I don't know how this works for you for me I'm looking at Jesus thinking he's about to laugh but he doesn't it wasn't joking he was actually serious you feed them and so they say like if we had enough money there's not a store to buy the food and he tells them what to do sit him down in groups this is where they multiply food the next story is actually tacked into this one and I want you to see it because it has one more lesson that I think we need before we move on tonight verse 45 he made his disciples get into the boat go before him to the other side he sent the multitude away when he sent them away he went to the mountain to pray when evening came the boat was in the middle of the sea he was alone on the land he saw them straining at rowing for the wind was against them now I need to decide this is word of knowledge he's saying in vision form he cannot see from the shore where he was it's a storm and it's at night all right verse 48 he saw them straining at rowing and the wind was against them about the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea would have passed them by when they saw him walking on the sea they supposed it was a ghost and cried out for they all saw him and were troubled and immediately he talked with them and said be of good cheer it is not it is I do not be afraid this is fascinating to me that sometimes God shows up in very scary ways and the disciples were just more afraid of drowning than they were of a conversation with a ghost and that's where they found their answer and many people into revival that way the revival makes them nervous but they're afraid of dying in dead religion and so they step out and take the risk and call out to this one who's walking on the water he went up into the boat the wind ceased they were greatly amazed here's our verse verse 52 for they had not understood about the Loews because their heart was still hurt the loaves is the previous story what does walking on water have to do or stilling a storm what does that have to do with with loans what does Jesus walking on water to save the day what does that have to do with the storm you see Jesus sent them to the other side let me put it this way would it make sense to you to say the food did not multiply at Jesus's hands he didn't take the loaves and fishes throw him in the air go shazam and create a big pile of food what did he do he broke it up into twelve baskets gave it to the disciples and they went and distributed the food we've actually had this happen we had some of our teams from Mozambique and they had they were in a feed a crowd of people they went and got loaves of bread when they came back the crowd had grown substantially and they were talking what do we do do we just break it in small pieces so everybody gets a bite somebody said let's just see what God will do so they did they just started handing out these little loaves they started handing to each person and when they got two of the bags got two-thirds empty one of the bags got one half empty and no matter how much they gave away it would instantly be replenished it just would not disappear they ended up with two thirds bags full and one half full and they couldn't they couldn't give it all the way because it would replenish so you're the disciples handing out food and it's multiplying as they hand it out no just think with me what's the problem with this story what they missed with the loaves that their heart was hard about was the food didn't multiply Jesus's hands that multiplied it there's why it wasn't because they were super specialists because Jesus said you feed them what's the point the renewed mind lives with the agree with the realization that God enables what he commands he enables what he commands he said you feed them never changed his mind he then put them on track to distribute food and it multiplied as they distributed why is that important because they thought if Jesus wasn't in their boat they could die at sea they didn't realize Jesus put them in the boat sent them to the other side and that was all they needed to succeed at arriving to their destination the renewed mind brokers the unseen realities of God into this world the renewed mind cooperates puts the context for that command for that decree for that prophecy that prayer faith the simple things that we do that the kindness that we show to somebody the renewed mind gives us a context to express the faith that God has given to us as a gift and it's been released to us because we have a distinct privilege of living at a time when it is his intention to shape the course of world history through believing believers you naveen summoned we've been called to the forefront for this reason it's because he intends to shape the course of world history through people like you and me [Applause] [Applause] I'm not sure what it means when you're more excited when I don't talk [Applause] we're gonna pray for some folks in just a moment we've got a few minutes left and I don't want to close before doing that but I love to see God touch and heal people I do I love it so much it just never gets old and we'll see it again tonight I don't remember the last time I was in any kind of setting like this where he didn't show up and do extraordinary things he's the extravagant one all we do is open up opportunity for him to display who he is so I believe in that very much but the reason I've come besides my great passion to learn from these have already been wrecked - they have said here wanted to cry and laugh all day long been so impacted by those who have spoken I I've come truly to learn to receive but in my time to serve you what my heart aches for is to see the reality of the resurrected Christ flow through believing believers and actually impact an entire nation it is within reach it is the reality that is in the heart of God has set the stage for these things to happen when he invited us into this relational journey where he said ask what you want and then he says ask for the nations and I will give them to you as your inheritance he's teaching us his heartbeat he's teaching us his vision is teaching us but what he burns for and this is the great privilege of everybody in this room is to bring to him a harvest that he is worthy of so I want you just to put your hand on your heart I'm gonna pray for you just real briefly and then we're gonna we're gonna minister to some people Father we we just say yes we say yes yes yes to your process that you've started every one of a song of thinking and seeing like you do the renewed mind we just say yes we embrace the privilege of having creative thought that honors you of having ideas that compliment you of being a people whose hearts are like a canvas that you would paint your ideas on we just welcome you Holy Spirit to come and do as you please and I'm asking that you release over this family of believers a spirit of breakthrough a spirit of breakthrough that it would be said of this group of people that they actually believed nothing was impossible nothing was impossible I'm asking that you would increase the appetite for the impossibilities of life to bow at the mention of the name Jesus through our lips that you increase the appetite the passion that you yourself have for us to see the impossibilities of life bend their knee at the name Jesus through our lips we pray for this that Jesus would be exalted in all the earth amen amen hi the Lord's going to heal a lot of people and the great joy that I have when I try to lead healing meetings is to actually have you do the praying because it really doesn't do anybody any good if you see people heal when I pray I love to do it but I'm gonna be one of you and so we're gonna pray for folks right now there's a large number of people in the room that have hearing loss and you need the Lord to open those years it may be complete deafness in the ear maybe injury there's somebody who had a blow to the side of the head that has caused hearing loss and I believe it's the right side of the head hearing loss and I want anyone that I call out your condition I want you to immediately stand so anybody with this issue of hearing loss stand quickly because we're going to believe God for just tons and tons and tons of people they have their ears open there is somebody here who has some sort of a mass in the esophagus we've had just recently a while back we had a doctor diagnosed that cancels not only gone but gave somebody a brand-new esophagus we recently had the bowel filled with cancer and they gave us the x-ray or the picture actually of the of the bowel and it is like the bow of a baby it's a pink and Bryce's it's very young it's brand-new of this adult that was healed of cancer so the Lord not only restores it restores to better than before and so we're just going to pray for this to be healed so that mass in the esophagus there are someone here who has had an issue with breaking the bones in your feet and they just seem to never get healed up or they they break frequently and some of you haven't been having ongoing pain because of a broken foot is that you right here what today's your day you get this thing healed today the Lord is going to reset of those bones but we've had many occasions where we've seen him actually reset a bone in the moment and I believe that's going to happen here there's a number of people that have that have different problems in your body because of an accident it could be you know a sporting accident rugby go figure in honor of what's it to happen after this it may be in a sporting accident it could be an automobile accident doesn't matter what it is if you have lingering effects from those accidents I want you to stand quickly please because I believe the Lord is going to bring great great healing there's a number of folks here that have had a surgical implant metal that sort of thing like in the spine some people have it like in the wrist there's a bone broken and it causes you great pain there's restricted movement motion I believe we've seen many occasions where the Lord has actually removed the metal and and healed people's body where they can function as though they never had the surgery and never had the injury or the surgery so if that's you stand up quickly all right now those of you that are sitting anywhere close to them just stand next to them put a hand on them there's many ways to minister to people for a miracle but we're just gonna use one simple common way tonight I want you to find out where they need the miracle is that I want you to pray in ignorance I'd rather a two-minute prayer with understanding than a 10-minute prayer and ignorance so find out what needs to be healed is there anyone here that has cancer I hate cancer and I want us to always go after these giants so to speak David ran at Goliath and I believe we're supposed to do the same anybody with cancer wave a hand please because I want to make sure just wave your hand and anybody that has their hand waving if you're standing anywhere close that's your assignment if you can't reach somebody then extend your hands but we're just going to pray right now the Holy Spirit asks that you come come in power and glorify the wonderful name of Jesus through miracles through science through wonders I rebuked the spirit of affliction that has sustained the effects of an accident we just declared that as an illegal assault on the child of God it must be lifted now if you're praying for somebody that needs their ears open somebody lay your hands on their ears and command them to open command deafness to go in Jesus name speak to the problem speak to the problem we come in ears open in Jesus name there's somebody here who has weakness on the right side especially from the hip to the knee but the entire right side is affected who is that there's a there's a problem with weakness in muscle joint everything in this area keep praying except that person wait is that you over here somebody lay hands on that one right here if there's anybody else with that the Lord is healing that right side right now he's restoring strength there's someone here who has frequent us ankle sprains the ankles are very weak they pop there they're weak you've injured it many many many times through the years and the Lord is going to tighten that up and strengthen it for you right now if that's you put a hand up the church as you're laying hints of these people I want you to pray with Authority speak to the problem speak to the issue in the name of Jesus we commend these bones to be reset there's someone who has broken the right ankle it did not heal correctly the lord jesus heals you now the lord jesus heals you now there's also somebody here who had injury to the ribs i believe it's on the right side i think it was in the last week or two the right side there the ribs there was of some some sort of an accident an injury to the ribs who is that just wave your hand at me if that's you own want to make sure to see if i can we just declared in Jesus name the healing grace is released to you now all right take 10 more seconds to pray for these people thank you are alright you did good now don't leave the person but just look up at me if you would for just a moment this next moment is as important as was the prayer this is where faith is put into an action we've seen thousands and thousands and thousands of people healed through the years about half of them feel it happen which means the other half don't even know they're healed until they try to do something we were instructed earlier today to test it out I'm going to ask you to do the same thing right now you that prayed for them help them to find out don't ever pressure anyone to pretend that they are healed if they are not we don't need that this is too precious from staff to pretend the reality of Jesus is in the room to restore every single person we pray for no exceptions every single person I'm going to ask right now everyone that received prayer right now examine yourself it was it was that right ankle began to move it around if it was another condition your back began to move around I want to see movement I want to see movement if it was hearing have somebody whisper in the air if it was a certain frequency find that frequency test it out as soon as you discover you're at least 80% better I want you to wave both hands over your head like this till your arms cross so that we can celebrate what God is look around the room look around the room before on the world now we give praise to your we give you praise one turn and pray one last time Jesus ministered to a blind man twice before he could see clearly turn and pray one more time we just can take by two minutes and then I'm going to wrap this up there are people here who need cartilage in the knees put your hand on your own knee right now we just declare he makes all things new in Jesus name he makes all things new he makes all things new wonderful Jesus all right she did good let's have everybody examine themselves again one last time for for this evening please do something to examine yourself and as soon as you discover that God has healed your body I want everyone that was healed tonight to wave both hands over your head like this and I want us to be able to celebrate together [Applause] I feel like this is Disneyland down under this we call this Christian recreation this is more fun than Disneyland one more time wave your hand if jesus healed your body tonight's wave your hands this hooked up a shot of thanks to the Lord lord I give you my heart I gave you my soul I lived for you [Music] every breath that I take every moment I will the Lord has your in me Lord I give you I give you my son I live [Music] Lord I want us to sing this again but I want you to know what you're singing the will of God is for the afflictions and infirmities of people's lives to be broken we are saying God we want to see your will demonstrated through us we are saying yes it's stepping across that line saying God used me to demonstrate what is impossible you get all the glory you know what I pray for somebody they get healed he gets all the praise if they don't get healed you go back into the prayer closet and you cry out to God because the problem is never on his on his end of the equation I want to sing this again and we're just inviting God to use this profoundly and powerful lord I give you my heart go ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what an incredible sense of God's presence in the place tonight and just wanted to talk to people for a moment as we just consider right now what's just taken place would love to pray for every single person when it comes to their relationship with Jesus I think we're singing a beautiful song right now Lord I give you my heart question I want to ask you tonight friend is have you given him your heart because tonight I would love to lead you in a simple powerful prayer that ask Jesus to come and be Lord and Savior over your life you may have come with a friend you may have come with a family member but friend is no accident that you happen to be here but it is by the divine appointment of a loving God who is not out to judge who was not out to be angry but friend he loves you so much he loves you so much that He gave His one and only Son Jesus for you for me why because he loves you he loves you he loves you maybe you've been one of those people that have been like if I get anywhere near the presence of God if I came anywhere near Church the whole roof would cave in well you're in the place right now as far as I know the roof is okay because why God loves you and he says to whosoever will may come you come for God loves every single person doesn't matter where you're from what culture what background you're from he loves you friend I don't know what you've heard about him but he is not angry he's not too here to condemn you maybe religion has boiled it down to you got to prove yourself before you get anywhere near God no friend it was proven 2000 years ago when Jesus gave himself for and for me for the Bible says while we were still since Christ died for each and every one of us friend have you made that decision to follow Jesus if you haven't I would love the incredible opportunity right now where no one's moving to lead you in this simple but powerful prayer it starts the journey following him maybe there's two groups of people here one you've never really prayed this prayer before you've heard about God but you've never made the decision to follow him tonight could be your night why don't you make the decision today to follow Jesus maybe at one time you made this decision but you know in your heart you've walked away friend God never walked away from you he doesn't save an unsaved he doesn't change his mind he he is a God that is with you Emmanuel God is with you in every season but sometimes we make decisions that alienate and isolate we push ourselves away we get distracted big friend God loved you so much he never left you and maybe today's the day where you simply need to repent turn around that means turn around and recognize he's right there why not make the decision to follow Jesus can I have every head bowed every eye closed all over this place whenever I'm speaking to anyone just thinking about where they stand when it comes to the things of Jesus friend do you know him if you don't what I'm gonna do is I'm simply gonna count to three and when I get to three I want you just to raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to sit and I'll include you in this prayer are you ready friend come on one two three all over this place just raise your hands many people many people many people raising their hands right now giving their life to Jesus this is absolutely beautiful so many people come on church let's give a massive hand of praise for what God's doing in the place [Applause] if you raise your hand I want you to say this prayer after me if you didn't and you know you should have it suppressed for you so come on there's one big church family let's say this prayer together dear Jesus I give you my life I give you my heart and tonight I surrender all I choose you now and forevermore help me lead me and guide me in Jesus name Amen amen hey you man come on church let's really congratulate everyone Oh
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 840,555
Rating: 4.6784062 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, online, church, live, church online, bill johnson, hillsong conference, 2019, sydney, conference, bethel, renewed mind, the renewed mind, kingdom come
Id: wj3B06-mCwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 7sec (3427 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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